Lmao. The 2016 Hillary campaign already tried this. They desperately put people in Donald Duck costumes to hang around Trump spaces holding signs saying stuff about Donald "ducking" showing his tax returns, lol.
Christie, when you have to steal from one of the Hillaries, you're even worse than we thought.
Rest assured, President Trump is not "ducking" his record. He just doesn't need the debates. Besides, the American people know his record compared everybody else.
You are watching a movie. Trump isnt at these debates because they are all scripted to show the dysfunction of politics as usual. I am nearly certain now that all the main players in politics have been flipped or removed and replaced. The absurd is a daily occurence. This level of absurdity can only be by design. Nobody is this incompetent.
Says Porky Pig.
Bet they poll tested that line before feeding it to him.
Did they outsource poll testing to ucranian counter offensive?
Didn't Hillary already try that one?
Lmao. The 2016 Hillary campaign already tried this. They desperately put people in Donald Duck costumes to hang around Trump spaces holding signs saying stuff about Donald "ducking" showing his tax returns, lol.
Christie, when you have to steal from one of the Hillaries, you're even worse than we thought.
Of course, they have the same advisors, haha.
Pepe farm remembers...
Rest assured, President Trump is not "ducking" his record. He just doesn't need the debates. Besides, the American people know his record compared everybody else.
Oh snap! Trump is scared I bet. Sarc
Nobody waddles as much as Christie.
Nadler might.
Chris P. Bacon hath spoken. 🥓 😂
Weak and not funny at all.
Can someone edit this pic to add a hotdog in his mouth hole?
Krisp Krispy..... you don't say??
Fats is just in it for the money loke the rest.
You know you’ve got nothing the instant you mention Trump’s name.
Who cares what this 300 lb idiot has to say - he is polling at 1%.
gads....no words
You are watching a movie. Trump isnt at these debates because they are all scripted to show the dysfunction of politics as usual. I am nearly certain now that all the main players in politics have been flipped or removed and replaced. The absurd is a daily occurence. This level of absurdity can only be by design. Nobody is this incompetent.
Well, a quack like you would be an expert on ducks, Donut boy.
Chris Crispy Cream...
He's being paid to shit talk trump I bet.
Throw a dozen Duncans at Angry, that'll shut him up awhile.
Donald Duck! Hqhahahahahahha
Ok we have to meme this!
Fats Domino - Blueberryhill
Yeah sure he did lol... that pig couldn't destroy anything ... he's a joke
And we're gonna call you Krispy Kreme because you look like you live on glazed donuts.
Oh FUCK! Trump is toast! Man, Fatty McMuffin destroyed Trump. LOL!!
So, the one duck he HASNT ate. Check.
Been a long time since christy kreme could run
Around the block a few... thousand times...
Waddling swiftly would be his personal best.