Yea.. I've decided that my next response to a "planet wide crisis" is probably to just start murdering "elites" until the problem just sort of goes away. I don't think the "social consciousness" bit is working.
WEF evil F’er asks if climate change and jabs didn’t work- “Can we actually deliver?” … deliver what? Death? Then she says “ everyone ( even kids) understands the need for water” These people are sick.
so they straight up say they failed in killing everyone on the planet with the vaxx poison, so now they will resort to taking everyone's water away. that should wake them up. fuck you, you fucken cunt. who are you to take our water away from us?
can't wait for the day these people stand before the LORD thy God and try to explain away their evil. oh yeah, and these people WILL bow before Jesus one day, that will be a glorious day!
Noticing these satanist love to drink the blood of children for the drug like effect. Now notice what God gives them to drink in Rev. 16-17. Blood they want, blood they will get!
Others who have had direct contact with the cabal report the same. A smug little comfort and delight they have when talking about mass murder. They've been in control for so long they can't even imagine being exposed. Suicide weekend will be fun.
You know this explains a few things - here in England the water companies, government and the media are always itching to declare a drought in the summer. We weren't even 4 weeks into summer 2023 and they were already announcing a hosepipe ban in the South of England and claiming the reservoirs were empty due to the "climate emergency". Now in actuality the water infrastructure especially in some regions of England is terrible and they don't even know how much of it they are losing to leaks. The population has also increased by 10 million in the last decade or so - most of it in the South of England yet at the same time they have spent the last 30 or 40 years removing reservoirs. Also if you look at the data it seems that rainfall has been on a very slight upwards trend over the last century or so.
Now as it turned out after we had a very warm and dry May and early June only for it to turn into a total washout which forced the lying media to run scare stories about it being hot in the Mediterranean in the summer and claim it was a "crisis" and just outright lie about what the temperature was - saying it was 10-12 degrees warmer than it actually was.
The weather just hasn't cooperated here to add to the hysteria about the "climate crisis". On the day the UN declared the era of "global boiling" had begun here in England it was bucketing down with rain. So this summer has been a bit of a bust for the lying media. Last year we had a very hot summer and it was pretty dry but despite attempts many boomers remember the summer of 1976 which was much drier. In many places there was no rain between mid march and mid September. The media however were mainly focused on "muh Ukraine" and "muh COVID" so were not best positioned to exploit it. Next year we are at the mercy of the weather as to how much success the globalists and the lying rat media will have in driving home these agendas. I will say this summer has been a bit of an L for them. At least here.
This is why our neighbor countries around the world have the hidden agenda wars.
Vaccinations is one hidden agenda war, a collapse of our way of life with WOKE, a collapse of spending dollars worthlessness’s, most of all *******
WAKE UP the United States has been captured and is ran by “THEY”. “THEY”are going to make the middle class into road kill. “THEY” are allowing into your nation, illiterate people, one’s with very limited education, unknown diseases, empty out foreign prisons, empty out mental asylum’s, spy’s, ect. It cost $100 per day per person to feed, house them, minimum $36,000 per year per person Your tax dollar
Mariana Has four children. They must be Quadruplets or her spouse is drunk all the time or four different men cause no one male would tap her FOUR TIMES!
Damn thought she was a Hollywood actress. Hmmm, couldn’t remember her name.
I Google ugly actress and WA-LA her photo pop up Sandra Bernhard. That Mariana Mazzucato looks like her damn ugly,
Found this****Don't mess with Mariana Mazzucato, the world's scariest ..Quote The Times. › article › dont-mess-with-ma...
Sandra Bernhard Mariana Mazzucato from
Nov 7, 2017 — In terms of her looks, she is a dead ringer for Sandra Bernhard, with a tinge of Katharine Hepburn.
Comments made by DJT at the latest rally in CA where he promises to bring water back to the once beautiful state.
"The former president also spent a significant portion of his speech speaking to California's lack of water for agricultural and residential uses, a shortage which he said was manufactured by the state's "lunatic" environmentalists.
"In Los Angeles, you have faucets, washing machines, all these things, but there's very little water…a $35 million house and you can't take a shower," he said.
"All the dry canals will be brimming, you can use it to irrigate, including your homes and bathrooms. The overflow to dampen your forests, you won't have these fires," said Trump, suggesting the surplus could be used to put out wildfires."
The Cabal falls back upon a time-honored tradition.
"Trannies, Vaccines and Climate Change didn't work ..... Time to POISON THE WELLS again."
WE don't have a "WATER CRISIS" we have an OVER-ABUNDANCE of WOULD BE DICTATORS who want to enslave humanity!!!!!!!
These idiots need to find out EXACTLY what happens when people are enslaved by dictators!!!!!!!!!
2 Words: Molon Labe'
Yea, it's going to happen pretty organically. Because it's right - everyone understands water.
They understand that if you fuck with it, you're gunna get deleted.
They are straight up panicing right now.
A human cannot talk about such things in a matter of fact tone. These fucks are literal demons
The official term is "psychopath". Its a concept even the non religious can understand
Yea.. I've decided that my next response to a "planet wide crisis" is probably to just start murdering "elites" until the problem just sort of goes away. I don't think the "social consciousness" bit is working.
Nailed it
WEF evil F’er asks if climate change and jabs didn’t work- “Can we actually deliver?” … deliver what? Death? Then she says “ everyone ( even kids) understands the need for water” These people are sick.
these people are straight up controlled by satan.
so they straight up say they failed in killing everyone on the planet with the vaxx poison, so now they will resort to taking everyone's water away. that should wake them up. fuck you, you fucken cunt. who are you to take our water away from us?
can't wait for the day these people stand before the LORD thy God and try to explain away their evil. oh yeah, and these people WILL bow before Jesus one day, that will be a glorious day!
What did they expect? Only the morons who already believe their bullshit were ever going to fall for it. They culled their own.
That's a tranny right? Just calibrating my tranny radar.
I thought the same thing.
Absolutely is.
Noticing these satanist love to drink the blood of children for the drug like effect. Now notice what God gives them to drink in Rev. 16-17. Blood they want, blood they will get!
That's a man, Baby!
These people are ghouls
It's crazy how comfortable they are saying these things out loud.
Others who have had direct contact with the cabal report the same. A smug little comfort and delight they have when talking about mass murder. They've been in control for so long they can't even imagine being exposed. Suicide weekend will be fun.
Those power hungry freaks. They need to be removed from their pedestals and crushed back down into their holes. They are all psychopaths.
i cant take it.
thanks bro!
I suspect Mariana's 'trench' is a gateway to Hell
You know this explains a few things - here in England the water companies, government and the media are always itching to declare a drought in the summer. We weren't even 4 weeks into summer 2023 and they were already announcing a hosepipe ban in the South of England and claiming the reservoirs were empty due to the "climate emergency". Now in actuality the water infrastructure especially in some regions of England is terrible and they don't even know how much of it they are losing to leaks. The population has also increased by 10 million in the last decade or so - most of it in the South of England yet at the same time they have spent the last 30 or 40 years removing reservoirs. Also if you look at the data it seems that rainfall has been on a very slight upwards trend over the last century or so.
Now as it turned out after we had a very warm and dry May and early June only for it to turn into a total washout which forced the lying media to run scare stories about it being hot in the Mediterranean in the summer and claim it was a "crisis" and just outright lie about what the temperature was - saying it was 10-12 degrees warmer than it actually was.
The weather just hasn't cooperated here to add to the hysteria about the "climate crisis". On the day the UN declared the era of "global boiling" had begun here in England it was bucketing down with rain. So this summer has been a bit of a bust for the lying media. Last year we had a very hot summer and it was pretty dry but despite attempts many boomers remember the summer of 1976 which was much drier. In many places there was no rain between mid march and mid September. The media however were mainly focused on "muh Ukraine" and "muh COVID" so were not best positioned to exploit it. Next year we are at the mercy of the weather as to how much success the globalists and the lying rat media will have in driving home these agendas. I will say this summer has been a bit of an L for them. At least here.
Mad max fury road elitist jerk off material
Evil villains plot in most mission:impossible movies. Oh and that Tom hanx one.
They should all be hung.. ya know ... for the common good, I think we ALL understand those benefits
Is this yet another Tr@nny?
This is why our neighbor countries around the world have the hidden agenda wars. Vaccinations is one hidden agenda war, a collapse of our way of life with WOKE, a collapse of spending dollars worthlessness’s, most of all ******* WAKE UP the United States has been captured and is ran by “THEY”. “THEY”are going to make the middle class into road kill. “THEY” are allowing into your nation, illiterate people, one’s with very limited education, unknown diseases, empty out foreign prisons, empty out mental asylum’s, spy’s, ect. It cost $100 per day per person to feed, house them, minimum $36,000 per year per person Your tax dollar
Mariana Has four children. They must be Quadruplets or her spouse is drunk all the time or four different men cause no one male would tap her FOUR TIMES!
I have a well and an aquafir to feed it. Get fucked commies.
Put more fluoride and other toxins in the water! Am I the only one that has had enough of them poisoning us?
This must be why the war against gas stoves. So much harder to boil.
Damn thought she was a Hollywood actress. Hmmm, couldn’t remember her name. I Google ugly actress and WA-LA her photo pop up Sandra Bernhard. That Mariana Mazzucato looks like her damn ugly, Found this****Don't mess with Mariana Mazzucato, the world's scariest ..Quote The Times. › article › dont-mess-with-ma... Sandra Bernhard Mariana Mazzucato from Nov 7, 2017 — In terms of her looks, she is a dead ringer for Sandra Bernhard, with a tinge of Katharine Hepburn.
Get on board for what purpose, lady?
Comments made by DJT at the latest rally in CA where he promises to bring water back to the once beautiful state.
"The former president also spent a significant portion of his speech speaking to California's lack of water for agricultural and residential uses, a shortage which he said was manufactured by the state's "lunatic" environmentalists.
"In Los Angeles, you have faucets, washing machines, all these things, but there's very little water…a $35 million house and you can't take a shower," he said.
"All the dry canals will be brimming, you can use it to irrigate, including your homes and bathrooms. The overflow to dampen your forests, you won't have these fires," said Trump, suggesting the surplus could be used to put out wildfires."
No we won't and you will be hung for crimes against humanity