So, when society collapses, and some folks have a few small bars of gold stashed away in their basements, how will bartering with that bar of gold be accomplished?
I can imagine a gold coin will have some small nominal value, say $100-$200, but a solid bar of gold will be very hard to break apart. What's a poor boy to do? I certainly don't think it's a wise idea to trade a small bar of gold for a loaf of homemade bread. How will that transaction be completed?
Yea, I know some redneck gold hoarders will step in and roll their eyes at my question because they've already broken their bars down into something, but please tell me what that something is.
If we get to the point of bartering gold and silver then we are in a mad Max era and I'd be concerned more about fortifications and being stocked up on food, water and ammo.
Gold and silver stacking isn't to barter for the future. It's a hedge against the fiat dollar. The reason to stack would be to have it on hand when the dollar collapses and our new monitary system is based once again on the actual value of gold and silver. When that takes place, your gold and silver will be worth way more and you can survive the fall of the dollar.
I agree completely.
I like your response. Do you have links so I can do more research? I'm curious, now, if someone has a vault full of gold bars at todays prices, and the world goes tits up and the paper get revalued to a new low, how will the gold in the vault be a hedge against that deflation? Shouldn't the price of gold go down, too? This is whirling around in my mind, thus I ask for a link so I can do research. Thanks.
Here's an overview of what to stack for barter (constitutional silver aka junk silver), why not to stack fractional gold smaller than 1/4 oz and some silver stacking tips.
I like the YT videos from Silver Dragons and Yankee Stacking for up to date happenings in the bullion world.
If we ditch the federal reserve note and go back to a gold standard, those with bullion on their hands could have instant access to a significant boost in wealth.
As suggested by the response you are replying to, a question like the following doesn't really have meaning as expressed:
If the world goes "tits up" your gold is more likely to get you killed than make you "rich", unless you can find someone to trade with that will build you walls and sell you guns. It's "value" will be worth whatever you can trade it for, to whoever will trade for it without killing you.
If the dollar collapses however, and we move peacefully into a new economic system, then and only then will gold be "revalued" as you mean it. It's new value will be based on supply and demand, just like a free market is intended to work.
We've never had a free market, we've never experienced one, and history doesn't really have any solid examples of any, so it's real value is difficult to determine. Historically an ounce of gold was worth in the ballpark of about $10,000 of today's buying power. That varied a fair bit, and there have been manipulations to the gold market (and it's use as money. i.e. coin shaving, etc.) since gold first began being used as an intermediary of exchange for barter, so it is really difficult to say where it will land, but all you really can say for certain, assuming no fuckery, is that gold will be worth whatever the supply is v. the demand of it.
If any other value comes out, then there is fuckery that will need to be dealt with, using the other best metal to invest in: Lead.
The idea is that gold will never be worth zero, unlike fiat dollars.
disagreed. you'll def need some bullion. when argentina and venezuela fell over, people used USD, rare metal coins and commodities like bread and food etc.
That's what Constitutional silver is for.
It does not take "redneck gold hoarders" to break down gold bars... I guess you don't know that gold is one of the most malleable metals and can easily be broken apart and weighed right? A solid bar of gold would NOT be very hard to break apart and weigh, you can use a rock if you didn't have a hammer... Nothing special needed to deal with gold except for blunt tools and scales to weigh it out.
Gold is hard to break down once it's mixed with other metals. In fact, it's often melded with other metals like copper to make it harder to break apart. Jewelry that's pure gold would be easy to deform...
it's Gold-fags fren.
I don’t think countries around the globe have been buying up gold in record numbers over the past couple of years because they plan to use it to barter for bread. Seems like there’s a much bigger plan taking shape.
Gold shall destroy FED ~ Q
Buy some pre1965 constitutional silver. Dimes and quarters.
Problem solved.
This^^^^^^^^^^^^right here is what you’ll buy your loaf of bread with
Or barter the booze you stockpiled
I'd be more concerned with having been made right with God through faith in Jesus Christ before I worry about any kind of bartering situation
I Prefer the term Gold-fags to Gold-tards. :)
I didn't want to butt hurt the lgtbqrstvixinmehontenhg,ndnt idiots. Plus I didn't know if the Mods would send me to time out prison.
Fag is a term of endearment on this board
Unfortunately not rich enough to have gold. But I have thought about it. Wouldn't it be nice to pay off a fixed rate mortgage with gold that has revalued higher? Or, use gold to buy machinery and tools to support your trade or business?
Like others have said, if we are trading, then it is mad max and lead is better than gold. Keep the gold a secret, I would assume, until there is a discreet way to leverage it.
Yea I’m too poor to worry about any gold bars lol Needless to say when I looked into how people survived the Great Depression that eggs were the #1 commodity- if people are starving no one’s gonna give a shit about gold. There are other commodities you can trade & sell. Tools/parts.. heck even apples. Even skill sets - small motor repairs- electricians/carpenters. We just can’t let the world divide us and we cannot give in to them at any cost.
First, you need guns and ammo to defend against the rogue and desperate mobs.
Next, you need a network of like-minded people who each have things they can barter with.
If you don't have the 2 rabbits to exchange for the 12 dozen eggs, or the pair of shoes and fur coat, then you could use gold and silver coin for the exchange.
Gold bars are for when you just want to stack wealth in a private and non-government form, to be sold off later, if desired.
There are 2000 trillion dollars in derivatives backed by 7 trillion in gold. So... either the value of the derivatives has to fall dramatically or the value of gold has to rise or some combination.
Anyway you cut it, purchasing power will shift over to those holding real money. Once in a lifetime or maybe a hundred lifetimes opportunity!
Buy silver!
I don't think you should barter with your gold. Your gold is a hedge against a failing currency. Silver may be bartered with, but even then I'd rather barter with my skills and whatever food I could grow.
Hard assets. And bitcoin.
(cough, cough), pray tell how you will get your bitcoin out of the computer when the electrical grid goes down?
Skynet/ starlink.
It will still be on your computer. How then will you convert it to cash or precious metals? If society twirls down the toilet I don't think too many folks will want a digital chunk of electrons.
Don’t bother. The Bitcoin bros abandoned logic and truth the moment an inherently worthless collection of ones and zeros somehow became worth $60k.
If you want some for bartering get the valcambi snap offs.
PM if for when everyone shoots their load after a crash, the markets balance out and the real prices of PM get on parity with reality.
In other words, the manipulated prices of say $1850/oz, might really be $25k/oz when the dust settles.
It's hard to say because the USD is going away... so don't hang on the $25k number... it's only used to make a relatable point.
Stack high and stack often...tick tock ... time's running out.
FYI - several States passed laws making PM legal tender. Local Walmart takes it allegedly (I asked the cashier and she acknowledged they did - didnt ask particulars)
Silver is for trading, gold is for storing
If we get to the point of using physical metals, you need silver and gold. Silver is for the small purchases. Gold is for large purchases.
Im waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay heavy on silver. And waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay light on gold,just a little over an oz at the moment. I definately need alot more gold.
This is the way
My supervisor stacks junk silver for barter. Pre-1964 dimes, quarters, and halves are 90% silver and 1.40 has 1 Troy ounce no matter the combo.
Premiums are high and these coins are not worth anything to coin collectors, they are worn and dirty. So I have a few 1 oz silver rounds, the cheapest premium silver you can buy most of the time. I tell my Boss that they will give me his junk silver as change. Kek!
Silver is used extensively in solar, electronics, batteries, and health. Anti-microbial and the best conductivity of any metal.
Gold's number 1 use is in jewelry and it sure is shiny! Number 2 use is as a hard asset. A kilo of gold can fit in your pocket (will rub leg sore) and is worth about 60k. A kilo of silver is about 700 bucks. You can easily pick up a million dollars of gold, but would need a pickup truck to haul a million in silver.
SHTFing will be happening, just a matter of when, and having a bit of metal currency when we return to it, might be good.
Let’s say they take all dollars, and swap for new currency, is it like for like? Or is there a cutoff? Say 200,000 g? FDIC?
Well, gold is if you already have that in the bank. Gold is for after you have a reliable vehicle and fuel, farmland, garden, chicken coup, few years of emergency food, guns and ammo, and medicine.
Same with silver. More then two g in silver oz is too much, in my opinion. Mostly because if it goes crazy labor should be very cheap so silver will be mined.
What I really think will have the greatest appreciation? Pain pills and pinicellin.
Gold bars are not the best for the average person....much more oriented to investors than prepper/stackers. Use fractional gold, silver Eagles and "junk" silver if you are saving against the possibility of economic trouble. You will pay a higher premium for the gold fractionals, but if you are concerned with being able to use your stash, they are better. If you have gold jewelry you need to know conversion rates for weights
Silver. Use silver for small purchases, gold for big purchases. Quite simple
I guess what I'm trying to get across is this:. If grandpa left me a brick of gold, how am I to split that up to make small purchases...i.e. a can of beans, a box of ammo, maybe some fish hooks. Then, how do I figure out how much of a chunk of gold to knock off? I won't have a scale, so how do you weigh it out?
Gold is for long term storage. Silver is for daily transactions. If all you have is gold, trade it for silver at your local coin shop.
Or keep the gold, and start buying up silver. If TEOTWAWKI happens, you’ll want both, plus pewpews, beans, and bandaids.
You weigh it out with a scale.
Don't act stupid.
Ive been buying junk silver, mostly dimes and quarters, for the last 8 years to use in a barter situation. Also some gram weight gold. My .9999 in 1 oz or greater, is a hedge and not especially useful for barter. If we get into a barter situation there are other metals that have a very low value atm but will become worth more than silver or gold.
Also, what are you supposed to do with the gold in a post-apocalyptic situation, eat it?
Realistically, we likely will not resort to barter. If an entire collapse of our digital economic world occured and we couldn't process transactions digitally, we'd basically be sent back to the stone age, which in effect is basically the same result as nuclear war (just without the radiation).
I see Bitcoin being the king of currency with it's reliability, portability, and convenience. No one would use gold to barter unless it would be for extremely expensive things like houses. Silver would likely be the next contender for day-to-day things as a physical option.
Well, not stone age. Simply the time before paper-money. That is before the 18th century.
The totality of the global supply chain will commence with different means, means we already have. It will be somewhat more difficult and smaller, perhaps.
Consider an order for Jamaica Rum. There are ships sailing between several locations, to deliver Rum at different ports. The same type of papers are used like we have for the last 1000 odd years. See for example: Hanse League.
On top, beyond paper, there will be greater emphasis on personal connection and trust. So, I would not say stone age. But I do recognize that our dependence on digital assets, be they computers, printers, internet, the like, will get a huge hit.
Authentication will become important in a different way.