President Trump has done so much for Americans that is never shown. Most of what he did was when he was just Donald and not President Trump. Lending his plane to bring home soldiers is one that pops to mind. He has paid of mortgages of people who just did a random act of kindness. These are the stories Americans and the whole world need to hear.
I hope people will dig up these stories and post them here. When President Trump was Donald, he did so many of the things we have done or wished we had the resources to do.
It's very annoying when women make sure everyone knows, that she bred with a colored person. We get it, your kid is half Mexican, it's not the great thing you think it is. Trump is the amazing and generous man we all know he is.
Maybe she’s emphasizing that to counter the point that Trump hates brown people or whatever, because this way she can illustrate that Trump but a half-brown person through college?
Yep, crying and thanking the The Good Lord for sending this man at this time to give us a chance to be a part of saving humanity. I love him. I thank God for the grace he has shown to us. Praise the Lord.🙏❤️🥰
dang it... a truckload of onions just tipped over and crushed most of those onions ... right outside my open window...
i hate it when that happens.
I'm not crying, my eyes are just sweating
Is that what's wrong with me? LOL!
What is with the cameras on some of these videos...the watery filter they shoot it through, like it's raining the whole time
President Trump has done so much for Americans that is never shown. Most of what he did was when he was just Donald and not President Trump. Lending his plane to bring home soldiers is one that pops to mind. He has paid of mortgages of people who just did a random act of kindness. These are the stories Americans and the whole world need to hear.
I hope people will dig up these stories and post them here. When President Trump was Donald, he did so many of the things we have done or wished we had the resources to do.
I'm excited to see the new documentary about him from the ladies around PDJT. Worre Studios for The Trump I Know on Oct 26.
What documentary is that?
I just watched and I’m blubbering too .. thank you for this !
"Anyone who thinks my story is anywhere near over is sadly mistaken." - Donald Trump
We're just gettin' started!
Misty eyed
an actual tearjerking moment and is not falsely pulling on my heartstrings thank you
I winder if that woman is doing better now.
Wonder if he sent her the information on cures.
It's very annoying when women make sure everyone knows, that she bred with a colored person. We get it, your kid is half Mexican, it's not the great thing you think it is. Trump is the amazing and generous man we all know he is.
Maybe she’s emphasizing that to counter the point that Trump hates brown people or whatever, because this way she can illustrate that Trump but a half-brown person through college?
I think she was emphasizing that to remind people he's not a racist.
Hopefully recovery from this bout of dark heartednees will be swift, anon. As a token of best wishes, telepathically sending a Snickers.
Bon apetit.
I like the way she is not just a receiver, but is also a giver and is training her son to be the same.
I really thought the "brought tears to my eyes" in the title was an exaggeration. Got me, too.
This is a good video to spam out
True. However, most people with TDS think he's a mob boss, evil man,. etc etc.
I look at it this way. If I saw a video like this with Obama doing acts of kindness, it wouldn't sway my opinion of him.
The people still hating Trump are the ones that have to be shown, not told.
Love this guy.
And THIS is the man they made out to be an evil monster.
Only an actual evil monster would do that.
Yep, crying and thanking the The Good Lord for sending this man at this time to give us a chance to be a part of saving humanity. I love him. I thank God for the grace he has shown to us. Praise the Lord.🙏❤️🥰
You never see pencil neck and nasty Nancy shaking hands with their constituents
I miss big daddy. Lord please restore his position of leadership for the country.