Welcome to General Chat - GAW Community Area
This General Chat area started off as a place for people to talk about things that are off topic, however it has quickly evolved into a community and has become an integral part of the GAW experience for many of us.
Based on its evolving needs and plenty of user feedback, we are trying to bring some order and institute some rules. Please make sure you read these rules and participate in the spirit of this community.
Rules for General Chat
Be respectful to each other. This is of utmost importance, and comments may be removed if deemed not respectful.
Avoid long drawn out arguments. This should be a place to relax, not to waste your time needlessly.
Personal anecdotes, puzzles, cute pics/clips - everything welcome
Please do not spam at the top level. If you have a lot to post each day, try and post them all together in one top level comment
Try keep things light. If you are bringing in deep stuff, try not to go overboard.
Things that are clearly on-topic for this board should be posted as a separate post and not here (except if you are new and still getting the feel of this place)
If you find people violating these rules, deport them rather than start a argument here.
Feel free to give feedback as these rules are expected to keep evoloving
In short, imagine this thread to be a local community hall where we all gather and chat daily. Please be respectful to others in the same way
I needed a diversion from all of this bullshit, so I looked for another site for some levity.
I’m finding 9gag.com to be pretty damn based at times. It seems to me that we have more evidence of people waking up.
That’s good to know people are waking up, finally. I’m happy here and stick to GAW. My time restraints don’t allow much searching, so I get all the info I need here. I appreciate the links that are shared so I just click and learn. I appreciate the hard work that is put into GAW, so I can reap the benefits. 🇺🇸🙏🏻❤️
Geocaching.com is fun
So the House with Democrats voting, just passed Johnsons plan to keep the government funded. The exact same thing that caused Mcarthy to get fired. What's up with this?
The one that got McCarthy fired had a side deal to fund Ukraine behind the backs of congress.
Finally someone arrested for manslaughter in the ice hockey case where Adam Johnson died after getting cut in the neck on the rink.
How many people here miss drudges alarms when he had something (before he sold out)? Watched the blue dress alarms every day
393 military planes up
It has to be God.
A Song: https://youtu.be/gror7qghhPg
Have a blessed day.
There's something fun about going on X and playing dumb to try to force people to explain the dumb shit they say.
"Trump is literally planning to throw his enemies in a mental institution."
Me: Ok, but I don't see that anywhere in his post. Where does he LITERALLY say it.
"Literally can mean emphasis, stop arguing semantics!"
Me: But he doesn't LITERALLY say it, as you imply. So he's not putting his enemies in cages and you're just using emphasis on... outright lies?
Me: :)
It's all about the third party stumbling into that thread. If one less person believes a word of the bullshit as a result, it's a win.
Before I was banned in January '21, there was some asshat claiming that the Jan 6th demonstrators were racist because someone had brought a noose. I told him that hanging is a standard execution for traitors, but he kept going at the whole racist thing. Calling White people "Cleetus" and such, inferring that White people are inbred and stupid, etc. I found out he was in Brazil. I pointed out that here I am, a White guy in Japan with an interracial family, I support Trump while he is the one spewing racism and generalizing everyone. That was the day before I got permanently suspended, and even though I've submitted appeals, I have yet to be reinstated.
Count it all joy. Means they are afraid of you 👍
X is a fun place now
Personally, I play it even dumber. But I'm very low engagement - more of a lurker.
I do go behind enemy lines. IDK why I even bother. Fearporn for normies right here. Fk this just made me shake my head and question my existence. Save yourself and don't read it. But if you are brave enough, here is the link.
Problem is, when you are arguing with extreme climate fearful people, they are either shills or the 4-6% people who will never wake up.
I can imagine the content from the URL and your warning. 😉
Oh, I wade into the filth commonly referred to as FNM periodically to get a feel for what kind of BS they’re peddling to the sheeple. Sad, really. Taking the pulse of gullibility while gauging the focus of narrative-propaganda efforts.
I have a relative who’s swallowed this particular hoax hook, line and sinker, rolls their eyes when I tell them it’s a hoax. Borne of fear porn, you hit that nail on the head. I look forward to the day they come to me, sheepishly, with the proverbial tail-between-the-legs after it’s made clear to them that it was, in fact, a hoax. Sigh.
Moodys Investors Service:
Shifts its outlook on the Government of the United States from stable to negative, citing heightened risks to fiscal strength.
Personal vent here....
This is my last week at my job. I gave it my best, as I always do. If my husband hadn't told me Friday there was a mandatory meeting for employees yesterday morning, I wouldn't have known. My manager didn't tell me. He knows I don't get the group texts, but didn't let me know via email or anything. I didn't go and he didn't ask about me. My son is usually at school until 5:00 on Tuesdays, but not today. My husband has to work a route that's at least 30 miles away, so I have to finish my route quickly to be able to get him. It's already 15 stops, with one being 20 miles away and that I only work about 10 minutes. My manager seems to think he set up a good route. Well, he hasn't and good luck to whoever gets it after me. He won't change it. The person will have a screwed up week and the pay will suck (it ends up being a little more than minimum wage after taxes, even though it's salary. The manager makes sure to put at least a nine hour day on the employee). He/she won't be trained to use proper apps for it and will have to text photos to the manager all day because the manager himself doesn't even know how to use the apps.
Oh, and I will now say the main reason I got the job in the first place was because my husband interviewed elsewhere, was offered the job and would have gotten a nice raise, but his current bosses didn't want him to leave, so they gave him a little raise and gave me the job, thinking it would smooth things over. He's mad they didn't take care of me and help fix the route. Understandable. This whole thing had me in the middle of it. My manager has always had something against me because he didn't get to hire me. He didn't know about why I got hired.
Sorry Lucy, but remember every thing has a reason for working like it does. You deserve better. Don’t settle for anything less. You got this. Vent as much as you need to, I understand.
Thank you so much! I know God has something better. 😃
He does ❤️🙏🏻
Dang. Appreciate the update and the vent. As you know, I've been following your saga pretty closely for some reason. 😁
As I was reading your entire post I had, in the back of my mind, the hope that somehow I could find an optimistic encouragement - some platitude. Mostly I was looking for a typical "well, it sounds like a mess there". But those last two sentences iced it: that's an unacceptable mess, really.
On the bright side, I feel like your husband is probably much more motivated to take the next job he finds that is a better, higher paying fit. My wife and I are the same way about being maybe too loyal to employers, so I feel I understand why you both tried to make it work.
Lastly, that vent was well articulated and mature. You'll be fine in the long run.
Best wishes and love o7
Thank you so much. If we were closer to family, it would be easier, too. But as it stands, we have to do things this way. He may try to look elsewhere. So many others have quit on this place recently. Management isn't the best.
A job is just that...supposed to pay for your life...not be your life
Believe me- I think he has thoughts about it.
He is kind of the glue that seems to hold the place together. He can do anything there and they seem to take advantage of it. 😔
Is your husband going to be actively looking for a job elsewhere that will pay him more again?
Sorry to hear about this. Sometimes managers are given the position without reallying knowing how to manage & lead others. Often I have found it happens more with government or small business staffed with close friends.
Hope you find something else to help you out.
I have no idea. He thinks they may offer him a position from a manager who's set to retire soon. He already sees what's wrong with it and what he would want in order for him to accept it, if offered.
My current manager played for a college football team that the company's owners really like and that is one reason why he got it. It's a feather in their cap! He hasn't had anything to say to me sice I gave my notice. My son had to be picked up from school earlier, as his nurse thinks he has strep, as others do right now, and my manager hasn't said anything to me after I texted him. Oh well. I have two days, at most, left with the douchebag.
Hope your little one gets good rest & well soon. Good for you for standing up to them.
Thank you. He is better. No strep!
I can sympathise. For decades I worked hard at making money for someone else's company. Then I was made redundant twice in quick succession, which was the push that I needed to work for myself. I never regretted it.
My husband and I have talked about it so much over the years and we'd be happier in some ways if we did have our own small restaurant and were our own bosses, but we don't have money to sink into it right now and this economy sucks.
Hey guys livin in a hobo house that used to push dope. Hanging priestess fren Kim a White Witch the Rose. Working on converting a witch coven.
Just Q things. God Bless. Painting houses for money no more dumpster diving.
No more dumpster diving? Not to make light of anything, but that's one of life's great pleasures for me. I haven't actively roamed in many years, but once you do it, your eyes are always open.
Just a bit of a rant, but in that post where I asked for feedback to a response to Scott Presler's post, I was shocked and surprised at the amount of blackpilled and doomer answers coming from Great Awakening, some might be in violation of GAW's rule against dooming, doubting Q, and doubting Trump. For a moment, I was wondering if PDW has consumed and possessed GAW.
Either way, I think people just need a bit of a break from the pressure cooker politics. Those of you all who are losing heart (you know whom I talking about), take a break for a while. Probably until after Thanksgiving or Christmas. You'll feel a lot better and ready to really serve Donald Trump.
Have to remember we are at war. It’s not easy or for the faint of heart.
It's not blackpills or dooming. Just honest responses from anons living in the worst possible states of corruption. Sorry that some of us are sick and tired of getting kicked in the face every November.
Don’t let it worry you, people used your and Presler’s posts to vent their frustrations.
The good news is all that venting on your post and Presler’s post identify what President Trump has to address to ensure people turnout for the 2024 election. Over the course of the next 12 months people will need to be convinced their vote will matter and it is imperative they vote.
There is no doubt in my mind he will address these concerns. And, there is no doubt in my mind we will see turnout that will dwarf 2020 and break statistical models for Presidential elections.
We do have a lot of visitors here which is good on one hand but on the other hand they must understand that this is focused discussion here on GAW and not the donald.
But dooming isn't allowed even on the donald though.
Here's some hopium:
Just took a look. Shocking indeed. Definitely needs a post to be made about this.
If they analyzed the situation, they wouldnt be dooming. Thats the whole point of Q
Testimony about Italian involvement in stealing the 2020 US election entered into the record in court.
In any other reality this would be big news.
On a small, personal anecdote, the whole Italy thing is what eventually hipped me to the Q movement approximately 3 or 4 years ago, back when the only active mod on /r/conspiracy was posting about it and got absolutely DEAD SILENCED on it, to the extent politicians were calling it out. I forget the specifics of how it played out, but it was the first time I saw real time, high level scrubbing and censorship happening in front of my eyes. Probably similar to what a lot of older anons saw via Pizzagate, /r/thedonald and Q boards, and what happened on voat. Eye opening.
That mod went on to found conspiracies.win which led me here.
Seeing the Italygate stuff popping back up has made me recheck my popcorn supply for sure. 🍿
Do you know in what case this was?
It was at a Kansas Senate hearing last year. Never heard about it before now.
Anyone have a good reason for the white hats to keep the j6 footage hidden? There have been several teases on its release.
Because releasing it will prematurely foil the evil plans before getting them to take us to the precipice
Ive figured out why things arent vibing with the left and its because the gay and trans people are pro hamas and hollywood is obv pro isreal. The funny thing is the paistinians despise gay people
Left eats left
Fun to watch, isn't it?
pimpin ain't easy.
But it's funnnnnnn.
🎶It's hard out here for a pimp🎶
Luke 16:10 He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much.