Im sure Trump will start to move towards this subject during his third term. Maybe in 2026 well have dealt with the major issues and can focus on consequences for past treason.
Barnaby Joyce is a well known Australian politician (former deputy prime minister) and has been refered to as 'Australia's Trump'. He came out and tweeted today that he doesnt believe the JFK lone gunman theory. Keep in mind that Australia has always been a testing ground of sorts.
Barnaby Joyce has been roasted after claiming he doesn't believe former US president John F. Kennedy was assassinated by a lone gunman.
The former deputy prime minister took to social media platform X on Thursday morning to share his thoughts on the 60-year anniversary of the assassination.
'65 per cent of a US survey don't believe the Warren Report that it was only Lee H. Oswald with a dodgy ex military Italian rifle from the 6th floor of the Texas Book Depository 81m away,' Mr Joyce said. 'Nor do I.'
Trump extended the hold on the JFK files. I’m guessing he thought the release would be so shocking that it might cause an uprising.
Curious that no one has argued in his behalf that if Trump wanted a citizen uprising to purge the deep state, he could’ve done it way before January 6. This feels like a proof that he did not want or expect any shenanigans on January 6.
Trump extended the hold on the JFK files. I’m guessing he thought the release would be so shocking that it might cause an uprising.
I personally my gut feeling on it was more of a "timing" thing. Like people needed to be prepped and primed with other truth before this truth could be grasped.
I don't think the deep state is a single entity and I think Trump had an alliance with some elements of the deep state - he was always quite cosy with the Zionists. I don't think its a coincidence MBS rose to power in KSA during his admin who was cosy with the Zionist entity of Israel. I also got the feeling Trump was cosy with certain interests in the Pentagon even if many of the generals didn't like him. It explains why Fauci kept his job and why a crook like Bill Barr was his attorney general.
Its the oldest tale in the book. Compromising with evil believing you can control it. Nixon tried the same thing. You remember that leaked audio of Nixon saying "I've kept the secrets, terrible secrets". He knew full well he was head of a government which murdered JFK, got Agnew sacked over a BS corruption charge and then threw him out on his arse.
Trump doesn't have the balls to release the JFK files because it would bring down the whole rotting edifice including people he is allied with as well as his property portfolio and the Zionist financial entities who bankrolled him for decades.
You cannot reform a system so corrupt - only conquest by external barbarians can do it. How long do you think the feds can control urban "scholars" in Baltimore, Philly and other urban ghettos from sacking D.C?
Some would consider this dooming. I do not. What you’re demonstrating is critical thinking at a very high-level. Well done fren.
I do hope you’re wrong. I understand not everything will be clean in this operation. This is war after all. But to answer your question; not long. There’s a good chance those cities are already fucked.
Thanks - I hope I don't upset to many people or get banned but the situation is more complex than most realise. I'm not saying the Trump movement was necessarily bad, I don't even think Trump was necessarily a bad man. I think he quickly realised he was in over his head and those he was allied with were snakes who kept him alive for their own purpose.
His wider failings to use street politics and a "mass movement" to combat his enemies (something like Boris Yeltsin might have done) and to cross the Rubicon and use force of arms against his enemies are probably rooted in the fact he is a boomer. Boomers have been conditioned since birth to believe in a wholly false set of beliefs about how power works and to value the material gains they won as a result of post war prosperity above the more important things - the intangible benefits of living in a homogeneous, high trust, high IQ society. Stuff you cannot put a dollar value on until it is gone.
There is some evidence that these false notions based on the WW2 founding myth and created by the social engineers since are breaking down. Boomers allegiance to the system was based in large part on their material "buy in" to it, they will all be dead within the next 15 years. The oldest millennial's are approaching 40 and probably have nothing to show for their lives in a country where the house your office worker parents purchased for $150,000 in 1984 is now worth over a million dollars and zoomers are even more screwed. There was a leaked recording of a call Greenblat at the ADL was on the other week decrying how zoomers won't die for the Zionist entity of Israel. Seemingly missing that most zoomers have no buy in to society and most are not even white or have any understanding of the predominantly WASP - puritan culture boomers brought into. Meanwhile TikTok and other big tech companies engaged in a panicked censorship program when huge numbers of young people began reading OBL's "Letter to America" supposedly explaining the 9/11 attacks.
I find it highly unlikely that OBL had any role in 9/11 but the fact that such a "founding myth" of the last 20 years of policy that people like me grew up in indicates a total collapse of narrative control by the regime.
This is probably why since 2020 the globalists have engaged in a world wide coordinated assault on the population to bring in a new control grid with digital ID and CBDC controlled by AI with a social credit score and new technologies like "pre-crime detection" and total narrative control to control the population. The reason Musk purchased Twitter probably was less to do with free speech and more about training his AI on all the material and data people are feeding it. To have these AI weapons for the conflict that is coming and while he may be no friend of the "woke" after they transed his daughter it certainly doesn't mean he is any great ally of ours. There is a secret and powerful cabal within the US MIC, national security state and big tech working on these AI weapons and control grids and god help us with what the result will be.
You think Trump got himself elected (an impossible task if your scenario is correct) and started the Q movement by himself? Without any military involvement?
I think when he had contacts with certain deep state contacts going back to Robert Maxwell and Leslie Wexner and was in contact with some of the Zionist lobby. I think when he got some momentum he did a deal with them but they are one of the weaker factions of the cabal and they got crushed when they tried to make even the most weak sauce policy moves.
I have come to believe that the Q movement was co-opted by the bad guys at a later date after Trump was in office to take some of the wind out of the sails while they contained it. The fact so many people started the see the truth is a good thing, but it isn't so good when they are being told to "trust the plan" and that "patriots are secretly in control".
No earthly accountability can be dealt as the participants are all dead. The issue today is that history repeats itself. Maybe it is not a presidential assassination, but it’s major events such as 9/11, or the 10/7 attack in Israel.
My thoughts have developed by reading way too much on Kennedy (Laurent Guyonet books) very simplistically stated are as follows: Rogue elements of the CIA driven by James Angleton were involved. I have doubts even Allen Dulles knew what was actually going to happen on Nov 22, 1963. Angleton was reported to run his counter intelligence agency without any known supervision. He was the CIA asset most highly aligned in support of Zionist Israeli affairs, having funneled nuclear technology development information to Israel. David Ben Gurion - PM of Israel had one significant meeting with Kennedy, where Ben Gurion was demanding the US provide nuclear bombs or the development of them to Israel as well as protection to make sure no other middle eastern countries would ever gain access to the technology. Kennedy did not agree and Ben Gurion was let’s say very upset. Ben Gurion turned the matter over to Yitzhak Shamir, who was a Mossad assassination hit squad leader. He was well versed in his trade. Israel wanted Kennedy replaced with LBJ who they knew would provide the allegiance they desired. The Mossad/rogue CIA operatives removed Kennedy and LBJ took over. Dimona came to life and was the key enabler for Israeli nuclear development, becoming active in 1964 and producing its first nuclear weapons in 1967. Israel had its nukes. LBJ became the biggest supporter of Israel, to the extent they could do no wrong. The US allowed/supported the six day 1967 war, even to the level of covering up the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty. Israel knew the Liberty had intercepted messages ordering the execution of captured Egyptian soldiers, in essence war crimes. LBJ participated in this cover-up, making up the story that the Liberty had been misidentified as an Egyptian vessel, that in reality had no resemblance to the Liberty at all. Kennedy had to be removed to give Israel the support of nuclear weapons.
9/11 unfolds in much the same way. Another Mossad/CIA affair. 10/7 looks all too familiar. Israel continues to have its puppet fund and fight its wars.
It appears no one wants the complete release of the story that implicates an alliance of Israel/CIA operatives that have been so disastrous.
I know this is only one of many theories, but it seems that Israel had more to gain by assassinating Kennedy than the CIA or Mafia or Cuban Sympathizers or KGB operatives by themselves did.
They have never been PUBLICLY and COMPLETELY held accountable.
It does look like Lyndon B. Johnson was served some accountability and justice on January 22, 1973 with a "heart attack", two days after Nixon's second inauguration, and most likely 1 day after he was found guilty of treason by a military tribunal for his role in JFK assassination (and numerous other crimes against the Constitution he committed).
But this is NOT ENOUGH. They ALL need justice served, publicly for everyone to see. SHADOW & COVERT action alone is not going to be good enough this time around if we are to wake people up to the full extent of activities by our criminal government.
Sometimes the best justice is to let them grow and let them realize how the totality of their life's work has been pointless, and now they are cast aside as callously as they themselves cast other's aside. A public trial would mean their deeds would be brought before everyone, and they would live in the infamy of it. Is anything worse than being irrelevant and forgotten?
Well, we have a FAKE PRESIDENT by stolen election, we have a FAKE PRESIDENT by that’s foreign born that we can deal with, also the PRESIDENT that is followed by a hit list that it too can be dealt with.
Conspiricy I never heard until recently was that an element of the muslim brother hood may have been Involved, perhaps in cordination with a part of mossad and the cia.
A Dulles. J McCloy. JE Hoover. G Ford A Specter. CShaw. E Lansdale NBC. ABC. CBS. etc etc etc. The list of traitors is long and No Arrests to date.
And ....
Sherff (Bush), Woody Harrelson's dad, etc etc etc.
A LOT of traitors.... JUST LIKE TODAY.
Im sure Trump will start to move towards this subject during his third term. Maybe in 2026 well have dealt with the major issues and can focus on consequences for past treason.
Barnaby Joyce is a well known Australian politician (former deputy prime minister) and has been refered to as 'Australia's Trump'. He came out and tweeted today that he doesnt believe the JFK lone gunman theory. Keep in mind that Australia has always been a testing ground of sorts.
Trump extended the hold on the JFK files. I’m guessing he thought the release would be so shocking that it might cause an uprising.
Curious that no one has argued in his behalf that if Trump wanted a citizen uprising to purge the deep state, he could’ve done it way before January 6. This feels like a proof that he did not want or expect any shenanigans on January 6.
I personally my gut feeling on it was more of a "timing" thing. Like people needed to be prepped and primed with other truth before this truth could be grasped.
Timing is right. Probably to pile onto another truth and break these motherfuckers.
I don't think the deep state is a single entity and I think Trump had an alliance with some elements of the deep state - he was always quite cosy with the Zionists. I don't think its a coincidence MBS rose to power in KSA during his admin who was cosy with the Zionist entity of Israel. I also got the feeling Trump was cosy with certain interests in the Pentagon even if many of the generals didn't like him. It explains why Fauci kept his job and why a crook like Bill Barr was his attorney general.
Its the oldest tale in the book. Compromising with evil believing you can control it. Nixon tried the same thing. You remember that leaked audio of Nixon saying "I've kept the secrets, terrible secrets". He knew full well he was head of a government which murdered JFK, got Agnew sacked over a BS corruption charge and then threw him out on his arse.
Trump doesn't have the balls to release the JFK files because it would bring down the whole rotting edifice including people he is allied with as well as his property portfolio and the Zionist financial entities who bankrolled him for decades.
You cannot reform a system so corrupt - only conquest by external barbarians can do it. How long do you think the feds can control urban "scholars" in Baltimore, Philly and other urban ghettos from sacking D.C?
Some would consider this dooming. I do not. What you’re demonstrating is critical thinking at a very high-level. Well done fren.
I do hope you’re wrong. I understand not everything will be clean in this operation. This is war after all. But to answer your question; not long. There’s a good chance those cities are already fucked.
Thanks - I hope I don't upset to many people or get banned but the situation is more complex than most realise. I'm not saying the Trump movement was necessarily bad, I don't even think Trump was necessarily a bad man. I think he quickly realised he was in over his head and those he was allied with were snakes who kept him alive for their own purpose.
His wider failings to use street politics and a "mass movement" to combat his enemies (something like Boris Yeltsin might have done) and to cross the Rubicon and use force of arms against his enemies are probably rooted in the fact he is a boomer. Boomers have been conditioned since birth to believe in a wholly false set of beliefs about how power works and to value the material gains they won as a result of post war prosperity above the more important things - the intangible benefits of living in a homogeneous, high trust, high IQ society. Stuff you cannot put a dollar value on until it is gone.
There is some evidence that these false notions based on the WW2 founding myth and created by the social engineers since are breaking down. Boomers allegiance to the system was based in large part on their material "buy in" to it, they will all be dead within the next 15 years. The oldest millennial's are approaching 40 and probably have nothing to show for their lives in a country where the house your office worker parents purchased for $150,000 in 1984 is now worth over a million dollars and zoomers are even more screwed. There was a leaked recording of a call Greenblat at the ADL was on the other week decrying how zoomers won't die for the Zionist entity of Israel. Seemingly missing that most zoomers have no buy in to society and most are not even white or have any understanding of the predominantly WASP - puritan culture boomers brought into. Meanwhile TikTok and other big tech companies engaged in a panicked censorship program when huge numbers of young people began reading OBL's "Letter to America" supposedly explaining the 9/11 attacks.
I find it highly unlikely that OBL had any role in 9/11 but the fact that such a "founding myth" of the last 20 years of policy that people like me grew up in indicates a total collapse of narrative control by the regime.
This is probably why since 2020 the globalists have engaged in a world wide coordinated assault on the population to bring in a new control grid with digital ID and CBDC controlled by AI with a social credit score and new technologies like "pre-crime detection" and total narrative control to control the population. The reason Musk purchased Twitter probably was less to do with free speech and more about training his AI on all the material and data people are feeding it. To have these AI weapons for the conflict that is coming and while he may be no friend of the "woke" after they transed his daughter it certainly doesn't mean he is any great ally of ours. There is a secret and powerful cabal within the US MIC, national security state and big tech working on these AI weapons and control grids and god help us with what the result will be.
You think Trump got himself elected (an impossible task if your scenario is correct) and started the Q movement by himself? Without any military involvement?
That right there is your problem.
I think when he had contacts with certain deep state contacts going back to Robert Maxwell and Leslie Wexner and was in contact with some of the Zionist lobby. I think when he got some momentum he did a deal with them but they are one of the weaker factions of the cabal and they got crushed when they tried to make even the most weak sauce policy moves.
I have come to believe that the Q movement was co-opted by the bad guys at a later date after Trump was in office to take some of the wind out of the sails while they contained it. The fact so many people started the see the truth is a good thing, but it isn't so good when they are being told to "trust the plan" and that "patriots are secretly in control".
Plus, GHWB was still alive at the time.
Don't forget the mossad!
Indeed ! This doc focuses on that. (Israel last ?)
I think Laurent Guyenot in his books presents the most likely theories. Thanks for the video link as I had not come across it yet.
No earthly accountability can be dealt as the participants are all dead. The issue today is that history repeats itself. Maybe it is not a presidential assassination, but it’s major events such as 9/11, or the 10/7 attack in Israel.
My thoughts have developed by reading way too much on Kennedy (Laurent Guyonet books) very simplistically stated are as follows: Rogue elements of the CIA driven by James Angleton were involved. I have doubts even Allen Dulles knew what was actually going to happen on Nov 22, 1963. Angleton was reported to run his counter intelligence agency without any known supervision. He was the CIA asset most highly aligned in support of Zionist Israeli affairs, having funneled nuclear technology development information to Israel. David Ben Gurion - PM of Israel had one significant meeting with Kennedy, where Ben Gurion was demanding the US provide nuclear bombs or the development of them to Israel as well as protection to make sure no other middle eastern countries would ever gain access to the technology. Kennedy did not agree and Ben Gurion was let’s say very upset. Ben Gurion turned the matter over to Yitzhak Shamir, who was a Mossad assassination hit squad leader. He was well versed in his trade. Israel wanted Kennedy replaced with LBJ who they knew would provide the allegiance they desired. The Mossad/rogue CIA operatives removed Kennedy and LBJ took over. Dimona came to life and was the key enabler for Israeli nuclear development, becoming active in 1964 and producing its first nuclear weapons in 1967. Israel had its nukes. LBJ became the biggest supporter of Israel, to the extent they could do no wrong. The US allowed/supported the six day 1967 war, even to the level of covering up the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty. Israel knew the Liberty had intercepted messages ordering the execution of captured Egyptian soldiers, in essence war crimes. LBJ participated in this cover-up, making up the story that the Liberty had been misidentified as an Egyptian vessel, that in reality had no resemblance to the Liberty at all. Kennedy had to be removed to give Israel the support of nuclear weapons.
9/11 unfolds in much the same way. Another Mossad/CIA affair. 10/7 looks all too familiar. Israel continues to have its puppet fund and fight its wars.
It appears no one wants the complete release of the story that implicates an alliance of Israel/CIA operatives that have been so disastrous.
I know this is only one of many theories, but it seems that Israel had more to gain by assassinating Kennedy than the CIA or Mafia or Cuban Sympathizers or KGB operatives by themselves did.
tipit was subbed for 35 - and he lived past 100 years of age....
Tipit's nickname was "Jack" because he looked like JFK.
But do you have any evidence he was subbed?
You sound just like the other liberals. Do you really need to see the fire if you're already choking on the smoke?
George HW Bush says he can't remember where he was when JFK was assassinated.
They have never been PUBLICLY and COMPLETELY held accountable.
It does look like Lyndon B. Johnson was served some accountability and justice on January 22, 1973 with a "heart attack", two days after Nixon's second inauguration, and most likely 1 day after he was found guilty of treason by a military tribunal for his role in JFK assassination (and numerous other crimes against the Constitution he committed).
But this is NOT ENOUGH. They ALL need justice served, publicly for everyone to see. SHADOW & COVERT action alone is not going to be good enough this time around if we are to wake people up to the full extent of activities by our criminal government.
Sometimes the best justice is to let them grow and let them realize how the totality of their life's work has been pointless, and now they are cast aside as callously as they themselves cast other's aside. A public trial would mean their deeds would be brought before everyone, and they would live in the infamy of it. Is anything worse than being irrelevant and forgotten?
Well, we have a FAKE PRESIDENT by stolen election, we have a FAKE PRESIDENT by that’s foreign born that we can deal with, also the PRESIDENT that is followed by a hit list that it too can be dealt with.
I’m not talking about Hussein.
Wonder if the employees are proud of that fact?
Conspiricy I never heard until recently was that an element of the muslim brother hood may have been Involved, perhaps in cordination with a part of mossad and the cia.
They Never will be Held either, only after death when they go to Hell will they be Judged, you WILL NEVER SEE that on Earth
Click link for old sQchool video
Posts get pushed down the new list pretty quickly.
I have seen that happen it shadowbanning or what? Posts disappear then they show up again...when you figure it out let me know...