I feel safer knowing they keep secure reference photos of my sexy 300lb bod… could make it easier to identify me in the event I’m at some future J6 type event
I didn’t realize it was a requirement? I just sent nudes because I love all of the mods here. Even bleached my bum for their viewing pleasure.
lol All jokes aside, the mod team here deserves all of the love and praise because mods elsewhere, especially on site not thedonald and great awakening? Filled with commies and commie enablers/apologists.
Odd, after I sent mine, they told me no more were necessary...?
You couldn't improve on that!
Encouragement. That's why we love y'all.
Same, to be honest. They called me a filthy degenerate and I told them to divide by zero!
I was banned for thirty days after I sent mine, but I’m back now!
Should have tried that, ban hammer abounds for sending HRC pics 🤣
Damnit man! Can I get mine back??
So it's not required? But are there advantages if we do is what i wanna know.
*News, not nudes! Sorry for the misunderstanding...
Should have corrected this months ago. Lol.
HR enters the chat…
I feel safer knowing they keep secure reference photos of my sexy 300lb bod… could make it easier to identify me in the event I’m at some future J6 type event
We look after our anons!
6’10” tall I bet
I've heard he's 4'7". A lovely beach ball.
He can reeeeally pull off the striped shirts!
This no doubt makes meme-of-the-day. Literal LOL.
I needed that LOL.
After I sent mine some of the females mods got really excited and sent me nudes back!
Wew lads.
Yea but at least they don't ask for nudes of your children!
Haha eww
I didn’t realize it was a requirement? I just sent nudes because I love all of the mods here. Even bleached my bum for their viewing pleasure.
lol All jokes aside, the mod team here deserves all of the love and praise because mods elsewhere, especially on site not thedonald and great awakening? Filled with commies and commie enablers/apologists.
You guys only have to send them once a week?
Yeah once VOAT went under they lowered the requirement.
I don't mind that so much, but why the butt hole closeup requirement?
Shit... I did not know that was (click) an (click) option!!!
I (click) thought (click) they would (click) get pissed off at (click) stuff like (click) that!!!
Until morale improves, the nudes will continue
Just shut up and take your ketamine.
I got a two week ban when I sent mine in...
Honestly, at this point, I'm just glad I'm not the only one who had to.
Weird is right. Nudes of frogs??? What is wrong with them??? 🐸
Wait…its weird?
Ugh! Nobody wants to see all that. 😂🤣
You only have to send them weekly?
Does this mean that I can stop sending my nudes in?
They don’t call her big Mike for nothing. It must be witnessed.
I’ll try to switch up my spaghetti pics with ramen this week
I'll go as far as my budgie smugglers and no further.
Churdle churdle
fuckin lol