We're totally going to learn soon that the actual motive for the FBI's raid on Mar-a-Lago was to stop the declassified Crossfire Hurricane documents from being released to the public.
Agreed. I would say that they were also after the Presidential Emergency Action Documents (PEADS). Never forget Trump blatantly waving around the red folder on Jan 6 for the cameras.
I bet there's a lot more damning evidence in those docs than the Crossfire Hurricane scandal. But that would be a good place to get started on exposing and prosecuting the FBI.
THATS 100% CORRECT God Bless President Donald Trump, his wife, family, legal team, friends, Q followers, most of all his security team and their families too, God Bless America and you the reader Too. 🙏
I wonder if those classified docs in the red folder were evidence of several of the cabal team members chats and plans regarding taking out Trump, and not just via scandal accusations.
I suspect it was used for trolling. Why else would you show the red folder ? Trump may not have possession but it is in the possession of the WH's. Also suspect it was Demon bait. Forced the DS to make a bad move and draw attention to their act of Treason.
I wish someone can find that footage from Jan 6th where Don Jr is holding some red folder. Who knows, perhaps that was the folder and they had been trolling all along!
While I did not see it. Thank you for sharing. I totally agree it was used for trolling. Why else would you show the red folder ? Trump may not have possession but it is in the possession of the WH's. Suspect it was Demon bait.
And then after the Rickroll video plays, a bobble headed animation of Trump comes on saying,"Ah ah ah, you didn't say the magic word!" over and over again like the fat guy in Jurassic Park.
John Solomon was there. I saw an interview with him over a year ago where he stated: Trump declassified 30 boxes of documents and instructed some attorneys to pack them up and get them to the offices of "Just the News".
He further stated that one of the attendees swept a bunch of documents from the table into a box and handed the box to him. That is ALL he got - the 30 boxes NEVER arrived.
It has long bothered me, that nobody ever talked about this. But now I wonder, if this isn't purposeful. At the time, I was not familiar with John Solomon, nor JTN, but now that I am, it seems funny that he never talks about this.
Jon Herold, and others on Badlands Media, went through this CNN story the other day, and lo' and behold, John Soloman figured heavily in the article.
It pertains to the case of the doc that Jack Smith said was "missing" when Trump asked for them in his motion to compel discovery. They were trying to find documents. The general theory is that the military is holding the "Trump Cards"
We’re totally going to learn soon that the US, UK and other Western intelligence services were set up by and for freemasons, and are effectively the in-house secret police, private militia, extortionists, assassins, blackmailers, agents provocateurs, coup d’etatistes and criminal enforcers for the ordo ab chao, NWO, OWG globohomos.
If not why would they care? Who would stop them now they have complete power and own all the media, justice systems and branches of government that matter?
What happen to Bidens documents found in his garage next to his corvette? His attorneys said look at we found WTF, why would an attorney disclose that? ODD.
(a) A lawyer shall not reveal information relating to the representation of a client unless the client gives informed consent, the disclosure is impliedly authorized in order to carry out the representation or the disclosure is permitted by paragraph (b).
I know there are some mixed opinions regarding Juan O Savin, but here is the his version of the story on the Mar-A-Lago raid.
According to Juan, the FBI was looking for something called "The Biscuit", (to be differentiated from "The Football"), a top secret card containing the authorization nuclear launch codes. Juan has theorized that the biscuit has been destroyed, only remaining in Trump's memory. Why does Trump keep bringing up the cognitive test and the strange memory exercises he had to perform? Because he needs to signal his health and nuclear code knowledge to the military folks in charge of the nukes, the folks who are still living in the Cheyenne Mountain military complex, and have since COVID broke out. We are still under a state of war. And Trump is supposedly still the Commander in Chief.
We're totally going to learn soon that the actual motive for the FBI's raid on Mar-a-Lago was to stop the declassified Crossfire Hurricane documents from being released to the public.
Agreed. I would say that they were also after the Presidential Emergency Action Documents (PEADS). Never forget Trump blatantly waving around the red folder on Jan 6 for the cameras.
This is what I suspect
You suspect it because you know, deep down. We will be proven right someday, fren
No doubt they want to know all the dirt they have on them. They really need to wait .This will be provided to them during the discovery phase.
I bet there's a lot more damning evidence in those docs than the Crossfire Hurricane scandal. But that would be a good place to get started on exposing and prosecuting the FBI.
no one around here is going to take that bet. kek
Anaconda enters the chat..
Brother I suspect the folder had nothing but used as bait. I suspect the WH have all that secured.
Mike Gill has been saying this very thing.
Time will confirm it one way or the other.
THATS 100% CORRECT God Bless President Donald Trump, his wife, family, legal team, friends, Q followers, most of all his security team and their families too, God Bless America and you the reader Too. 🙏
Amen,. we did a group prayer today asking the same.
I am pretty sure this has to do with the red file Trump is holding in Eric’s birthday video which went viral around January 2020.
Exactly and why President Trump trolled them. Hard for them to hide the evidence if it is still readily available.
I wonder if those classified docs in the red folder were evidence of several of the cabal team members chats and plans regarding taking out Trump, and not just via scandal accusations.
I doubt there was anything in those folders.
I mean, what Trump was signaling via flashing it. Like hey I got the goods, FAFO.
Great bait.
January 6, 2021
After the notes at HW’s funeral, this is thing I’m most curious about.
There it is.
I suspect it was used for trolling. Why else would you show the red folder ? Trump may not have possession but it is in the possession of the WH's. Also suspect it was Demon bait. Forced the DS to make a bad move and draw attention to their act of Treason.
Amen, if you want success always use the right bait.
Always like your perspective. You let that just flow in.
Thank you.
I wish someone can find that footage from Jan 6th where Don Jr is holding some red folder. Who knows, perhaps that was the folder and they had been trolling all along!
While I did not see it. Thank you for sharing. I totally agree it was used for trolling. Why else would you show the red folder ? Trump may not have possession but it is in the possession of the WH's. Suspect it was Demon bait.
I was literally thinking about this same thing yesterday and came to the same conclusion as you.
I saw it. It was under a tent before rally...
Yep that one
Nice thanks!
Is that DJT jr doing the recording?
It probobly contains an encrypted message, which when broken point to a link to a rickroll video lmao
kek, they spend like 5 months decrypting it only to find it's a rickroll video
And then after the Rickroll video plays, a bobble headed animation of Trump comes on saying,"Ah ah ah, you didn't say the magic word!" over and over again like the fat guy in Jurassic Park.
That would be epic!
I said it 6 months ago here: https://greatawakening.win/p/16bPeTGzXr/x/c/4Tv8bF1RxJK
Jon Herold, and others on Badlands Media, went through this CNN story the other day, and lo' and behold, John Soloman figured heavily in the article.
So they think the folder is the only copy?
This was my first reaction. Old thinking. No-one has only a paper copy.
Appears so.
Q does say they have it all. And Trump does says I caught them all.
That should have clued them in.
It pertains to the case of the doc that Jack Smith said was "missing" when Trump asked for them in his motion to compel discovery. They were trying to find documents. The general theory is that the military is holding the "Trump Cards"
That is what I suspect also. I doubt there was anything in the red folder to begin with.
That sounds plausible.
I suspect this was done to get them to make bad moves.
Oh look, the Clinton News Network uncovered Trump's plot to hide the truth about the election from the public.
Brother, they are desperately trying to regain control of the narrative they have lost.
No question you are right about them being desperate - they're stuck repeating the same old lies.
Amen Brother, there is your sign they are cornered.
Oh Happy Day!
We’re totally going to learn soon that the US, UK and other Western intelligence services were set up by and for freemasons, and are effectively the in-house secret police, private militia, extortionists, assassins, blackmailers, agents provocateurs, coup d’etatistes and criminal enforcers for the ordo ab chao, NWO, OWG globohomos.
It is all coming out now.
This is very juicy for us "Russia 'interfered' by stopping the Dominion-driven fraud" theorists.
Desperately seeking what proof they have on their crimes.
Red folder?
I suspect nothing in the red folder. But it was used to get them to expose themselves.
That proves to me Q is legit.
If not why would they care? Who would stop them now they have complete power and own all the media, justice systems and branches of government that matter?
Cos clearly they dont.
Exactly, none of this would be getting out to the public.
What happen to Bidens documents found in his garage next to his corvette? His attorneys said look at we found WTF, why would an attorney disclose that? ODD. (a) A lawyer shall not reveal information relating to the representation of a client unless the client gives informed consent, the disclosure is impliedly authorized in order to carry out the representation or the disclosure is permitted by paragraph (b).
They made distance from that story. Other then no charges pending.
I know there are some mixed opinions regarding Juan O Savin, but here is the his version of the story on the Mar-A-Lago raid.
According to Juan, the FBI was looking for something called "The Biscuit", (to be differentiated from "The Football"), a top secret card containing the authorization nuclear launch codes. Juan has theorized that the biscuit has been destroyed, only remaining in Trump's memory. Why does Trump keep bringing up the cognitive test and the strange memory exercises he had to perform? Because he needs to signal his health and nuclear code knowledge to the military folks in charge of the nukes, the folks who are still living in the Cheyenne Mountain military complex, and have since COVID broke out. We are still under a state of war. And Trump is supposedly still the Commander in Chief.
Thank you for sharing this. I had heard about the CIC. But was not aware of the rest you shared with me.
Dude is definitely not an anon.
Another you can not tell the people, you have to show the people moment.