Yes, but that's why there are supposed to be weapons experts on scene to ensure the guns used in movies are either incapable of firing, or absolutely unloaded.
I understand your point, and that's how I treat guns too. They're always loaded, even if you just unloaded it, but different reasons to have a gun, and reasons to aim it at people consentingly, securely, and safely. And before you hit me with "IT'S NEVER SAFE", they usually remove the firing pin, use a solid dummy magazine, and block the barrel and chamber... If two consenting adults want to do that in a theatrical setting, then so be it, it's safe enough for them.
Of course, there's blanks, but that's a whole different story with different safety regulations because blanks can still kill you with air pressure.
I was shot in the face from the side by a pistol with blanks. It peppered my face but, luckily, missed my eye. This happened in a public park in the UK. My parents reported it to a policeman at the entrance but nothing happened. "Just kids playing."
That doesn't make anything I said false, so what's your point? Nobody made sure the gun was unloaded, completely free of live ammunition, or made inoperable. , and that let Baldwin kill someone... What does it being a revolver have anything to do with my point?
Actually, can you articulate what my point even was, because I'm almost positive you missed it.
It doesn’t matter what he thinks he knew. Anyone who picks up a gun should remember an important rule: ALWAYS assume the gun is loaded! So if you are to point a gun at anyone even for “acting” or playing pretend you absolutely need to check for yourself that there are no bullets in there. Seriously it takes a second and in this case could have saved a woman’s life if only Alec followed such gun safety rules and not assume that responsibility on anyone but himself.
"The only way the testers could get it to fire was by striking the gun with a mallet while the hammer was down and resting on the cartridge or by pulling the trigger while it was fully cocked. The gun eventually broke during testing."
In other words it took a huge amount of force to attempt to get it to "accidentally" misfire.
Better yet, this is a movie set, why are there firearms capable of fire a projectile in the first place? That firearm was going to fire the next time the trigger was pulled and it would have hit another actor during a scene instead of the camera operator.
ANYONE who has ever handled a firearm has been taught to ALWAYS, always, always confirm the status of the weapon upon taking custody. Crybaby said he relied upon the weapon expert who told him it was cold. He failed to verify. This death rests solely on him. No one else. Others may be complicit in her death, but the actual cause of death was in baldyboys hand/finger.....
Also too... word is the lady was also working on a documentary of Pedophilia in pedowood...
Some people wait years, decades even, for justice. Some never get justice in their lifetime. Some people never get justice at all. Ask the victims of Stalin and Pol Pot if they got justice. Ask those of Mao. There are people who watched their children butchered and raped before their eyes. A lot of them did not get justice right away.
Sadly so true. But all those examples were not in the USA. While I am an NZer, I have always had this naive view that things were different there and to some degree the rest of the West. My eyes are open now and I know evil moves among us freely and with the blessing of those in power. But it's sad to have one's illusions shattered even if they were foolish. Now I know better. But yes - millions sacrificed on the alter of communism and still children are programmed into believing it is the answer, when it is really the problem.
Oh come on Epoch Times...“after a prop gun fired a live round” ?!?!?!? Guns are inanimate objects that require a person to fire the gun. Baldwin fired the gun. The “gun” didn’t shoot by itself. Since when have you taken up the far left’s narrative style?
So while it's always nice to see justice I can't but think of all the resources that are going to be spent prosecuting a man that very obviously did not set out to kill any and was almost certainly never going to do it again, while our over-strained resources release legitimately dangerous people into our communities to kill or rape again.
I bet that murderer thought he had gotten away with it, I hope he fries.
Do you think he knew the gun was loaded and purposely tried to shoot someone?
Yes,because all guns are loaded and should never be pointed at something unless you plan to kill it
Yes, but that's why there are supposed to be weapons experts on scene to ensure the guns used in movies are either incapable of firing, or absolutely unloaded.
I understand your point, and that's how I treat guns too. They're always loaded, even if you just unloaded it, but different reasons to have a gun, and reasons to aim it at people consentingly, securely, and safely. And before you hit me with "IT'S NEVER SAFE", they usually remove the firing pin, use a solid dummy magazine, and block the barrel and chamber... If two consenting adults want to do that in a theatrical setting, then so be it, it's safe enough for them.
Of course, there's blanks, but that's a whole different story with different safety regulations because blanks can still kill you with air pressure.
I was shot in the face from the side by a pistol with blanks. It peppered my face but, luckily, missed my eye. This happened in a public park in the UK. My parents reported it to a policeman at the entrance but nothing happened. "Just kids playing."
It happens! People think blanks are totally safe and point blank shoot themselves or their friends, and end up killing that friend or dead themselves.
It was a revolver.
That doesn't make anything I said false, so what's your point? Nobody made sure the gun was unloaded, completely free of live ammunition, or made inoperable. , and that let Baldwin kill someone... What does it being a revolver have anything to do with my point?
Actually, can you articulate what my point even was, because I'm almost positive you missed it.
It doesn’t matter what he thinks he knew. Anyone who picks up a gun should remember an important rule: ALWAYS assume the gun is loaded! So if you are to point a gun at anyone even for “acting” or playing pretend you absolutely need to check for yourself that there are no bullets in there. Seriously it takes a second and in this case could have saved a woman’s life if only Alec followed such gun safety rules and not assume that responsibility on anyone but himself.
Sounds like. People get the weirdest hate hard-ons around here.
No. I think he wanted to finish the movie and a killing would definitely not promote that end.
He was following orders. Take out the Ukrainian who was working on an expose about the phedophiles. Duh.
"The only way the testers could get it to fire was by striking the gun with a mallet while the hammer was down and resting on the cartridge or by pulling the trigger while it was fully cocked. The gun eventually broke during testing."
In other words it took a huge amount of force to attempt to get it to "accidentally" misfire.
With a projectile that could cause an end to life.
Sounds like it should have been placed in a bucket of sand facing satans forehead, instead of the camera operator
Better yet, this is a movie set, why are there firearms capable of fire a projectile in the first place? That firearm was going to fire the next time the trigger was pulled and it would have hit another actor during a scene instead of the camera operator.
ANYONE who has ever handled a firearm has been taught to ALWAYS, always, always confirm the status of the weapon upon taking custody. Crybaby said he relied upon the weapon expert who told him it was cold. He failed to verify. This death rests solely on him. No one else. Others may be complicit in her death, but the actual cause of death was in baldyboys hand/finger.....
Also too... word is the lady was also working on a documentary of Pedophilia in pedowood...
A member of the band Chicago was playing Russian roulette.
He even told another bandmate "Don't worry, it's not loaded."
Those were his last words.
This POS needs to be in general population then his pedophilia revealed...
About Time
When You Post a Link, PLEASE remove the "?" and the trackers that follow it.
Shit: we need a distraction! Indict that actor! No he won't be charged guilty, but people will have their eyes glued to the television!
The whole story and what happened seems so fake and stage. None of it makes sense.
I wonder what else he was guilty of and pleaded or snitched.
I thought he got off on this charge months ago?
Oh this is too good!
Alec, you silly bitch
paywall - bummer
Got you fam!
Here's a link that asks for email - don't give it, but just click and watch their video:
I always just misspell my email, lol
I just click on "Reader" view in Firefox.
Justice delayed is justice denied and boy oh boy has this been delayed.
Some people wait years, decades even, for justice. Some never get justice in their lifetime. Some people never get justice at all. Ask the victims of Stalin and Pol Pot if they got justice. Ask those of Mao. There are people who watched their children butchered and raped before their eyes. A lot of them did not get justice right away.
It takes patience and time.
Sadly so true. But all those examples were not in the USA. While I am an NZer, I have always had this naive view that things were different there and to some degree the rest of the West. My eyes are open now and I know evil moves among us freely and with the blessing of those in power. But it's sad to have one's illusions shattered even if they were foolish. Now I know better. But yes - millions sacrificed on the alter of communism and still children are programmed into believing it is the answer, when it is really the problem.
This is comms. This story is always comms.
Oh come on Epoch Times...“after a prop gun fired a live round” ?!?!?!? Guns are inanimate objects that require a person to fire the gun. Baldwin fired the gun. The “gun” didn’t shoot by itself. Since when have you taken up the far left’s narrative style?
So while it's always nice to see justice I can't but think of all the resources that are going to be spent prosecuting a man that very obviously did not set out to kill any and was almost certainly never going to do it again, while our over-strained resources release legitimately dangerous people into our communities to kill or rape again.
The woman he murdered was targeted. She was about to expose the Clinton's. She was a reporter
I heard she was working on a documentary on child trafficking...Clinton? Epstein? Baldwin on film, on the island?