Just a Vibe check on all you Pepes...😉😎
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5, comfortably numb. I wish I had known this would take a decade or more.
No you don't LOL.
Ain’t that the truth
Just 2 moar weeks
I'm at about the 3-4 level. But I should be happier than that as things are coming together for my family. I'm a new grandma since last Tuesday. Grandchild #12 and most likely the last. Last minute prepping items have arrived. Just got my emergency space heater from mypatriotssupply.com. Got to keep the little one's cozy and warm if/when SHTF. Well you know what I mean.
Dang. 12 grandkids! Are you a good Catholic or a bad Baptist? ;)
I guess I'd be the bad Baptist. But hey! I didn't cause it; I only have 2 kids. My son has 5 and 3 stepsons, my daughter has 4. They get all the blame.
Congratulations! Love to hear about new life.
Thanks. He's a beautiful little boy. The last little Indian in my tribe.
Congratulations Mary!! A precious new little blessing and patriot! 👶🙏💕
Yes, he is soooooo cute. I finally got to hold him yesterday for the first time as I have had this bad congestive cough for going on 3 weeks now. Been taking Ivermectin, Vitamin C and D and Zinc. Loosening up but still won't go away.
Now, what will I call a Cherish with some Italian? Got any suggestions. Maybe he's an Ittle Cherish.
Zero today.
Dwacw up 13k today.
I'm at 1-2 on the Pepe scale and have been for a while and maintaining a constant state of prayer! 🙏🙌😎
That is very good, I was about the same,before dwac went up. It's easier for me as I live in a very conservative state.
Excited for you! We never got around to buying any but rethinking and hope it's not too late...
Their is still a lot of upside I belive. Use a good broker, not robbinhood.
Ok... thanks!
Good broker suggestions?
I use etrade, same as deepfukingvalue.
Fidelity is also considered very good.
Has a long way to go to get to its all time high of $97.25. But I agree with your assesment......hodl!
☝️ That's when I bought in. Holding.
1-2. Why? Because I have a lot to be grateful for and there is no use whining and whinging, as the Brits say. I really like that term. It seems like the more you do it, the more negativity is brought upon you.
I realize so much we’re “shown” in the media is to demoralize. I will not let that happen. The left wants us demoralized, hopeless, angry and the most favorable thing for them is to get us to incite violence because that’s what THEY do. It’s like the recent report that the Feebs are going to start arresting anyone who was outside the Capitol J6. It is a provocative message. They want us to become unhinged. Don’t let that happen! Look around you and take stock in what you have. God is number one on my list. We never walk alone.
This is the hardest part of battle. Actual combat. It isn’t the action.. it’s the inaction. The stuff you cannot see. The uncertainty. The waiting. The quiet. I firmly believe we will get through this but not if we are crumbling, shaking and afraid.
Remain positive. Hold the effing line!!!!!!
"I realize so much we’re “shown” in the media is to demoralize. I will not let that happen. The left wants us demoralized, hopeless, angry and the most favorable thing for them is to get us to incite violence because that’s what THEY do."
Words of wisdom fren. Written with eloquence.
Absolutely THIS! ☝️👏
2 to 7 - varies depending on events, time and mood.
Way to not answer at all haha
Not really. Its actually accurate. Our thoughts and feelings are always in a flux. They aren't even ours per se. We are the observers of the thoughts and feelings that pass by. The level of attachment to those thoughts and feelings defines the degree of ego to claim those are "mine". As we continue to observe than to get attached, more frequently, the swing span of pendulum continues to reduce to approach the ultimate neutral score of 5
Alan Watts has entered the chat 😂😎🤣
U win today 😁
8-9 The slowest never ending plan. Punish the good people of our country to wake up the stupid is not a good plan in my opinion. We are on year 7 and everything is worse in our country. Without ever fixing voting fraud I see no way for anything to change. Trump may overcome the next cheat, but Dems will win house and senate.
I hear ya. I have miserable a.f family members because they don't have their jobs anymore. And their vibe spreads. I got family with heads in the sand because they admit they can't cope with the truth and I lost a heap of so called friends because I'm the "farking idiot" for declining the jab. I try to stay positive and believe positive thinking is important but I bloody hear ya.
Klaus Schwab told some guy at WEF (or Davos?) that "they" now have the ability to predict who will win elections, so there won't need to be elections.
Replace the word sad with rage and I'd agree.
1-2. Only because I've began doing pushups and my arms ache. 100 Pushups per day and I now have the beginnings of pecs. Wow! Toss some mild cardio into your daily routine and see some impressive physical results, plus it is a good way to get healthier. How good is it to have buckets of rice, beans and wheat in your pantry if you cannot lift them whent the time to get into them comes? Get heatlth along with your prepping and you will be happier.
How could you not be interested in this Awakening process!
It's got everything!
It's the Greatest Show on Earth!
8, very sad.
Had to put three cats down last year, another got outside three days ago and we haven't seen him since, I found out one of the bills hasn't been paid in several months, and a chicken has started shitting on our car.
A chicken.
I know this is going to end. The question is whether this will end before we have vital utilities cut off and/or our only working vehicle is rendered inoperable--or repossessed.
The return of Trump cannot happen soon enough.
Well you gave me a laugh. A chicken 😅🐥🐤 I got fifty of them 😅
That was completely serious.
I know. Sorry if I upset you. I hate guinea fowl because they were shitting all over my car.
10 when I saw yesterday that these demons left the customs and border control in California and Mexico open and all the illegals buses were passing through very fast. Nobody was there to stop them. 🥲
Solid 2 after DWAC. I broke even today. That's a great feeling. Normally I'm at a permanent 5. Since 2020, I've gone through the five stages of grief. The severe demoralization has impacted me so hard, with so much anger and depression that I'm just numb to everything. I recognize the brain can only take so much before numbness sets in to defend you. Aliens could literally land right next to me and I wouldn't really react or care. I've got more important stuff on my mind ya know?
Same here, trying to keep my spirits up but it's tough daily.
3-4, battle fatigue has made this my new normal.
I’m a 5. Just entered in to a new decade yesterday- turned 40. Part of me feels like high school was just yesterday. I’m a forever optimist but have had a rough few months. Hoping this new decade will be better for me and my family.
A mix of high and low, depending on what I'm thinking about.
Millions of people dead from the jab -- and many more to come? Not so happy.
Being alive for the greatest long moment in human history: freeing mankind from the ancient Cabal (and other, more recent corrupt organizations)? Feeling terrific.
Mad as hell.
usually 5- I have a Zoom interview @11 👍so back to 1-2 oh, I am a university professor-back to10😜
I’m at 1-2, but am getting tired.
Right now a 2 but in less than two months our mortgage will be paid off and we'll be about $900 per month better off! Unfortunately, I'll almost certainly have to replace the central heating boiler this year ($3500) and a replacement car might be required quite soon as this one is 19 years old. Hey, but I mustn't grumble.
Every time something in the political arena happens that would have angered me four years ago I now see normies being pushed to the precipice.
I live in a 0. Jesus warms my heart and fills me with Joy :)
I would say I’m generally 2-3, but I've gotten really good at giving it to God when I slip to the 4-5 range.
I won't feel happy without feeling the pain. This make sense?
If I had to pick I fluctuate between 4-6. Bigly
I'm in the Z Row
"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."
I use this phrase when I feel peace and joy slipping away. It's a great way to move from 10 to zero. Just be clear on what you want 'added unto you'. Pray for what you want and don't give so much energy to what you don't want. Simple but not easy. Particularly in these end times.
1-2, cautiously ecstatic. 😁
partly due to things in my personal life turning around too, it's serendipity. maybe we're all rising together.
0 is Happy and 10 is Pain?
FINALLY. being a zero out of 10 is an advantage for me
We live in a clown world, remember? Everything is upside down here.
I am good, I am already upside down, out here in Downunder.
Kek! Howz it hangin?