Can you help me guys? It **SEEMS** I'm getting closer and closer to SOLVE the -BAFFLING- issues of our times, but... still can't quite put my finger on it!
🧐 Research Wanted 🤔

Clearly a result of climate change and a lack of diversity.
It's Trump's fault.
I'm surprised they haven't blamed Trump for the 'vaccine' deaths yet
That’s coming unfortunately. We all know it.
Getting a little late though. Civil war/ ww3 is getting close. I'm guessing they can't do it because WHs will release info they created the bio weapon and released it and screwed w/ the vax to make it kill people without Trump knowing.
Don't forget Putin.
Clearly, lack of pronouns is the cause of death
Could be. Doctors are baffled. I'm not a doctor, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night...
Probably a lot of white folks dying and the POC's are pissed because they aren't having the same love from the MSM.
Let me see... The deaths correlate 1:1 with the number of people vaxxinated. And the deaths are only in the people vaxxinated. And the reasons for death are well-known side effects of the vaxx.
I'm baffled. The only thing I can tell you is that it's definitely not the vaxx. Correlation is not causation.
It's got to be the Unvaxxed causing all this.
Those selfish bigots need to be interred in camps.
The vaxxed are dying because the unvaxxed won't get the jab. They died because you don't believe.
And vaccinated against their will!
Yah, and everyone knows that covid caused an explosion in recreational activities. Everyone was working from home, i.e. going outside and playing!
The excess deaths were no doubt from surfing.
Thanks for adding links to the sauces
Maybe it's racism, DEI or climate change.
DEI aka DIE.
I'm stumped. Time to bring in the experts
hmmmmm.... nope I have nothing.
I had to laugh at that one!
See what net neutrality repeal leads to ...
Good riddance, libs
Satan trying to claim as many souls as he can before The Great Awakening.
Just think how much worse it could have been! Oh! Nevermind.
Andrew Bourla in The WEF with the candlestick.
No! Wait. With the syringe.
You mean green haired person in pic isn't smarter and more virtuous than me?
Tough one to figure. Such a damned shame that so many good people were duped into taking it.
I guess real estate in Portugal will be a buyers market for a while….
The new and improved vaxx and booster shots are now available for those who haven't died yet.
And these people welill just think they're sick and never figure it out.
Doctors are clearly baffled.
We need fauci back to make this make sense. He is the SME (subject matter expert) on this.