I have no doubt when the Great Awakening occurs were going to get livestreams of all of the military tribunals including McCain, Bush 41, QEII, Obama, Biden, Hillary, etc.
Debate still rages whether or not [NO NAME] was responsible for the disaster of the USS Forrestal in 1967. I lean toward the affirmative, since the [DS] is so adamantly denying it.
I served in the Navy 63-66 on a light crusier-I found out the "Tonkin Gulf Incident was fake many years later and now, the Uss Forrestal disaster was caused by a bottom of his class prankster lacking a sense of humor. Only his daddy and gramps kept him from Ft. Leavenworth...
I've heard the stories, and this one just scrapes the surface. Truly, 2 tiers of justice. At least this one was remedied eventually. I'm just sorry it wasn't more public.
I know a guy who flew with him....he told me [No Name] was a shit pilot who routinely put the rest of the squadron in peril.
But he is finally the one that is damned now, even if it did take decades for any justice to be served upon him. I choose to believe he will spend eternity in hell paying for his many crimes.
I pray that his victims find peace and rest with the Lord.
That is true. While John McCain could have tried harder, there was cheating involved in 2008. A whole host of elections have had cheating for some time. 1948, 1960. 1992, 2000, and 2004 also come to mind.
Maybe slightly better though he would have started a war with Libya. Then we would have gotten Hillary in 2012 and she would have gotten us into a war with Iran or Russia.
Don't say his name then....
Yup...came here to say just that.
Yup me too....sheesh
It's not that hard a concept.
kek- me too
Wish his “best buddie” in the senate would make an exit.
His name is No-Name
Read this below how he killed 20 people, lost five aircraft, due to his grandfather and father being Admirals McCain was lazy and incompetent https://vietnamveteransagainstjohnmccain.com/cin_mccain_lost_five_u/
No name recived 28 medals in total. One and a half medals for each hour of combat. His father was commander of the pacific fleet at the time.....
-Kissinger to Bill Richardson and NONAME
John son of Cain
they can't kill him again...
We didn't even get to see the video of the trial and its consequences. I would watch it multiple times to trigger Meghan and prove her words false.
I have no doubt when the Great Awakening occurs were going to get livestreams of all of the military tribunals including McCain, Bush 41, QEII, Obama, Biden, Hillary, etc.
No Name's in a Lake of Fire 🔥🔥🔥
The only regret I have for McStain's passing is that the public did not get to see his execution. Maybe someday video will surface.
Debate still rages whether or not [NO NAME] was responsible for the disaster of the USS Forrestal in 1967. I lean toward the affirmative, since the [DS] is so adamantly denying it.
I served in the Navy 63-66 on a light crusier-I found out the "Tonkin Gulf Incident was fake many years later and now, the Uss Forrestal disaster was caused by a bottom of his class prankster lacking a sense of humor. Only his daddy and gramps kept him from Ft. Leavenworth...
I've heard the stories, and this one just scrapes the surface. Truly, 2 tiers of justice. At least this one was remedied eventually. I'm just sorry it wasn't more public.
I know a guy who flew with him....he told me [No Name] was a shit pilot who routinely put the rest of the squadron in peril.
Thank you for your service, fren.
Thank you for caring! 😊
Good ol' Johny WetStart?
Yepper, a delayed kamikaze attack on his ship-too damned effective, too. 😒
Yes, way too damned effective!
But he is finally the one that is damned now, even if it did take decades for any justice to be served upon him. I choose to believe he will spend eternity in hell paying for his many crimes.
I pray that his victims find peace and rest with the Lord.
His shipmates confirmed it.
You mean the guy, who's name we don't say, who gave us Obama Care with his betrayal vote? Nope.
I dunno who that is. Forgot name .....
This idiot likely threw the 2008 Presidential election.
he didn't throw it, they already knew Renegade was going to win and made sure he did. 2020 isn't the only year they cheated.
That is true. While John McCain could have tried harder, there was cheating involved in 2008. A whole host of elections have had cheating for some time. 1948, 1960. 1992, 2000, and 2004 also come to mind.
I remember 2000, algore threw a shit fit because he didnt cheat as hard.
Things would have been better if he won?
Maybe slightly better though he would have started a war with Libya. Then we would have gotten Hillary in 2012 and she would have gotten us into a war with Iran or Russia.
John Who?? Shhh don't say his name
you mean "NO NAME!"
You mean McStain? No, never.
Haven't seen that name in a while...
Every Dog has his Day
Cindy and Meghan…that is all…🤔
Unfortunately the North Vietnamese missed him! If only they had been more accurate with that missile! But I digress!
No i just miss John McClaine
I just hope noname died hard....
Good one!
Like an itchy hole
Fun fact, the only time Q has said the phrase "Put to death" was the day after the post with the exact minute of his death.
The Q team thanks him for his contribution to the best Q proof ever!!!