This is why Trump can’t be allowed to be President again
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So let me take a wild guess here. Just guessing- The real reason that the binder info was never made public, is because it incriminates not only high level democrats, but also high level establishment republicans.
Uniparty be like:
Kash Patel said that it implicates the Obama regime. They can’t let that happen
I don't fucking care who it implicates it needs to be released. What a bunch of pussies
If anyone is on the edge of their seat and wants to know what is in the binder. This would be a great place to start.
Much of this information was written and consumed in real time thanks to Sundance.
I do not vouch for SD, everyone has an opinion. I don't care about the messenger in this case. I care more about the message.
Once you get started down this rabbit hole, just change your search terms to different characters in the saga and different key words.
For example, Brennan, Clapper, Stryzk, Page, Bruce Ohr, Nellie Ohr, Bill Priestap, Andrew McCabe, James Comey (Corney), SSCI (Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, the real UNI-party vortex that ran the whole thing for the IC, along with the Gang of 8), crossfire hurricane, spygate, you name it. It's practically all there.
The fact of the matter is that Everything Is Known. It's been known for a long time.
The answer is either the Military.
If not them, then We The People.
Those are the only 2 options left. No one else is coming to save us.
If the military doesn't, or We don't, then it's over. Everything is over. The great Constitutional Republic will have joined history with all of the other empires who fell along the way.
Is she worth saving? I still believe in our country. I still believe in US.
Well said and well done, Patriot. o7
And you'd be like 100% correct.
yeah, they're all in on it....the great theft of America by the uniparty.....everyone getting rich except the actual workers and taxpayers.....
Birds of a feather flock together.
Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do: he hath been a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, then speaketh he of his own: for he is a liar, and the father thereof. ---John 8: 44 1599 Geneva Bible
All the more reason to get our hands on it!
There's a zero percent chance that the binder is missing. Maybe the cowardly feds don't know where it is, but I'm sure that the right people know exactly where and WHEN to "find" it.
If Trump has possession, I’m sure he has a deadman’s switch for it
Yep I bet he handed Tucker a copy, Elon a copy, Kash a copy, Dan Scavino a copy, the WarRoom a copy. I’m sure it’s in a few hands for “just in case”.
And Putin
No, I don’t think he’d send a copy to Putin haha! He’s not going to give Hilary her further delusional “Russia Collusion” ammo.
The "working together with Putin and Xi to bring down the NWO" is already enough ammo for the bad guys
Putin is the only one on that list with the balls to use the information if need be.
Maybe. Or Trump had decided it’s all about timing like so many other things in this digital fight for We The People.
As corrupted as the court system seems to be, military tribunals may become the next step. It may seem to Trump that the information from the binder can’t be released until that point.
What is in Cheyenne Mtn stays in Cheyenne Mtn ?
General Flynn made a statement that Trump is our President currently. My opinion Behind the scenes he's cleaning the swamp. The swamp creatures have been in office years and is deep rooted. Takes time....God willing. Thanks to all the Patriots for your efforts.
You know what would be funny? What if Trump doesn't even have that binder but is acting like he does just to get everyone looking for it? Then while they are looking around him and his properties, the WHs are actually trying to round up all the blackmail material on everyone else. It's possible the binder would've been stored where all the rest of the damning info is being stored. Maybe the good guys are grabbing all of the videos from the island, or from congress, or even hollywood.
Probably wishful thinking, but who knows?
Wonder if he stashed it in the WH somewhere before he left?
Joe checks under his mattress
So essentially a reverse Watergate.
Exposure would be the end of the Democratic Party so the only reason I can see for not revealing now is, is, can someone help me out here?
If I was Trump, when I get back to the White House I would say it was hidden all this time so he never has to admit he truly has it and ignores the subpoenas.
I’m gonna guess that the poker hand is still developing and the trump card will be played at the appropriate time
It’s all about timing. Trump says it. The media and swamp deny it. It is revealed.
more are exposed daily. engeron and fatty Willis are only 2 of the most recent
Wonder if they've looked hard enough into Letitia james and AAron whoever in NYC?
If reveal now people would get mad and then forget. Reveal it close the November people will get mad.....
it will show up at just the right time like Pelosis missing laptop
I think we can bank on that. I’m enjoying the ride…
I wonder where its at. Trunps copy that is. They have been trying to move heaven and earth to find it
Is this one of the reasons President Trump created his space force, the binder is somewhere on a spacecraft, somewhere in space, so the CIA can NEVER get their hands on it ? President Trump learned from JFK's assassination, CIA's capabilities.
Cool idea.
If we are paying taxes everything should be public. If agencies aren’t doing anything illegal, no need to worry and redact!
How did this suddenly get out? I didn't see it in the article. Anyone know?
Allowed? Hah! Like those arrogant bastards will have any choice!
if true... consequences from civilian authority would seem nullified due to widespread corruption in all federal law enforcement and judicial offices. yet they're still panicked.
its telling.
this seems to support the prospect of their ultimate fear- military tribunal and sudden death.
Q never said that, you’ve misread the drop.
ok he half misquoted it. there's still the quote about the said arrest
It was Trump.