Not to mention in my area if you sit in a restaurant it would leave you alone, but as soon as you stand up it was coming after you. Also after 8 PM he was starting its shift.
We had two X1 class solar flares yesterday from the same sun spot - AR 3590. There were NO CMEs produced by this flare activity that would have ejected material towards earth. They were simply non-earth facing flares so there should not be any disruptions to cell service. The radiation storm from a solar flare only affects the sunlit side of the earth in the direct path of the storm within minutes unlike a CME that ejects material and can take a few days to reach earth. Sometimes the radiation storm from a flare can impact navigation systems and radio - but not cellular network communications and the power grid. We are continuing to watch this particular area as it faces earth. Nothing to see here. It is unlikely that disrupted cellular communications can be attributed to the currently reported solar activity.
True. It would take more than an R3 or X1 class flare to really impact the parts of the RF spectrum that cellphones operate at. These types of flares can cause one or 2 hour long HF blackouts effecting things like shortwave HAM radio, shortwave broadcast radio, CB radio, and other radio services that operate at frequencies at or below 35 MHz. Besides that, my T-Mobile network connected (MNVO) phone was never effected.
I didn't have problems either. If this was a broad event like what they are trying to fear monger, it would have taken more phones out than just AT&T with a few outliers. Something else all together is happening and they may need a diversion or a distraction - also a bit of preprogramming.
But because we have a two-tiered justice system they never even arrested the solar flare. The solar flare was last seen walking away from the scene flipping everybody off.
I truly believe solar flares are dumber than the plandemic hoax but i have heard many "based" co workers today say "oh it was solar flares that caused this" and i just cant help but laugh at them. These people love to use their invisible enemies on the masses
Yes. AT&T is the only carrier that uses 3.7ghz band. A solar flare at this specific frequency would knock out the entire network. Then, the cell tower would need to reset their radio and register to the switch. Since the entire network would be down, this would flood the switch. Once the tower are register, then the phones would need to register with the switch.
So, guess what is even weirder? The only way for God to bring an important sermon to me that directly effected my life was via the radio. There is absolutely zero way I would ever hear it if the cell network was online.
Well haarp uses different frequencies to move the upper wind currents in weather warfare so is it a stretch to suggest they can direct frequencies to cut off cellular phones too?
My carrier was down too, in fact, there were numerous companies who lost service. I have consumer cellular and it was down from at least 415 am to around 7 am. I heard about att on the local 4 am news and tried to call a contact on my list. It wouldn't go through just stopped and did nothing.
Well duh—Climate Change has MUTATED now! This is the latest variant!! Quick run get a booster before climate change gives you myocarditis and a case of DIED SUDDENLY®️.
It's funny that it was a SELECTIVE solar flare.
It only affected AT&T... but no other telephone services world wide?
Must be a smart solar flare.
Well, the COVID virus was pretty smart, and didn't go farther than six feet. Also disappeared during BLM riots.
Not to mention in my area if you sit in a restaurant it would leave you alone, but as soon as you stand up it was coming after you. Also after 8 PM he was starting its shift.
Also hid behind corners and in churches, waiting to pounce
But avoided liquor stores. A deal the virus worked out with Pelosi.
A solar flare from Russia, Russia, Russia?
Keep looking. It's not selective.
Strangely enough, Verizon internet wasn't affected.
We had two X1 class solar flares yesterday from the same sun spot - AR 3590. There were NO CMEs produced by this flare activity that would have ejected material towards earth. They were simply non-earth facing flares so there should not be any disruptions to cell service. The radiation storm from a solar flare only affects the sunlit side of the earth in the direct path of the storm within minutes unlike a CME that ejects material and can take a few days to reach earth. Sometimes the radiation storm from a flare can impact navigation systems and radio - but not cellular network communications and the power grid. We are continuing to watch this particular area as it faces earth. Nothing to see here. It is unlikely that disrupted cellular communications can be attributed to the currently reported solar activity.
Space Weather by SolarHam
True. It would take more than an R3 or X1 class flare to really impact the parts of the RF spectrum that cellphones operate at. These types of flares can cause one or 2 hour long HF blackouts effecting things like shortwave HAM radio, shortwave broadcast radio, CB radio, and other radio services that operate at frequencies at or below 35 MHz. Besides that, my T-Mobile network connected (MNVO) phone was never effected.
I didn't have problems either. If this was a broad event like what they are trying to fear monger, it would have taken more phones out than just AT&T with a few outliers. Something else all together is happening and they may need a diversion or a distraction - also a bit of preprogramming.
Just had another X6.3 solar flare from the area we are watching - AR 3590. CME unlikely. It is appearing that this sun spot is busy.
X6.3 flare from AR 3590
And at 4AM when the USA isn't facing the sun.
But it was a solar flare from Nashville... Somebody said that the FBI was there.
But because we have a two-tiered justice system they never even arrested the solar flare. The solar flare was last seen walking away from the scene flipping everybody off.
Layer reports indicate that The solar flare appeared in Nadlers office...
LOL, “i’m no expert on space weather, thats a whole other level of specialty, I wish I knew more about.”
Proceeds to tell people as if they were the expert…
best part of that bit, hands down
I heard it hit several carriers. (Liberals are thinking how did a flare from the sun happen when it was dark?) kek
"Your sun is not my sun".
I truly believe solar flares are dumber than the plandemic hoax but i have heard many "based" co workers today say "oh it was solar flares that caused this" and i just cant help but laugh at them. These people love to use their invisible enemies on the masses
Yes. AT&T is the only carrier that uses 3.7ghz band. A solar flare at this specific frequency would knock out the entire network. Then, the cell tower would need to reset their radio and register to the switch. Since the entire network would be down, this would flood the switch. Once the tower are register, then the phones would need to register with the switch.
So, guess what is even weirder? The only way for God to bring an important sermon to me that directly effected my life was via the radio. There is absolutely zero way I would ever hear it if the cell network was online.
Well haarp uses different frequencies to move the upper wind currents in weather warfare so is it a stretch to suggest they can direct frequencies to cut off cellular phones too?
My carrier was down too, in fact, there were numerous companies who lost service. I have consumer cellular and it was down from at least 415 am to around 7 am. I heard about att on the local 4 am news and tried to call a contact on my list. It wouldn't go through just stopped and did nothing.
i use a carrier that rides on AT&T towers. was out.
It's a racist solar flare - that's what it is.
hey.... the sheep gobble that shit up!!! ;;;;;;;and beg for more!
The American media is awful
From the died suddenly excises Blaming climate change for everything What are they going to blame the economic collapse in?
Well duh—Climate Change has MUTATED now! This is the latest variant!! Quick run get a booster before climate change gives you myocarditis and a case of DIED SUDDENLY®️.
Did the ATT headquarters building get cut in half by a Destructo Disc? (It's a Dragon Ball Z reference)
Is she being coached by Timothy McVeigh?
faceberg will not let this post at ALL. marked as spam
Wasn't that building that got blown up AT&T as well?
Emily Dickinson…my buddy went to school with her. Shes a nice person and just accepts whats shes told.
Awwww, why'd it have to be OKC? They've not been impressing as much lately. Bummer.
But the msm, keepers of all information told me solar flares targeted at&t because of transphobia
was cell service disrupted in other countries or just the usa?
Moron central = main stream media. They even lie about the weather. Smh
If this is the case, why didn't we see any aurora borealis?
... but it's not just one.