Just having some thoughts...at least myself, after being awakened, I found myself standing for truth more often than not. I finally understood what our founders fought for. No longer a sheep.
But I've noticed that more and more I'm forced to choose between a relationship with either family, friends or dating, or the truth. I refuse to pretend everything is fine, I refuse to think BLM is a just and righteous movement. I refuse to call Biden a title he never earned. I refuse to pretend the mRNA shots work.
Never felt more alone than before. Yes we have this community, but real life relationships have definitely taken a toll.
Any ideas for how we can solve this?
We’re here for you. Always will be here for you.
That's gonna be a good time.
I might have to start a gofundme to pay for the air ticket (assuming there are any decent pilots left and planes that don't jettison their doors mid-flight) - but I'll be there :)
If it does become a real Event, I'd organize a Car Pool with any Frens to be found in my City. I'm going to bring a wad of cash to buy drinks and meals for any of my Favs on GA.win if I come across them.
It's shit like this that makes me want to learn how to fly a helicopter and say fuck it I'll do it myself.
You’re not alone Brother. I’ve lost count of the ruined marriages, friendships and all the rest. God is clearing a path for us and removing the negative energy before us. Stay strong its our time very soon.
If you want to be something greater, forgive them and then you can achieve more in life without having to fight back against those that hurt you. This is God’s way, just think of the parable of the servant who had his debt forgiven and then didn’t forgive his brother
Reality is and has always been self correcting. When .how soon the only issue.
Feel FREE to lie to yourself it it makes you feel better. Standing strong and alone in a raging storm is hard.
Truth wins. God wins. We are just not privy to date/time. Choose to be on the winning side ....or not.
All of us are dealing with this my friend! We have no choice but to hang tight to our truths! And see shat happen… or cave to them and live the lie! Some are waking up but damn it like poring syrup on. Cold day.
I sometimes wish we could build new face to face relationships with our frens here on GAW. I sincerely wish I had a based girlfren.
I found a based girl friend last Summer. Both of us are the only ones in our families that did not get the Vax. There is something extra special knowing we passed the biggest IQ test in modern history. Keep your head up and try looking for female PureBlood in your neck of the woods.
I will. Thank you.
I didn't see your original post, thanks for re-posting. I'll check it out.
Thanks for sharing!
Shat certainly happens, i concur.
Most of us here are in the same boat fren.
Yep. And I don't really care anymore. I have no more interest in intellectually lazy, MSM boot-licking, no backbone friends or family members. I just don't contact them or give a damn no more.
Be patient. A New Day is coming. When that day comes, all of us Patriots who have held each other up during the battles will party together!
Yep, TIME will bring us all PEACE!
After you have suffered for a little while, the God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, will Himself perfect, confirm, strengthen, and establish you. 1 Peter 5:10
I tend to keep my mouth closed at times when others would drop red pill bombs, because I want to be a bridge builder on the other side. It's a hard line to walk, but I firmly believe that the events in our near future will make life nearly unbearable. I don't want a strained relationship to be the reason a friend or family member doesn't reach out to me in their darkest hour. My burden is heavy, but it feels lighter because of this place. I would not have made it through covid without the digital support that I found here. You are stronger than you know, my fren, and the world after all of this will be worth whatever we must endure to get there.
Rereading your post before saving my comment, I realize that I didn't provide a solution as you asked. Just know that many of us feel the same way.
Thanks. That's all true. And on the bright side it's because of this community we were informed early on the clot shots were dangerous. So we can at least be thankful we aren't at risk for myocarditis.
Or cancer. Or VAIDS. Or communism.
I used to think along this line. Found it only enables their Insanity. If there's an obvious moral or ethical issue that is noticed and nothing is said or corrected by the peers that know better then they are only enabling that thought. Raise kids and find if you give an inch they take a mile. The silence is what makes this drag out longer.
I lost my parents and only extended family my first cousin to TDS. I've lost more friends to the vax than I have to politics. I have an all new friend network now that I moved out of state 2 years ago and everyone is right leaning to conservative. Even the lesbian and trans I know are conservative here in NC.
I've been through there but not spent time there. It's country and conservative. Right off I95. Richmond is your big city. I'm closer to Charlotte.
Richmond is a mixed town. It used to be straight conservative until all the New Yorkers took it over when Capital One and other corporations moved in back during the 1990s. Now there are tons of hipster transplants and blacktivists trying to turn it into a little Portland or something. They want everyone to forget its claim to fame was previously being the Capital of the Confederacy and Tobacco Town USA.
But on the edges of Richmond, you find people like us. Eastern Henrico County and rural areas around there, and even some counties west of Richmond (but before you hit Charlottesville) are very red. My parents live west of Richmond and constantly volunteer to help raise money for conservative candidates. They raise a lot of money by selling Trump merchandise. If you ever do check out the Richmond area, avoid Chesterfield like the plague. It's where purple-haired commie moms live in gated communities.
There are a lot of lefties in Richmond and Charlottesville. Personally, I wouldn't want to be near RVA. I moved to NC from NoVA.
NC is beautiful, and has many based frens. Charlotte is a cesspool, it's our democrat run shit hole bank hub. Outside of Charlotte (even just a little) is usually based as fuck. Asheville is a mini Portland, but has some based elements but as far as NC goes those places are pretty captured. When the shit hits the fan as long as you aren't in the heart of those cities you will prob fare well in NC.
Honestly, it was just by being social. I live in a very conservative area so it isn’t hard. Being a boater, everyone is conservative with an engine (vs sailing). Also Motorsports and hanging at the cigar bar. Not to mention shooting. Plus my neighbors are all conservative as well.
We are. Thank you. I thank God everyday for the gifts he has put in our lives and for gilding the path of our life journey by removing countless potential roadblocks and pitfalls.
Yeah it’s been tough. I’ve lost 5 friends, another just diagnosed w a turbo cancer, and my first wife passed in the fall. All turbo cancers, all vaxxed.
Can confirm.
Jesus speaks
Luke 12:
51 Do you think I came to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, but division. 52 From now on there will be five in one family divided against each other, three against two and two against three. 53 They will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law.”
Amen. God is shaking the earth, separating the wheat from the chaff.
The tares are being pulled up so the wheat can be harvested.
exactly! was just telling my grandson about this verse^ especially after seeing that Stanley Milgram meme yesterday, about 80% of the population not getting involved; really emphasizes how we have to look after ourselves & stick with like minded people; it's the way it's intended to be while the angels 'sort' things out.
The sword of Truth rends asunder.
I believe that this is the reason many of us are here - to be among Frens.
I guess I'm lucky - my wife is probably even more redpilled than I am. One of the few upsides of Covid for me was being totally on the same page as she. I can only imagine what many frens had to go through without that sort of anchor in their life.
That, and one of the benefits of being an older pede is you stop caring about what other people think as you become more comfortable in your own skin. Life's way too short to worry about other people, even the ones you care about. I tell people what I think if they ask. They can take it or leave it and I really don't care either way, although I'm happy to explain my reasoning if they're curious, or point them to places they can research for themselves if they ask. But you can't do their thinking for them and you aren't responsible for how they live their life. (Added) I spent too much of my life worrying about people I cared about who didn't or wouldn't listen when I begged them to take a different path.
Nine times out of ten, the future proves me right. Next time they ask, they take me more seriously.
I don't mind others who's opinions are different than mine, as long as we can have discussions without fighting. Then go for a beer.
Those are pretty rare now, TDS then Convid then BLM turned people I used to be able to have a beer with into raving psychos. Either they shunned me or I just can't stand to be around them.
I also am isolated now because my "friends " think I'm crazy. I don't discuss anything with what family I have left which is my children because I want to be with them in my life. Very lonely. I'm constantly reading the Word of God to give me strength during this time.
You’ve got tons of folks right here having to deal with the sleeping normies inside one messed up evil run world. Good advice to don the Armor of God
Thank you. This site has kept me strong for years during this chaos. I'm weary from the battle, but I'm holding on.
Thank you so much for your links. I saved them. God bless everyone here for their continuous uplifting. We need to let each other.🙏
There is no solution in my experience, and i think most of the pedes on here can say the same or similar, the truth comes first.
Finding a partner who is unjabbed, christian and a truth seeker is next to impossible i have found, it's a grim scenario.
Sorry for the dooming fren, i wish I could be more positive for you. God Bless.
There's one scenario I can think of. Mass arrests happen, which causes them to completely 180. "Didn't want to say told you so, but told you so".
However, even that scenario it won't ever be the same. Because they turned us away at the most vulnerable moments in our lives and we'll never forget that.
Forgive but don’t forget!
I have never been more isolated than I am right now. I lost several friendships and connections between 2015 and 2020. I moved to a rural area of a new state shortly after the last presidential election and lost the few friends I had left. Half my family doesn't talk to me, my brother, or my parents because they know we support Trump and didn't get vaxxed. (And my brother's mother-in-law banned her own grandkids from visiting her because my brother wouldn't get them vaxxed. She sees them now but still won't speak to him.)
I've always been an introverted person, so not having friends isn't a huge problem for me. And my husband is my best friend, and I'm very grateful for that. But I do miss having a girlfriend to chat with sometimes. I've been working on just accepting that this is the dividing time, a time of confusion and deception when everyone will choose the side they think is best. I've chosen mine. And I guess I am at peace feeling lonely over here. And I truly am grateful for the new things in my life. It's just very different.
I started visiting churches a few months ago, so maybe I'll make a friend at one eventually. But mostly I'm just trying to get to know the Lord. That's the most important thing anyway.
You and my wife would get along I think :)
I believe it's harder for women in this situation. It's been my observation that they process life's challenges by talking about it (endlessly it seems ;) ) and as much as my wife and I are best friends, she could do with a female friend she can trust.
I see how hard it is for her, but she's a real trooper. I pray that this shitty situation starts to resolve sooner rather than later. God bless.
It's true. Women need that social time more than men do, I think. Or at least in a different way. I never realized how true this is until recently. I have some female coworkers I get along with, but I'm a teacher, so most of them are pretty liberal. I don't even bother trying to develop a friendship with anyone at work because I know where that would go eventually.
And I pray this situation is coming to an end soon, too. It's getting very heavy for us all. God bless you and your wife.
Jonathan fren she is so lucky to have you. I love reading about couples who are on the same page - it provides a balance to all the wrecked families are wrecked lives around us.
She might want to join Ryan's Prayer Garden community:
Also, please see my Friendship thread:
There's a lot more out there than you think. I know a bunch of actual nurses in New York, females, (some family) who totally scoffed at taking the vax even though it was mandated for their jobs. Fake cards and all that...which I am sure administered saline shots to a lot of clients.
The primary votes show they’re out there but like most people who are awake we keep it to ourselves. I can tell you from my companies firebox logs half my office is behind Trump and scarred of the vax and they don’t give off any vibe one way or another so you are not alone but it feels that way. I wear a Pepe on my hat when I’m out and about and I get keks and make friends. Soon lots of people will be openly maga and it will be so nice.
Wonderful and uplifting fren. Many of us do self-censor.
IMO there is no resolution until the end, when people see it for themselves. We all have experienced the loss of relationships, both family and friends. The sad part is these people will not even consider having a civil conversation with you to discuss the topic. It has become like the Hatfields and McCoys. I think when this is all over and done with, some will come around, but many will be too embarrassed to acknowledge that they were wrong. Personally, I’m going to make myself available to those who want to talk and have a better understanding of what transpired.
That's the thing, we are stuck between a rock and a hard place.
Rock = don't speak truth, to retain relationships, then the truth isn't important then we play right into the DS hands and lies prevail, feel internal struggles forever
Hard place = speak truth and alienate people and be alone with the truth, potentially taking it to the grave
Thank you, that definitely helps set the right path
This is best in life. "Do the next right thing" has been popping up in my head recently when i feel lost.
Everyone I know still tells me about what they saw on TV.
This is by design, as you know. They want to demoralize you, make you give up. Arguing over trivial nonsense is the system they want for us. My BIL still uses the "doesnt pay his taxes" argument for why he hates Trump. It was debunked years ago. This is what we're up against. They dont know what they dont know. Keep your head up, brother.
Nah fuck some of these people. I feel fortunate that most of the relationships that I lost were people that I only tolerated because they were a friend of a friend or they were a not-close relative but if anything I have higher standards now for whom I associate with. If we woke up they also could have at any time but they refuse to.
I'm looking for the same answers you are...
It's happened many, many times to me. Some I never liked to begin with. Some "close". I think it's cleansing in some ways, to know that you're on the side of righteousness and that they will have one hell of a time when the SHTF. Because it will. I feel there are things that absolutely have to come to light. 2020 election, how the country was taken over by trillionaire authoritarian globalists and many of the traitors in govt and abroad. It HAS to be shown to the masses. That's gonna take them to the edge of their sanity.
Sunshine patriots... you're the only one out in the storm... ahead of the curve.
For me, I wake where I can, know your rights and exercise them, different friends will come.
Be open to the possibility that you were suppose to look inside rather than be with friends to figure out who you are. At the point you know who you are, you know who your friends truly are, and they will be different than when you started.
Peace, you're never alone!
My friend keeps coming to his second home. He says he cannot be around those people. He just can't. Now he lives with his based wife. She likes to stay and work in the main house. So he comes alone. There's no way you'd last in the house or a relationship with somebody you're hiding what you think and believe.
PS with family who I don't see often, I can and do pretend. This schitt is by zip code.
My family residing in LA Chicago and Philly are covid brainwashed. We stick to ourselves and based others.
In some ways the deep state already won. They've achieved their goal of dividing us and have us fight amongst our kin
focus more on external consideration rather than internal consideration. These people you love have been brainwashed since birth so they have no chance of being able to comprehend the truth. Be gentle with them and don't try to brute force them into anything. Be loving and supportive and when they start questioning things they will feel safe to come to you for answers.
Stick with the truth. I’m a loooong time lurker here. just today I joined GAW wanted to be able to say something “freely” when I felt the need to.
I try not to fight and make hard feelings, I simply avoid and write them off. I continue to pray for the day when I can say, “I told you so”.
There’s no reason to invest time and effort on the chronically stupid, it wears you down…….God bless you all my new found friends, and God bless our dear president.
2 hours since OP, figured I'd have seen this response by now....
If you are looking for IN PERSON, BASED interactions, find yourself a good BIBLE BELIEVING CHURCH and attend it regularly!
This plandemic caused me to test my resolve. And its only strengthened me
Lost a good paying job because of refusal to jab and test. Lost hobbies and "social friends" to psyop and TDS.
But GAINED, just as many back, and stronger! Like minded believers through a Bible believing church.
Listen, if you don't have Jesus in your life, I understand that you don't have peace and fortitude. What's your biggest roadblock with God? Figure it out and make a decision.
God made you precious, and he wants you to thrive and be bold. All things are possible through Jesus.
You get into a church, you'll find based guys to talk with, based ladies that know that they are a lady and have always been a lady, and a place to grow in a relationship with your Creator.
This is the answer.
You don't have to like the answer, but this is it.
The ending isn't for everyone.
Truth. Everytime.
Relationships are overrated, truth is underrated.
The truth will never let you down or lie to you.
The more adamantly I stick to my views, the more adamantly others hold to theirs. Silence is therefore golden.
But if we all just stay silent, aren't we ceding to the DS? Their lies will prevail. We can't speak in our own homes, etc.
I didn't say I am silent when it comes to actions I take on a political and especially local level. I just no longer try to convince family, friends, and coworkers. They all know my views, anyway. Funny tho I am approached more frequently now more than than ever since I've gone silent. I answer their questions briefly and best I can, but no more.
I really think most of us are dealing with it to some degree. Unfortunately the nonsense has been going on for decades and it’s gonna take awhile to unwind all the damage. Stay in here for support and hopefully one day in the not too distant future we will all get to meet each other and become closer ffrens at the big GAW party.
All you can do is just keep living. I ended up in the same spot you are in, back around 2012 after I spoke up about things that obama was doing.
Truth has led to my losing friends, but how much of friends were those people? Truth has made me a better man and I no longer lie to myself as I did before. One day, the truth comes out and some will see that they were wrong. The dumb ones won't
Be you. Those worth keeping will be there. The others? Meh! Sometime you need to create a vacuum so God can fill it. Keeping baggage leaves no room for him to bless you.
Change your perspective.
This time is like weight training. When you go to the gym to lift weights, you don't think how can I solve this. Instead, you do the workout reps and lift the weights.
Scrolling thru the responses, most of us are in an isolated or near isolated situation. We are being hardened and tested to stand on our own and not with a crowd of "friends".
It takes courage and fortitude to stand alone. The only way these characteristics are forged is by having to actually stand alone.
This forum connects us with like-minded individuals from all over the place. It serves as a community to ground us and let us know that while we may be physically alone, there are many of us being hardened and tested at the same time.
Most of my friends have been stripped away for a variety of reasons (moving, falling out, superficial connection, etc.) I find it very freeing. I can now find new friends if I want, but I am now very comfortable being by myself as well. So I am pretty picky. 🙂
This is how I look at how things have changed. Hope this helps.
Matthew 7:6
6 “Do not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces.