Welcome to General Chat - GAW Community Area
This General Chat area started off as a place for people to talk about things that are off topic, however it has quickly evolved into a community and has become an integral part of the GAW experience for many of us.
Based on its evolving needs and plenty of user feedback, we are trying to bring some order and institute some rules. Please make sure you read these rules and participate in the spirit of this community.
Rules for General Chat
Be respectful to each other. This is of utmost importance, and comments may be removed if deemed not respectful.
Avoid long drawn out arguments. This should be a place to relax, not to waste your time needlessly.
Personal anecdotes, puzzles, cute pics/clips - everything welcome
Please do not spam at the top level. If you have a lot to post each day, try and post them all together in one top level comment
Try keep things light. If you are bringing in deep stuff, try not to go overboard.
Things that are clearly on-topic for this board should be posted as a separate post and not here (except if you are new and still getting the feel of this place)
If you find people violating these rules, deport them rather than start a argument here.
Feel free to give feedback as these rules are expected to keep evoloving
In short, imagine this thread to be a local community hall where we all gather and chat daily. Please be respectful to others in the same way
I liked Barney, but now, not so much
Trump will be doing the play by play tonight on TRUTH!!! Which uses Rumble!! No problems during that hack the other day let’s goooo! Someone post it I’ve got things to tend to for a little while u/#dripdrip
Grab the popcorn 🍿
I'm feeling really down today about all of this shit.
Hopefully there will be some good news in the next 24 hours that lifts my spirit. It usually happens this way.
I'm tired though. I've been awake for almost 4 years now. It must be excruciating for those that have been awake longer. Any tips?
(my wife is fast asleep which makes this extra hard; though she's great in every other regard which has made this bearable)
I’ve been in since the very first Q drop. When I started learning the things I know, I couldn’t sleep and I cried a lot. We have come a long way. Just one day at a time. All we can do.
Honestly, and you've heard this before - what makes this bearable for me is my faith in Jesus. If I didn't know Him as I do, I'd probably be very depressed. But I know He wins (has actually already won) and all of this is just the 'clean up.' So I'm good. Or as the pepes say, comfy AF. I hope you will one day feel that comfort as well. In the meantime, try to take your mind off it and get out into nature. I know when I spend time in God's beautiful creation, it can't help but lift my spirits. And if you've got friends, hang out and do some fun stuff. Just take a break from all this for a while. To me, things are really building up and coming to a crescendo. This year has been amazing. In terms of wins for us, so many more than the previous years. Try to concentrate on that. Good luck.
I completely agree, God is the glue.
It is easier today than it was 20+ years ago. I had to just stop letting it be the primary focus on my life. I always waited for an opening to discuss these things with others who were questioning & then always asked questions that helped me determine how much they knew & would share info I had looked at too.
Today I hear it about once per week while I am out & about. 20+ years ago, it might be a few times per year I would catch something that made me think someone else was waking up, or at least willing to question & consider non MSM (now fake News) possibilities.
Make God & your family the center of your life, and know that the truth you are aware of will help guide you to make proper choices & live by correct principles. If she is great in every other way, pork fun at yourself for connecting dot the are probsbly not there ("I could be wrong, you know I often am, though I have seen something I wanted your opinion on..."). The possibility of them waking you up from your "wrong think" engages others to look at your points, because you genuinely want them to help you figure out why it is wrong. Over time they should connect the dots too. Slow steady love & genuine appreciation for them for "being willing to put up with you as you figure it out".
"DJT endorsed 17 candidates last night"
Hey BB how do I get a Pepe?? ☺️
Several weeks ago this came up in general chat. Mods get together once a year (I think that’s correct, maybe twice a year) to give out the Pepe’s. Maybe you are on the next list.
Yes. I was told 40k karma. I'm at 43k so just wondering....
Thanks moodyblue! I'll just be patient and hope I make the list. 👍
Gave updoot,, don't know why you got a down one. You just answering like me , with, possible answers.
Thanks, I try to upvote when the comment doesn’t deserve downvotes. I think some people just downvote for kicks. We don’t have as many trolls as social media but we have a few that like to be a big turd.
Let me help you fren. 40,000 karma points last I heard. It takes hard work, due diligence and some proving I've come to find out. Good luck to ya!
I have over 40k karma points. Thanks though for your response. 👍
Should I do that? I don't want to be a pain in the butt. I'd really like a Pepe though. ☺️
Oh, shoot!! Now I have to work twice as hard for a little Pepe head? Ok, if that's what it takes. (Rolls up sleeves) 🤩
Have you requested one from the mods? Just send them a message, ask them to check your karma points and see what happens. (BTW, sidebar on the bottom there's a "Message the Mods" option if I'm not mistaken).
If I ever get to a point I get a pepe, hope pepe chooses ga bulldawg pepe for me! Lol
Oh your welcome. Then my next answer is, from what I've heard..... your pepe chooses you fren! And awesome on you! Look forward to seeing it if and when you get it!
I'm a long ways away! Kek. Any good music? I still ty for the Alabama one.
Kek! Nit what I was asking, but , you made me laugh! I'm way far away from a pepe.
Ty, it'll be awhile for me. I had heard that though.
Thanks 👍
You are welcome! What kinda pepe you hope for? Mine is UGA X=QUE! LOL.
Lol... I don't know? There are certainly some cute ones out there... 🐸🐸🐸
When it's time, it will find you!
I see that some folks have been coming down with cruddy sickness, labelled flu or Covid or whatever. I caught something from the man I care for, as he had gone away with his guardian for a weekend of respite and came home sick. Then I caught it. I hit the NAC hard, 2 capsules 2x a day, elderberry syrup with honey and apple cider vinegar, and all the others, Vitamin C D A E Selenium Zinc , gargle and snort colloidal silver, and that saline in a can sprayed way up into my nose till it came out the other nostril, 3x a day. Rest in bed one day. Both I and the fellow in my care recovered in 3 days. The phlegm is still there, and we are not out of the woods completely so not about to go marching in the cold rain through the woods, but certainly able to function and not feel like shit. No wheat, sugar, or inflammatory foods, yes to garlic and cayenne capsules and ginger tea and Elder tea. A few hours or through the night of listening to 174 herz. The symptoms are caused by inflammation, the sickness is contagious, but giving our immune systems those supplements especially NAC, will have you back on your feet.
Praise the Lord I’ve been healthy this past year. Along with the herbs and supplements I take, I go for accupuncture treatments. I truly believe it has prevented me from catching all the crap going around. I went today and of course had the best nap while the pins are sticking out of me like a pin cushion.
Hey, good tips. I wanted to say that Dr. McCullough says to use betadine iodine with the saline solution as an oral / nasal viricidal. He mentioned it in that long interview he did with Joe Rogan a couple of years ago. If I remember right, you can start at around the 39 minute mark. He said to use 3 oz. saline water with 1 teaspoon iodine.
I did everything (and more) except colloidal silver. Started 1/31, after three weeks went to urgent care. Thankfully I did I had a bad ear infection on top of the crud. It hadn’t started hurting yet so caught it in time. I’ve had very bad ear infections just from allergies over the years. Got Augmenten, Steroids & Cough Medicine. Cough medicine made me dizzy so stuck with the other meds. Finally by the last dose I was better. But it was hell until then. I probably coughed up gross phlegm 100 times a day. I’ve never had anything that bad. Wasn’t bronchitis, it never entered my chest just hung around below my throat. My grandbaby had it also. SIL & daughter had something. We all had same and different symptoms. We have all been well at least two weeks. Last week it returned to all of us but not as severe. I ordered Dr Christopher’s Sinus herbal supplement and after one dose I’m feeling normal again. This strain is very strange. Every one I personally know that has had this has not fully recovered. Lingering cough, sniffles or sore throat after months.
I am recovering from a bad bout of the crud. I’m sure I caught it from last week’s cruise as first symptoms were 48 hours after disembarkation. It ramped up last night with a 103 fever. No fun at all!
I’ve been hammering it with Emergen-C, vitamins, NAC, and ivermectin as soon as I felt the telltale sore throat. I’m on day 3 with a low grade fever but finally feel like I can make some real food.
Advice from retired RN mother. If lungs are affected, take 3 deep breaths per hour, followed by 3 deep coughs. Will help prevent pneumonia. Mucinex and lots of fluids also.
Hope you get better very soon. No fun being sick!
Thank you! I really do feel much better although I dozed off during training on Teams today 😂This is my second bout of being really sick in less than 2 months and I’m not happy. I used to be outside a lot and never got sick. Job has been stressful with too much overtime and I’m sure led to this.
Glad you are on the mend. It’s also my second time getting sick in the past few months. It’s my own fault. I got slack on taking immune supplements, elderberry and vinegar lemon & ginger concoction. Stress can do a number on us for sure. Take it easy. I know all about overtime my husband works his share. I’m always trying to make sure he’s getting the right food and supplements.
I also had something like this, but without the fever. As I have severe COPD the crapola on top of it is not to be recommended but thanks to NAC, IVM and Vit D K2 its gone. Nice sunny weather helps with a deckchair out in the garden.
Four minute video of our beautiful First Lady, mostly with POTUS. (Mute it to skip the sappy music).
Oh I can't wait for this all to end.
Just had a chat with my wonderful, but sadly woke daughter. She told me Trump has really lost it; is a confused, decrepit old man. I told her she was mistaking him for Biden. No, she saw a clip of him rambling on incoherently. Must have been doctored was my reply.
Asked her to send me the clip, will be interesting to see what she is talking about. We really are in a war, can't wait for the truth to come out. God give me strength.
You got more patience and Love than i. She's your daughter so that has to be miserable for you. Me personally, i can't associate with any retards any longer. TDS seems to be a terminal disease in some leftard worthless assholes it seems. Feck em'. Mom, Dad, ALL family except wife and son are retards. All clotshotted to clotsville and back. Life fuckin sucks especially 20 fucking 24. God make the dumb shit end.
By God's grace we are what we are. I make allowances for the fact that she has been through a lot. Her husband died suddenly 16mths ago and she had a total breakdown. I could not fly being unvaxxed (I'm in the UK, she's in WA), could not look after her or go to s-i-l's funeral. It was devastating.
Its all too easy to get bitter and angry, but that leads to a dead end. By the grace of God and with much prayer I overcome the negative responses that divide us. She is all the family I have, we need to stick together and see this through. God's love always prevails.
Ask her to watch 10 mins of any of his rallies it speeches. My parents & brother were shocked when they first listened to him live.
waves fist at you in frustration (about something else.)
I wanted to DM you a question.
Good idea, but there don't seem to be any on YT that would do the trick. Guess the embarrassing ones got taken down.
What do you mean there is nothing on YT? Search for Trump Rally on YT and you see tons. This one after Super Tuesday is high energy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1uPS5AdQHjM&pp=ygULdHJ1bXAgcmFsbHk%3D
Sorry, I thought you meant senile Xiden. Thanks for the link, will pass it on and see what response I get, if any.
They have Trump under a microscope while Biden gaffs away every day. I wouldn't even worry too much about your daughter, she will change her ways when the truth is revealed to all.
Absolutely right. Her remarks give me a laugh, I just ask how much she'd like to bet. Thankfully we can now disagree without falling out. On the plus side she is starting to listen more, huge improvement.
Yeah, there's a clip of Trump at a rally where he just stops talking for a minute and looks out at the crowd with a smile, then he starts talking again. It's so silly.
My 5 year old and 2 year old daughters both tell me no every day on everything I say so I cant wait!! My boys are the opposite, good times. Glad to hear you all can stay friendly through the disagreements, that's goals.
I can't help thinking that we are in a race with God.
He doesn't want to come down here as a lot of his children will die, but he will do so if we don't clean the mess up ourselves. We are winning bigly and these wins are increasing all the time, will we get to grips with this war before God gets wrathful and smites the evil out of the earth?
I hope you can see what I am getting at.
God wants us to have free will. He also helps us to do good when we join his team. And God is love.
Not one move of this final plan was made without God's approval, and God did not approve until He knew that we were worthy.
Now that's very deep and interesting! And 🤯! So, we all made it to here for a reason? Wow! Ty
Praise God In All Circumstances For Life. Resist The Arrogance Of Man. My Morning Bible Read Was Acts 12:19-25, "Herod’s Death." Verse 23 Says, "Immediately, because Herod did not give praise to God, an angel of the Lord struck him down, and he was eaten by worms and died."
The Song: https://youtu.be/R84PqRdZ7_Y
The Bonus Song: https://youtu.be/Ndb7kein1Es
Have a blessed day.
Thank you, it was.
Sounds like pouring for sure. Prayers coming your way. You sound like you are as loving & tough as my mother.
You family is blessed to have you with them.
Yikes that’s a lot to take on. Will be praying for you and your family.
I was sharing with my mom your situation. She’s praying for you as well. 🙏
Sorry to hear about all your and your family's suffering, and I pray that you receive comfort, solace, peace, and recovery from your pain as well as your family receiving the same. God bless
prayers for a hedge of healing protection around you and your loved ones.
God bless you Mary911
Praying for you all, stay strong.
Thanks Mary, she is getting a lot better. Calls me more often and we talk like old times, and she listens more about the stuff that's going on. Progress :)
Rabbit Hole of the Week!
Do I see a potential slot for what was once conceived as Chat of the Week, but a differently defined focus and direction?
Rabbit Hole of the Week!
An opportunity for Pedes with the Knowledge, Pedes with the Receipts, and Pedes with the Thirst, to join their collective noggins and collaborate across the timeline!
Rabbit Hole of The Week!
It could happen. Should it happen? Will it happen? You decide!!!!
<exit, stage left>
I would love to see this happen. Focus on the stuff Q pointed Anons towards & have a good repository of receipts to back up why so many believe what they do.
I will happily take the lead to help get it rolling. Not the best researcher myself though, so will hold off to give others a chance.
i'd love to see it happen more organically, but a little help would not go amiss.
I literally just found out, from all things an old Bible mu step sister and I were going thru tonight, that my step dad wasn't divorce from his first wife, Until 7 months After My Mom died! My Mom and him were together 17 yrs when she passed! Wtf! I showed her my Moms death certificate! Confusing times frens.
Yah. Common law husband / wife. The State has no place getting itself involved in marriage.
Why is the national guard in nyc? Second question- why are they saying the national guard is in NYC?
They are in New York to protect the subways, 🤷♀️. Because it’s so safe in New York City. What’s the one thing that’s been happening there in the last year oh yeah that’s right illegal to have invaded their city.
Somewhere under the rainbow.
Just watched Scotty mar10's latest. It has a very interesting video about Obama's chef. Very interesting.
Psalm 107:43 Whoever is wise, let him attend to these things; let them consider the steadfast love of the Lord.
Just looking back for context...
God Saves The Distressed. My Morning Bible Read Was Psalm 107. Theme: Thankfulness to God should constantly be on the lips of those whom he has saved. This psalm was written to celebrate the Jews return from their exile in Babylon.
I hoped some would consider the context and read the whole Psalm. TY Fren!
Posted this 2 years ago. Wow. Time went by quickly.
I would have said that if you wanted to write about it, make it a serious "narrative buster" kind of post dissecting the article and pointing out all the flaws.
But, its from realrawnews. Everyone here knows what kind of crap they peddle there. So, its not worth the time on this board.
Yes this should be discussed- but we “are not allowed” to have that discussion here any more? 🤔
Streisand Affect 🫡