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MOASS will straiten this out.
Put my retirement savings behind GME. I'm doing my part. :)
Now that's faith. I salute you!
That is the way.
I borrowed against mine 3 years ago and bought silver and GME. I'm thinking of transferring mine to a self directed IRA.....
GME, BBBYQ, IEP, DWAC, DWACW, Bitcoin, XRP, XLM, gold, and silver. I didn't want to put all my eggs in one basket, so hopefully at least one will pay off yuge.
Those all look good.
I was thinking of buying some bbby bonds as well,but I don't know that much about them.
Edit: MOASS is tomorrow
Some old DD on Yass.
Well aware ape…. Well aware.
I saw early DD that said we would lock the float end of 2024 - 1st quarter 2025. Yet here we are. There’s a market crash coming and everyone can smell it a mile away.
love it, thanks for sharing. Thomas Jefferson is my presidential crush, because of his intelligence & all the reminders we have on the L & C trail🇺🇸
one of my favorite quotes about TJ, from John F. Kennedy when they asked him to write a book about the president.
"Even though there have been several admirable works on Thomas Jefferson I quite agree with you that his varied contributions to American life are not as fully known as they should be. If I were not otherwise engaged I would be tempted to consider your proposal. My present job, however, takes all of my time so I must refuse.
Kennedy did find time, however, to famously salute the third President. In a famous toast at a White House dinner in honor of 49 Nobel Prize winners, Kennedy said, *“I think this is the most extraordinary collection of talent, of human knowledge, that has ever been gathered together at the White House, with the possible exception of when Thomas Jefferson dined alone.”*😎
Jefferson, the most based. Congrats on your high, high intelligence.
Banks are who create wars.
They fund both sides of the wars.
And there's only one thing more profitable than war.
Big pharma....
Pharmaceuticals is a war it's just one where the people being slaughtered don't even realize they're standing in a minefield.
Pills, opiates especially (and dont get me started on fentanyl) are a weapon being used against the people. I've watched good people with good hearts turn into zombies (or just die) because of those damn thing.
muh cancer treatment.
War is a Racket.
Gen Smedly Butler agrees
There would be no "standing armies" without banking institutions.
If you need to get people together to protect themselves from other people attacking their actual homes, that doesn't take money, the impetus is already clear. If, on the other hand, you want to convince people to go murder other people in their homes, that requires money.
Banks provide that money. They have always provided that money. Banks are institutions of conquest. We think that they are just "making money off the loans." That's true, but it's not the whole truth. They are also making more money and more importantly, fulfilling their own agendas off the resultant wars.
Indeed, if you own the bank, and you want to control everything, start a war, by whatever means necessary (false flag generally). Then makes lots of money on every front, and fulfill all the other agendas your heart desires.
It's quite the scam, and we have been falling for it for millennia.
Do you know how the Spartans finally built a fleet and defeated the Athenians in the Peloponesian war?
PERSIAN GOLD. The same persians they fought against, in alliance with the Athenians, 80 years before.
We now call them bankers, but the satanist blood money magic is old indeed.
Name checks out. Now post some cool stuff on your namesake president!
Jefferson was also against political parties. However, when Hamilton created the first political party to gain support for the first banking system, Jefferson realized he would need to create a political party to counteract Hamilton.
From the first days of our republic we have had both a central bank and political parties.
Both of which are evil and not desirable, but somehow they have been with us from the start.
Hamilton was a traitor which is why Broadway made a hit movie about him.
notable history
I get 2$s everytime i go into the branch
TJ is the spiritual oracle of our country.
This is why Bitcoin was created as part of the Plan
Digital COunter INsurgency
That is alot of faith could be could also be the opposite you won't be trading your bit coin when you have minus points on your social credit system and can't access the internet...
we as a people are ALLOWING a very small group of people to CONTROL us, using literally MONOPOLY BOARD GAME money.
the fiat system is one that was designed to fail, but take a loooong time to do so.
kind of like cigarettes.
kind of like fake vaccine bioweapons.
it's called SLOW-KILL
the end-goal is to get each country in DEBT with the imaginary fiat with interest applied, crash the entire system & create a world digital currency.
if i wanted to control nations using "currency", that's what i'd do
Bring it on!!!
The fact that the federal reserve is not a government institution and unendingly rapes the USA confirms his wisdom.
Although the IDEA contained within the quote is typical for Jefferson, the quote itself is not from Jefferson.
Discussion of this topic is here:
In total, I would encourage everyone to read the letter (@1) because it masterfully delineates what a republican form of government is.
There is something else to consider. And that is the quote by representative Patman from Texas as seen in the 1933 Dallas (TX) Morning News, January 16, 1933, sec. 1, pg. 4, col. 6.
Given the date in relation to the existence of the FED (1913) it seems rather odd that he would say such. If ever .... but it already happened. Very cleaver phraseology. Fast forward to today, and we can see the corrected of this quote.
The currency wars currently raging ( Fiat against Fiat, fiat against crypto, fiat against Gold & Silver) is showing us, how all the items of this war, are geared against us through the employ of two major systems: taxation/regulation (law/statute) and futures/options.
The second allows for the manipulation of the currency, and by turning a medium of exchange into a production facility, and the first is the "skimming of" of our life-force.
Both systems are intertwined and are being funded by the same organization: THE BAR.
Rights are quite simple, and this can be gleaned from the first 13 amendments. A plain reading and a plain comprehension is all that is needed. Rights are plain, with a single meaning, and are truth (singular) and immutable. Statute, regulation however, is quite the opposite, requires interpretation, subject to change.
This same thing can be seen with Gold & Silver in relation to fiat and crypto. Why is that? Because the latter currencies exists as a derivative, like regulation / statute is a derivative of right.
It is important to cognize that.
Who owns the banks?
What if he came back to life today?