House going Democrat
Called this after the election in 2022. The margin was way too slim for the uni-party to NOT take advantage of. They will turn it over to the house and we'll see a raft of anti-trump legislation before the election. Watch.
Hmm..interesting new moves on the board. Dangling this in front of them tells me two things:
Dems and RINOs will waste a lot of effort on these moves, but end up purging RINOs just to have them replaced with Maga
House Committees are getting close to dangerous disclosures.
Prediction: Both House and Senate solid maga red in 2024.
I love your optimism on this u/bubble_bursts
DC has been uniparty for decades with only the appearance of "two sides."
This cancerous rot is beyond stage 4, and I think it may take much longer than people realize to restore the city and institutions to a representative place of business.
I have felt that Nov 5, 2024 is a crucial fork in the road for many reasons. If there is more stealing and election Integrity is not restored, I fear all hell is going to break loose.
If white hats are in control they need to start making serious moves to avoid this carastrophy.
I agree!
If Q meant what they said, they will not let this happen. The Democrats had been the anti-war, pro-labor party, but now they are solid DINOs. The predators took over completely.
Nope, not gonna happen.
Prediction: Post precipice, the capital will be moved to a different location.
I am thinking either Florida or back to Pennsylvania.
Added: And DC will probably be absorbed back into Maryland and Virginia as before the Organic Act.
That would be great. It's become a symbol of pure evil.
"This movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt system." Not fix but replace. What happens in DC is autopilot now. It's meant to collapse. Don't put any stock in DC. That's likely not the way forward. They are not giving up power again there.
Exactly my thought. I think DC will be gone, absorbed back into MD and VA, and the capital will move to a more constitutional place.
Mitch McConnell and Rona’s RNC funneled $ to RINO election campaigns, and didn’t support MAGA candidates. Seizing control of the RNC leadership is a huge win, let’s see what happens.
The timing is not a coincidence. This is a military operation.
"Prediction: Both House and Senate solid maga red in 2024."
Dear God, please watch over bubble_bursts and his family, and help his prediction come true for the well being of America, and the world, and all of its people and families. Thank you.
As long as other Anons pray with me, I have a good history
Inversely, this makes an economic crash entirely the fault of the democrats.
This. Remember after the 2008 crash, newly elected Obama gloating over conservatives and saying "We tried it your way, it didn't work!" Now it'll be Trump's turn to gloat.
The tricks used for demoralizing conservative voters in the past are now being used against Democrats. Another example is Dem voters exhausting themselves defending an idiot president in Biden, where in the past R voters had to defend W Bush. And Mueller's Russia Collusion embarrassment was their Iraq WMD demoralization moment.
In Wisconsin, the Dems commercials for the election campaigns in 2020 and 2022 focused solely on women's reproductive freedoms and abortion. Those ads bombarded Wisconsin voters. Not one ad focused on the economy or other issues. They made fun of the "antiquated" laws from long ago. According to them, Trump, moms for liberty and Repubs would squash women's rights. When R would have an ad focus on the economy. The Dems made fun and said that women would be going back to 1850 rules.
This is actually good. People who voted based on one issue and realise that it comes packaged with tons of misery will then become so numb to that issue that next time they wont even think about it.
My concern is that women are so wrapped up about that issue, that they can't see the forest for the trees. The other thing I get worried about is their assault on white males or actually anything white. They seem to now want to focus on LG***T now
I was worried the same way too, but what I saw when RvW was overthrown, the fact that there was nothing major from the society, nothing organic, no significant protests, nothing at all - told me that people have moved past this issue and have become numb to it.
Tis the only way.
One thing that will unite is financial and clot shot events. Those two things effect everyone. Let the dnc hold those bags.
That is the only path forward. Current system must fail. Can not be fixed. It must be replaced. Trump told us this in so many ways.
And a fast recovery. Ron Paul said this also . He said the best way is to let the fed end in a fast hard crash then rebuild afterwards. But the central bank is the lifeblood of endless wars and theft by inflation. The Fed must go. And it’s gonna be a mess.
This is the plan, but unlike in past where, when there is a hard crash the people lose everything and a few Banksters become mega rich, this time its a controlled demolition. The Banksters will lose everything and people's wealth will be restored.
And we have the king of bankruptcy restructuring running for president. People have zero idea why Trump keeps saying we’re gonna have such a fast turnaround it’s gonna make your head spin.
Final bosses are Gensler, Yellen and Powell.
Final bosses are entities we havent even heard of, but yeah the Banksters are late stage bosses.
I agree. Final is In Switzerland and I’m sure there’s someone worse than Abramovic.
We will also unite to destroy the pedophile rings.
I think we’re talking about the same thing.
And, hopefully, it will cut through the brainwashing like no other.
Very interesting thought. A temporary Blue House, right after the Maga House has done all the committee work etc, right when the financial crash happens.
Not really. It is all the fault of the UniParty establishment. Biden never takes office if republicans perform their duty by stopping the fraudulent 2020 election of the Resident.
Every. Single. Thing. That is going wrong with the nation because of the Biden regime is ultimately the fault of the republican party for allowing all of this to happen. The party needs to be obliterated down to it's rotten, corrupt, nazi-commie adjacent , uniParty core. This nation can never move forward with those traitors at our backs.
The important point to remember is that the financial crash is as inevitable as any Ponzi scheme coming to an end and crashing. They have extended its life through tons of fraudulent and evil tricks, but it has to crash no matter what.
So, if lets say 2020 fraud was not allowed, then we (MAGA) would have been the fall guy for the crash and all the pain that comes with it.
2020 "PAUSE" was very necessary. The blame has to lie with the people who have been the cause for all this over the past decades. The people have to see clearly who was responsible and how. Only after that happens, can the fraud be addressed.
This is the whole point of devolution.
Including the fact that they turned their logo stars upside down.
I did mention in a previous post that this could be McCarthy's petty revenge for being ousted. He has RINO's resign until the Republicans are the minority in the house and the Democrats take over. If he can't be the Republican speaker, than there will be no Republican Speaker of the House.
Never before in history have so many Reps and Senators resigned or said they won't seek re-election. I don't think it matters whether both House and Senate or RINO controlled or Dem. controlled. The RINOs have been over the House and Senate for nearly 4 years and nothing has come of any of the Committees that look into Oversight, Judicial or Security. Just a lot of words and speeches with nobody going to jail and J6ers are still behind bars after all the evidence the proves they are innocent. Our nation was taken over by a foreign government while these people were our Representatives. I would think less that 10% of them are innocent of selling out our country and people. Even if the Democrats take over the House and Senate, what would be different? Laws passed that would be ruled unConstitutional by SC a little later? This government is OVER as far as MAGA is concerned. With a FREE and FAIR election where citizens ONLY are allowed to vote, the entire system will be changed and a lot of these traitors will go to jail. Honest elections are the main priority.
Q already told us the military is the only way.
Maybe it's time to pull the plug on the stock market and they don't want it to be associated with a Trump controlled House?
These RINOS have been bribed or threatened with exposure, pure and simple or the white hats have ordered them to resign so that the full corruption of the Dems is revealed. They will try to stack the courts, do away with the second amendment, freedom of speech, give aide to Ukraine, try to give asylum and voting rights to all illegals, etc.
Bongino has been talking about this the last couple of days.
It’s planned to help the dems refuse to certify Trump’s win.
Remember, think mirror. There will be another Jan 6 in 2025, but this time it will be lefties and antifa rioting, and the world will see what an actual riot at the Capitol looks like.
Trust me, the lefties won’t be staying between the velvet ropes in the statuary.
I think this is very likely
I see this also BUT I also see a silver lining...The congcritters who are there, will more than likely have less than they realize since Gitmo will be Opened for Bizness...
Who EVER USED THEIR OFFICE FOR FINANCIAL GAIN, even other gains of a sort...will NOT be SITTING in those seats when PDJT gives the State of the Union Speech...
Honestly this perplexes me! How on earth can anyone, at this point in time, still vote Democrat? I keep thinking that they aren't! The elections are still being stolen. A number of states still use Dominion voting machines and/or have corrupt election officials.
House will go blue in November. Trump will overwhelm to OBVIOUS steal.. House will have made rules to not verify electors..
Not sure this can be done. Electoral college is a constitutional creation; accordingly, only a constitutional amendment can change and even if RINOs give majority away they cannot accomplish this without states ratification.