Welcome to General Chat - GAW Community Area
This General Chat area started off as a place for people to talk about things that are off topic, however it has quickly evolved into a community and has become an integral part of the GAW experience for many of us.
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Rules for General Chat
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In short, imagine this thread to be a local community hall where we all gather and chat daily. Please be respectful to others in the same way
Gotta say, this paints a vivid picture. Every now and then you come across someone like that in the super market and its equal part annoying and amusing to watch them!
Does anyone have video of the crew being rescued from that ship that rammed the Baltimore bridge? Where are they, what did they say happened? What hospital were they taken to be checked out?
So q made a post about following the white rabbit. What sre the chances anything happens on easter that makes waves?
u/valuefuckingdeep u/pbman2 u/merf
just saw this, what do you think of this tinfoil, kek
Interesting besides the RC being Jesus or the anti Christ part lol
I still think it comes full circle with some kind of amazon type marketplace on X or with X along with gaming. The RC/Elon comms have been undeniable over the last couple years that something big is afoot, bigger than we can comprehend at this time.
I also buy into the notion that our government along with the DTC is aiding in delaying the inevitable due to "national security"
Theirs moar.
Gamestop Salvation 2: https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fcmpiexc6txrc1.png
Video mentioned: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NCiTwMTAW04
u/valuefuckingdeep u/pbman2 u/merf
Tinfoil is the best DD.
I have 17 upvotes.
We will find out soon.
Yeah, that's why I kekked. Also as merf pointed out, only half of the NFTs have a sun rise. Oh, just checked the link, they removed the post lul.
Hmm.. in the world of symbology, rising sun is Satanic. Hopefully they are taking back the symbols
I don't know anything about the NFT the do look like they are pointing at Easter. RC is not Jesus but it may be the day our stock rises from the dead.
Good part is i don't have to wait two weeks.
Ya one week to see if the stock rises from the dead kek
From my view, several of the nfts don't even have a sun pictured:
But they're certainly worth reviewing from time to time.
Good catch, I didn't even bother to verify.
Verification, the destruction of many a good tinfoil. 🤣🤣🤣
Just bought some Winchester green tip 5.56 for 12.95 a box, prices are getting better.
Buy $RUM not fin advice but peep this LFG $DJT https://truthsocial.com/@DevinNunes/112185617750144048
NC pedes, does anyone else remember that the car registration stickers changed color each year? Please?
Seems like stickers were red like the old license plate, red letters. Several years ago they started changing the colors. I think to help law enforcement verifying expired tags.
Thank you, someone else remembers colors! Right now everything is white and everyone around me is telling me they've always been white. Even though I clearly recall a condescending lecture from my beloved a few years ago about how of course they're differently colored so the cops can easily tell if one is expired (because I half-joked about not renewing at the plandemic because we weren't driving anywhere). Possible Mandela effect?
We have never purposely not renewed but forgot a few times and for months drove around with expired tags, luckily no tickets.
Looks like in 2017 they went to white and may have stayed that way. Doesn't include the last few years, but gives you most of what I think you're looking for.
Awesome Biden impersonator
I managed to put together an Easter jam before my guests arrive: Easter Altitude
Holy Week: Saturday - In the tomb. https://www.learnreligions.com/holy-week-timeline-700618
Not a believer in the Bible as many passages have been debunked. For instances, in Luke 23:24, those words where not found in the first three transcripts discovered of the Bible. They were transcribed in a later version found. Also, ‘Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. “ This was also found in versions transcribed several hundred years later.
spiritually-autistic gamma
Disinfo is necessary.
Are you serious. Yup, turn a blind eye. Good luck
I've had similar thoughts. But I know how hungry my spirit is for the Word in the Bible, so I pray for discernment and read it anyway. There may be a few things in there that man has added, but whoever added them forgot to take out the part where God said that anybody who changes it will have to answer to HIM (Revelation 22:18-19). I figure I'll read it, live by it (as much as I can as a fallen human), and let God deal with the fellas who added the extras.
No, was a Bible believer for years and then started to research. We were created by an Annunaki named Enki in his image.
The truth is I like watching excellent basketball, creative writing, beautiful music, and thinking about God and His works.
Job 33:4
A Song: https://youtu.be/DBrlmVdF1Nw (Divine.)
Have a blessed day.
I found this cool Youtube channel that uploads various home movies from years past, showing what society was like at the time.
This one, for instance, shows people shopping at a mall in 1983.
Amazing how much more civilized everything seemed.
We must return.
There's a lot of great videos on various channels of what life was like in decades past. This one has videos of all different decades and eras.
Having lived some if them, and having parents and grandparents that lived the others, I love watching these sort of videos!
80s FTW. Best decade hands down!
My favourite: Playing with friends in an Arcade
The early 90s arcade scene was pretty fun. Ten years after the 1982 video above, there were some pretty impressive lines to knock off the reigning champ in games like Street Fighter II, especially in places like the boardwalk arcades in Ocean City.
90s dance music > 80s dance music, but…
80s new wave > 90s alternative
There was some improvement and some decline as the 80s turned into the 90s, but the worst overall thing was the mainstreaming of hip hop culture. I admit I was into it too when I was a kid, but looking back only some of it was any good and most of it was crap.
It seemed like a higher percentage of people, especially black people, were cool and normal before they were pressured by hip hop propaganda to be monolithic in their style and political stance. How many black people now middle age or younger even know about BB King, Charley Pride, The Four Tops, Cab Calloway, Duke Ellington, etc? The young people feel like if they’re not into the same hip hop as their peers, they’re not black.
Plus we’ve had over thirty years now of dorks thinking they’re being cute by parroting gangstas.
Oh HECK no!
70's, last best decade!
No digital stuff, all hands on.
Think of the Olsen twins from full house! Somewhere saggott dead, says how do you knkw who is who..... names a name swallows!! I can't find it right now..
Dave Coulier dated Alanannis Morriset! Hmmm so did yup Ryan Reynolds. Canada.
Me and my sis loved Alanis in the 90s. I sent her this video of a song of hers pre Jagged Little Pill... It was so CRINGE! It's called Walk Away.
Oh, ok!
For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?
— Matthew 16:26