"Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people." (Ephesians 6:10-18, NIV
Yes and the good thing is God says he never sleeps , His head is always on a swivel , watching out for his kids and He has legions of angels at his disposal! thank you God
I used that as the intro for a song called Armor Of God I made about a year ago
its funny, I never really had fans, i do it more for personal reasons - but i actually lost some friends over my choice to embrace Christ - from church, to the baptism, to songs like this... some of them just didnt get it. but, there was a time neither did I. But, when I cried out to him - he answered. I just hope they do the same
anyway yeah I hope this doesnt violate the whole "no self-promo" thing I just wanted to counter this devil worshipping in the post w/ something made with God at heart.
I was out for a while, but just got two new 8 oz bottles in yesterday. Currently I am experimenting with a sore tooth. I don't think I have any kind of infection, but DMSO combined with Chlorine Dioxide is one of the few ways to treat an infection down in a tooth, or root canal area. The DMSO can carry the MMS into the Tooth and kill bacteria.
Well, that’s great to know because I definitely have problems with my teeth.
Interesting sidenote. When I started using the DMSO on my left shoulder, I had a flareup on their left side of my face back behind my ear, and I got a cold sore on the left side inside my mouth.
I surmised to my mother, that perhaps the DMSO was getting on my face when I was sleeping at night because that’s when I would put it on - at night. I would let it dry, but it’s still there you know what I mean.
I think the residual DMSO was cleansing my body of whatever bacterias I had in that area. It’s all anecdotal, but still, I think it means something. Because that’s not happening anymore now, and I’m still using it on that shoulder.
Does not hurt or reduce effectiveness of what DMSO does to add some MMS to it prior to rubbing in shoulder. I don't ever really measure that closely. But if you have a lot of toxins to purge, or a really sick, too much MMS added might give you a reaction where you might have some diarrhea, or other mild symptoms.
Like when I treated my gout knee, I put like 20 drops of MMS, and about a tablespoon of DMSO with around 60 ml or water, and the about four hours later used 10 drops of MMS with 1 tbls of DMSO with another 60 ml of water. That was a total of 30 drops of MMS so a bit much, and I had loose stool for about a day.
You can't really over-dose on either, so not much to worry about. Your body will tell you when your going over if you listen to it. And MMS only stays in system for around 45 mins.
But yea, that are great thing to know, is that DMSO is one of the very few, if not the only molecule that absorb into the tooth, and down into the areas where infection might exist. This is particularly good for when infection is down in ares where one had root canal. In this case it would be most helpful to add some MMS that will kill the bacteria.
Just follow the protocol described in the Health Recovery Guide.
Thought I'd tell you how I seemed to get rid of my aching tooth.
I mixed three drops of MMS, that three drops of Sodium Chlorite with three drops of HCL, used probably two table spoon of water mixed in, the added about a tablespoon of DMSO. Then I took a gauze pad and dipped it into the solution, and held it against my gum, where the tooth was. Did this, keep re-dipping to keep gauze wet for total of about 15 minutes. Tooth is no longer sensitive to cold, nor does it hurt.
Thought I'd tell you how I seemed to get rid of my aching tooth.
I mixed three drops of MMS, that three drops of Sodium Chlorite with three drops of HCL, used probably two table spoon of water mixed in, the added about a tablespoon of DMSO. Then I took a gauze pad and dipped it into the solution, and held it against my gum, where the tooth was. Did this, keep re-dipping to keep gauze wet for total of about 15 minutes. Tooth is no longer sensitive to cold, nor does it hurt.
Thanks for getting back to me on this because I do have problems with my teeth a lot. It’s been a lifelong issue. I put this into a note on my phone. Thanks again.!
I got into thirty seconds said to by self SCREW THIS. To “green lives matter” you didn’t do anyone a favor for posting. 5 minutes Psychedelic effect in a film https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bCowyYPCYts
Edit: although for the record, I did not really watch it. I listened, and I briefly looked at the images. Even for educational purposes, I am very cautious.
Yeah, I do not open that type of video. Msgr. Rosetti with St Michael's Spiritual Center says many things, including some music, videos, divination, games like Ouija boards, etc., are not to be played with as they invite evil into your life.
I agree! I’ve never been one to watch, horror, movies, or intense, psychological thrillers. I’m just not interested in having that type of energy enter my eyeballs, and go into my brain. Once you see it, you can’t on see it. It’s with you for the rest of your day. The eye is the lamp. Let it shine brightly.
”“The lamp of the body is the eye. If therefore your eye is good, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in you is darkness, how great is that darkness!“
Matthew 6:22-23
”“The lamp of the body is the eye. If therefore your eye is good, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in you is darkness, how great is that darkness!“ Matthew 6:22-23
People blindly upvote the comment without even knowing what MK Ultra is it seems. They auto upvote because of fear. Do you think WH operators who see the most horrid shit ever auto become Mk ultra slaves? No.
Now, for the video, not even worth watching, looks like some faggy satanic shit. But if you watch it you don't auto become an Mk Ultra victim like comment is suggesting. Still, I do not promote watching the video. Just I call out false information when I see it. There's no reason to fear anything. Fear is the state they want us in. The low vibrational energy. They love to feed us fear.
Q was the greatest anti-Fear psyop I've ever witnessed. There is a reason Q needed to give us faith in the plan. It goes beyond simple terms. It's about ascension.
"Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil; May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; And do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls. Amen."
$ale of $ouL is real. (Don’t sell 0ut) - I had a chance to shake the Hand that $hake’s the hand ,, that $hook the Hand .. of p.t. Barnham. & uncle $am // walked away from that Deal
Rather surprised at how many people are upset that they watched this or stopped watching quickly.
You're stronger than that. We're the people that are awake. We're God's soldiers.
Someone on the side of good has to watch this sort of thing because we need to know what our enemy is doing so that we can effectively fight back against it. Why shouldn't it be you?
”“The lamp of the body is the eye. If therefore your eye is good, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in you is darkness, how great is that darkness!“
Matthew 6:22-23 NKJV
Does anyone get the vibe: the devil has taken him over? That’s what I see in scene at the end with him in the car trunk & demon look a like driving car.
Seems to be the theme with Halsey and Justin for the decade. Halseys new movie is called Maxxxine — they are way in the deep end of Satanic forces. Then Calvin Harris. All 3 did a video that ties to this and the movie called -stay with me.
They are layering it on thick for their cultists to feel superior over those they deem conspiracy theorists.
With that movie -civil war- they are panicking. 29 weeks and it is the pseudo voting day—they need more propaganda rained from the stars onto the week minded sheep of the USA… sad really.
Oh here's to my sweet Satan. The one whose little path would make me sad, whose power is Satan. He'll give those with him 666, there was a little toolshed where he made us suffer, sad Satan.
Pretty sure some director, lacking original thought, stole some visuals from the club scene in BLADE and combined it with a shitty Marilyn Manson video (Angel with the Scabbed Wings).
While repugnant, don't assume everything is 'satanic'. While there are plenty of things that are (because people are stupid and hope some supernatural evil entity will grant them power), some things are just bad Hollywood fx. This scene is designed to elicit a visceral reaction from viewers.
All I see is a lack of creativity and a poor budget.
Plenty of evil things in this world. A terrible movie probably isn't one of them.
Are they sick and twisted? Yup.
Is this anymore sick and twisted than anything else they put out? Not to me.
Good work though. Some people may not realize how fucked Hollywood is, and has been, for along time.
You could argue there's an agenda behind the artistic decisions, but I personally think in reality people don't care about something being "satanic" as much as they don't give a fuck about your god. Of you are a fan of horror films, do you are by default a worshipper or murder, ghosts, monsters and demons? It's just content to the average person. In this case it's an image of a succubus which is just mythology. Personal opinion, and I understand this is a majority christian community, so you can only see it through that lense.
I do not think even black metal or the more obscure European metal bands have as explicit, and sinister imagery. Justin Timberlake is working with very dark forces
It's been nearly 8 years since the guy had a Billboard 100 #1 and 6 years since he had a top 10 place on that list, so either the devil has lost his touch or sold souls just don't buy the kind of fame we think they do. Kudos to some of the other commenters that told me who this actually was. I assumed it was part of a movie or tv show.
What is there to explain? This is clearly clopped out of a cheap melodrama where the point is an ironic-shocker "evil triumphs" twist. The satanic imagery is just set dressing, as was even recognized by the characters. And so we are to conclude ...what? That the producer and director are exploiting the "Hollywood is Satanic" byword? And if people like "Green Lives Matter" get all reactive about it, is the video producers' market assessment correct or not?
Satanic plot themes are very old in motion pictures. But so are murder stories. Does that mean that Hollywood is plotting murder on a general scale? One has to discriminate between bad taste and evil deeds. I agree that Hollywood is unsavory and full of bad ideas, but this doesn't prove anything but bad taste.
That's because you are not thinking closely. All I was addressing was this stupid video clip. Stupid bad taste does not imply anything else. And the whole point of the video was that your anti-Hollywood theory was correct, so what is your beef?
I never stated a theory. My beef, since you can't seem to read, is you pushing your 'believe the MSM'/'nothing to see here' bullshit again. You are nothing more than a low-iq LARP who comes on this site lying about historical events, claiming to design a mostly worthless laser and trying to hinder/deter research and truth seeking. You are an easy one to read......
Of course there is a theory, namely that Hollywood is luxuriating in a life of satanic excess and worship. I take no particular issue with the theory. But this clip is really proof of nothing---the more so that it seems to validate your (plural) theory, yet you are antagonistic to it. Very puzzling.
I chuckle because (1) I am not low-IQ, (2) I'm not a LARP, (3) I haven't lied about anything, and (4) YAL-1A was not "worthless." Unless you think the Obama decision to scrap it was a testament to its unworthiness. Since you have read me wrong, you shouldn't break your arm patting yourself on the back.
You are batting zero today. There may be a theory but you keep saying 'your theory' and again, I never stated a theory dipshit. So yeah, you proved 1,2,3 are totally true. May be wrong on 4, as I doubt you did anything more than sweep the shop floor at close. I read you 100% right and it was easy. Kindly take your poor attempt at gaslighting people here and go fuck yourself
Cant watch. The programing in the light show is evident! Careful pedes 🙏.
MK ultra is a strong drug. Don’t even do it once.
"Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people." (Ephesians 6:10-18, NIV
We definitely need God constantly. No more flying solo. You need someone watching your back at all times!
Yes and the good thing is God says he never sleeps , His head is always on a swivel , watching out for his kids and He has legions of angels at his disposal! thank you God
I used that as the intro for a song called Armor Of God I made about a year ago
its funny, I never really had fans, i do it more for personal reasons - but i actually lost some friends over my choice to embrace Christ - from church, to the baptism, to songs like this... some of them just didnt get it. but, there was a time neither did I. But, when I cried out to him - he answered. I just hope they do the same
anyway yeah I hope this doesnt violate the whole "no self-promo" thing I just wanted to counter this devil worshipping in the post w/ something made with God at heart.
Nothing is more powerful that my God, and he promised that he would not let me go. MK Ultra,,,,, Bah Humbug
Well, clearly… If you have the spirit of the living, God in you, you can escape the brainwashing. That’s why we’re all here.
Congratulations!!! 👏👏👏
Also, still using the DMSO
Glad you were able to discover DMSO.
I was out for a while, but just got two new 8 oz bottles in yesterday. Currently I am experimenting with a sore tooth. I don't think I have any kind of infection, but DMSO combined with Chlorine Dioxide is one of the few ways to treat an infection down in a tooth, or root canal area. The DMSO can carry the MMS into the Tooth and kill bacteria.
Well, that’s great to know because I definitely have problems with my teeth.
Interesting sidenote. When I started using the DMSO on my left shoulder, I had a flareup on their left side of my face back behind my ear, and I got a cold sore on the left side inside my mouth.
I surmised to my mother, that perhaps the DMSO was getting on my face when I was sleeping at night because that’s when I would put it on - at night. I would let it dry, but it’s still there you know what I mean.
I think the residual DMSO was cleansing my body of whatever bacterias I had in that area. It’s all anecdotal, but still, I think it means something. Because that’s not happening anymore now, and I’m still using it on that shoulder.
Does not hurt or reduce effectiveness of what DMSO does to add some MMS to it prior to rubbing in shoulder. I don't ever really measure that closely. But if you have a lot of toxins to purge, or a really sick, too much MMS added might give you a reaction where you might have some diarrhea, or other mild symptoms.
Like when I treated my gout knee, I put like 20 drops of MMS, and about a tablespoon of DMSO with around 60 ml or water, and the about four hours later used 10 drops of MMS with 1 tbls of DMSO with another 60 ml of water. That was a total of 30 drops of MMS so a bit much, and I had loose stool for about a day.
You can't really over-dose on either, so not much to worry about. Your body will tell you when your going over if you listen to it. And MMS only stays in system for around 45 mins.
But yea, that are great thing to know, is that DMSO is one of the very few, if not the only molecule that absorb into the tooth, and down into the areas where infection might exist. This is particularly good for when infection is down in ares where one had root canal. In this case it would be most helpful to add some MMS that will kill the bacteria.
Just follow the protocol described in the Health Recovery Guide.
What is dmso
From memory it's dimethylsulphoxide.
See here: https://greatawakening.win/p/16bjA5TSBn/this-my-save-your-life-or-life-o/
Very timely comments here, as I have a failed root canal. Where can I find the Health Recovery Guide? Thank you so much!
Thought I'd tell you how I seemed to get rid of my aching tooth.
I mixed three drops of MMS, that three drops of Sodium Chlorite with three drops of HCL, used probably two table spoon of water mixed in, the added about a tablespoon of DMSO. Then I took a gauze pad and dipped it into the solution, and held it against my gum, where the tooth was. Did this, keep re-dipping to keep gauze wet for total of about 15 minutes. Tooth is no longer sensitive to cold, nor does it hurt.
Thought I'd tell you how I seemed to get rid of my aching tooth.
I mixed three drops of MMS, that three drops of Sodium Chlorite with three drops of HCL, used probably two table spoon of water mixed in, the added about a tablespoon of DMSO. Then I took a gauze pad and dipped it into the solution, and held it against my gum, where the tooth was. Did this, keep re-dipping to keep gauze wet for total of about 15 minutes. Tooth is no longer sensitive to cold, nor does it hurt.
👏👏👏 Thanks for getting back to me on this because I do have problems with my teeth a lot. It’s been a lifelong issue. I put this into a note on my phone. Thanks again.!
I got into thirty seconds said to by self SCREW THIS. To “green lives matter” you didn’t do anyone a favor for posting. 5 minutes Psychedelic effect in a film https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bCowyYPCYts
This is a great video. Thank you.
Edit: although for the record, I did not really watch it. I listened, and I briefly looked at the images. Even for educational purposes, I am very cautious.
Yeah, I do not open that type of video. Msgr. Rosetti with St Michael's Spiritual Center says many things, including some music, videos, divination, games like Ouija boards, etc., are not to be played with as they invite evil into your life.
I agree! I’ve never been one to watch, horror, movies, or intense, psychological thrillers. I’m just not interested in having that type of energy enter my eyeballs, and go into my brain. Once you see it, you can’t on see it. It’s with you for the rest of your day. The eye is the lamp. Let it shine brightly.
”“The lamp of the body is the eye. If therefore your eye is good, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in you is darkness, how great is that darkness!“ Matthew 6:22-23
”“The lamp of the body is the eye. If therefore your eye is good, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in you is darkness, how great is that darkness!“ Matthew 6:22-23
I love the scripture. It’s so applicable. 🙏🙏🙏
Taken in small doses creates immunity........Natural Immunity.
Harder for the Evil to sneak up on you. We were told about Sodom & Gomorrah ,right?
People blindly upvote the comment without even knowing what MK Ultra is it seems. They auto upvote because of fear. Do you think WH operators who see the most horrid shit ever auto become Mk ultra slaves? No.
Now, for the video, not even worth watching, looks like some faggy satanic shit. But if you watch it you don't auto become an Mk Ultra victim like comment is suggesting. Still, I do not promote watching the video. Just I call out false information when I see it. There's no reason to fear anything. Fear is the state they want us in. The low vibrational energy. They love to feed us fear.
Q was the greatest anti-Fear psyop I've ever witnessed. There is a reason Q needed to give us faith in the plan. It goes beyond simple terms. It's about ascension.
I believe your effort is misdirected. But:
Do you know why I say
"Still, I do not promote watching the video."
You won't guess it.
I don't promote watching the video either , but I have been immune for decades so maybe because it's trash?
That which does not kill you makes you (wish it had? Kek) stronger!
If you recognized the improvement .....too much
"Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil; May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; And do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls. Amen."
Amen 🙏🙏🙏
$ale of $ouL is real. (Don’t sell 0ut) - I had a chance to shake the Hand that $hake’s the hand ,, that $hook the Hand .. of p.t. Barnham. & uncle $am // walked away from that Deal
What was the deal and what was it for?
Fame & Fortune —
The Dream of >Fame & Fortune —
God provides,.. most Splendidly & being Anon is a Blessing
Happiness comes from within , not from the outside(Fame & Fortune)
Neither shall men say, Lo here, or lo there: for behold, the kingdom of God is within you. ---Luke 17:21
He turned
Stupid shitheads
They will do what they're meant to do. Lose
Rather surprised at how many people are upset that they watched this or stopped watching quickly.
You're stronger than that. We're the people that are awake. We're God's soldiers.
Someone on the side of good has to watch this sort of thing because we need to know what our enemy is doing so that we can effectively fight back against it. Why shouldn't it be you?
Because I personally lived it
”“The lamp of the body is the eye. If therefore your eye is good, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in you is darkness, how great is that darkness!“ Matthew 6:22-23 NKJV https://bible.com/bible/114/mat.6.22-23.NKJV
Does anyone get the vibe: the devil has taken him over? That’s what I see in scene at the end with him in the car trunk & demon look a like driving car.
I imagine that's what was trying to be conveyed.
Seems to be the theme with Halsey and Justin for the decade. Halseys new movie is called Maxxxine — they are way in the deep end of Satanic forces. Then Calvin Harris. All 3 did a video that ties to this and the movie called -stay with me.
They are layering it on thick for their cultists to feel superior over those they deem conspiracy theorists.
With that movie -civil war- they are panicking. 29 weeks and it is the pseudo voting day—they need more propaganda rained from the stars onto the week minded sheep of the USA… sad really.
Is that Timberlake?
Older Timberlake… so smug… whatever
I Think so...Looks like him...
Yes it’s him. I wasn’t sure until he spoke. I’m certainly not a fan, I know one song. Haven’t been interested in his music style.
I was done in the first 6 seconds. 😤🤮
Led zep stairway to heaven backwards masking says " here's to my sweet satan" it's pretty clear..
I am not sure as I age I notice more, or as I saw the country just get more rotten
The back masking
Oh here's to my sweet Satan. The one whose little path would make me sad, whose power is Satan. He'll give those with him 666, there was a little toolshed where he made us suffer, sad Satan.
I feel sick could not watch
The end is the same theme as The Weeknd’s “Starboy”, where he kills his human previous self and is about his initiation into the occult’s next level.
Don't watch. Avoid these things
They worship the god of darkness. If they do not repent, in outter darkness is where the will spend eternity.
Pretty sure some director, lacking original thought, stole some visuals from the club scene in BLADE and combined it with a shitty Marilyn Manson video (Angel with the Scabbed Wings).
While repugnant, don't assume everything is 'satanic'. While there are plenty of things that are (because people are stupid and hope some supernatural evil entity will grant them power), some things are just bad Hollywood fx. This scene is designed to elicit a visceral reaction from viewers.
All I see is a lack of creativity and a poor budget.
Plenty of evil things in this world. A terrible movie probably isn't one of them.
Are they sick and twisted? Yup.
Is this anymore sick and twisted than anything else they put out? Not to me.
Good work though. Some people may not realize how fucked Hollywood is, and has been, for along time.
It’s MK.Ultra — C.1.A- bullshit, We threw Raves in mil.chi.D-town…. The shit. Is real/ war fair….. it’s all connected… Spiritual Wars
You could argue there's an agenda behind the artistic decisions, but I personally think in reality people don't care about something being "satanic" as much as they don't give a fuck about your god. Of you are a fan of horror films, do you are by default a worshipper or murder, ghosts, monsters and demons? It's just content to the average person. In this case it's an image of a succubus which is just mythology. Personal opinion, and I understand this is a majority christian community, so you can only see it through that lense.
You become the content you consume, slowly, but surely.
It gets more and more explicit every year, it used to be subtle lol
Ugh. My eyes!!
Sick minds
And not in a 'mental illness' way...
So much better than zeppelin, doors,etc.
I do not think even black metal or the more obscure European metal bands have as explicit, and sinister imagery. Justin Timberlake is working with very dark forces
Why is this stickied? I don't want to watch crap like this.
It's been nearly 8 years since the guy had a Billboard 100 #1 and 6 years since he had a top 10 place on that list, so either the devil has lost his touch or sold souls just don't buy the kind of fame we think they do. Kudos to some of the other commenters that told me who this actually was. I assumed it was part of a movie or tv show.
The Devil can’t $ell. Welcome to the great awakening.
What is there to explain? This is clearly clopped out of a cheap melodrama where the point is an ironic-shocker "evil triumphs" twist. The satanic imagery is just set dressing, as was even recognized by the characters. And so we are to conclude ...what? That the producer and director are exploiting the "Hollywood is Satanic" byword? And if people like "Green Lives Matter" get all reactive about it, is the video producers' market assessment correct or not?
Satanic plot themes are very old in motion pictures. But so are murder stories. Does that mean that Hollywood is plotting murder on a general scale? One has to discriminate between bad taste and evil deeds. I agree that Hollywood is unsavory and full of bad ideas, but this doesn't prove anything but bad taste.
Your opinion but you couldn't be more wrong....Its a LOT more than bad taste.....
All that was shown was a clip from a movie, which is fiction. And all that was on display was bad taste. Show more? Assert less?
I see you have been busy this morning pushing your 'believe the MSM'/'nothing to see here' bullshit again.
That's because you are not thinking closely. All I was addressing was this stupid video clip. Stupid bad taste does not imply anything else. And the whole point of the video was that your anti-Hollywood theory was correct, so what is your beef?
I never stated a theory. My beef, since you can't seem to read, is you pushing your 'believe the MSM'/'nothing to see here' bullshit again. You are nothing more than a low-iq LARP who comes on this site lying about historical events, claiming to design a mostly worthless laser and trying to hinder/deter research and truth seeking. You are an easy one to read......
Of course there is a theory, namely that Hollywood is luxuriating in a life of satanic excess and worship. I take no particular issue with the theory. But this clip is really proof of nothing---the more so that it seems to validate your (plural) theory, yet you are antagonistic to it. Very puzzling.
I chuckle because (1) I am not low-IQ, (2) I'm not a LARP, (3) I haven't lied about anything, and (4) YAL-1A was not "worthless." Unless you think the Obama decision to scrap it was a testament to its unworthiness. Since you have read me wrong, you shouldn't break your arm patting yourself on the back.
You are batting zero today. There may be a theory but you keep saying 'your theory' and again, I never stated a theory dipshit. So yeah, you proved 1,2,3 are totally true. May be wrong on 4, as I doubt you did anything more than sweep the shop floor at close. I read you 100% right and it was easy. Kindly take your poor attempt at gaslighting people here and go fuck yourself