I dunno. I have a bunch of family liberals on FB and they and their friends think Trump is a criminal and deserves this. I have been engaging and throwing facts in their faces to no avail. These people will not budge from Trump going to jail, ex-President or not.
I have someone close (super left liberal) who a year or so back was 'fucker needs to be in prison' and during a recent UFC event I ordered (Trump surprise appearance) said to me "I mean, I'd be fine with Trump if he just wasn't running for President, like, I can see the appeal! I'd hang out with him". I think more are slowly coming to than you think.
I love to see the stories here of those who do come around. I believe that if these liberals’ favorite MSM channels/celebrities (because they aren’t reporters!) start to actually state facts, they may change their mind. Once it stops being an echo chamber around them?
I will say that I watch what they post. And it used to be just last year that all of their Occupy Democrats posts wouldn’t have one person disagreeing. (I had given up engaging at that point.) That is not the case now. Because I saw others jumping into the pool recently and getting some agreement/engagement, I now use those posts to state facts. I have to admit that they are cleverly written and hard to exactly confront, but I try. They don’t know how to respond most of the time except to just throw laughing emojies at me.
And another bright spot… they are posting a lot less of the Occupy Democrats garbage. Which means that they know something isn’t right. But I always get a few of their friends to agree with me now, which wasn’t the case 2 or 3 years ago.
I have two barometers on forums. One is thecoli, a mostly black website/forum for Sports/Hip Hop. I've seen it change over the past few years. More and more black men are on there going "whoa this won't age well" to political posts dissing Trump or praising Jay-Z and the like...and the other is macrumors (an Apple MACOS forum) and it has almost totally flipped from liberal yahoos spouting little comments to the user base calling them all out. Sight to see. These are huge forums too, not some rinky dink 10 comment reply ones.
Almost like religion. You state facts about the myth of the Bible,but yet people won’t erase arch those facts and will still keep their heads in the clouds.
@horseyPatriot...I(we) hear you on this. You are not alone in this scenario. It's sad, but ultimately it is their choice given all the truths that lay before them if they elect to continue with "Orangeman Bad" thinking. As much as it pains us to see loved ones refuse the truth, they are exactly what Q describes as the 4-6% that are lost forever. Keep trying with the good work and be ready to answer questions when that lightbulb finally turns on, if it does. NCSWIC WWG1WGA
Yes! Because it was going to be a Mega MAGA landslide anyway...when Trump is convicted, his martyr status is immortalized in 17 cubic yards of solid gold....Ultra Mega MAGA
If they can get a photo of him behind bars, with the determined jaw and confident piercing glare, that should be the portrait on the new gold-backed currency. Maybe the $5, for 5:5 and 5D chess? Abe won't mind if he gets promoted to $10, and Hamilton can piss off.
The predator class must find and groom idiot prosecutors for just these purposes. I hope this is the end of this false accusation, and I hope it educates a lot of people about "our democracy".
That is 100% true. His arrests also already helped trigger a lot of minority awakening, thanks to the mugshot and the number of arrests.
I think there are 2 reasons he hasn't been jailed yet. The first is because of the massive headaches the other side will have trying to figure out exactly how they can jail him with USSS protection. The second reason is because his popularity will skyrocket. One of the dumbasses involved in these cases will try it eventually and learn the meeting of FAFO.
Right, but the left will claim it’s justified. So, when Trump walks doesn’t that same theory also apply to Obama, Biden, Bush et al? If we know it won’t stick on Trump, how will it stick on those who actually deserve to be in jail? Knowing full well that the legal system is in their back pocket.
I still think this was Epstein. It's in EVERYONE'S subconcious now. It is a meme. It lives in everyone's head. It also signaled to the DS (future direction) about what was in store for them, as he was one of the untouchables. THEN, Gislane was even 'more' untouchable and she was nabbed.
Also, on Newsmax last night, Greg Kelly pointed out that the case is past the statute of limitations. The check was made in September of 2017. This means that the case needed to be brought to trial before September of 2023 given that this case is 6 years for President Trump.
It's lawfare
Use the taxpayer paid, corrupt justicte system to bring arbitrary charges against Pres. Trump. Win or lose doesn't mater. He is spending MILLIONS of his money, defending himself from wrongful persecution.
And prevented from either talking about the bogus charges, or campaigning.
People should be hung for this crap and abuse. Not jail, not fired ... wind chimes.
And instead of sticking the taxpayer, the Prosecution should be held personally responsible. Start taking homes away from corrupt prosecutors, and this shit stops.
I didn’t watch the video, but just read this elsewhere…
JUST IN: It appears the prosecution just
destroyed their entire case in the Trump hush
money trial! Trump comptroller, Jeff
McConney, just testified that he is the one
who instructed the accounting department to
classify the payments as "legal expenses."
He says he did that because of how Cohen
worded the invoices. This entire case is
based on the premise that Donald Trump had
the payments classified as legal expenses to
hide hush money payments.
The Judge should immediately throw this case
out after that testimony! How much longer
can this madness continue?
The video is quite interesting, and that' why I posted it, because it is excruciatingly long-form. The author analyses a tweet string from a reporter in the court. So one gets a blow-by-blow account, and direct quotes from people in court, including the insanity, or almost a peek-a-boo lurid soap-opera, displayed by the judge.
And he manages to organize this via an interactive enhanced 2D matrix-like 'talking points' power-point, which is the first time I have seen such a presentation.
Well, I bothered to watch it, because I make a point of watching stuff I post. The exoneration is basically coming from the in-house accountant 'comptroller'. The prosecution brought this witness, so expected to find some dirt, but instead he is an honest man, who deals with large checks, ALL. THE. TIME.
He stated that he instructed his team to label the payments as 'legal expenses', based on the language on the invoice.
This means that the prosecution's case-premise (that Trump was pulling all the strings, in order to hide-from-his-wife/spend illicit campaign-funds/keep his hooker-visit-from-the-public-eye, etc. and henceforth hiding the espenses, to obfuscate the hush-money payment) no longer stands.
The prosecution did put Jeffrey McConney the Trump controller on the stand so they were probably pretty aware of what he would say.
They are going to use McConney to try to corroborate. Michael Cohen. The prosecution is saying there were hush money payments and then later business records. The people who knew about the hush money payments were Trump, Pecker, and Cohen. Possibly Alan Weisselberg knew.
The people who knew what the business records were for were Trump, Cohen and Weisselberg.
Mcconnie said a couple things that the Trump lawyers will have to deal with somehow.
He never saw a legal retainer for Michael Cohen.
He was told by Alan Weisselberg the money was for reimbursing Cohen and he was going to be reimbursed for $420,000 not just the $130,000 paid to Daniels.
Both he and Weisselberg took notes that explained how they got to this number.
So yes, McConney directly told the accounting department what to write on the records, but he basically was doing his Alan Weisselberg told him.
Usually lawyers do not want their clients to testify.
Trump has hinted yes. He has hinted no. Just the other day outside court, he said he was prevented from testifying by the gag order. The next day the judge told the gag order never prevented him from testifying.
Trump + jail = mega ultra MAGA landslide
I dunno. I have a bunch of family liberals on FB and they and their friends think Trump is a criminal and deserves this. I have been engaging and throwing facts in their faces to no avail. These people will not budge from Trump going to jail, ex-President or not.
I have someone close (super left liberal) who a year or so back was 'fucker needs to be in prison' and during a recent UFC event I ordered (Trump surprise appearance) said to me "I mean, I'd be fine with Trump if he just wasn't running for President, like, I can see the appeal! I'd hang out with him". I think more are slowly coming to than you think.
I love to see the stories here of those who do come around. I believe that if these liberals’ favorite MSM channels/celebrities (because they aren’t reporters!) start to actually state facts, they may change their mind. Once it stops being an echo chamber around them?
I will say that I watch what they post. And it used to be just last year that all of their Occupy Democrats posts wouldn’t have one person disagreeing. (I had given up engaging at that point.) That is not the case now. Because I saw others jumping into the pool recently and getting some agreement/engagement, I now use those posts to state facts. I have to admit that they are cleverly written and hard to exactly confront, but I try. They don’t know how to respond most of the time except to just throw laughing emojies at me.
And another bright spot… they are posting a lot less of the Occupy Democrats garbage. Which means that they know something isn’t right. But I always get a few of their friends to agree with me now, which wasn’t the case 2 or 3 years ago.
I have two barometers on forums. One is thecoli, a mostly black website/forum for Sports/Hip Hop. I've seen it change over the past few years. More and more black men are on there going "whoa this won't age well" to political posts dissing Trump or praising Jay-Z and the like...and the other is macrumors (an Apple MACOS forum) and it has almost totally flipped from liberal yahoos spouting little comments to the user base calling them all out. Sight to see. These are huge forums too, not some rinky dink 10 comment reply ones.
I too, have witnessed the same thing on other relatively large message boards. The overton window has shifted direction and is gaining speed daily..
I would be fine with liberals if they would just stay out of politics all together and kept their mouths shut, but that is not going to happen either.
Their agenda and poison is everywhere even if they dropped out of politics
You’re correct, some people you just can’t reach.
...and thats the way he likes it. So, he gets it.
Points for knowing the movie...
Almost like religion. You state facts about the myth of the Bible,but yet people won’t erase arch those facts and will still keep their heads in the clouds.
@horseyPatriot...I(we) hear you on this. You are not alone in this scenario. It's sad, but ultimately it is their choice given all the truths that lay before them if they elect to continue with "Orangeman Bad" thinking. As much as it pains us to see loved ones refuse the truth, they are exactly what Q describes as the 4-6% that are lost forever. Keep trying with the good work and be ready to answer questions when that lightbulb finally turns on, if it does. NCSWIC WWG1WGA
Their minds won't change until they get punched in the face because the overton window shifted beyond their level of tolerance.
Keep showing them facts.
Yes! Because it was going to be a Mega MAGA landslide anyway...when Trump is convicted, his martyr status is immortalized in 17 cubic yards of solid gold....Ultra Mega MAGA
If they can get a photo of him behind bars, with the determined jaw and confident piercing glare, that should be the portrait on the new gold-backed currency. Maybe the $5, for 5:5 and 5D chess? Abe won't mind if he gets promoted to $10, and Hamilton can piss off.
Trump + jail= Trump + murdered.
And who pays for this waste? Not the taxpayers, surely…..
NYC taxpayers I believe.
Oh yes. Taxpayers, in a case where they are trying to prove that Trump spent campaign-funds to pay off a hooker.
The predator class must find and groom idiot prosecutors for just these purposes. I hope this is the end of this false accusation, and I hope it educates a lot of people about "our democracy".
The first arrest will trigger future direction.
Hello our guy has been booked at least 2times
BUT he hasn't been jailed yet!
You don't have to be jailed to be arrested.
Well let me make this CLEAR as to what I meant. When Trump is thrown in jail it should trigger MASS AWAKENING!
That is 100% true. His arrests also already helped trigger a lot of minority awakening, thanks to the mugshot and the number of arrests.
I think there are 2 reasons he hasn't been jailed yet. The first is because of the massive headaches the other side will have trying to figure out exactly how they can jail him with USSS protection. The second reason is because his popularity will skyrocket. One of the dumbasses involved in these cases will try it eventually and learn the meeting of FAFO.
Right, but the left will claim it’s justified. So, when Trump walks doesn’t that same theory also apply to Obama, Biden, Bush et al? If we know it won’t stick on Trump, how will it stick on those who actually deserve to be in jail? Knowing full well that the legal system is in their back pocket.
You said the first arrest, which has already happened.
I still think this was Epstein. It's in EVERYONE'S subconcious now. It is a meme. It lives in everyone's head. It also signaled to the DS (future direction) about what was in store for them, as he was one of the untouchables. THEN, Gislane was even 'more' untouchable and she was nabbed.
maxwell was
Also, on Newsmax last night, Greg Kelly pointed out that the case is past the statute of limitations. The check was made in September of 2017. This means that the case needed to be brought to trial before September of 2023 given that this case is 6 years for President Trump.
It's lawfare Use the taxpayer paid, corrupt justicte system to bring arbitrary charges against Pres. Trump. Win or lose doesn't mater. He is spending MILLIONS of his money, defending himself from wrongful persecution.
And prevented from either talking about the bogus charges, or campaigning.
People should be hung for this crap and abuse. Not jail, not fired ... wind chimes.
Defendants should also be refunded all money used for defense regarding their bogus cases.
Absolutely And instead of sticking the taxpayer, the Prosecution should be held personally responsible. Start taking homes away from corrupt prosecutors, and this shit stops.
Did anyone watch this video?
What exoneration is he claiming?
I didn’t watch the video, but just read this elsewhere…
JUST IN: It appears the prosecution just destroyed their entire case in the Trump hush money trial! Trump comptroller, Jeff McConney, just testified that he is the one who instructed the accounting department to classify the payments as "legal expenses." He says he did that because of how Cohen worded the invoices. This entire case is based on the premise that Donald Trump had the payments classified as legal expenses to hide hush money payments. The Judge should immediately throw this case out after that testimony! How much longer can this madness continue?
The video is quite interesting, and that' why I posted it, because it is excruciatingly long-form. The author analyses a tweet string from a reporter in the court. So one gets a blow-by-blow account, and direct quotes from people in court, including the insanity, or almost a peek-a-boo lurid soap-opera, displayed by the judge.
And he manages to organize this via an interactive enhanced 2D matrix-like 'talking points' power-point, which is the first time I have seen such a presentation.
Well, I bothered to watch it, because I make a point of watching stuff I post. The exoneration is basically coming from the in-house accountant 'comptroller'. The prosecution brought this witness, so expected to find some dirt, but instead he is an honest man, who deals with large checks, ALL. THE. TIME.
He stated that he instructed his team to label the payments as 'legal expenses', based on the language on the invoice.
This means that the prosecution's case-premise (that Trump was pulling all the strings, in order to hide-from-his-wife/spend illicit campaign-funds/keep his hooker-visit-from-the-public-eye, etc. and henceforth hiding the espenses, to obfuscate the hush-money payment) no longer stands.
I'm afraid it's not that easy.
The prosecution did put Jeffrey McConney the Trump controller on the stand so they were probably pretty aware of what he would say.
They are going to use McConney to try to corroborate. Michael Cohen. The prosecution is saying there were hush money payments and then later business records. The people who knew about the hush money payments were Trump, Pecker, and Cohen. Possibly Alan Weisselberg knew. The people who knew what the business records were for were Trump, Cohen and Weisselberg.
Mcconnie said a couple things that the Trump lawyers will have to deal with somehow.
He never saw a legal retainer for Michael Cohen.
He was told by Alan Weisselberg the money was for reimbursing Cohen and he was going to be reimbursed for $420,000 not just the $130,000 paid to Daniels.
Both he and Weisselberg took notes that explained how they got to this number.
So yes, McConney directly told the accounting department what to write on the records, but he basically was doing his Alan Weisselberg told him.
OK. This is Robert Gouveia. I've seen him on Twitter.
The discussion of the reimbursement and the notes starts about 33:00 minutes in
51:22 is where Trump's lawyer gets to ask him about the notes.
(This guy's acting is killing me.)
This won't matter. No truth seems to matter.
Actually Hicks already destroyed the case, but it goes on.
I recommend the video-author, who goes over the tweet-strings.
She is
Did I get downvoted for saying Stormy Daniels was supposed to testify today?
Because she testified today.
My guess is no.
Usually lawyers do not want their clients to testify.
Trump has hinted yes. He has hinted no. Just the other day outside court, he said he was prevented from testifying by the gag order. The next day the judge told the gag order never prevented him from testifying.
i think he might need to even if it's risky.