Good points, though I would guess he will be wired up in someway with answers and responses being fed to him. Also remembering that DJT suggested he have a drug test before hand ... pretty sure he will be 'bumped' up :)
it will be a double of some sort because that man isn't able to stand long, talk without notes, or think for himself. He can hardly read a Teleprompter.
He'll definitely be wired- one in the ear, one in the vein.
Funnily enough, I had a dream about the first debate this morning. Trump was owning the potato on an epic scale. The camera suddenly swung over to O'Biden and zoomed in, and the dipshit announced that he was now the ruler of the country. The military came walking on stage, as Biden smirked and said, "Take him away". The military men then walked over to Biden and arrested him and walked him off stage as he threw a temper tantrum ("I am the ruler of the US! How dare you! Release me at once!")
Then I woke up, laughing my ass off. I had just watched an old movie last night (The Last Starfighter), where the petulant son of the President of the planet was arrested in a similar way, and threw the same tantrum. Funny shit.
The moderators aren't going to allow this to happen. They're going to waste a bunch of time on shit issues only 2 or 3% of Americans consider to be the most pressing ones because they perceive Trump to be weak on them.
So we'll spend half the debate talking about the candidates legal issues, abortion, climate change, healthcare, and racism so that we can't spend as much time on illegal aliens, the economy, and crappy leadership in the government.
I wish each candidates provided 3-5 questions and only those are used. So the voters watching can see which party actually shares their concerns.
If I were Trump I wouldn't even answer their shit questions. I'll pull out the Gallup poll and say "why are you asking questions about a topic that didn't even make the list of most pressing issues facing America according to Gallup" and then proceed to talk about the important issue. Just ignore the moderators and discuss what you want.
I so hope they talk about trans rights. I'd like to know, as a straight, white man if trannies will be able to ride the same school bus as my children. This is the pressing issue of the century for sure.
They'll be forced to, how else can they spread their social contagion to try and turn your kids into troons and alienate them from their family, Church, and normal friends where they can be easily be manipulated and controlled and poisoned against God?
I believe that is why he is taking 10 days that they can go over the way they want him to answer every question (and you know they already have the list of questions) ad nauseum. What is going to be funny is when he answers one question with the answer to another (of course the moderators will be instructed to ask the questions in a specific order). You just gotta know they are going to drug him up and put a bug in his ear for sure.
Obvious ambush is obvious. They can cut microphones. Since there is no studio audience if Biden starts babbling incoherently they just cut to a closeup of the moderators who then ask a question to Trump. Although having Trump not able to interrupt as easily will probably make him appear less hostile.
I was thinking about the debate today. Don't they have devices nowadays that can continuously infuse medication into your body, like hormones and insulin? What if they do something like that to him, instead of injections and stuff that wear off?
This is a movie. The real Joe is dead, due to a neck stretching at Gitmo and the current Joe is an actor doing his part to make the left believe he's in command. If the debates happen I suspect the current Joe will act just fine. He might show some signs of dimensia, but overall he'll do what he is suppose to do, act right, and not make any gaffs. He will be cognizant of all issues put forth and have some good points to make. Once or twice he will stare off into space just to keep the facade going, but overall he will do just fine. Remember, the movie has been produced and is now being watched by millions. It cannot go off the rails, Q and his team have already figured out what can go wrong and have put failsafes in place. Let's just watch the debates and enjoy a good brand of popcorn. Plus, how else can Q prove to the left that Joe isn't all there than by showing him for ninety minutes flubbing words, and staring off into space. Not too much, but just enough to have the hard Lefties begin to question his capacity to be President.
And the topics they chose to discuss and how they're framed will favor the Democrats.
Instead of getting 5 questions about the economy and 5 about illegal aliens like the polling suggests are the most important issues to people we're going to get a question about abortion, a question about climate change, a question about healthcare, a question about the queers, a January 6th question, a question about each person's respective legal troubles, two biased questions about the economy (one of which being some shit phrasing to make it about about income inequality or some other irrelevant twist to avoid discussing the real issue), and a slanted question about inflation.
Fine has done nothing but give USA a good look at his condition. There’s no drug available that will allow him to compete with a trump.
My bets are they will dismiss debates over some sort of disaster
He’s got at least two in front of him to help him. If Trump sees that Biden is not well, Trump will say we. Need to stop this so can get medical attention- it would be glorious
My guess is the 10 days of no Joe before the debate is them implanting an ear device in him. Probably also a continuous medication pump to prop him up and adjust his meds as needed so he can live through the debate and sound somewhat coherent. The water they will let them have will be spiked with whatever they need and he will be directed at specific times to drink it in order to get the meds into him. He has a whole panic going on behind the scenes around him working to get him through this debate. I waited for him to fail the debates in 2020, and they limped him through. My guess is they will limp him through again and I will be disappointed in their effort when Joe doesn't say something idiotic.
The fact that there is even a debate before the two party conventions tells me it will go horribly for FJB, and that he will be replaced in the Dem Convention. This argument clearly cuts against the "Biden is an imposter and WH controlled" theory, but it seems much more plausible for the likley end game.
First and foremost you have to force the discussion to be on the most pressing topics, otherwise they're going to spend half the debate on the candidates legal issues, abortion, healthcare, climate change, gay shit, and racism, all things not even 4% of Americans list as the most pressing issues. They should limit it to the top 5 issues so there is time to have an actual discussion, not just spit out some platitude and move on.
Good points, though I would guess he will be wired up in someway with answers and responses being fed to him. Also remembering that DJT suggested he have a drug test before hand ... pretty sure he will be 'bumped' up :)
Biden definitely needs a drugs test prior to the debate AND he needs to be physically checked to insure there's no hidden ear piece.
They will only send the ''smartest Biden''.
it will be a double of some sort because that man isn't able to stand long, talk without notes, or think for himself. He can hardly read a Teleprompter.
Yes, and should also check for ear/ hearing devices to. Let’s see how well the puppet does without Obama speaking into his ear…
He'll definitely be wired- one in the ear, one in the vein.
Funnily enough, I had a dream about the first debate this morning. Trump was owning the potato on an epic scale. The camera suddenly swung over to O'Biden and zoomed in, and the dipshit announced that he was now the ruler of the country. The military came walking on stage, as Biden smirked and said, "Take him away". The military men then walked over to Biden and arrested him and walked him off stage as he threw a temper tantrum ("I am the ruler of the US! How dare you! Release me at once!")
Then I woke up, laughing my ass off. I had just watched an old movie last night (The Last Starfighter), where the petulant son of the President of the planet was arrested in a similar way, and threw the same tantrum. Funny shit.
The moderators aren't going to allow this to happen. They're going to waste a bunch of time on shit issues only 2 or 3% of Americans consider to be the most pressing ones because they perceive Trump to be weak on them.
So we'll spend half the debate talking about the candidates legal issues, abortion, climate change, healthcare, and racism so that we can't spend as much time on illegal aliens, the economy, and crappy leadership in the government.
I wish each candidates provided 3-5 questions and only those are used. So the voters watching can see which party actually shares their concerns.
If I were Trump I wouldn't even answer their shit questions. I'll pull out the Gallup poll and say "why are you asking questions about a topic that didn't even make the list of most pressing issues facing America according to Gallup" and then proceed to talk about the important issue. Just ignore the moderators and discuss what you want.
Surely his team knows this. What you’ve said is spot on.
I so hope they talk about trans rights. I'd like to know, as a straight, white man if trannies will be able to ride the same school bus as my children. This is the pressing issue of the century for sure.
They'll be forced to, how else can they spread their social contagion to try and turn your kids into troons and alienate them from their family, Church, and normal friends where they can be easily be manipulated and controlled and poisoned against God?
I concur.
this is amazing
I believe that is why he is taking 10 days that they can go over the way they want him to answer every question (and you know they already have the list of questions) ad nauseum. What is going to be funny is when he answers one question with the answer to another (of course the moderators will be instructed to ask the questions in a specific order). You just gotta know they are going to drug him up and put a bug in his ear for sure.
What if dies on stage from that cocktail?
More entertainment.
But how, exactly, would we be able to tell whether or not he is dead?
If he doesn't blink
Correct, because we all know he'll still be sniffing....
Cue Kamala Cackling.
What if that's their plan?
President Trump should this say on his first question: ….”First, Thank you for this opportunity. Joe, are you wearing an ear piece?”
Even if he isn’t, that question from Trump will completely throw him off and he’ll be agitated from the beginning! Epic!
Angry amphetamine Biden will be solid gold for comedy. I can't wait to see if he can top dog faced pony solider as an insult.
I predict a clusterfk.
Obvious ambush is obvious. They can cut microphones. Since there is no studio audience if Biden starts babbling incoherently they just cut to a closeup of the moderators who then ask a question to Trump. Although having Trump not able to interrupt as easily will probably make him appear less hostile.
I have high hopes but I really don't think they will allow shitpants to debate
Could the demonrats be setting him up to fail, so they can replace him?
Now that would be interesting!
Well, I think I'd prefer him staying as a (weak) candidate.
I was thinking about the debate today. Don't they have devices nowadays that can continuously infuse medication into your body, like hormones and insulin? What if they do something like that to him, instead of injections and stuff that wear off?
Yes. It's a metered-dose pump, small, like the morphine pumps C patients may wear
This is a movie. The real Joe is dead, due to a neck stretching at Gitmo and the current Joe is an actor doing his part to make the left believe he's in command. If the debates happen I suspect the current Joe will act just fine. He might show some signs of dimensia, but overall he'll do what he is suppose to do, act right, and not make any gaffs. He will be cognizant of all issues put forth and have some good points to make. Once or twice he will stare off into space just to keep the facade going, but overall he will do just fine. Remember, the movie has been produced and is now being watched by millions. It cannot go off the rails, Q and his team have already figured out what can go wrong and have put failsafes in place. Let's just watch the debates and enjoy a good brand of popcorn. Plus, how else can Q prove to the left that Joe isn't all there than by showing him for ninety minutes flubbing words, and staring off into space. Not too much, but just enough to have the hard Lefties begin to question his capacity to be President.
That implies that the white hats are doing bad shit to good people to convince us how bad and evil dems are...
The war is still going. Don't count your chickens.
Shit show incoming...
He will have an earpiece and those special contact lenses.
Link to the contact lense thing? Sounds like something out of Cyberpunk 2077.
Thank you sir!
I’ll take “what can go wrong” for $200 Alex
At least he will be totally prepped in advance on what the debate questions will be
And the topics they chose to discuss and how they're framed will favor the Democrats.
Instead of getting 5 questions about the economy and 5 about illegal aliens like the polling suggests are the most important issues to people we're going to get a question about abortion, a question about climate change, a question about healthcare, a question about the queers, a January 6th question, a question about each person's respective legal troubles, two biased questions about the economy (one of which being some shit phrasing to make it about about income inequality or some other irrelevant twist to avoid discussing the real issue), and a slanted question about inflation.
And the questions themselves could be answered in such a way that Pres Trump will once again show the world how completely corrupt the system is
Can’t wait to see that shit show.
They must’ve worked all of the pants-shitting glitches out of Chinese Robo-Biden 3000. Ha!
Except for the little voice in his ear, you mean?!
Fine has done nothing but give USA a good look at his condition. There’s no drug available that will allow him to compete with a trump. My bets are they will dismiss debates over some sort of disaster
They hooped him up pretty well 4 years ago.
If he’s wearing Chuck Taylors… Check the soles.
He’s got at least two in front of him to help him. If Trump sees that Biden is not well, Trump will say we. Need to stop this so can get medical attention- it would be glorious
Didnt stop the esr peace and wire last time.
Blood transfusion from children. Part of the days long preparation.
They're going to be seated.
They'll be sitting at a table with no audience, Jack Tapper as moderator and opposing mics will be turned off when speaking.
He might be a double wearing masks
"Pen, paper and water will be provided."
Not even a diaper change break?
I hope someone hides a wireless microphone in his diaper!
Q: What will happen to the mic hidden in the diaper? A: Depends
I've heard that joke, but in a different context involving an old lady. I won't repeat it here, though kek
Lol. Reminds me that I thought Team Trump should have a little time-release stinky-pooh capsule to plant in Potato's podium.
My guess is the 10 days of no Joe before the debate is them implanting an ear device in him. Probably also a continuous medication pump to prop him up and adjust his meds as needed so he can live through the debate and sound somewhat coherent. The water they will let them have will be spiked with whatever they need and he will be directed at specific times to drink it in order to get the meds into him. He has a whole panic going on behind the scenes around him working to get him through this debate. I waited for him to fail the debates in 2020, and they limped him through. My guess is they will limp him through again and I will be disappointed in their effort when Joe doesn't say something idiotic.
I would love to see Trump ask to pause the debate so Joe can get a diaper change.
The fact that there is even a debate before the two party conventions tells me it will go horribly for FJB, and that he will be replaced in the Dem Convention. This argument clearly cuts against the "Biden is an imposter and WH controlled" theory, but it seems much more plausible for the likley end game.
Missing a few key stipulations:
First and foremost you have to force the discussion to be on the most pressing topics, otherwise they're going to spend half the debate on the candidates legal issues, abortion, healthcare, climate change, gay shit, and racism, all things not even 4% of Americans list as the most pressing issues. They should limit it to the top 5 issues so there is time to have an actual discussion, not just spit out some platitude and move on.
The "Americans' Unprompted Views of Nation's Top Problem" is the list I'd use:
I want to see a blood draw from both candidates for a DNA test against Hunter and Eric or Don Jr. And a drug test.
A detailed check for in hearing devices (ear buds, bone conduction devices, etc).