America's Super-Elite Disconnect: The first-ever survey research defining the characteristics and beliefs of an Elite 1% who are the root cause of political dysfunction in America today.
Proof Cabal Peeps Are Stupid! 🥴
Everyone should read it.
IOW: These people ARE the "puppets-in-training" to do the dirty work of the globalist criminals.
Smart enough to convince people of their stupid ideas, but dumb enough to not realize that THEY are the useful idiots.
Their lack of moral compass makes them excellent puppets:
They are fine with their candidate cheating because the end justifies the means.
The overarching philosophy is "Do what thou wilt". The pipeline puppets may not even realize it at first but they are the tools of satanism bought with promises of entitlement. They are the grist to elevate those truly in charge, the 1% of the 1%, into gods. But they too are merely puppets, useful tools to be discarded when their usefulness comes to an end, and, in fact, so are the principles above them.
These pipelines to delusion are being run on the same models and principals as the secret socieities. It is narcissism run amok.
And Rassmussen was "shocked" by this?
Just curious how many of them are iews? 40% I'd say... maybe more.
try 70%
Dated a Jew once, never again. Insane tribal mentality amongst family and their community groups. They will justify any behavior to preserve their kind. Hence in the article they promote amorality to achieve ends. What they’re really doing is immoral.
You can't lump all jews into a pile... and say they're all the same any more than you could lump all of any group that way.
Having grown up in essentially "little tel aviv" there were plenty of stereotypical, but also many that weren't that way at all that resented their bs the same or more than me.
My best friend grew up jewish - he'd be the first to point out their hypocrisy... their love of bacon and the first to laugh at them being chosen to be ugly.
I didn't dv you BTW... I think unless you grew up in a high concentration of them, it's hard to really understand the culture and see similarities and differences. For instance, I wouldn't expect someone in the corn belt to have any practical interactions with them in real life... only what they learned down the rabbit hole through memes, polarized one way or the other.
"You can't lump all jews into a pile... and say they're all the same any more than you could lump all of any group that way."
No, you can't, and that is perfectly true. But one can identify common characteristics exhibited by a given group. So although it's true that not every single member of a group may exhibit those traits, it's perfectly valid to point out that as a group, those characteristics remain prominent.
Ed zachery...which is why I asked the question to begin with (albeit redundant)
Clearly, there are A LOT of jews in this group. It is also true that not all jews are in this group -- just that a lot more than 2% are jews.
They must have some sort of common traits that have them tending towards this way of thinking, moreso than the average population.
I would say that my statement below about lacking critical thinking is one, but in the case of jews, specifically, their tribal mindset and general lack of Christian morality might be a reason why they help each other move up through the system.
There is no doubt that nepotism is stronger among jews than any other group. This is why so many move "up" -- not so much due to their ability, but moreso who they know.
The common claim they make is that they are very smart, but this is a lie. Israel is full of jews, and as a country, their IQ is average vis-a-vis the world. There have even been those who dug deep into the Ashkenazi specifically, and found that when you unravel the false claims and in some cases cheating, their IQ numbers are roughly average.
Nepotism and amorality are more likely the reasons they move up, rather than raw ability. And not all jews move up, but more than 2% do.
Understood. I’ve known good Jewish people in my life. Guess this was just my personal dating experience that corroborates the elitist findings in the substack. Even the well-meaning ones can get caught up in the tribalism, and act immoral when what they think they’re doing is amoral. Cheers, fren.
Spez - will just add that dating and potentially marrying is a much different dynamic when getting to understand the distinctions. In these instances you get more emotionally involved and a lot comes out that is often unspoken when the stakes don’t get that deep.
Yes, the Elites really are this stupid!
86% “white”
Well done on the noticing. Username checks out.
That was a legitimate good read, thanks for sharing
This information dovetails nicely into this video that EVERYONE should watch.
"MASS PSYCHOSIS - How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL"
For this "dovetail" part, start watching here. https://youtu.be/09maaUaRT4M?t=476
I strongly recommend watching the ENTIRE video. It is a little slow to start, but quickly picks up pace.
This all traces back to titles and social status.
This is why they won’t discredit the vaccine. It was a bunch of PHD elites saying it’s ok.
I graduated from one of the twelve schools mentioned but have been an anon and MAGA crew since 2017. I consider myself blessed to have broken out of the brainwashing because the Lord Jesus Christ entered into my life and saved me. Hopefully my take might help you understand how these people think.
This group of individuals is the "middle manager" class or "Outer Party" of the establishment. They are given positions of marginal power within the elite system, but are not themselves financially free, meaning that they make "just enough" to cover the college/med school/law school loan payments, the mortgage for the exorbitantly overpriced 3 bedroom condo, and maybe childcare; but not enough to actually escape the rat race. These individuals are not usually business owners or entrepreneurs who have their own sources of recurring passive income.
They are just "golden-shackled slaves" of the system who are given disproportionate amount of cultural influence in order to propagate elite ideologies and viewpoints. They do this not because they have anything to gain from "transnationalism", "DEI", "BLM" or whatever, but because they have been conditioned since childhood to mindlessly obey institutions of authority. That is the way they got good grades, entered an elite college, went to med/law school/residency/grad school, joined Google/FB/Twitter, etc. By the time they have graduated from grad school, they have been boiled for more than 20 years.
Moreover, this group is disproportionately female. Meaning that by the time they have left school around age 28, they are hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt, saddled with a mostly meaningless degree, and close to age 30; which wouldn't be so bad except they are now overeducated with respect to finding a potential husband. The combined biological, societal, and financial pressure causes many women to short circuit and become a raging leftist, a lesbian, or both.
I think you are spot on.
These are people who wanted to please Mommy and Daddy from early on. They got good grades, did what they were told, and "made it" into the big time Ivy League schools.
There, there were fully indoctrinated into the woke culture.
While there, and unaware of what was happening, they were watched and groomed. Those who were smart, yet dumb enough to not think critically for themselves, and above all obedient to The System, were selected to move up into higher and higher levels of what they perceive to be "authority," which is what they have always worshipped from childhood.
Now that they have become authority figures themselves, they do not perceive others to have any valid opinions. A non-authority can never have an opinion that is superior to an authority. Such a thing is not possible. They are now the "experts," and everyone else should just shut up and follow along -- exactly like they themselves have always done, from childhood.
Because they have never been critical thinkers, they follow, and they also become tyrannical in their thinking. They have a god complex and do not understand the concept that THEY, of all people, could ever be wrong about anything, especially when they are spoon-fed what to think by "experts" who are even above themselves, but within the "in" circle. NY Times, WaPo, CNN, and other "authority figures," tell them what to think, so they can parrot "their own expert opinion" onto the masses, who are too dumb to understand that the experts are always right -- something they have always understood, even as children.
It's a deep, psychologically intellecutally dishonest mindset. Critical thinking is not a part of their worldview, which is why they become doctors who have no concept of heath or that something might actually cause illness; they become lawyers who do not understand the concept of justice, other than as a useful tagline when necessary; they become journalists and executives in media who do not understand objective truth, but only know propaganda which they perceive as truth, as long as it is coming from the right authority figure.
Their lack of critical thinking ability or willingness, is probably the key element that ties them together, and probably one of the main things their puppet masters look for in identifying who the next crop of puppets shall be.
Cue George Carlin.
The hilarious part is all the democrat followers who "hate" the rich and want to "eat" the rich all happen to believe in the same bullshit there by being all useful idiots
Glad to have the numbers. In the past, I have called out people, the Berniecrats in particular, who rallied behind "the people". These Bernie people, particularly in Vermont, where I live, are upper middle class, they are gentrifying the rural areas, they would never dine in a restaurant that the dishwasher of the same restaruant could afford to eat at. Have no idea of the names of the working class who serve them in stores or repair their cars, they have potlucks and BBQ's where they talk liberal politics and laugh at the common man as being ignorant, they tend to be agnostic or aetheist, because religion is for people who do not understand science. Bernie himself knows this. The progressive who ran for governor benefited from loopholes and grants to run his "farm" (he is not a farmer, most farmers are struggling), they shout from their patios and decks about human rights, socialism, etc, while cheering the newest trendiest restaurants in town that the locals cannot afford to eat. Hippocrates, all of them, claiming the moral high ground.
This makes SO MUCH SENSE
87% elites are white—horror of horrors! Where’s DEI?
The other 13% are race hustling 'house naggers"
In short: The Elite support rules for thee but not for me.
Hunger Games was an interpretation of the blueprint.
Same ones who destroyed Roman Empire....
Food for thought: Do they intentionally try to manage certain groups in certain ways to keep the divides going? IOW, while you could point certain groups being allied with lawyers, others with banking, others with random terrorism acts, others with repeated theft, has there been intentional plans over 100+ years to make it this way? I'm a middle age white Christian male. Of the local known deep state I and others have outed, many of them fall in that same category. Some go to my same church, even sing in the choir. Get to know your neighbors, we need to out them all.
Oh right there cunts. No cure for that.
Only the 12 listed globalhomo schools.
You really should read the article, because that statement is shallow and dismissive of the research.