This Is the % that is Lost forever....🙄😉 Nothing can Help them...
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Tell me you let your wife fuck other men without telling me
💯 cuck
Unfortunately I actually know a couple of people like this...obstinate in the extreme, blinded by party loyalty and denial, lots of TDR, and stuck in a 1980s paradigm of politics. I've written them off long ago although they still manage to inhabit my space on occasions.
I often wonder what they will be like after November? Suicidal? Homicidal? Admit themselves to an asylum? Curl up and die? Whatever, people like this are simply lost and are no different from the people you see on the street yelling at lamp posts or sleeping in cardboard boxes. They might eat a little better, and sleep in an actual bed at night, but the differences stop there.
I know people like this too. After one recently told me how great the economy is because of Biden, I started wondering what will happen to her in November. I do think there will be suicides.
It is not that they don't know or see it. The Fake News has told the people repeatedly to hate Trump.
So they would rather be blind because of their hatred of Trump.
The same Fake News who told you to hate Trump lied about Biden.
This is why at the debate Trump couldn't go aggressively at Biden.
This would have reinforced the lies about Trump being a bully.
With the demeanor he took maybe some people will be swayed to listen to him now.
I sincerely hope you're right. Dan Bongino calls such people "persuadables." People who still have some sense about them and who might be persuaded to think for themselves.
Trust me some will never see I know a few of those.
I have also seen some people start to think.
I know someone who actually has been obtaining euro citizenship to escape Trump. Volunteers for the democrats, and flies around the country to door-knock and campaign for Biden.
I hope he gets his Euro citizenship, we certainly don't want him here.
I'd prefer that he wakes up, but I get ya.
Too much soy.
You did it Joe! You answered all the questions!
I’m not saying this guy will suck a d**k, but he will hold it in his mouth until the swelling goes down.
Maybe even let his wife spit in his mouth ;)
He will die of starvation in a dark closet muttering that Biden is the most popular president.
I couldn't listen to more than 30 seconds of this bullshit!
I cut out even sooner.
Me too. Then it paused on his face. Ahhhhhhhh.
they should have never closed down mental institions.....i hope this shit for brains fool gets an extra dose of Bidenomics up his ass followed by a dozen covid boosters
The Truth will hit that soy boy like a freight train...and he'll still be delusional
I have a question.....What color IS the sky in this guys world? I know a guy like this, it is SO frustrating to listen to them, they have been SO effectively brainwashed that is is scary. You want to help them but how? Wow!
"..crowned President" - his head is filled with air instead of brains.
Fucking retard
This guy looks familiar; I've seen him in another video here a while back. I could be mistaken but I think some claimed that he's making these as parodies. If I can dig up the old one I'll add it here.
Edit: I remember now. He made a video and he was sick, seemed rather miserable, couldn't understand why he kept getting Covid as he'd been diligent in getting his shot and all his boosters, "doing the right thing".
Edit2: Found him...
Nothing surprises me anymore, but this nimrod comes close.
This genius can’t even center his head in a video…kek
I never noticed a stammer. I noticed that he is demented and if you want to go there, senile. Unfit to run a doggy day care, let alone the US of A.
Lol crowned president of the united states.. This guy is posting this as Jamal is rearranging his wife's guts.
Look carefully -- these are people who also have no genuine job skills. When Deep State fake employees get thrown to the curb next year, this dude will be living out of a grocery cart.
“These people are stupid” Q
He sounds like he bought into the gay agenda like a good soy boy.
What debate did he watch?
He sounds vaxxed.
We need to let them know they're part of the elite 4-6%... maybe they'll take it and run with it...
Looks like he bought cankles 1970s style glasses from Goodwill (owned by Blackrock BTW)
Neanderthals with iphones.
Media can't be loaded
Just watching a video of this guy I can smell the dick on his breath.
Has he heard what the Fake News said?
What an amazing moron! This guy must mainline soy!
I hope prissy, narcissistic faggots like this get “culturally enriched”
He sounds vaxxinated.
This man has eaten a pickle or two. He likes them whole, uncut.
Am I wrong for laughing. When I see people like this I think that person's going to need mental health counseling. When they realize they need a therapist or a counselor there won't be any because they're all left-wing wackos also.
This dude is all of them. 47 years in politics on video and no stuttering problem. But now he has one.