All I can figure is he might be meaning Christianity as a political force or a societal influence. In that case he has a point, but Christianity itself will go on forever.
[19] Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.
He's better at it than you or I could ever dream of.
If Paul did as you say, it was with the full approval of the Apostles at Jerusalem. See Acts 15 and Acts 21.
And the Apostle John states clearly who are antichrists and who are not:
1John.2[19] They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us.
We only have Acts and Paul's side of things. There IS plentiful evidence that "Benjamin will be as a ravening wolf." And possibly that it refers to Paul and his deceptions.
Jesus said "I come not to change one letter of the law." Paul comes and starts making up canonical law left and right. What changed?
You have the nerve to call the Apostle Paul, Antichrist without knowing even the fundamentals of Christianity?
Jer.3131] Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah:
[32] Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt; which my covenant they brake, although I was an husband unto them, saith the LORD:
[33] But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the LORD, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people.
You didn't note what Scripture you were citing, but I assume you are referring to Matt 5: 17-18. Try reading that IN FULL:
[17] Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.
[18] For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
For emphasis in Caps: "TILL ALL BE FULFILLED."
What were the Lord's last words on the cross?
[30] When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished: and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost.
For emphasis in Caps: IT IS FINISHED.
Before you accuse the Apostle Paul of "Antichrist," I recommend you read Matt 12[36]
[36] But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.
Working ok for me. I have faith in God. What can I do that He can’t do infinitely better? Let His Will be done. If God wants me to do something He’ll let me know.
It’s amazing how throughout all this Olympic stuff about mocking Jesus and trans this, satanic that. Haven’t heard anyone call out Satan, the only enemy we all have, including those transgender peeps. People see them as villains, I see them as victims. Satan is the villain. Shouldn’t we be worried about their losing position in this world? Shouldn’t we be praying for them to find Jesus and be saved? I did. Has anyone else? But instead, let’s take’em out! In seeing people posting things about killing the enemy, etc…really? That’s what following Christ is about? No.
It’s not the easy path. And there’s nothing wrong with speaking God’s truth to others. But do it in a manner with love in your heart. They need help. Shouldn’t we be wanting to help them?
Matthew 16:17 - 18: "Jesus answered and said to him, “Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah, for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father who is in heaven. And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it."
Wrong, Christianity will never perish because God will never perish. Even if the teachings were ever lost to us, which I doubt some gay lunatics at the Olympics can achieve, the Lord would pass his word on & would keep trying to find us in a way we can understand.
I agree that we need to stand up for religious freedom but mere mockery will not bring us down. It's not the first time Satan has mocked God, after all.
He’s 100% right. For way too long Christianity and the Church have been weak, feeble, and completely submissive. The watered down “gospel” and doctrine of “
God loves everyone no matter what” has turned Christian’s into weak, inept, benchwarmers who sit on the sidelines while a clear spiritual war is going on.
Christianity has take “turn the other cheek” way too far. Let’s not forget that when Jesus saw the money changers in the temple, he fashioned a whip as a weapon and drove them out. He didn’t try and talk through it with them. Christians need to stand up and follow suit.
It's amazing to me that people think he actually runs Tesla, SpaceX (lead engineer on top of that!), Neuralink, etc. With all the time he spends on Twitter... just reading and posting alone...
Then of course the amount of time he spends doing interviews, travelling for them, podcasts, appearances, etc...
Musk is nothing more than an actor, of this I'm sure.
Then Gods people will have to submit to God through submitting to His truth. The greatest secret in the world today is that the bible is the revealed Word and Will of God.
If God says the believer should operate the enablements of the holy spirit the gift, then they better quit arguing about it. Chapter twelve of 1 Corinthians speaks of the manifestations of the spirit which some incorrectly call gifts. Speaking in tongues is one of them. It's worth learning about. Also read chapter 14. Forbid no man To speak in tongues and no man speaking by the spirit of God (speaking in tongues) calleth Jesus acursed. Tongues is conversation with God, perfect prayer, it magnifies God, it causes your spirit to over flow.
Take a shot at asking God to show youbHisbtrue witness of the indwelling gift of holy spirit. Because with out those manifestations, all nine of them you are spiritually a cripple and the devil loves every excuse you give for not learning accurately about it and believingly operating it. I know 6 year olds who do it. Mostly because they haven't lived long enough to let people who are ignorant of God's word to talk them out of it.
Dare to walk in true power. God gave us a wonderful comforter and great power.
Elon is like in the first 10 steps.. and maybe many of us here already on the 25th step in understanding Christ, God, The Bible... I'd be patient with him. He's slowly coming around and becoming braver and more outspoken.. and slowly understanding the teaching of Jesus Christ and such.. I'm just saying give him some time. I believe he's still growing spiritually
No he is completely wrong. Christianity is Christ and Christ is God - He is not going anywhere so neither are we. He is the same yesterday today and tomorrow. We are the body of Christ - Gods church, His people. No fear but greater understanding. Give Elon the news. It will make him feel better.
It is troubling to see a man without repentance and faith (by his own words more or less) pontificating on the nature and future of the Christian faith. I suppose my prayer would be for someone like Elon to come to an end of himself (camel through the eye of a needle, by God's grace alone) and in his heart would believe something more along the lines of:
"Unless there is more honesty to confess none of us do what is truly fair and right, we will perish."
But for now, Elon is an unbelieving "cultural Christian" which means he uses his own moral sense to ransack divine revelation for practical principles of civilizational coherence. While tossing away the main plot point and source of divine revelation. This is in line with other cultural/moral Christianities such as from Thomas Jefferson, and many many high ranking politicians and presidents in recent U.S. history. Both parties.
Elon and these kind of cultural Christians are best represented by the Gospel story of the rich young ruler who approached Jesus, addressing Jesus as "Good teacher", and by that the rich young ruler meant Jesus based on only his moral instruction was clearly one of the greatest among moral teachers and could certainly give this young ruler moral wisdom to make him complete.
Jesus doesn't give an INCH of legitimacy to this way of framing his identity. He berates him, "Why do you call me good? There is none good but God alone." This is a perfect answer. Jesus obliterates any notion of competition about who is the best and most wise of human moral teachers, and points him to the only source of Goodness, Truth, and Beauty. This young ruler, which is the same case for Elon and any other "moral" man of power and influence, was in no way prepared to understand Jesus' identity as the eternal Son of God who came in the flesh to fulfill all righteousness on our behalf who cannot meet the standard of goodness.
Revelation tells me so. The world will become so wicked that no one left would accept salvation through Jesus Christ, and at that time God will end the world.
God might have something to say about that.
That’s exactly right. This is dumbest thing I’ve ever seen Elon say. I hope real Christian’s get him straighten out.
All I can figure is he might be meaning Christianity as a political force or a societal influence. In that case he has a point, but Christianity itself will go on forever.
Possible so. And Amen. Christ is everlasting. And one day we’ll get to go home to our Lord and Savior. Forever. It’s a beautiful thought.
"Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on earth?”
How is turning the other cheek working out? At least people could be protesting in France.
Rom.12 [19] Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.
He's better at it than you or I could ever dream of.
I'm talking about protesting.
Or did Antichrist Paul hobble us for millenia with his "hot takes" on "what Jesus really meant"
If Paul did as you say, it was with the full approval of the Apostles at Jerusalem. See Acts 15 and Acts 21.
And the Apostle John states clearly who are antichrists and who are not:
1John.2[19] They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us.
We only have Acts and Paul's side of things. There IS plentiful evidence that "Benjamin will be as a ravening wolf." And possibly that it refers to Paul and his deceptions.
Jesus said "I come not to change one letter of the law." Paul comes and starts making up canonical law left and right. What changed?
What changed from the old covenant to the new?
You have the nerve to call the Apostle Paul, Antichrist without knowing even the fundamentals of Christianity?
Jer.3131] Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah: [32] Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt; which my covenant they brake, although I was an husband unto them, saith the LORD: [33] But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the LORD, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people.
You didn't note what Scripture you were citing, but I assume you are referring to Matt 5: 17-18. Try reading that IN FULL:
Matt.5 [17] Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. [18] For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
For emphasis in Caps: "TILL ALL BE FULFILLED."
What were the Lord's last words on the cross?
John.19 [30] When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished: and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost.
For emphasis in Caps: IT IS FINISHED.
Before you accuse the Apostle Paul of "Antichrist," I recommend you read Matt 12[36]
Matt.12 [36] But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.
Working ok for me. I have faith in God. What can I do that He can’t do infinitely better? Let His Will be done. If God wants me to do something He’ll let me know.
It’s amazing how throughout all this Olympic stuff about mocking Jesus and trans this, satanic that. Haven’t heard anyone call out Satan, the only enemy we all have, including those transgender peeps. People see them as villains, I see them as victims. Satan is the villain. Shouldn’t we be worried about their losing position in this world? Shouldn’t we be praying for them to find Jesus and be saved? I did. Has anyone else? But instead, let’s take’em out! In seeing people posting things about killing the enemy, etc…really? That’s what following Christ is about? No.
It’s not the easy path. And there’s nothing wrong with speaking God’s truth to others. But do it in a manner with love in your heart. They need help. Shouldn’t we be wanting to help them?
He has. It's called Revelations.
.... and Tribulations.
He is subtly grouping “fair and right” with Christianity.
Fair play.
He literally cosplayed as the antichrist. The fact he keeps THIS avatar is peak irony.
Troller in Chief
Matthew 16:17 - 18: "Jesus answered and said to him, “Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah, for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father who is in heaven. And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it."
Wrong, Christianity will never perish because God will never perish. Even if the teachings were ever lost to us, which I doubt some gay lunatics at the Olympics can achieve, the Lord would pass his word on & would keep trying to find us in a way we can understand. I agree that we need to stand up for religious freedom but mere mockery will not bring us down. It's not the first time Satan has mocked God, after all.
In 1963 the Federal government took the Bible out of schools. Since then, well, how's that working out?
This is such a little known fact that has had untold ramifications on society.
It's time to return back to the basics.
The 10 commandments.
"Heaven and Earth shall pass away, but my word shall never pass away" (Matthew 24:25)
Here is something that is "Actionable", something that we all can do to protect our freedoms on the local level.
Sheriff tells us what we need to make sure our state legislators understand.
7.26.24 Patriot Streetfighter & Sheriff Mack, 1000 Sheriffs Meeting in FL
Here is their organization:
Constitutional Sheriffs & Peace Officers Association
His suit cracks me up. THE troller. Kek
He’s 100% right. For way too long Christianity and the Church have been weak, feeble, and completely submissive. The watered down “gospel” and doctrine of “ God loves everyone no matter what” has turned Christian’s into weak, inept, benchwarmers who sit on the sidelines while a clear spiritual war is going on.
Christianity has take “turn the other cheek” way too far. Let’s not forget that when Jesus saw the money changers in the temple, he fashioned a whip as a weapon and drove them out. He didn’t try and talk through it with them. Christians need to stand up and follow suit.
Christianity will never perish
The Bible never says to tolerate evil. It says to protectively fight it.
We get pushed on us this watered down, always turn the other cheek and get trampled on version of Christianity.
If a local body of believers is blindly buying into bad teaching without searching the scriptures, that's on them. Acts 17:11
Interesting and more interesting is many will read this from different angles.
One angle could be—if an Army has surrounded the castle what would this army’s commander tell to the inhabitants of the castle?
Unless you get more reinforcements you are going to be destroyed?
Another is if the scout has a better view of the incoming threat what would the scout tell the commander?
It's amazing to me that people think he actually runs Tesla, SpaceX (lead engineer on top of that!), Neuralink, etc. With all the time he spends on Twitter... just reading and posting alone... Then of course the amount of time he spends doing interviews, travelling for them, podcasts, appearances, etc... Musk is nothing more than an actor, of this I'm sure.
What's amazing is you thinking he's just an actor....🙄😒
Then Gods people will have to submit to God through submitting to His truth. The greatest secret in the world today is that the bible is the revealed Word and Will of God.
If God says the believer should operate the enablements of the holy spirit the gift, then they better quit arguing about it. Chapter twelve of 1 Corinthians speaks of the manifestations of the spirit which some incorrectly call gifts. Speaking in tongues is one of them. It's worth learning about. Also read chapter 14. Forbid no man To speak in tongues and no man speaking by the spirit of God (speaking in tongues) calleth Jesus acursed. Tongues is conversation with God, perfect prayer, it magnifies God, it causes your spirit to over flow.
Take a shot at asking God to show youbHisbtrue witness of the indwelling gift of holy spirit. Because with out those manifestations, all nine of them you are spiritually a cripple and the devil loves every excuse you give for not learning accurately about it and believingly operating it. I know 6 year olds who do it. Mostly because they haven't lived long enough to let people who are ignorant of God's word to talk them out of it.
Dare to walk in true power. God gave us a wonderful comforter and great power.
Elon is like in the first 10 steps.. and maybe many of us here already on the 25th step in understanding Christ, God, The Bible... I'd be patient with him. He's slowly coming around and becoming braver and more outspoken.. and slowly understanding the teaching of Jesus Christ and such.. I'm just saying give him some time. I believe he's still growing spiritually
No he is completely wrong. Christianity is Christ and Christ is God - He is not going anywhere so neither are we. He is the same yesterday today and tomorrow. We are the body of Christ - Gods church, His people. No fear but greater understanding. Give Elon the news. It will make him feel better.
It is troubling to see a man without repentance and faith (by his own words more or less) pontificating on the nature and future of the Christian faith. I suppose my prayer would be for someone like Elon to come to an end of himself (camel through the eye of a needle, by God's grace alone) and in his heart would believe something more along the lines of:
"Unless there is more honesty to confess none of us do what is truly fair and right, we will perish."
But for now, Elon is an unbelieving "cultural Christian" which means he uses his own moral sense to ransack divine revelation for practical principles of civilizational coherence. While tossing away the main plot point and source of divine revelation. This is in line with other cultural/moral Christianities such as from Thomas Jefferson, and many many high ranking politicians and presidents in recent U.S. history. Both parties.
Elon and these kind of cultural Christians are best represented by the Gospel story of the rich young ruler who approached Jesus, addressing Jesus as "Good teacher", and by that the rich young ruler meant Jesus based on only his moral instruction was clearly one of the greatest among moral teachers and could certainly give this young ruler moral wisdom to make him complete.
Jesus doesn't give an INCH of legitimacy to this way of framing his identity. He berates him, "Why do you call me good? There is none good but God alone." This is a perfect answer. Jesus obliterates any notion of competition about who is the best and most wise of human moral teachers, and points him to the only source of Goodness, Truth, and Beauty. This young ruler, which is the same case for Elon and any other "moral" man of power and influence, was in no way prepared to understand Jesus' identity as the eternal Son of God who came in the flesh to fulfill all righteousness on our behalf who cannot meet the standard of goodness.
Christianity WILL perish
Revelation tells me so. The world will become so wicked that no one left would accept salvation through Jesus Christ, and at that time God will end the world.