"Roger, Maxwell Yearick's dad, worked on the collapsible AR-15 for the Navy at Carderock Navy Surface Warfare Center. That was used by Crooks and Yearick at the assassination..." https://x.com/RealGeorgeWebb1/status/1818047716754444579
George Webb's whole front page is full of Yearick diggs right now. It may be worth going through - https://x.com/RealGeorgeWebb1
What REALLY blows my mind about this is how both Crooks and Yearick have distinctive features which match the dead guy. Crooks has the spikey ears, and Yearick has the gauges. Their facial structures basically match. The hair color basically matches.
I still think the guy we saw dead was Crooks, as gauges can be had by anybody while the shape of an ear is unique.
Crooks is in a BlackRock commercial, while Yearick's family are tight with the Cheneys!
Then there's the entire side-show of the Twitter troll @jewgazing who looks exactly like the shooter on the roof, yet is not him, but MSM world-wide reported him as him, meanwhile he's just meme'ing it up and laughing his ass off; also, the INITIAL report was that it was some Antifa guy named Mark Violets, who turned out to be an Italian Soccer commentator on YouTube, but we can probably discard these aspects for this discussion.
How TF do we end up with two candidates for the dead shooter who both fit, and yet don't? What a psyop this seems to be. I wonder if this same 'confusion template' was used after the JFK assassination, or perhaps even other high-profile hits, to throw the public a few harmless bones and keep them busy arguing in the fog?
I would really like to know why in the world we were shown a fat antifa dude for the first few hours. Where in TF did that come from? And then everyone just changed stories and never mentioned it again.
Totally agree, I just think it's weird that it was excusable since nobody from any side seems to say anything about it. That's a clear indication they're full of it. I certainly shook my head and disregarded it. Just odd that some folks give are ok with BS up front and don't realize it's to splinter the actual investigation. Anyways. Onward.
Just to clarify. Now that I think about why you probably asked for my timezone. I am not sure that screenshot was one I took from her acct or one that I swiped from another acct who shared it later (many people were sharing). I know I saved it to show to someone else when all the confusion was occuring. So that time stamp might not be ET.
I'm in Eastern Time (Beaver/Butler county line). So we were getting headlines fed to us locally too and I remember seeing the same thing outside social media. (My phone gets breaking news alerts for anything police/emergency related in my area)
Jack the Ripper is allegedly based off of Spring Heeled Jack, which has some provenance. Yet, there's a problem with the timeline considering Spring Heel Jack has been documented for much much longer than a human life span.
Idk who or what the Jack's were based off of or referencing.... I'd wager something supernatural.
Probably just normal healing or blow out heals and it looks strange from the video stills.
I've seen a lot of healed up gauged earlobes. Sometimes they heal back nearly perfect with a tiny little "butthole" (sorry for the descriptor but that's exactly what it looks like) or if they did a poor job expanding the gauges overtime while wearing the jewelry you'll get overpressure or infection in areas of the lobe which will cause very visible damage which looks something like "judo ear".
Sewing or correcting the damage via surgery is not typical, or at least it wasn't common place when I was still stomping in the circle pits.
One of my cousins had gauges when he was younger. Although he had the holes for a couple years after he stopped wearing them, they sort of closed up leaving a very similar pattern on the earlobes as Yearrick and the early photos of the shooter have.
I've been wondering how we got onto Crooks when he had no gauges or any other similar earlobe anomalies as the early shooter photos. This needs more attention.
I just spent a few minutes looking at Webb's Twitter. I don't see any evidence that Roger Maxwell of Montana is related to Maxwell Yearick of PA.
His name is Roger Yearick, but anyways the connection takes on more weight when considering:
The Cheney's are linked with USSS director Kimberly Cheatle
The Yearick's are involved in firearms manufacturing for a company originally based in the Cheney's home state, and are important enough for Liz to make a statement about their 50th wedding anniversary in Congress...
among other notables on his feed. We would probably need someone to access the public records of Wyoming and Pennsylvania (at least) to find a more concrete link.
My point is this connections all fall apart if that guy isn't his dad.
Not necessarily. We still have the highly suspicious fact that Yearick is the only currently-identified other suspected shooter, and that Kimberly Cheatle is connected to the Dick Cheney. The fact that someone sharing this uncommon last name is close to the Cheneys makes this notable regardless.
I wish George would have posted something confirming the relationship but he didn't, so I'm just going off what he did provide here
Here's a 2018 obit for a Roger Yearick from SC with a son named Maxwell. The wife's name is Anne (not Sid as mentioned by Cheney). No mention of his work history.
I just copypasted an anon's post for the title. I thought about clipping that part out but tbh I don't know enough about George to say anything either way about him so went with what anon had to say
George Webb is a pretty good investigative journalist and for whatever reason he doesn't get enough reporting here. I've watched him quite a bit from 2016-today. He explains things from a level that you really hear from no one else. I was amazed at his early work on youtube they scrubbed. It seemed liked finally someone was explaining how things really worked and key players involved.
He quit everything to be a traveling journalist. Living in hotels and traveling to all of these places to get a real view of the situation. He and some folks made his own printed books and sell them on Amazon. I have a lot of respect for him just for doing that. He was deep into the Covid, Awan Brothers, Seth Rich, He talks about people that you won't hear in the media for a year. He's a great source for names, which I really like. As per usual, use your own discernment and just hear what he says. Not everyone is right 100% of the time early on.
George Webb is supposedly an “ex mossad” who just kinda wanders around the world exposing the dirty deeds of the elites. He has suspiciously in depth knowledge of how these criminal enterprises work, and its not really clear what his true motive is for making so many incriminating disclosures. If Webb was truly a dissident, a defector, a whistleblower, he would probably be Seth Rich’ed by now.
Im not 100% sure if Seth Rich was also fake news psyop.
We got a lot of notables out of Webb investigating the DNC server, DWS, and the Awans.
Webb's journey coincided with the bakers and board more than once. I don't think he's a WH or BH... not a paytriot so much either.
He's either a sleuth at heart and thus an ally to anons or there's something else going on. Whatever the case Webb doesn't seem to have a negative impact on the GAW, research, or the various boards.
100% and/also “they” - the Obama’s, Bush’s, Clinton’s... Biden’s are all part of the same click... all accountable for treason against the USA. In January 2025 Donald Trump will officially end their reign of terror for the rest of eternity.
It's not hatred as much as it's fear. Just think of all the evil stuff that could be tied to the Cheneys that is hidden from the public in "classified" documents. Now, consider the power PDJT would hold over the Cheneys (and a lot of others) when given the power to declare and reveal.
There are long-standing rumors and conjectures about the attempt on President Reagan's life on March 30, 1981. Those rumors have always swirled around Reagan's Vice President, George H. W. Bush, and the supposed close ties between the Bush and Hinckley families. If you are interested in that topic, then save your time searching through countless Internet sites, most of them extremely biased in one way or another, and read this concisely written book.
I say concisely written, because this book, at fewer than 100 pages, is exactly that. There is no long biography of either GHW Bush or Ronald Reagan, as that would needlessly repeat information available elsewhere. Where details are necessary, however, they are provided. For example, it tells you quite about about the Hinckley family, including the fact that the modern day Bushes and Hinckleys share a common ancestor in Samuel Hinckley (1652-1698). In modern times, there was some sort of personal and/or business relationship between one of GHW Bush's sons and John Hinckley Jr.'s brother.
The means, motive and opportunity for GHW Bush to try to remove his boss and former rival, Ronald Reagan are well presented. For further background on GHW Bush, I highly recommend Webster Tarpley's "Unauthorized Biography of George Bush" George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography , still in print and also available in html format for free on Tarpley's website. Further reading that will go even farther to convince you that GHW Bush is capable of commissioning a murder is in Daniel Hopsicker's "Barry and the Boys" Barry & 'the Boys': The CIA, the Mob and America's Secret History .
Why would someone like John Hinckley Jr. be used as an assassin? First, of all, the author explains that Hinckley was not intended to be an assassin, but a patsy, with a professional assassin performing the actual wet work. Second, Hinckley's background as a prototypical MKUltra patsy/assassin is explored in great detail, as are confounding parallels with another mind-controlled patsy/assassin, Mark David Chapman. The author links the assassination of John Lennon with the attempts on the lives of both Reagan and John Paul II's in very interesting ways. Mr. Mercado uses charts on occasion to make the relationships he moots seem even more obvious to the reader. Mr. Mercado details Hinckley's and Chapman's affiliations with World Vision International, an NGO with long standing connections with CIA. (No, we're definitely not in Kansas any more.)
There are implications that lead to the present day (March, 2018 as I write this). The Ronald Reagan who won the 1980 election and the Ronald Reagan who continued to live after the shooting represented two very different political wings of American politics, not just Republican politics. If you were around then, you may remember only a dispute about economic policy, with Bush calling Reagan's policies "voodoo economics". Largely forgotten is Reagan's disagreement with Bush, having to do with the latter's membership in the Trilateral Commission. In other words, Reagan was a conservative Republican, opposed to globalization. Once Bush basically took over the Reagan presidency (a move no longer in dispute among astute historians), along came the Amnesty Bill; Iran Contra with the associated drug running; and the Savings and Loan scandal, followed by the bailout of those corrupt institutions. As the author writes, "Reagan may have won the election, but it was the Trilateral Commission, George Bush and the CIA who won control of the Presidency." A rather facile comparison could be made between the two Donald Trumps, the one who won the election, and the other being the current tenant of the White House. (This is my comparison, not the author's.)
I'm saving the two best things for last, features that make this a five star book. Mr. Mercado shows definitively that Hinckley could not possibly have fired the bullet that was eventually removed from President Reagan. The small disk could not have come from Hinckley's gun, and that's not just from the forensic evidence. From page 3: '... NBC reporter Judy Woodruff, who witnessed the shooting, reported, “at least one of the bullets” came from a man “stationed overhead near the roof of the hotel” and resembled “Secret Service”'. Mr. Mercado lists several anomalous events surrounding Reagan's exit from the hotel and walk to the limousine, all of which show irregularities with normal Secret Service protocol.
The other winning feature for me is the author's source documentation. As I was reading, I began to fault the author for his lack of footnotes, but when I reached the end, there were four pages of URL links and other references to supporting documents, including documents from the Journal of the American Medical Association and George Washington Hospital, where the President's life was saved. There is even a link to view the Reagan Xrays, one showing the small disk lodged one half inch from his heart. There are also numerous reports about John Hinckley Jr. Though he is under loose supervision, he is basically a free man today.
This book tells a remarkable story, revealing an important and pivotal part of American history that has been swept under the proverbial rug. Life is a mystery unless you know your (real) history.
This rabbit hole might deserve its own post eh? wanna write something up fren? I'll nom it for a sticky
Does no one find it weird of these connections? Or the obvious shooter that citizens & police saw? Or the multiple vehicles and bike? Names were given almost instantly.
They could have done this cleaner
It's almost like they bringing attention or directing attention.
The Yearick surname is an Americanized form of the German surname Görg, derived from the dialect form of the personal name Georg.
The name Georg is of Greek origin, meaning “farmer” or “earthworker,” and was popularized in Europe during the Middle Ages.
The diminutive suffix added to Georg in the case of Yearick may imply “little year” or a seasonal reference, suggesting an association with agricultural cycles or seasonal labor.
Historical Context
The original form of the name can be traced back to the Middle Ages, around the 14th to 15th centuries, in regions that are now part of modern-day Germany and the Netherlands.
German immigrants brought the name to North America, where it evolved into Yearick, particularly in Pennsylvania and Ohio....
I wonder if Yearick was cleanup. The car had explosives. Could have been there to get rid of thenlid if he got back to his car. Remote could have been planted after the chaos ended.Esp if the other guys wife was first in scene.
from https://x.com/RealGeorgeWebb1/status/1818317137565679772
document https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/CREC-2018-01-17/pdf/CREC-2018-01-17-pt1-PgE51-6.pdf
"Roger, Maxwell Yearick's dad, worked on the collapsible AR-15 for the Navy at Carderock Navy Surface Warfare Center. That was used by Crooks and Yearick at the assassination..." https://x.com/RealGeorgeWebb1/status/1818047716754444579
So let me get this straight: The other prime shooter suspect's family are friends with the Cheneys, who are tied to USSS Director Kimberly Cheatle from the 9/11 era. (https://search.brave.com/search?q=kim+cheatle+dick+cheney)
Also see: https://x.com/WallStreetApes/status/1817563191985274932 - "Owner of the white van towed after the assassination attempt linked to Arizona. He’s also tied to an Arizona company called Yearick Armory Explosives"
George Webb's whole front page is full of Yearick diggs right now. It may be worth going through - https://x.com/RealGeorgeWebb1
What REALLY blows my mind about this is how both Crooks and Yearick have distinctive features which match the dead guy. Crooks has the spikey ears, and Yearick has the gauges. Their facial structures basically match. The hair color basically matches.
I still think the guy we saw dead was Crooks, as gauges can be had by anybody while the shape of an ear is unique.
Crooks is in a BlackRock commercial, while Yearick's family are tight with the Cheneys!
Then there's the entire side-show of the Twitter troll @jewgazing who looks exactly like the shooter on the roof, yet is not him, but MSM world-wide reported him as him, meanwhile he's just meme'ing it up and laughing his ass off; also, the INITIAL report was that it was some Antifa guy named Mark Violets, who turned out to be an Italian Soccer commentator on YouTube, but we can probably discard these aspects for this discussion.
How TF do we end up with two candidates for the dead shooter who both fit, and yet don't? What a psyop this seems to be. I wonder if this same 'confusion template' was used after the JFK assassination, or perhaps even other high-profile hits, to throw the public a few harmless bones and keep them busy arguing in the fog?
I would really like to know why in the world we were shown a fat antifa dude for the first few hours. Where in TF did that come from? And then everyone just changed stories and never mentioned it again.
Totally agree, I just think it's weird that it was excusable since nobody from any side seems to say anything about it. That's a clear indication they're full of it. I certainly shook my head and disregarded it. Just odd that some folks give are ok with BS up front and don't realize it's to splinter the actual investigation. Anyways. Onward.
But wasn't it the local Butler Co police who released that name? OANN and others reported it that way I believe.
Yes they did. The real question becomes how the Butler PD got that guys info as a suspect and how tf did they publish it?? So blatantly false
I have a screen shot from OAN
And this one
Just to clarify. Now that I think about why you probably asked for my timezone. I am not sure that screenshot was one I took from her acct or one that I swiped from another acct who shared it later (many people were sharing). I know I saved it to show to someone else when all the confusion was occuring. So that time stamp might not be ET.
I'm in Eastern Time (Beaver/Butler county line). So we were getting headlines fed to us locally too and I remember seeing the same thing outside social media. (My phone gets breaking news alerts for anything police/emergency related in my area)
Reminds me of Jack The Ripper.
They give you a list of 5 or 6 suspects and they all seem plausible, but in the end you still don’t know who did it.
Wouldn’t be surprised if Jack The Ripper wasn’t a fake news psyop of that era.
Matches the M.O. template for fake news
Jack the Ripper is allegedly based off of Spring Heeled Jack, which has some provenance. Yet, there's a problem with the timeline considering Spring Heel Jack has been documented for much much longer than a human life span.
Idk who or what the Jack's were based off of or referencing.... I'd wager something supernatural.
The dead guy didn't have the gauges going on. I don't know what you guys are looking at. That's just a bad take.
You can get earlobe restoration surgery: Example
You can clearly see some sort of scar in that exact spot of the shooter's ear
They appeared to be sewn back together. Either that or the lines we all saw on his ears were not sewn gauges at all and were some other anomaly
Probably just normal healing or blow out heals and it looks strange from the video stills.
I've seen a lot of healed up gauged earlobes. Sometimes they heal back nearly perfect with a tiny little "butthole" (sorry for the descriptor but that's exactly what it looks like) or if they did a poor job expanding the gauges overtime while wearing the jewelry you'll get overpressure or infection in areas of the lobe which will cause very visible damage which looks something like "judo ear".
Sewing or correcting the damage via surgery is not typical, or at least it wasn't common place when I was still stomping in the circle pits.
One of my cousins had gauges when he was younger. Although he had the holes for a couple years after he stopped wearing them, they sort of closed up leaving a very similar pattern on the earlobes as Yearrick and the early photos of the shooter have.
I've been wondering how we got onto Crooks when he had no gauges or any other similar earlobe anomalies as the early shooter photos. This needs more attention.
except the spikey ears are a dead-match (no pun intended!) and he's the one being officially reported. Yearick is the "alternative choice" in this..
His name is Roger Yearick, but anyways the connection takes on more weight when considering:
The Cheney's are linked with USSS director Kimberly Cheatle
The Yearick's are involved in firearms manufacturing for a company originally based in the Cheney's home state, and are important enough for Liz to make a statement about their 50th wedding anniversary in Congress...
among other notables on his feed. We would probably need someone to access the public records of Wyoming and Pennsylvania (at least) to find a more concrete link.
Not necessarily. We still have the highly suspicious fact that Yearick is the only currently-identified other suspected shooter, and that Kimberly Cheatle is connected to the Dick Cheney. The fact that someone sharing this uncommon last name is close to the Cheneys makes this notable regardless.
I wish George would have posted something confirming the relationship but he didn't, so I'm just going off what he did provide here
I disagree but see where you're coming from
Here's a 2018 obit for a Roger Yearick from SC with a son named Maxwell. The wife's name is Anne (not Sid as mentioned by Cheney). No mention of his work history.
This is consistent with the Bush family being friends with the Hinkley family whose son shot Reagan.
George Webb is way better than Seymore Hersh ever was.
I just copypasted an anon's post for the title. I thought about clipping that part out but tbh I don't know enough about George to say anything either way about him so went with what anon had to say
George Webb is a pretty good investigative journalist and for whatever reason he doesn't get enough reporting here. I've watched him quite a bit from 2016-today. He explains things from a level that you really hear from no one else. I was amazed at his early work on youtube they scrubbed. It seemed liked finally someone was explaining how things really worked and key players involved.
He quit everything to be a traveling journalist. Living in hotels and traveling to all of these places to get a real view of the situation. He and some folks made his own printed books and sell them on Amazon. I have a lot of respect for him just for doing that. He was deep into the Covid, Awan Brothers, Seth Rich, He talks about people that you won't hear in the media for a year. He's a great source for names, which I really like. As per usual, use your own discernment and just hear what he says. Not everyone is right 100% of the time early on.
George Webb is supposedly an “ex mossad” who just kinda wanders around the world exposing the dirty deeds of the elites. He has suspiciously in depth knowledge of how these criminal enterprises work, and its not really clear what his true motive is for making so many incriminating disclosures. If Webb was truly a dissident, a defector, a whistleblower, he would probably be Seth Rich’ed by now.
Im not 100% sure if Seth Rich was also fake news psyop.
We got a lot of notables out of Webb investigating the DNC server, DWS, and the Awans.
Webb's journey coincided with the bakers and board more than once. I don't think he's a WH or BH... not a paytriot so much either.
He's either a sleuth at heart and thus an ally to anons or there's something else going on. Whatever the case Webb doesn't seem to have a negative impact on the GAW, research, or the various boards.
It's very interesting what the Yearick's make
🌶 there goes their lone gunman narrative. Each day more and more facts and spicy details are uncovered
I actually think George Webb is a great journalist/investigative reporter… he just goes in too deep for the average viewer
Forgive my naïveté, but why exactly do the Cheney’s hate Trump so much? Does this go back to 9/11?
They hate any non-demon.
100% and/also “they” - the Obama’s, Bush’s, Clinton’s... Biden’s are all part of the same click... all accountable for treason against the USA. In January 2025 Donald Trump will officially end their reign of terror for the rest of eternity.
The Cheney's are dirty as hell, and Trump knows it. That's why all these people hate Trump. They're dirty, and Trump knows it.
I wouldn't have believed this until Liz exposed her madness on the J6 committee. That's the evidence.
It's not hatred as much as it's fear. Just think of all the evil stuff that could be tied to the Cheneys that is hidden from the public in "classified" documents. Now, consider the power PDJT would hold over the Cheneys (and a lot of others) when given the power to declare and reveal.
Now research Reagan's shooter and his relation (even ancestral) to Bushes. Pattern? Amazon reviews tell you a summary: https://www.amazon.com/Bush-Killing-Reagan-Bush-Hinckley-Conspiracy/dp/1519681933#customerReviews
There are long-standing rumors and conjectures about the attempt on President Reagan's life on March 30, 1981. Those rumors have always swirled around Reagan's Vice President, George H. W. Bush, and the supposed close ties between the Bush and Hinckley families. If you are interested in that topic, then save your time searching through countless Internet sites, most of them extremely biased in one way or another, and read this concisely written book.
I say concisely written, because this book, at fewer than 100 pages, is exactly that. There is no long biography of either GHW Bush or Ronald Reagan, as that would needlessly repeat information available elsewhere. Where details are necessary, however, they are provided. For example, it tells you quite about about the Hinckley family, including the fact that the modern day Bushes and Hinckleys share a common ancestor in Samuel Hinckley (1652-1698). In modern times, there was some sort of personal and/or business relationship between one of GHW Bush's sons and John Hinckley Jr.'s brother.
The means, motive and opportunity for GHW Bush to try to remove his boss and former rival, Ronald Reagan are well presented. For further background on GHW Bush, I highly recommend Webster Tarpley's "Unauthorized Biography of George Bush" George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography , still in print and also available in html format for free on Tarpley's website. Further reading that will go even farther to convince you that GHW Bush is capable of commissioning a murder is in Daniel Hopsicker's "Barry and the Boys" Barry & 'the Boys': The CIA, the Mob and America's Secret History .
Why would someone like John Hinckley Jr. be used as an assassin? First, of all, the author explains that Hinckley was not intended to be an assassin, but a patsy, with a professional assassin performing the actual wet work. Second, Hinckley's background as a prototypical MKUltra patsy/assassin is explored in great detail, as are confounding parallels with another mind-controlled patsy/assassin, Mark David Chapman. The author links the assassination of John Lennon with the attempts on the lives of both Reagan and John Paul II's in very interesting ways. Mr. Mercado uses charts on occasion to make the relationships he moots seem even more obvious to the reader. Mr. Mercado details Hinckley's and Chapman's affiliations with World Vision International, an NGO with long standing connections with CIA. (No, we're definitely not in Kansas any more.)
There are implications that lead to the present day (March, 2018 as I write this). The Ronald Reagan who won the 1980 election and the Ronald Reagan who continued to live after the shooting represented two very different political wings of American politics, not just Republican politics. If you were around then, you may remember only a dispute about economic policy, with Bush calling Reagan's policies "voodoo economics". Largely forgotten is Reagan's disagreement with Bush, having to do with the latter's membership in the Trilateral Commission. In other words, Reagan was a conservative Republican, opposed to globalization. Once Bush basically took over the Reagan presidency (a move no longer in dispute among astute historians), along came the Amnesty Bill; Iran Contra with the associated drug running; and the Savings and Loan scandal, followed by the bailout of those corrupt institutions. As the author writes, "Reagan may have won the election, but it was the Trilateral Commission, George Bush and the CIA who won control of the Presidency." A rather facile comparison could be made between the two Donald Trumps, the one who won the election, and the other being the current tenant of the White House. (This is my comparison, not the author's.)
I'm saving the two best things for last, features that make this a five star book. Mr. Mercado shows definitively that Hinckley could not possibly have fired the bullet that was eventually removed from President Reagan. The small disk could not have come from Hinckley's gun, and that's not just from the forensic evidence. From page 3: '... NBC reporter Judy Woodruff, who witnessed the shooting, reported, “at least one of the bullets” came from a man “stationed overhead near the roof of the hotel” and resembled “Secret Service”'. Mr. Mercado lists several anomalous events surrounding Reagan's exit from the hotel and walk to the limousine, all of which show irregularities with normal Secret Service protocol.
The other winning feature for me is the author's source documentation. As I was reading, I began to fault the author for his lack of footnotes, but when I reached the end, there were four pages of URL links and other references to supporting documents, including documents from the Journal of the American Medical Association and George Washington Hospital, where the President's life was saved. There is even a link to view the Reagan Xrays, one showing the small disk lodged one half inch from his heart. There are also numerous reports about John Hinckley Jr. Though he is under loose supervision, he is basically a free man today.
This book tells a remarkable story, revealing an important and pivotal part of American history that has been swept under the proverbial rug. Life is a mystery unless you know your (real) history.
This rabbit hole might deserve its own post eh? wanna write something up fren? I'll nom it for a sticky
Please do. I've got illegal aliens to $upport with my tax dollars so I got to get busy.
will try and put something together. If you have any more links or infos plz send em my way.
I see some hits on win: https://communities.win/search?query=hinkley
I think I'll run with that sott. article. It's laid out pretty well. Ty, will credit!
Roger Stone's book "The Bush Crime Family" goes into detail about this, plus Bush's connections to the JFK assassination.
Does no one find it weird of these connections? Or the obvious shooter that citizens & police saw? Or the multiple vehicles and bike? Names were given almost instantly.
They could have done this cleaner It's almost like they bringing attention or directing attention.
Kinda off topic, but fuck our politicians for making the congressional record their social pages.
Nice find winn 👍
Agreed. AMAZING! as JLP would say.
This post and u/CovfefeMonk posts today pair up well too.
Hypothetical bun:
Nicol primary shooter. Wife was insurance to make sure secondary shooter died on scene.
(Crooks or Yearick) on roof, secondary shooter but primary target for anticipated response.
Crooks or Yearick is the patsy.
Just throwing crumbs at the wall over here...
Can anyone explain what a cheytac ct-15 is ? How is it 4 more times powerful rounds than AR-15???
Says it uses 5.56 nato rounds.
"We believe the CheyTac CT 15 was chosen because of the .408 round for it’s extreme lethality to kill Trump over the .308 round."
according to him
Looks like a duck.
Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first they practice, to deceive!
I wonder if Yearick was cleanup. The car had explosives. Could have been there to get rid of thenlid if he got back to his car. Remote could have been planted after the chaos ended.Esp if the other guys wife was first in scene.
Who was the guy ready to shoot through the windshield??