She is, plenty of people have been stripped of their actual ethnicity by TPTB. The Indian kush mountains were actually the Caucasus. Same thing happened with Hispanics, where they used to get caucasian on their birth certificates and were raised as such. That is why older
American Hispanics are all educated and nice people versus gen Z kids who glorify the cartels and think of whites as "colonizers"
Caucasian is referring to a ancestral, regional ethno origin not skin color. But if you have ever seen Desi (or Latin or that matter) nudes you'd probably have an easier time seeing them as "caucasian" because they can all be pretty light skinned under clothes
Yep, I get it. I actually made this very point in a sociology class about 30 years ago when we were discussing the term African American. I said it didn't make sense because not all blacks in America have ancestry from Africa nor are they all American and you can't tell someone's nationality by looking at them. However, in Kamala's case, I thought her fatherr was black. Please correct me if I'm wrong on that.
You remember that! Loretta Jean Fuddy. When you look up cause of death it says she died of congestive heart failure. When you look up cause of death it says she died in a plane crash. Yeppers! Congestive heart failure is natural. Injuries sustained or due to a plane crash are not.
Kamala's mother called herself Caucasian because at the time of her application for a visa, only 100 applicants from Jamaica and 100 from India were allowed, however there was no limit on Caucasians.
Her mother is NOT Caucasian!
Came here to say the same. People from India are classified as Asian not Caucasian.
well... technically... she's a cock-asian! kek!!!!
So if that’s not right, how can we be sure if this is actually legit.
She is, plenty of people have been stripped of their actual ethnicity by TPTB. The Indian kush mountains were actually the Caucasus. Same thing happened with Hispanics, where they used to get caucasian on their birth certificates and were raised as such. That is why older American Hispanics are all educated and nice people versus gen Z kids who glorify the cartels and think of whites as "colonizers"
Caucasian is referring to a ancestral, regional ethno origin not skin color. But if you have ever seen Desi (or Latin or that matter) nudes you'd probably have an easier time seeing them as "caucasian" because they can all be pretty light skinned under clothes
She is Indian American When it suits her and she is black when it suits her Who cares what color she is, she's an idiot.
Low information voters care. They're running on something that isn't true, and she isn't Black. Not in the slightest
Since when is Jamaican a race. Aren't most Jamaican's black?
Most are black but the country of origin does not dictate race or color. For example many people who live in South Africa are Caucasian.
Yep, I get it. I actually made this very point in a sociology class about 30 years ago when we were discussing the term African American. I said it didn't make sense because not all blacks in America have ancestry from Africa nor are they all American and you can't tell someone's nationality by looking at them. However, in Kamala's case, I thought her fatherr was black. Please correct me if I'm wrong on that.
Her father is NOT black either. FFS.
God dictates race of which there is one.
To my downvoter. This is a research board. Maybe start here.
Not all Jamaican's are black.
Kamalas Jamaican father is definitely black tho
Edit: Just look at this strapping Irishman!!!
Jamaicans don't even identify as Black. They call themselves Jamaican.
Yes which means Kamala is part black
No. She isn't Black. lol
Loretta Fuddy enters the chat
And please explain why it had 2 revisions...
The official being used is not the original nor the final. It would be nice to see what they changed.
But can we find out without someone dying it a plane crash ???
You remember that! Loretta Jean Fuddy. When you look up cause of death it says she died of congestive heart failure. When you look up cause of death it says she died in a plane crash. Yeppers! Congestive heart failure is natural. Injuries sustained or due to a plane crash are not.
slow motion video clearly showed a divers head in the water "murder"
To put it simply: If Cameltoe is Black, then so is JD VANCE'S Wife.
The left won't care. Her skin is dark enough to check the box.
"Well it don't say I'm a whore neither, but I am that."
Kamala's mother called herself Caucasian because at the time of her application for a visa, only 100 applicants from Jamaica and 100 from India were allowed, however there was no limit on Caucasians.
It lists the mother as Caucasian? You sure this is correct?
She must have identified as caucasian at the time. I found this also.
People from India are in the Caucasoid genetic group.
NO they are not. LOL
Why are you so fixated on race? Racist!
Look up her genealogy lazy bones. You are the on fixated on race. YOU brought op the bullshit "one drop" rule. LOL
Nobody who says, “I be prezadent, dawg,” will ever be president. At least I hope not. You never know these days.
Neither here, nor there. Ine could argue about it all day. She is not eligible. That is all. Good day.
she ain't voting for Biden this November so she ain't black, man
" not black and never has been."
I don't think the birth certificate is accurate.
Nowhere on there does it mention cock-gobbler.