Your brain is largely cholesterol. As the medical world lowered the acceptable cholesterol levels, we have seen the cases of Alzheimers increase. What a surprise!
Yep, and don't forget the grains. I find I think more clearly when the wheat is out of my diet. And I grow organic, and eat grass fed meats. Do I cheat? Heck, yes. But not daily. Interestingly enough, I am healthier than all of my friends. Many have gotten hip surgeries , and knee surgeries.
I found some "keto" hamburger buns at the store a couple of weeks ago - only 16G of carbs, total, 13G of that is fiber. We don't eat burgers a whole lot, but it's nice to have a low carb option for a bun.
Many people in the U.S. find that wheat eaten in other countries does not bother them, but upon returning home their wheat sensitivities recur. Coincidence? There is reportedly a chemical sprayed on American wheat to dry it before harvest, but European wheat is not so treated.
I've read the same thing. It is Roundup, and it's not just wheat, they spray it on oats too. It kills the crop, and any weeds. Then the combines can harvest the wheat faster because the totally dead plants cuts better, and there are less instances of the combine binding up, which causes them to shut it down to clean out the stuff that didn't cut. They also don't allow the GMO seeds which has taken over much of our crops. However, I am encouraged by some new generations taking the family farms to organic. That's encouraging.
Roundup is a bad memory for me. One of my neighbors, a teacher, saw in my garden what she thought was poison ivy (and may have been) so she had another neighbor spray Roundup on my rhubarb and asparagus bed, rendering it useless for future eating. I used to make rhubarb pies every year, but no more. I never see rhubarb sold in stores, so it's gone forever unless we move.
Thanks, but at this age I probably won't survive that long. I used to garden extensively (flowers and vegetables), but all that's left is poisoned rhubarb. I still have most of the old catalogs to point me in the right direction.
One of the funniest things here is the resident woodchuck. He stood on a huge two-foot high planter of leaf lettuce to pull down a four-foot tall blooming cosmos. We watched him eat the entire flower; it was hilarious. Are cosmos related to carrots? Foliage is similar. Thanks again.
The brain can only run on glucose. I believe this is why there is such a mass push against sugar.
You either use sugar/starch to get the glucose or stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol to turn fat/muscle/organs into glucose.
It is more that high-fructose corn syrup is used instead of straight sucrose, that is bad. Also, if B vitamins are low, there can be difficulty metabolizing sugar, so fruit/honey/maple syrup are probably better.
Not even true. The body switches to ketones only when it is severely injured. It runs on those ketones almost like it knows other fuel is not incoming. Mothers milk is around 53/54% body fat so babies brains don’t get a lot in the way of glucose. Ketones are good fuel for both body and brain.
The money is certainly a problem but their skewed education is even worse. They think they are profiting by helping people. Not! The scientific community to a large degree has been captured and driven away from ethical studies by studies that are funded by agenda driven sources. We’ll pay you only if you study this and find a way to prove this even if it’s ultimately a load of BS.
Sugar probably isn't bad as long as it isn't high fructose corn syrup. PUFA, insufficient light/sunlight and low total calorie intakes are probably the main issues.
Another fun thing they do not teach you in school and doctors do not tell you.
Alzheimer's and Dementia are what the rest of the world calls type 3 diabetes. What causes these? Not enough cholesterol on your brain. We are told we gotta lower our cholesterol so we live longer but in reality it is killing you
If I remember correctly the Alzheimer’s researchers stated they fudged their data and plaque photos. Cholesterol is necessary and the low fat diet craze is responsible for the bad rap.
You're right. Modern doctors are taught to cut and drug. So any symptoms that you have, they don't teach you how to fix it naturally. They want to "farm you" for additional treatments that they can make money on.
I’ll try to find something in print. I prefer video because I hate wearing glasses. Most videos on YouTube have a transcript and on subjects like this they might have the study’s. I think Dr Chaffee has the links somewhere, he posts a lot and will take some research. I don’t mind. Also you might find something searching here. There’s been several posts about the cholesterol lies.
I watch Dr Chaffee a lot. He’s got some good videos about the lies told by government, food pyramid and health care. If people don’t like YouTube he’s on Rumble also.
Good I have high cholesterol then. Doc had put me on a statin but I did not take that long as I got brain fog. I wasn’t sure they were linked but maybe.
Not a doc but i hear omega 3 6 9 fats are best. I like to mix salmon oil supplements with gingko biloba and echinacea root. It sure would be nice to have more access to omega 9 cannabis oils
The drug companies came up with the idea of bad cholesterol to create a new income stream & sell statins which create more illnesses for even more heart-stopping drugs.
Keto or carnivore is the way to go. Cutting out sugar, bread, rice and potatoes makes a huge difference in the way our bodies process fats.
High cholesterol is bad if you're consuming a lot of carbs, as sugar damages the endothelium, the linings of your blood vessels/arteries. Once part of the endothelium is damaged, cholesterol starts building up there and will cause blockages. No damage, no buildup.
Sugar is processed by the liver and stored in/on the liver as fat. That's where big bellies come from.
So I just heard something very similar to this the other day. Ive been doing carnivore for almost 3 months and feel the best I've felt in years. My husband still eats the sad diet and is on bp and chol meds. Alzheimers runs in his fam. Will have him watch this asap. Ty fren u/Shark_FL
Search on YouTube Dr Anthony Chaffee cholesterol. His main content is about carnivore diet and has many videos on lies from the medical industry, government and pharmaceuticals. I’ve been eating carnivore eight months. I never thought I’d stick with it. Those first two weeks were very hard for me being a sweet addict. I’m still amazed by carnivore.
Yes I know who he is. I need to watch more of his videos. I am pleasantly surprised at how Ive done on carnivore too. I am excited to see where I will be in eight months. Ty fren I may reach out to you from time to time regarding it. Be blessed today
Yes, largely. My husband's Alzheimer's was genetic and ran through his line from Scotland through Canada. Statin drugs affected him adversely.
But at least two medical doctors have written books after developing Alzheimer's very early in life after using prescribed statin drugs. Their message should be proof enough, but most people are afraid to admit that they were wrong, so these doctors are shunned, or worse.
Also, the "vaccine" has produced many more Alzheimer's patients, much younger than what would have been expected in a normal population.
They create problems, so they can create a "solution" that creates more problems. It's a cycle that only benefits them, not you. These people are evil.
Your brain is largely cholesterol. As the medical world lowered the acceptable cholesterol levels, we have seen the cases of Alzheimers increase. What a surprise!
Yep, and don't forget the grains. I find I think more clearly when the wheat is out of my diet. And I grow organic, and eat grass fed meats. Do I cheat? Heck, yes. But not daily. Interestingly enough, I am healthier than all of my friends. Many have gotten hip surgeries , and knee surgeries.
A Whataburger with cheese contains 62 g of carbs and almost all of that is from the bun.
Hamburgers are great for you as long as you skip the empty carbs in the buns.
I found some "keto" hamburger buns at the store a couple of weeks ago - only 16G of carbs, total, 13G of that is fiber. We don't eat burgers a whole lot, but it's nice to have a low carb option for a bun.
They still contain wheat flour? Then not keto.
Many people in the U.S. find that wheat eaten in other countries does not bother them, but upon returning home their wheat sensitivities recur. Coincidence? There is reportedly a chemical sprayed on American wheat to dry it before harvest, but European wheat is not so treated.
I've had fewer digestive issues since switching to organic oats.
I've read the same thing. It is Roundup, and it's not just wheat, they spray it on oats too. It kills the crop, and any weeds. Then the combines can harvest the wheat faster because the totally dead plants cuts better, and there are less instances of the combine binding up, which causes them to shut it down to clean out the stuff that didn't cut. They also don't allow the GMO seeds which has taken over much of our crops. However, I am encouraged by some new generations taking the family farms to organic. That's encouraging.
Roundup is a bad memory for me. One of my neighbors, a teacher, saw in my garden what she thought was poison ivy (and may have been) so she had another neighbor spray Roundup on my rhubarb and asparagus bed, rendering it useless for future eating. I used to make rhubarb pies every year, but no more. I never see rhubarb sold in stores, so it's gone forever unless we move.
That's terrible! Where do you live? I could send you some Rhubarb crowns/roots. The first rhubarb pie in the spring is like a tonic!
Thanks, but at this age I probably won't survive that long. I used to garden extensively (flowers and vegetables), but all that's left is poisoned rhubarb. I still have most of the old catalogs to point me in the right direction. One of the funniest things here is the resident woodchuck. He stood on a huge two-foot high planter of leaf lettuce to pull down a four-foot tall blooming cosmos. We watched him eat the entire flower; it was hilarious. Are cosmos related to carrots? Foliage is similar. Thanks again.
I like real sourdough bread. I wonder if that's poison too? I know it's better than regular bread.
It still is made with wheat, but the yeast is more friendly to your digestive system.
The brain can only run on glucose. I believe this is why there is such a mass push against sugar.
You either use sugar/starch to get the glucose or stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol to turn fat/muscle/organs into glucose.
It is more that high-fructose corn syrup is used instead of straight sucrose, that is bad. Also, if B vitamins are low, there can be difficulty metabolizing sugar, so fruit/honey/maple syrup are probably better.
Not even true. The body switches to ketones only when it is severely injured. It runs on those ketones almost like it knows other fuel is not incoming. Mothers milk is around 53/54% body fat so babies brains don’t get a lot in the way of glucose. Ketones are good fuel for both body and brain.
Because they (the doctors) wanted to make money off of us with the use of drugs!!!!!
NOTE: They put my late father on cholesterol meds and that was when in the late '60s...He died due to ALZHEIMERS...imagine that!!!!
Same with my dad. Fortunately he went to 86. And passed away at the start of the fauxdemic. He’s not have managed through that shit.
Sorry for your loss.
And to hell with the cabal and the medical system.
The money is certainly a problem but their skewed education is even worse. They think they are profiting by helping people. Not! The scientific community to a large degree has been captured and driven away from ethical studies by studies that are funded by agenda driven sources. We’ll pay you only if you study this and find a way to prove this even if it’s ultimately a load of BS.
Every cell membrane in the body is made from cholesterol.
Cholesterol is brain food.
All I know is sugar is evil crap.
Correct!! Sugar is the powerhouse/food of cancer/parasites
Honey, real raw honey is better.
Processed sugar, yeah. Cane sugar, nah.
Same goes for salt. Processed 2000mg a day. All other salts 5000mg a day but the two are always lumped together.
You need 4700mg of potassium per day
There are lots of profitable illnesses from low potassium
I work in medicine….do tell.😉
I see lots of articles demonizing potassium ----- probably for profit.
Yet 98% of people are potassium deficient
Since we are doing Alzheimers
You need 3 times more potassium than sodium.
Most people do not get this.
Without the potassium ---- sodium does become a demon.
thats good to know!
Source? Its effect on blood glucose is essentially the same as that of processed sugar
Sugar probably isn't bad as long as it isn't high fructose corn syrup. PUFA, insufficient light/sunlight and low total calorie intakes are probably the main issues.
Higher protein, sugar, and vitamin E consumption beneficial for health/aging
I believe the anti sugar push is from the regime. Same people who pushed anti-salt, anti-sunlight and anti-saturated fat.
So many think that low carb is the only way. Maybe it is for some people but not everyone.
Processing is the problem. Nutrition is stripped away.
Another fun thing they do not teach you in school and doctors do not tell you. Alzheimer's and Dementia are what the rest of the world calls type 3 diabetes. What causes these? Not enough cholesterol on your brain. We are told we gotta lower our cholesterol so we live longer but in reality it is killing you
If I remember correctly the Alzheimer’s researchers stated they fudged their data and plaque photos. Cholesterol is necessary and the low fat diet craze is responsible for the bad rap.
I honestly think that if we take what they tell us, and do the opposite, we would be healthier.
If you go to a doctor it’s almost like they have to find something.
You're right. Modern doctors are taught to cut and drug. So any symptoms that you have, they don't teach you how to fix it naturally. They want to "farm you" for additional treatments that they can make money on.
Get your Cholesterol from animal fat. Our brains are made of cholesterol. Cut out sugar and carbs, get on ketosis.
Watch this ya'll who are 45plus y.o or taking care of elderlies
No. 1 Dementia Treatment | Hal Cranmer & Dr Anthony Chaffee
Dr Eric Berg has a lot of good videos on fats and keto, also.
Is there anything that doesn't have a friggen video that I have to watch? How about something in writing that I can read at my pleasure?
I’ll try to find something in print. I prefer video because I hate wearing glasses. Most videos on YouTube have a transcript and on subjects like this they might have the study’s. I think Dr Chaffee has the links somewhere, he posts a lot and will take some research. I don’t mind. Also you might find something searching here. There’s been several posts about the cholesterol lies.
I watch Dr Chaffee a lot. He’s got some good videos about the lies told by government, food pyramid and health care. If people don’t like YouTube he’s on Rumble also.
Good I have high cholesterol then. Doc had put me on a statin but I did not take that long as I got brain fog. I wasn’t sure they were linked but maybe.
Definitely linked. My mom stopped taking her statin--her brain fog improved as did her VISION. 👀
What you want to do is determine your triglyceride/HDL ratio.
You've got nothing to worry about if that number is below 2.0.
Watch this for more information -
Quit eating carbs if you can. I recommend keto or carnivore diet at this point.
Not a doc but i hear omega 3 6 9 fats are best. I like to mix salmon oil supplements with gingko biloba and echinacea root. It sure would be nice to have more access to omega 9 cannabis oils
I take nattokinase occasionally as read it keeps blood flowing well.
I keep wanting to try that. Thanks!
The drug companies came up with the idea of bad cholesterol to create a new income stream & sell statins which create more illnesses for even more heart-stopping drugs.
Then the FDA outlawed the natural statin found in red yeast because it was patented by merck. Now red yeast is sterilized and impotent
Eat your eggs... cereal is for animals
Keto or carnivore is the way to go. Cutting out sugar, bread, rice and potatoes makes a huge difference in the way our bodies process fats.
High cholesterol is bad if you're consuming a lot of carbs, as sugar damages the endothelium, the linings of your blood vessels/arteries. Once part of the endothelium is damaged, cholesterol starts building up there and will cause blockages. No damage, no buildup.
Sugar is processed by the liver and stored in/on the liver as fat. That's where big bellies come from.
Dementia is diabetes type 3
Eat more hot dogs! YES!!! I am having them for lunch today, and tomorrow, and the next day : )
You need cholesterol to produce testosterone.
Pretty much any hormone.
So I just heard something very similar to this the other day. Ive been doing carnivore for almost 3 months and feel the best I've felt in years. My husband still eats the sad diet and is on bp and chol meds. Alzheimers runs in his fam. Will have him watch this asap. Ty fren u/Shark_FL
Search on YouTube Dr Anthony Chaffee cholesterol. His main content is about carnivore diet and has many videos on lies from the medical industry, government and pharmaceuticals. I’ve been eating carnivore eight months. I never thought I’d stick with it. Those first two weeks were very hard for me being a sweet addict. I’m still amazed by carnivore.
Yes I know who he is. I need to watch more of his videos. I am pleasantly surprised at how Ive done on carnivore too. I am excited to see where I will be in eight months. Ty fren I may reach out to you from time to time regarding it. Be blessed today
Glad it’s going well for you. Blessings to you fren.
So tired of not knowing what is true about nutrition. Can't wait till after this war we get the REAL truth about everything.
What has to happen before the majority of people are willing to open their eyes/ears and learn the truth? A major precipice.
When my FIL got diabetes my MIL restricted his diet. In a matter of 5 years he became demented. Fat is necessary. White sugar is not.
My grandmother had Alzheimer's and had high cholesterol and ate bacon daily. So...maybe more complex than just cholesterol
Cholesterol is brain food.
Cholesterol is the chemical SOURCE to make Testosterone.
Yes, largely. My husband's Alzheimer's was genetic and ran through his line from Scotland through Canada. Statin drugs affected him adversely.
But at least two medical doctors have written books after developing Alzheimer's very early in life after using prescribed statin drugs. Their message should be proof enough, but most people are afraid to admit that they were wrong, so these doctors are shunned, or worse.
Also, the "vaccine" has produced many more Alzheimer's patients, much younger than what would have been expected in a normal population.
They create problems, so they can create a "solution" that creates more problems. It's a cycle that only benefits them, not you. These people are evil.
Good to know!!