Wait, what?? GEOTUS: “Thank you to @BrianKempGA for all of your support in Georgia, where a win is so important to the success of our Party, and most importantly, our Country. I look forward to working with you, your team, and all of my friends in Georgia to help MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!”

You dont know what is going on behind the scenes. If you have come this far and still dont trust President Trumps words then what good is any of this. They could not have shown how much fraud was in the 2020 election without Kemp being behind it.
To be fair, nobody (even us) will likely ever know or be able to comprehend the sheer magnitude of what happened behind the scenes. Disclosure can only get us so far before it either aids the enemy or starts harming innocent lives, whichever comes first. Either way, I’m interested to see how this movie plays out!
Hell we would have mined it back when it was pennies.
If I had heard about Bitcoin back then I would have used the 10k I had saved up after the military to build a nice mining rig.
If we knew the playbook, then the deep state would also know. I have used that motto ever since Q started.
Yeah, but it's still weird, given the appearances.
BINGO! We only see 20%, the other 80% is all behind the scenes. We've been told that before. Enjoy the show, we got them all.
I love when a handshake makes it obvious.
Remember when he called into NYC builders association as his own reference? Pepe FARM REMEMBERS
My take is, Kemp accepted the offer in compromise.
Trump to Kemp, "You know we have it all, you really think they're gonna pull off another steal? They're gonna need a lot more fake ballots this time, like 85 million. Its time for you to make a decision. Do the right thing or end up somewhere your probably not gonna like when I win."
This is exactly what Q said! Some were put into submission! What makes a great movie... ! 70% would do as their told! There are not enough prisons for the corrupt in this world! Deals needed to be made! Peace is the prize!
It would suck to be Brian Kemp.
Right after the 2020 election, he seemed willing to get to the bottom of the fraud. Then his daughters boyfriend is murdered in a car explosion and he does a 180. But Trump has continued t maintain pressure on him.
Really it must suck to be him. A pawn.
Patriots are in control! Expand your thinking! Moves and countermoves! The war is real; the news is fake!
Oh to be a fly on the wall...
Whatever did happen, it's all going according to plan
We won't know who was playing what part in this epic show, and we can't know. Otherwise, this whole plan would fall to pieces.
We will find out who was a WH, who was turnt, who was behind the mask, who was put down,... when the credits roll.
Get some more popcorn and keep watching with open eyes and a discerning mind.
Believe me, I’ve already got the souvenir bucket and cup set ready lol.
Unless it's a cliffhanger. Not all movies wrap up every loose end. I hope this one does.
The teen daughter of Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp is mourning the loss of Sen. Kelly Loeffler’s 20-year-old aide, calling him her “best friend.”
Harrison Deal was killed in a car crash on I-16 in Pooler, Ga., Friday morning — hours before Vice President Mike Pence arrived in the state to rally for Loeffler and Sen. David Perdue, who are both facing Democrats in a Senate runoff election in January.
I remember that, it looked like a missile hit the car, it was toasted.
Kemp backed off the election stuff shortly afterwards.
Is Kemp playing a role? Is he going to turn and do the right thing finally? Let me know what you think!
he got warned right after the 2020 went down, his daughter's bf exploded. what happened after that got kept under wraps.
True. I knew it was fishy when I first heard of it.
Wasn't it his daughter's friend's boyfriend who also worked on Kemp's campaign that had the fiery explosion...more fiery than it should have been?
nah it was his daughter's bf. the boy's dad was in politics too. https://conservativeus.com/governor-kemps-daughters-boyfriend-dies-in-fiery-crash-and-witnesses-nearby-allegedly-heard-multiple-explosions-that-lasted-until-first-responders-arrived/
i didn't dv ya
No problem... someone goes around downvoting...😸
Thanks so much for the link! I just couldn't remember...😹
He played a role.
The car went b....
oom. Out of memory.
Something's coming. Kemp is toast.
So Kemp 2.0?
Kemp after Q protection
Was that real life? Because I wouldn’t be that kind to Kemp.
Brian was sent messages between Nov 2020 and J20 2021. Doesn't mean he's not smart enough to figure out the long game.
Messages from who?
Skynet. From the year 2030.
Strings commandeered.
Kemp just shi* a brick and running for cover. He would be wise to not drive anytime soon.
James O’Sullivan was investigating the “accident”
I thank Abrams sisters too! Couldn’t do without them low IQ individuals.
Keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer!
That is the very definition of optics. Always be the gentleman. Always keep your rhetoric above what's really happening. Always position yourself to be the good guy. Always show your enemy you have complete and utter self control because it makes them afraid.
Kemp has accepted a plea deal, maybe...
Kemp bent the knee.
Sounds like Kemp avoided execution.
What is the date on this?
As infuriating as that message is, especially to those in Georgia, if I was Lyin' Brian Kemp, this would make me very nervous.
I see no date/time. Is this a twitter tweet from years ago?
Here is the link to the post.
You should give https://qagg.news a try. Took me 10 seconds.