This Beach badge is a tax to support the beach ops. Guy was arrested for not paying his tax.
Why Beach tags?
Beach tags are required in most municipalities along the New Jersey coastline. They are a user fee to help offset the local municipalities cost of maintaining their beaches and providing lifeguards and other services such as trash removal, beach cleaning and the purchase of needed equipment and police protection.
The cost of these items and all of the other beach benefits are supported by this user fee known as the beach tag. The beach fee program was approved by the residents of Ocean City in 1976 and continued since that time to help offset all of the costs associated with the beach.
So if the gov didn’t send our tax money to other countries for their benefit, we could enjoy our own beaches for free, pay teachers a higher salary to attract talent, fix bridges we drive on and have better lives in general? What a concept. So pissed.
I understand what you are saying but I used to live on the west coast and it is free to use the beach. The taxes are getting to be ridiculous but I know what you are saying.
Unfortunately, they are taxing the hell out of us to fund their illegal invasion and other countries.
A tax of this nature makes sense, given all of the traffic these NJ beaches get, a lot of which does not respect the beach.
It does not justify putting a citizen into a choke hold, ramming him to the ground, dog piling on him, grinding his face into the sand, and handcuffing him. Ever.
The guy wasn’t put in a chokehold and arrested because he didn’t have a beach tag. That happened because he was he was told he was being detained and if he tried to leave he would be arrested, but tried to leave anyway.
The officer had reasonable articulable suspicion that a crime/ violation had occurred and was legally allowed to detain that guy. whether the officer was correct or not about the surfer needing a tag to access the water isn’t actually important outside of a courtroom.
Already looked it up earlier, but i wouldn't have guessed. In my defense I'm not American. I do know the 4th, 5th, and 10th. So if i get arrested in the UK for tweeting, i'll plead the 5th :)
I live in an area that requires beach badges. They are overpriced and kind of a PIA. However the beaches here are usually very crowded in summer, and they require lifeguards to keep idiots from drowning because they don't know how waves work. It also limits the number of jabroneys trashing the beaches and acting like morons. I think the police way over reacted and should be held accountable. I'd also like to know if they are what we call "summer cops", or actual gun carrying real cops. There have been past incidences in which "special" officers acted like Gestapo because they had been given some limited power.
Ok I have a lot of gripes with a lot of things in this state but I’m not getting hung up on this one. For starters, there are several un monitored beaches this guy could have gone on but he chose a beach that required a badge. Part of that cost is for the lifeguards that are there to help you in case of emergency along with clean up crews that do a very good job on those particular beaches.
Should he get arrested? Maybe not? But you’re essentially trespassing in an area where everyone else has paid to be there because it is a much nicer beach than other areas,
I think MTG should probably worry a little less about a beach badge and maybe focus on the taxpayer money that’s going to illegals.
Public baches shouldn't be "pay to play." That's what the myriad property taxes are for. How can a state like FL, with the longest coast line of any state in N.A. and longer than the entirety of the U.S. eastern seaboard, afford to keep our beaches clean without the need for "beach badges," yet a tiny ass state like NJ has to charge everyone to use theirs?
Your taxes {the highest in the nation, btw} already pay for lifeguards... And everything else.
Aside from all that, arresting a person for a misdemeanor in that fashion is repugnant. Give him the bullshit citation, let him wipe his ass with it, then continue to pile on driver's license suspensions and fines until he relinquishes all of his freedoms like a normal, beaten down new jersyan
I don't believe it's OK, but also, if you put yourself in a position to have to challenge authority then you need to be ready to deal with whatever comes your way. A beach badge isn't some new concept, if you don't want to wear one, go to the free beaches, if you want to be on that beach, wear it. This isn't rocket appliances.
It's an unconstitutional ordinance. They are infringing on his 1st and 4th ammendment rights. Meanwhile the real criminals are free to rape and murder innocent citizens. Did you follow the mandates during Covid?
This situation is no different. A freaking badge to use a public beach. Ridiculous! He's likely to become a very rich man after he sues TF out of the police force for violating his rights.
Look upwards in the comments. This beach was something that the people who lived there voted on a looooooooong time ago to have beach badges to offset the cost of upkeep on their beaches(ocean county). I’m sure he’ll get something because of brutality or something, but he picked a beach with rules to be a dumbass.
Rules aren't laws. Mandates aren't laws. His constitutional rights were violated, it's as simple as that. He also said he had a beach badge he didn't attach it to his wet suit he left it by his belongings yet the cops chose to arrest him instead. 🙄
I am usually on the side of cops but this is ridiculous. Both people told him numerous times he had a beach badge. Which also sounds like a bullshit requirement in such a high tax state. And yes, let's start seeing this kind of diligence at the border.
As someone who lives in a beach town I totally see the necessity to pay to use the beaches. If there were no fees the cost of the lifeguards, maintenance etc., would have to be paid by people who live there. I don't even use the beach and don't see why I should be responsible to pay for it.
I understand, but property and/or sales taxes cover maintenance of public spaces. I don't use public libraries anymore but I don't think users should have to buy a "Library Badge".
It really isn't the same though. The population increases from about seven thousand residents to one or two hundred thousand during summer. That's a huge burden on public works for one, as well on the added burden on police, firefighters and EMT services. Beach fees help to offset those costs.
those are not police... they're brownshirts...
This Beach badge is a tax to support the beach ops. Guy was arrested for not paying his tax.
Why Beach tags?
Beach tags are required in most municipalities along the New Jersey coastline. They are a user fee to help offset the local municipalities cost of maintaining their beaches and providing lifeguards and other services such as trash removal, beach cleaning and the purchase of needed equipment and police protection.
The cost of these items and all of the other beach benefits are supported by this user fee known as the beach tag. The beach fee program was approved by the residents of Ocean City in 1976 and continued since that time to help offset all of the costs associated with the beach.
So if the gov didn’t send our tax money to other countries for their benefit, we could enjoy our own beaches for free, pay teachers a higher salary to attract talent, fix bridges we drive on and have better lives in general? What a concept. So pissed.
Surfers aren't littering and destroying the beaches.
Tourists are.
Maybe tax the ones using the beach, not the guys way out in the water away from society.
I understand what you are saying but I used to live on the west coast and it is free to use the beach. The taxes are getting to be ridiculous but I know what you are saying.
Unfortunately, they are taxing the hell out of us to fund their illegal invasion and other countries.
A tax of this nature makes sense, given all of the traffic these NJ beaches get, a lot of which does not respect the beach.
It does not justify putting a citizen into a choke hold, ramming him to the ground, dog piling on him, grinding his face into the sand, and handcuffing him. Ever.
The guy wasn’t put in a chokehold and arrested because he didn’t have a beach tag. That happened because he was he was told he was being detained and if he tried to leave he would be arrested, but tried to leave anyway.
The officer had reasonable articulable suspicion that a crime/ violation had occurred and was legally allowed to detain that guy. whether the officer was correct or not about the surfer needing a tag to access the water isn’t actually important outside of a courtroom.
Wow, I'm really impressed you could say all of that with the officer's dick all the way down your throat.
You guys really are my kin :D
It's easy when the cop has a lil' dick.
It's bullshit.
He should've ran into the water like Point Break.
He had a beach badge.
That said, these people voted for this garbage, this is the bed they must lay in.
Dominion might be voting for them. It's bad.
This is what the second amendment was made for
We need a 3rd amendment, the right to surf and bear boards.
Without cheating...Do you know what the 3rd Amendment is?
Already looked it up earlier, but i wouldn't have guessed. In my defense I'm not American. I do know the 4th, 5th, and 10th. So if i get arrested in the UK for tweeting, i'll plead the 5th :)
The right to learn the bill of constitutions
I won't live there, but yes. I understand.
If he had the badge then why not say so, seems like sovereign citizen bullshit I see on you tube.
I am not sure.
Wtf kind of dystopian crap is this? Wtf are these guys, sand police!!!. FFS
Import some sand flies from Australia. On the other hand, no. We need to enjoy the beach too.
Only in a commie state would you need a 'badge' to access public areas
I remember seeing that in Nam.
I live in an area that requires beach badges. They are overpriced and kind of a PIA. However the beaches here are usually very crowded in summer, and they require lifeguards to keep idiots from drowning because they don't know how waves work. It also limits the number of jabroneys trashing the beaches and acting like morons. I think the police way over reacted and should be held accountable. I'd also like to know if they are what we call "summer cops", or actual gun carrying real cops. There have been past incidences in which "special" officers acted like Gestapo because they had been given some limited power.
Ok I have a lot of gripes with a lot of things in this state but I’m not getting hung up on this one. For starters, there are several un monitored beaches this guy could have gone on but he chose a beach that required a badge. Part of that cost is for the lifeguards that are there to help you in case of emergency along with clean up crews that do a very good job on those particular beaches. Should he get arrested? Maybe not? But you’re essentially trespassing in an area where everyone else has paid to be there because it is a much nicer beach than other areas, I think MTG should probably worry a little less about a beach badge and maybe focus on the taxpayer money that’s going to illegals.
Public baches shouldn't be "pay to play." That's what the myriad property taxes are for. How can a state like FL, with the longest coast line of any state in N.A. and longer than the entirety of the U.S. eastern seaboard, afford to keep our beaches clean without the need for "beach badges," yet a tiny ass state like NJ has to charge everyone to use theirs?
Make it make sense.
I live here too.
A beach badge is ridiculous.
Your taxes {the highest in the nation, btw} already pay for lifeguards... And everything else.
Aside from all that, arresting a person for a misdemeanor in that fashion is repugnant. Give him the bullshit citation, let him wipe his ass with it, then continue to pile on driver's license suspensions and fines until he relinquishes all of his freedoms like a normal, beaten down new jersyan
The guy did purchase a badge. It was in his car. He didn't want to punch holes in his wetsuit. That's what I could hear the woman telling the cops.
You truly believe that the treatment of this man is OK? They'll be coming for you for breathing the air soon.
I don't believe it's OK, but also, if you put yourself in a position to have to challenge authority then you need to be ready to deal with whatever comes your way. A beach badge isn't some new concept, if you don't want to wear one, go to the free beaches, if you want to be on that beach, wear it. This isn't rocket appliances.
No. Appeasement never works. That’s how we got into this mess in the first place.
I believe there’s a middle ground between anarchy and complete government control. Beach tags might fall into that bucket
And this is exactly why, you are wrong!
Good logic
It's an unconstitutional ordinance. They are infringing on his 1st and 4th ammendment rights. Meanwhile the real criminals are free to rape and murder innocent citizens. Did you follow the mandates during Covid?
I did not
This situation is no different. A freaking badge to use a public beach. Ridiculous! He's likely to become a very rich man after he sues TF out of the police force for violating his rights.
Look upwards in the comments. This beach was something that the people who lived there voted on a looooooooong time ago to have beach badges to offset the cost of upkeep on their beaches(ocean county). I’m sure he’ll get something because of brutality or something, but he picked a beach with rules to be a dumbass.
Rules aren't laws. Mandates aren't laws. His constitutional rights were violated, it's as simple as that. He also said he had a beach badge he didn't attach it to his wet suit he left it by his belongings yet the cops chose to arrest him instead. 🙄
You really don't even have to wear it. Just keep it with your stuff so it can be shown. No one has to punch holes in their wetsuits.
Thanks for the info. Good to know.
Death. Penalty. Swearing an oath to the constitution should have permanent consequences when violated.
I wouldn't go so far, but they should all be fired.
18 U.S. Code § 242 I may be pushing harder for the DP, but that's the quickest way to stop tyranny.
Thank you. I need to remember this.
Oi you got a loicence for being outside...How is this America and not the UK?
Amazing isn't it?
I am usually on the side of cops but this is ridiculous. Both people told him numerous times he had a beach badge. Which also sounds like a bullshit requirement in such a high tax state. And yes, let's start seeing this kind of diligence at the border.
You know they could but won't because they need the invaders.
As someone who lives in a beach town I totally see the necessity to pay to use the beaches. If there were no fees the cost of the lifeguards, maintenance etc., would have to be paid by people who live there. I don't even use the beach and don't see why I should be responsible to pay for it.
I understand, but property and/or sales taxes cover maintenance of public spaces. I don't use public libraries anymore but I don't think users should have to buy a "Library Badge".
It really isn't the same though. The population increases from about seven thousand residents to one or two hundred thousand during summer. That's a huge burden on public works for one, as well on the added burden on police, firefighters and EMT services. Beach fees help to offset those costs.
For fucks sake that is absurd. I get upset about paying for parking at beaches.
It is.
Thats how they're paying for it.
By our taxes and fines.