I believe this information was posted before. Here it is again for a reminder. Not here to argue or discuss as I have already done my research. Discern for yourselves.
Parasite Pill 2.0
The most important part of the Scientific Method is the ability of others to independently reproduce the results (experimental data).
This independent reproducibility, waiting to see whether or not others can reproduce the same results, catches false data, no matter if it was produced accidentally or deliberately - wrong is wrong.
Virtually none of the "science" today can be reproduced, and nobody even tries to do so. They have conned ignorant people to think that "peer review" is all that matters. What that means in reality is that none of it is science at all - it is actually propaganda, using a veneer of fake science to enhance its credibility with the gullible sheeple in order to control their beliefs and behavior.
Sadly, it works very well. The climate scam is a perfect example of this.
Very well put. It’s like one con artist vouching for another con artist.
Most “science” is based on grants, grants are given based on “proving” the desired results of the funded. It’s a major problem with phd research etc, they only get funding if the research supports a narrative, mostly a globalist narrative.
That is correct, the mother has 2 X chromosomes and is incapable of determining the child's sex. The father's XY chromosomes are what determines the sex of the child.
100%. The only way this virus could affect the sex of a baby from the woman's side would be by killing off or otherwise making the environment inhospitable for X-carrying sperm.
Also the author said these women "have male sons". All sons are male.
Also, I've heard great variance in the percentage of gays in this country, with 10% on the high end and 2% on the low end. I'm inclined to believe 2%.
This may be a part of it, but I think the vast bulk of homosexuals comes from the endocrine disruptors in our food water, and environment. Some of these endocrine disruptors affect the sperm and egg and their effects get passed on to the next generation. So its a slow degeneration process over generations.
If you want to read more about endocrine disruptors I recommend the book "Estrogeneration: How Estrogenics Are Making You Fat, Sick, and Infertile"
I first became aware of T. gondii when I was editing scientific papers at a large research university here in the South. It was an amazing discovery (to me) that a parasitic protozoa could have such an effect in the mice-cat-human chain. I began seeing all of creation in a different way, that there were possibly many other relationships between species that we humans most likely don't know about.
How clever is it that a simple protozoan parasite could use its sole tool -- the ability to infect a host (mice) -- to make its way to a more desirable host (cats), and then onward to an even more desirable host (humans)??!!
“There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.” -- Shakespeare (Hamlet)
I had toxoplasmosis as a kid. It affected the retina in my right eye, creating a blind spot. It was treated and eliminated with prednisone. I am far from gay, with 4 kids. Women are hot, men are disgusting. We lived on a farm and had cats all over the place.
When you deny that God exists and there is no "moral" standard to live by, you are given over to a reprobate mind---a mind that says anything goes---and according to the Gospel, God does this as a judgement!
I seem to remember that the youngest sons in families with more than one son are more likely to be gay.
Okay, looks like I remember right. Of course no idea how valid those studies are, and, well, correlation is not causation, but this seems to make at least some sense.
"The team collected blood from 142 women, and screened it for antibodies to a particular brain protein that is only made in males. They thought this would be a good candidate, because it plays an important role in how neurons communicate with each other, and because it is produced on the surface of brain cells, making it relatively easy for antibodies to find and detect it.
They found that the mothers of gay sons with older brothers had the highest levels of antibodies against this protein, followed by the mothers of gay sons with no older brothers. Women who had straight sons had less of these antibodies, while women with no sons had the least."
This is of course something that would be liked well enough these days because it makes homosexuality look quite natural, and something you can't do anything about unless you start to advocate that women will not have many boys. But frankly, it actually would make at least some sense biologically too, when you think in terms of the relatively small hunter-gatherer bands - fewer men competing for the women, some of them turned into kind of worker bees that would still benefit the group, the same way women past menopause are presumed to do even if they can no longer have babies.
Thanks for the reminder. I'm the gay youngest son with one older brother, there's only five years between us, both same parents and both brought up basically the same environmentally etc, and I certainly was never abused. I've never felt the need to overthink it really though do remember hearing about that theory/study in the past and finding it intriguing. Women should be encouraged to try for more sons then, for the greater good (in an actual good sense, not the commie one!)
I remember these studies, it would appear possibly to be a biological ebrake like Okaaay Susan youv already had 4 straight sons you've flooded the gene pool now your on your 5th child? Pump the brakes.
I believe this information was posted before. Here it is again for a reminder. Not here to argue or discuss as I have already done my research. Discern for yourselves. Parasite Pill 2.0 https://www.docdroid.net/MfW3sAr/parasite-pill-version-20-pdf
I love these 4chan studies.🤓
This is science I trust.
The most important part of the Scientific Method is the ability of others to independently reproduce the results (experimental data).
This independent reproducibility, waiting to see whether or not others can reproduce the same results, catches false data, no matter if it was produced accidentally or deliberately - wrong is wrong.
Virtually none of the "science" today can be reproduced, and nobody even tries to do so. They have conned ignorant people to think that "peer review" is all that matters. What that means in reality is that none of it is science at all - it is actually propaganda, using a veneer of fake science to enhance its credibility with the gullible sheeple in order to control their beliefs and behavior.
Sadly, it works very well. The climate scam is a perfect example of this.
Very well put. It’s like one con artist vouching for another con artist.
Most “science” is based on grants, grants are given based on “proving” the desired results of the funded. It’s a major problem with phd research etc, they only get funding if the research supports a narrative, mostly a globalist narrative.
Pretty sure the XY sex of a child comes from the father. The mother doesn't "make" a child s boy or s girl
That is correct, the mother has 2 X chromosomes and is incapable of determining the child's sex. The father's XY chromosomes are what determines the sex of the child.
100%. The only way this virus could affect the sex of a baby from the woman's side would be by killing off or otherwise making the environment inhospitable for X-carrying sperm.
Also the author said these women "have male sons". All sons are male.
Also, I've heard great variance in the percentage of gays in this country, with 10% on the high end and 2% on the low end. I'm inclined to believe 2%.
This may be a part of it, but I think the vast bulk of homosexuals comes from the endocrine disruptors in our food water, and environment. Some of these endocrine disruptors affect the sperm and egg and their effects get passed on to the next generation. So its a slow degeneration process over generations.
If you want to read more about endocrine disruptors I recommend the book "Estrogeneration: How Estrogenics Are Making You Fat, Sick, and Infertile"
Men with more estrogens and less testosterone will become more gay.
Estrogen is also a stress hormone that tells the cells to split up. For guys that means a much greater increase risk of cancer and genetic mutations.
I'm with you. Could be parasites too. But who knows.
All I'm sure about is that there is both a physical and spiritual attack.
I think Alex Jones is right. It turns frogs gay and probably humans.
There is so much faggotry these days it is astounding and disgusting.
What I know for sure is it is by design.
I first became aware of T. gondii when I was editing scientific papers at a large research university here in the South. It was an amazing discovery (to me) that a parasitic protozoa could have such an effect in the mice-cat-human chain. I began seeing all of creation in a different way, that there were possibly many other relationships between species that we humans most likely don't know about.
How clever is it that a simple protozoan parasite could use its sole tool -- the ability to infect a host (mice) -- to make its way to a more desirable host (cats), and then onward to an even more desirable host (humans)??!!
“There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.” -- Shakespeare (Hamlet)
I had toxoplasmosis as a kid. It affected the retina in my right eye, creating a blind spot. It was treated and eliminated with prednisone. I am far from gay, with 4 kids. Women are hot, men are disgusting. We lived on a farm and had cats all over the place.
They use prednisone for everything!
steroids can give you cataracts and glaucoma
Homosexuality is a disease spread by sexual abuse of children. The globalists know this and utilize it effectively.
I believe that is Satan's greatest tool.
Uses trauma from traumatized people on beautiful innocent souls, which then become traumatized and do the same as they get older.
The cycle of evil. Satan is a faggot
I think it's parasitic. I think everything that ills us is.
I don't want to go any deeper than that.
/That's what she said.
Great, so now 40 years later I can pull an EG Carroll and sue my parents for the cat they never had 😼
This is very much a one size fits all theory isn't it.
If you can somehow work Trump's name in there as a cause, it's likely you would win.
<Trump voice> and she named her cat ... VAGINA
When you deny that God exists and there is no "moral" standard to live by, you are given over to a reprobate mind---a mind that says anything goes---and according to the Gospel, God does this as a judgement!
True science proves the Word of God. The woke fake Christian churches remove this verse on purpose.
Romans 1:24-27
24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:
Dis-ease of mind. Bible says it's a devil spirit.
I think there is a biological component and etiology to homosexuality, but it is not studied or being made public because it is not PC.
That’s gay.
If it were genetic, it would extinguish itself almost immediately.
They don't produce offspring.
They do nowadays.
Cloning or surrogate pregnancies could have never allowed it to survive the millennia. It didn't exist.
People don't like plain facts. But that doesn't change them.
I seem to remember that the youngest sons in families with more than one son are more likely to be gay.
Okay, looks like I remember right. Of course no idea how valid those studies are, and, well, correlation is not causation, but this seems to make at least some sense.
"The team collected blood from 142 women, and screened it for antibodies to a particular brain protein that is only made in males. They thought this would be a good candidate, because it plays an important role in how neurons communicate with each other, and because it is produced on the surface of brain cells, making it relatively easy for antibodies to find and detect it.
They found that the mothers of gay sons with older brothers had the highest levels of antibodies against this protein, followed by the mothers of gay sons with no older brothers. Women who had straight sons had less of these antibodies, while women with no sons had the least."
Seems to be called "The big brother effect".
This is of course something that would be liked well enough these days because it makes homosexuality look quite natural, and something you can't do anything about unless you start to advocate that women will not have many boys. But frankly, it actually would make at least some sense biologically too, when you think in terms of the relatively small hunter-gatherer bands - fewer men competing for the women, some of them turned into kind of worker bees that would still benefit the group, the same way women past menopause are presumed to do even if they can no longer have babies.
Thanks for the reminder. I'm the gay youngest son with one older brother, there's only five years between us, both same parents and both brought up basically the same environmentally etc, and I certainly was never abused. I've never felt the need to overthink it really though do remember hearing about that theory/study in the past and finding it intriguing. Women should be encouraged to try for more sons then, for the greater good (in an actual good sense, not the commie one!)
I remember these studies, it would appear possibly to be a biological ebrake like Okaaay Susan youv already had 4 straight sons you've flooded the gene pool now your on your 5th child? Pump the brakes.
If you’re not sure about this post, Does it really matter?
Just make sure you’re taking: Ivermectin fenbendazole
Just to be sure you never get turned gay 😂😂
There is one side effect though… You probably won’t get cancer so that’s a win-win 🙌
Sounds like a opportunity for a double blind study…
The only thing about this which i call bullshit on is that if this were truly a parasite, ivermectin would stop homosexuality… it doesnt