More claims that the Haitian’s eating pets is fake. Is it possible we’ve been psyoped along with Trump? If there’s a plan here I believe in no coincidences. So what’s the deal with this whole story?
🧠 These people are stupid!

In Texas you can find a dog being skinned in the front yards of migrants in quite a few cities and town, prior to being BBQ'd.
You learn not to eat from taco stand located in areas with a large stray population.
Regardless of that dude in particular carrying a afternoon snack or just stealing a job from an American, the act is THEY ARE EATING THE CATS.
(and strays)
907 out.
You don't just carry an animal carcass in your bare hands and walk down the street with it while giving people the "what the fuck are you looking at" glare. I've had to deal with dead animals before, gloves and a trash bag are bare minimum. Anyhow how is that goose even still intact after being hit by a car? Usually they get crushed under the wheels or bashed up bouncing between the road and the underbody. That looks like a chicken does after being slaughtered.
This ☝️ 💯
Ahhh. Just like Springfield mayor and city manager said there were no reports. That was a big lie.
The Springfield mayor and city manager are trying to cover it up, but in doing so, they are calling local police officers liars, who do not deserve to be insulted by them. The police officers' body cams tell the full story, and the city manager is implying the Springfield PD has nothing better to do than lie. I hope the Springfield PD writes citations for any laws they find, no taillights, parking violations, etc.on their city manager if he so much as sneezes wrong.
This is some very good information. Thank you. Good job.
So just because this guy says that and wheres the article from the Ohio Wildlife. Also is Ohio Wildlife corrupt like so many other organizations.
Wheres the proof he is not Haitian. As a matter of fact wheres the proof of anything in his entire post.
The women who said her cat went missing and she saw it hanging in her Haitian nabors yard also other people who have claimed to have seen cats on BBQs what about them. Also the cop whose body cam everyone saw ok maybe she wasnt illegal but she was Haitian.
There have been many people who claim their pets are disappearing what about them.
I think for Trump to say it he knows something because he is not just going to come up with something from a meme and call it true.
Instead of putting peoples opinions on here such as this post investigate and find the real problem.
This lady says they are eating wildlife and leaving a mess.
Normie prep. It's getting them ready for the children.
You guys kill me. You dont prep someone with lies to come out with the truth and expect it to be believed.
where is the proof the geese story is a lie? This guy's tweet? This isnt proof.
“Biden had a cold.”
Did you fall for that one too?
What about, “Joe Biden is as sharp as a tack. He’s never been sharper.”
The experts said it so you must have believed that one too.
I mean, heck, it’s not like the experts would ever LIE. They would NEVER forge a fake study and publish it in The Lancet to get the cure to a virus in the middle of a pandemic pulled from the shelves. That kind of thing JUST DOESN’T HAPPEN.
They are prepping the masses so when the news of child sacrifice comes out they can dismiss it
I’m going with it even if it’s fake news because leftards heads are exploding.
I am so sick of these gaslighting faggots
I just received something from someone and I believe it was a X post that said they caught a guy as he just skinned a cat in a driveway I cannot post it the picture is gross.
Import the third world, become the third world. I won't be gaslit by retarded leftist commies into thinking that 15,000 Haitians have been put in a small area but they left their culture in Haiti.
Joe Biden got 81,000,000 votes.
All while yelling at parked cars with people honking their horns.
“Trump didn’t get hit with a bullet, it was a little piece of glass from a teleprompter, okay - well, fine, the teleprompters were in mint condition so okay, fine, but it still wasn’t a bullet, it was just SHRAPNEL from a bullet, a little teeny tiny piece of shr - okay, no, that’s not a thing, forget that, what it ACTUALLY was - it was fake blood, see, like from a squib, and what he did was actually nothing, because none of this even happened, bullet? shooter? as if! There was nothing. Nothing happened.”
Just go to Florida. China's port is located in the Bahamas and land locked Haiti has a transportation armada that runs them in constantly. Miami is up 325 K, not all Hatians, however animal sacrifices are frequent. Voo doo and the whole deal. So long story short, Hatians are UNABLE to assimilate is the determination. They come from a land where they have deforested the place, eaten everything down to nothing and now its cannabalism. This is exactly what was done to Haiti to USE at this EXACT TIME as a weapon. These INVADERS ARE WEAPONS.
What if I told you it isn't about the pets? There are still 20k immigrants in a small town causing economic, social, and healthcare chaos.
Both can be true at the same time.
It's no psyop. Lady had cat fur in her mouth on police body cam.
It doesnt matter if its real anymore. The story is the reaction. Trying to blow this off and debunk it so aggressively is fucked up. And the MSM has gotten caught lying about real things being fake too many times
It's hard to awaken someone pretending to be asleep.
Coming from Orlando, I have met quite a few Haitians and from my experience, most are really good people, BUT there are also many bad people there. The bad do practice Voo Doo and animal sacrifice etc...The good Haitians are Christians and don't let their children play in the streets.
Uh, yeah. "They're not all bad! It 's just a few rotten apples!"
Deport them. All of them.
I'm with you, even the ones who got in by touching Florida sand 20 years ago. Too many people came here with special permissions. Too many people were granted Asylum.
As long as they can come here from anywhere and get a job, they are coming. There are people here on GAW that employ illegals...
It will take several generations to repair the damage to our own young people. Start out with hungry bellies and then offer them minimum-wage jobs
False alarm, it's just Jamaicans eating roadkill. They were eating people six months ago, I doubt they distinguish pets from any other form of meat in Haiti.
Well I'm convinced..... NOT
where is the proof this post is real? Why did you post an imagr where is the link and the 2nd link proving Alex Cole"s statement?
There's always the possibility that the cabal and their media mouthpieces could be over-hyping the issue to provoke an incident. That can't be discounted. We know they do that.
On the other hand, when you import hordes of double digit IQ types who have a long history of consuming bushmeat, domestic animals can (and have) easily become food. We know that too.
Let the facts come to light.
Emotional reactions are what they want. Don't give it to them.
Psyops work both ways
This is an Achilles heel for the left and they are scared. Of course it is true. The media knew it was true. They preemptively got a democrat city manager to say it wasn’t, because they knew it was true.
It’s another Trump was right.
The whole deal is "look at the hairians". Theyre there, they're going to vote.
HRC sacrificed a chicken to "moloch"
My husband worked with a guy who thought the ducks in the local park were free food. This was years ago, and the guy honestly didn't think he'd done anything wrong. The guys told him to stop and he did once he was told it is illegal. It happens, but I think these recent incidents are deliberate, rather than just a guy with broken English not understanding he cannot eat the park ducks.
No. https://x.com/taylerusa/status/1834738409857831287?s=61
Oh? Where's the other goose?