Seriously, vaping is bad. I vaped for a while because I was smoking half a tin of cigarillos, 3-4 cigars, and half a tin of snus PER DAY while deployed. It was leading me back to a 2 pack a day cigarette habit. So I wrapped my own coils, built my own shit and only vaped naturally extracted tobacco. I did Juls (sp) for a while and then start loading them with NET. Quit that and went to nic mints and cigars. I'm still good for 3-5 cigars a day (and I don't smoke cheapos) and a few to a bunch of nic mints. COVID can't touch me.
That said I did (and still do) a regimen including high dose NAC and while I go up and down, I ran 3.75 mi in 30 min in March and I'm mid 50s 160 lbs now.
You're downvoted for this, but this is definitely a problem that isn't going away without more critical regulation in ingredients.
"But wait," they tell me, "regulation is bad!"
Yes. But not when it comes to ensuring that everything that goes into your lungs are exactly what is on the package. Even if those ingredients are bad, if nothing else regulations need to ensure that what is on the label is the only thing in the product.
Because when they add more ingredients like the Chinese made vape cartridges, you get popcorn lung.
Vaping can help a lot of people stop smoking, so let's ensure that people get ingredient accuracy.
It's still weird that they focused on flavored juices as hard as they did. The problem chemicals and contaminants as far as I know are also in the base juices, not just flavored ones.
Popcorn lung and vaping.
Over time, it can lead to scarring of the lungs' tiny air sacs, along with thickening and narrowing of the airways. A chemical called diacetyl, found in many e-cigarette flavors, is one cause of this condition.
Yeah, I think it's important to remove problematic chemicals and chemicals that turn into aldehydes with heat.
It's weird that people will talk about chemicals in processed foods etc. but willingly inhale many worse chemicals -- and oils, which are the worst -- directly into one of the most sensitive and difficult places to repair.
I smoked for 43 years 2 to 2/12 packs of cigarettes a day. I have been vaping for 13 years now when I was on the cigs everyword was cough cough cough and the vape stopped everything. The vape is 1000 x better than cigs.
Nothing worse than a reformed smoker... like me. Vaping helped me get off cigs. Covid helped me get off vaping. Getting covid was a blessing for me. I haven't been tempted to smoke for over 3 years now.
Right, so the solution is to ensure ingredient accuracy, purity and quality.
Everyone should be able to agree on that at least, but your presentation could probably use some work. All they said was that their experience vaping was better than when they were smoking.
With vaping, the problem isn't the Ejuice, it's the Nicotine. I smoked for almost 30 years. After my husband passed unexpectedly, I started vaping to try and save money and wean myself from cigarettes. Started out with the highest level of Nicotine. Started making my own Ejuice and within a year I was down to no Nicotine and only vaping occasionally. Sometimes going for weeks without even thinking about vaping at all. It will be 14 years on April 25th, 2025 that I've been cigarette free. In the world we live in, ask yourselves, why are cigarettes still on the market? Why did they go for the vape industry so hard? Everyone should know by now, it's all about control and them wanting us smoking cigarettes. Vaping saved my life and no one can tell me differently.
I'm in Cali too. You can still buy flavored nic products online but not in smoke shops because of the stupid law they introduce a while back. I buy all my nic online.
the news misreports a Vitamin E contamination injury and some ppl latch onto it for years like it's all flesh-eating bacteria, things that make you go "hmm..."
How do you think that vapor is created? There is an internal heating element that turns the juice into vapor and atomizes it for inhalation.
It is true that heating chemical compounds can transform them into different ones, although the heat generated is lower than a cigarette to the best of my knowledge.
That just shows how you're wrong. Heat? Why did vaping never burn my tongue or lips when I did it? That would be an easy habit to break if burned mouth was the case.
Hands off my vapes you dirty bastards! MVGA
LMFAO this is almost better than the tweet where he said Barney's nipples were protruding, very very disrespectful.
That was top 5 Trump tweets of all time lol
Everything you ever wanted to know about vaping:
"I'll save Vaping again" No One Else could say that and get away with it so well. 😃😃😃😃
Make Vaping Great Again!
Seriously, vaping is bad. I vaped for a while because I was smoking half a tin of cigarillos, 3-4 cigars, and half a tin of snus PER DAY while deployed. It was leading me back to a 2 pack a day cigarette habit. So I wrapped my own coils, built my own shit and only vaped naturally extracted tobacco. I did Juls (sp) for a while and then start loading them with NET. Quit that and went to nic mints and cigars. I'm still good for 3-5 cigars a day (and I don't smoke cheapos) and a few to a bunch of nic mints. COVID can't touch me.
That said I did (and still do) a regimen including high dose NAC and while I go up and down, I ran 3.75 mi in 30 min in March and I'm mid 50s 160 lbs now.
Vaping got me off cigs. Haven't touched them in more than 5 years.
Tried a cig the other day at work after a few years vaping. The cig tasted like ass.
This reminds me to make a pot of chile today. Kek
Me too
Lol you strike me as a fellow user.
Cigarpage. Same company.
Make Popcorn Lung great Again
You're downvoted for this, but this is definitely a problem that isn't going away without more critical regulation in ingredients.
"But wait," they tell me, "regulation is bad!"
Yes. But not when it comes to ensuring that everything that goes into your lungs are exactly what is on the package. Even if those ingredients are bad, if nothing else regulations need to ensure that what is on the label is the only thing in the product.
Because when they add more ingredients like the Chinese made vape cartridges, you get popcorn lung.
Vaping can help a lot of people stop smoking, so let's ensure that people get ingredient accuracy.
In other words...Make Vaping Great Again.
ive been making my own ejuice. alot easier than most would think. 2 ingredients (3if you want nic) and food flavoring.
never trusted those all-in-ones yet theyre so much easier to get than flavored ejuice in NY.
It's still weird that they focused on flavored juices as hard as they did. The problem chemicals and contaminants as far as I know are also in the base juices, not just flavored ones.
All it is, is vegetable glycol, nicotine and flavoring.
Popcorn lung and vaping. Over time, it can lead to scarring of the lungs' tiny air sacs, along with thickening and narrowing of the airways. A chemical called diacetyl, found in many e-cigarette flavors, is one cause of this condition.
Looks like this particular chemical is bad.
Yeah, I think it's important to remove problematic chemicals and chemicals that turn into aldehydes with heat.
It's weird that people will talk about chemicals in processed foods etc. but willingly inhale many worse chemicals -- and oils, which are the worst -- directly into one of the most sensitive and difficult places to repair.
maybe next he'll help people quit vaping
I smoked for 43 years 2 to 2/12 packs of cigarettes a day. I have been vaping for 13 years now when I was on the cigs everyword was cough cough cough and the vape stopped everything. The vape is 1000 x better than cigs.
I noticed the smoker's cough was gone within days.
Same. My smokers cough is gone. Vaping is substantially better than cigarette smoke.
Wow with the hostility! Wtf bro! 😂
probably smokes cigarettes. all the degenerates are getting triggered. i get to talk shit because i quit everything
Nothing worse than a reformed smoker... like me. Vaping helped me get off cigs. Covid helped me get off vaping. Getting covid was a blessing for me. I haven't been tempted to smoke for over 3 years now.
Right, so the solution is to ensure ingredient accuracy, purity and quality.
Everyone should be able to agree on that at least, but your presentation could probably use some work. All they said was that their experience vaping was better than when they were smoking.
I'm not sure how that makes him an ass hole.
I’m at 13 years to. Total agreement.
No, it is not. If you think damaging the air sacks surrounding your lungs by vaping vs. cigarettes is better, you have no basis for that belief:
If you can't even get your anatomy right, don't be lecturing about how XYZ is the devil.
That'll be RFK Jrs job. And getting the incels laid.
I quit smoking by going cold turkey, but I do commend him for doing this. I'm sure this will help lots of people.
Vaping got me off cigs. And I stopped vaping too.
Me too. Used vapes to quit cigs. And by controling the nicotine content of vapes was able to wean off and quit vaping too.
With vaping, the problem isn't the Ejuice, it's the Nicotine. I smoked for almost 30 years. After my husband passed unexpectedly, I started vaping to try and save money and wean myself from cigarettes. Started out with the highest level of Nicotine. Started making my own Ejuice and within a year I was down to no Nicotine and only vaping occasionally. Sometimes going for weeks without even thinking about vaping at all. It will be 14 years on April 25th, 2025 that I've been cigarette free. In the world we live in, ask yourselves, why are cigarettes still on the market? Why did they go for the vape industry so hard? Everyone should know by now, it's all about control and them wanting us smoking cigarettes. Vaping saved my life and no one can tell me differently.
Stuck in here in California where I can't get flavored chew because of this law.
But you can get any other drug in Cali. Make that make sense
Where I live you can't smoke or vape anywhere, but smoking pot in public is a-ok.
I'm in Cali too. You can still buy flavored nic products online but not in smoke shops because of the stupid law they introduce a while back. I buy all my nic online.
We make all the sense in Cali
The last time I tried to order online, they said they are no longer shipping to California, Any suggestions for the site you use?
I can still remember the inexplicable “I Vape I Vote” signs that people had in early 2016 at Trump rallys.
Vaping ruins your energy. Kills the power of your prayers. That’s all I’ll say about that.
We'll put that to the test. I vape and I'm praying that you're going to start making better comments.
probably something to do with impulse-control & reward circuits
Just smoke...
It's "healthier" 😂😂😂
<NPC> Seriously tho, Doctors Recommend Camels over every other cigarette </NPC>
Trump for Health Czar!!
Vaping is fucking horrible. The alveoli are severely damaged by the heat and trauma.
Substantially safer than cigarettes. Stop falling for big tobacco propaganda.
Tobacco is actually good at raising testosterone.
Cigarettes and all the chemicals they add are what's truly bad.
the news misreports a Vitamin E contamination injury and some ppl latch onto it for years like it's all flesh-eating bacteria, things that make you go "hmm..."
Latching on to it is a good thing, the response from the government was to try and ban it entirely which was a bad thing.
Latching on to it pushes to ensure that contaminants are better avoided.
It is safer than tobacco and you know it wtf
Heat? No.
Thy vaping equipment is faulty.
How do you think that vapor is created? There is an internal heating element that turns the juice into vapor and atomizes it for inhalation.
It is true that heating chemical compounds can transform them into different ones, although the heat generated is lower than a cigarette to the best of my knowledge.
Kek. The shit is not hot. KEK!
Well, I am going by what I feel.
So do people with lung cancer who continue smoking or vaping.
They don’t care.
That just shows how you're wrong. Heat? Why did vaping never burn my tongue or lips when I did it? That would be an easy habit to break if burned mouth was the case.