Today is the traditional Feast of St. Michael the Archangel, now restyled as the Feast of Saints Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, Archangels. Makes sense to post that prayer this weekend.
I’ll pray to the Father and to Jesus..aint praying to an angel who isn’t suppose to be worshipped.
Matthew 22:37–40
"You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets
I’ll pray to God. I’ll pray for our fellow man..this means the Democrats as well. But I’m not praying to false idols and knowingly committing idolatry. Please people. Learn the teachings of Jesus. He taught us how to pray.
You are correct!! The Holy Spirit we receive upon baptism is inside us and cries out to the Father when we don’t know what to say. It’s wonderful to have God indwelling us as believers!
In Revelation 19:10, John falls at the feet of the angel who was explaining a vision to him, but the angel immediately corrects him: “Don’t do that! I am a fellow servant with you and with your brothers and sisters who hold to the testimony of Jesus. Worship God!”
Exactly. There are several events in the Bible that make this clear, like the one you posted. Even Samson’s parents fell to the feet of an angel. They kept asking for its name until eventually the angel was like, why are you asking about my name? It’s beyond your understanding. Although personally, I feel this angel was Jesus. If Jesus would have told them His name, it was not time for that name to be told in that time in history. But that’s just my thoughts.
is that your subjective definition and if another protestant disagrees who is correct?
1 billion Catholics agree on what worship is and I assure you prayer is not worship. It looks like protestants can’t agree on what worship is because when I look it up, I am assured by protestants that praying is not worship but here you are saying otherwise.
Common sense and research. Words like “linked” and “centered” around God. Things easily found in a few seconds of looking it up yourself. But ignorance is addictive, or infectious. But there’s remedies for such.
I don't see a reason to believe an archangel can even hear my prayers, unless I'm speaking out loud and he's been sent by God to be nearby and listen. This would be a waste of time, since God definitely can hear my prayers, even my mental prayers.
A servant. Correct. Just like any Christian. Why not just pray to me everyday? Yes from now on pray to me, a servant. Let’s see if I can answer any of your prayers. ………
Oh so you wanna change up the words. Words matter. You just wanna ask..”ask” for help. Like this? “Hey big Mike, needs some help here”. Like that? No, you don’t. You’re praying. This thread is about prayers. Stop being naive. And praying is worship. Again, stop pretending to be ignorant of that.
No one is being hostile. Stop being sensitive. Jesus taught us how to pray. Asking from God IS praying. And praying to an angel or Peter, etc is pointless. Only one can answer prayers. And asking IS praying. This isn’t difficult. Let me go further. Does God pray to you? Think about that. No. But He does ASK thing from you. This isn’t a two way street. We pray. God Ask. Simple.
I can ask you for anything, and sure, you may or may not be able to answer my prayers, for food or money or aid. Still unconnected to worship. Check the dictionary.
I looked it up. Prayer equals worship. Thank you for that assurance. The fact that you go straight to denomination blame kinda says what you are. And then you proved yourself wrong. That’s hilarious.
God does the asking. You do the praying. Not the other way around. God doesn’t pray to my oh. You don’t ask from Him.
I think President Trump is seeing the light & coming to the true Christian faith. This will undoubtedly make him lose the support of many Protestants that insist on continuing to do it their own way, as they have for the past 500 years.
We Protestants might think Trump is a hero being used mightily by God, but we know he, like you, me and all your popes throughout history, is actually fallible. You know what isn't fallible? Scripture. I hope you will check your faith by it to see if it is indeed true.
The Catholic Church put the scriptures together. Now work out what you said with what is historically true.
Don’t tell lies about Catholicism. Careful what you claim. Do we believe the Pope is infallible? You might want to look into the details of that before you make another comment. You wouldn’t want to be found guilty of bearing false witness would you?
Do you remember Lincoln’s “a house divided against itself cannot stand” comment, or how he sourced that idea from Yeshua’s response to being accused of casting out demons by Ba’alzebub?
There have been both good and bad tendencies and ideas on display in this thread. We would all do well to humble ourselves, avoid division, seek peace between brethren, search out and test for truth, take what is good, and leave the rest.
Who said anything about a contest and why are you barking up my tree when the poster before me is lying about what Catholics believe?
Perhaps you should remind your brother not to bear false witness against his neighbor.
The house divided is the Protestant going against the Catholic faith. With that said, it is Protestantism that falls apart because of their various beliefs that do not align with one another.
no one woukd dare tell Jesus “it isnta contest” when he rebuked the Pharisees.
Besides, the truth is divisive by nature.
if anyone on this form has a problem with Catholicism, but believes the Bible to be the word of God then they should consider that the Catholic Church is the only reason any of you have a Bible to begin with. The Bible is a Catholic book. if the Catholic faith is the whore of Babylon, then why are you reading and trusting its Bible?
I pray for the unification of all Christians under the banner of Christ and his church, the Catholic Church. we won’t get there by pretending wrong is right and lies are truth.
I mean neither affront, nor to address anyone unevenly, and apologize for not going 1-1 on avoidance of conflict. My response was toward the “WE are The One True Church” and was intended toward a lot of the same points you bring up.
This should have also been private, so apologies for that as well. I was also defending Catholicism elsewhere, and didn’t realize it wasn’t all in the same place. Will say more later, just wanted to get that out of the way as quickly as possible.
I don't know what you believe because actual real-life Catholics believe all kinds of things, some of which are official doctrine of the Catholic Church, some are contrary to official doctrine, and some are just gray areas. As for Papal infallibility, I just looked it up on Wikipedia in case something changed from the time I learned about it and seems like that's still an official dogma. So if Wikipedia is incorrect on the matter, you can let me know after you update the entry. If you feel you would like to clarify something about it for me , go ahead. I just don't believe in papal infallibility, and it's one of several reasons I rejected Catholicism and chose Evangelicalism when I realized I needed to choose a church.
Wikipedia is a leftist propaganda tool, and the left is adamantly opposed to Catholicism. Why wouldn’t you look to see what official Catholic teaching is?
You can read the magisterium of the Catholic Church yourself, which is the deposit of faith which means official church teaching or you could use and search literally any term to find out what Catholicism actually teaches.
I would go to the main page and type in papal infallibility to see several articles that go over this topic. it is one of the most misunderstood parts of Catholicism.
The pope can be on a plane demanding that Catholics favor Oreo cookies over chocolate chip and it doesn’t mean a thing. When he speaks from the chair of Peter on matters of faith and morals, that is where he is in fallible. But please don’t take my word for it and read for yourself about what Catholics believe. a “Catholic“ who believes things contrary to the magisterium are not practicing the Catholic faith. One of our strengths is our unity, morals, and faith. 1 billion Catholics believe the same thing while protestants believe thousands of different things. “Catholic” who thinks abortion is OK and permissible is not a Catholic nor are they practicing the Catholic faith. There are certain things that Catholics are free to believe one way or another because the church has not made a declarative stance, but if it’s put in the magisterium, then we are all obligated to accept it as truth and failure to do so puts you outside of the Catholic faith. I’m only telling you this because part of your comment was that there are Catholics who believe different things and I want you to understand that Catholics have to abide by and believe what is in the deposit faith lest they not be Catholic anymore. This an aside from papal infallibility. I just wanted to address both because you mentioned both.
Anytime you want to learn what Catholics actually believe, I would not look to individuals, but to the official teaching which is called the magisterium. The church has its own canon law and hierarchy, and if it feels too much to go through, start with and put in whatever term you’re curious about. You will lose nothing from learning more about Catholicism. You will either be convicted or you will have better arguments for why you believe what you believe.
Sorry for any errors that might be left over. I did this using voice to text 😬
Masons have openly been against Christianity and especially the Virgin Mary. They've used police, brownshirts, arson and explosives to persecute faithful, destroy churches and shrines for as long as their history exists. Amazing to me how many protestants gratefully slander mother Mary, without considering how the perfect Son might feel about that.
I dont give Vain and repetitious prayers as Christ reproved those who prayed them. But I will claim the protection God already promises. Such as, no weapon formed against thee shall prosper. Now thats quite a promise. Try believing that.
Actually Jesus himself repeated prayers. Even right before His sacrifice. At the Garden of Gethsemane, He prayed three times in a row, saying the same things each time. But, I think maybe, you’re referring to the Bible, Matthew 6:7 says, "And when you pray, do not use vain repetitions as the heathen do, for they think that they will be heard for their many words". Although this verse is interpreted to mean that repeating memorized prayers is not valuable to God, and that quantity is not more important than quality in communication with God.
I find myself saying the Lord’s Prayer every morning. I don’t feel it’s forced or anything. And I mean what I’m saying. But it is repetitive I suppose, and I always follow up with a actual “today” prayer. I do feel my “today’s” prayer is the one that’s feels more important. Something to think about.
I believe Israel is baiting Iran and us to get involved. Iran would definitely retaliate somehow. But the outcomes would be different from Israel expectations, as we are baiting them to use their WMD in order to destroy it
And it's not necessarily something nuclear or laser. It may be just a distruction of data centers, where they keep info on every device. They were baiting Iran so hard that they revealed their abilities with pagers and walkie-talkie. Surely the range of devices is wider including cellphones.
That's why Israel is saved for last. Meaning when they reveal their last line of ammunition.
We can't proceed with declas etc.. while the humanity is under the threat. We can process only when all ammunition is expended
So is the Protestant hate, but more than that is the general advocacy of division and de-nomin-ations that almost all Christian groups participate in - even my church, to my dismay.
We Catholics have been saying this prayer after every mass and most of us every single day. Double down, triple down, we need all the help God will mercifully send.
Other than pagans, nowhere in scripture does anyone pray to anyone except a member of the Trinity. Believers are instructed to pray to the Father in the name of the Son. Rid yourselves of this papist heretical behavior and put your faith in Christ alone.
The original church WAS the Catholic (universal) church. The breaking happened by murderous kings, disgruntled and manipulated monks, bought by political elites. Luther repented when he finally realized he'd been played. Instead of breaking, fixing was needed. Will you dissolve the USA or fix it?
Pagans don't have the scriptures. You do. You should follow them rather than the traditions of men (Matthew 15:3). I don't equate what pagans do to what Catholics do, (and I don't know you personally, so I'm not judging you personally), but salvation doesn't get graded on a curve; either you are saved or not, and although there may be different levels of reward and condemnation, it all comes down to your faith.
If Christ thinks you believe in Him that's good enough for me, but I honestly worry about my Catholic friends, family, and neighbors because it's very easy in Catholicism to get caught in grave heresies. Some are straight from paganism when Constantine made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire, some are from corrupt popes, and some are just from the universal human condition of sinfully thinking you can earn your way into God's favor and heaven through good works. Study the scriptures and let the Spirit lead you into truth.
If anyone -- a priest, a nun, the Pope, Trump, or even myself -- tells you something contrary to Scripture, they're wrong. Period. For centuries, priests discouraged their congregations from reading the scriptures and men were even burned at the stake for putting scriptures into the hands of lay people. Why? Because the scriptures challenge some key doctrines and practices of Catholic Church.
yes^ especially after yesterday's rally...we're at that point in the plot, where the action starts to pick up🥸
Today is the traditional Feast of St. Michael the Archangel, now restyled as the Feast of Saints Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, Archangels. Makes sense to post that prayer this weekend.
I thought the 29th was Michaelmas, but I'm not Catholic...
Yes, that’s another word for the feast day
Thank you Wolf!
I’ll pray to the Father and to Jesus..aint praying to an angel who isn’t suppose to be worshipped.
Matthew 22:37–40 "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets
I’ll pray to God. I’ll pray for our fellow man..this means the Democrats as well. But I’m not praying to false idols and knowingly committing idolatry. Please people. Learn the teachings of Jesus. He taught us how to pray.
There is ONE mediator between Father God and man….Jesus Christ.
Um, "Paraclete" (holy spirit)
And Christ is a priest of the order of Melchizedek
Are there no others? Sola scritura sounds great but you don't get to cherry pick.
You are correct!! The Holy Spirit we receive upon baptism is inside us and cries out to the Father when we don’t know what to say. It’s wonderful to have God indwelling us as believers!
This ^
Exactly. There are several events in the Bible that make this clear, like the one you posted. Even Samson’s parents fell to the feet of an angel. They kept asking for its name until eventually the angel was like, why are you asking about my name? It’s beyond your understanding. Although personally, I feel this angel was Jesus. If Jesus would have told them His name, it was not time for that name to be told in that time in history. But that’s just my thoughts.
Falls at the feet... Still not praying
Prayers aren’t worship.
When you give God the father praise when you pray is worship like no other.
Praying is not worship.
I asked you according to who is praying worship.
is that your subjective definition and if another protestant disagrees who is correct?
1 billion Catholics agree on what worship is and I assure you prayer is not worship. It looks like protestants can’t agree on what worship is because when I look it up, I am assured by protestants that praying is not worship but here you are saying otherwise.
Yes, it is.
According to who, you?
Common sense and research. Words like “linked” and “centered” around God. Things easily found in a few seconds of looking it up yourself. But ignorance is addictive, or infectious. But there’s remedies for such.
Unclear to me how praying to St. Michael is worshipping him.
He is an archangel and a protector, a servant and instrument of God.
I don't see a reason to believe an archangel can even hear my prayers, unless I'm speaking out loud and he's been sent by God to be nearby and listen. This would be a waste of time, since God definitely can hear my prayers, even my mental prayers.
Those are just people who have fallen for the psyop to destroy Catholicism, the religion of nearly 1/4 of the worlds population.
A servant. Correct. Just like any Christian. Why not just pray to me everyday? Yes from now on pray to me, a servant. Let’s see if I can answer any of your prayers. ………
"Why not just pray to me everyday?"
Because I can email you or call you to ask for help.
You still haven't explained how asking for St. Michael's help is "worshipping" him.
Oh so you wanna change up the words. Words matter. You just wanna ask..”ask” for help. Like this? “Hey big Mike, needs some help here”. Like that? No, you don’t. You’re praying. This thread is about prayers. Stop being naive. And praying is worship. Again, stop pretending to be ignorant of that.
Pray <> worship
Fren, just look at freaking Shakespeare- prithee, pray thee, friend could you...
You are making statements that don't make sense to me, consequently I am asking questions. I do not understand why you're getting hostile.
No one is being hostile. Stop being sensitive. Jesus taught us how to pray. Asking from God IS praying. And praying to an angel or Peter, etc is pointless. Only one can answer prayers. And asking IS praying. This isn’t difficult. Let me go further. Does God pray to you? Think about that. No. But He does ASK thing from you. This isn’t a two way street. We pray. God Ask. Simple.
Understood. My spiritual life is not nearly as rigidly constructed as yours, but I wish you the best.
I can ask you for anything, and sure, you may or may not be able to answer my prayers, for food or money or aid. Still unconnected to worship. Check the dictionary.
I looked it up. Prayer equals worship. Thank you for that assurance. The fact that you go straight to denomination blame kinda says what you are. And then you proved yourself wrong. That’s hilarious.
God does the asking. You do the praying. Not the other way around. God doesn’t pray to my oh. You don’t ask from Him.
Pray to God that he will send his Archangel
I think President Trump is seeing the light & coming to the true Christian faith. This will undoubtedly make him lose the support of many Protestants that insist on continuing to do it their own way, as they have for the past 500 years.
The collective reeeeeeee of Protestants as Trump moves towards the one true faith, Catholicism 🥰
We Protestants might think Trump is a hero being used mightily by God, but we know he, like you, me and all your popes throughout history, is actually fallible. You know what isn't fallible? Scripture. I hope you will check your faith by it to see if it is indeed true.
The Catholic Church put the scriptures together. Now work out what you said with what is historically true.
Don’t tell lies about Catholicism. Careful what you claim. Do we believe the Pope is infallible? You might want to look into the details of that before you make another comment. You wouldn’t want to be found guilty of bearing false witness would you?
Is this a contest?
Do you remember Lincoln’s “a house divided against itself cannot stand” comment, or how he sourced that idea from Yeshua’s response to being accused of casting out demons by Ba’alzebub?
There have been both good and bad tendencies and ideas on display in this thread. We would all do well to humble ourselves, avoid division, seek peace between brethren, search out and test for truth, take what is good, and leave the rest.
I hope you have a blessed day!
Who said anything about a contest and why are you barking up my tree when the poster before me is lying about what Catholics believe?
Perhaps you should remind your brother not to bear false witness against his neighbor.
The house divided is the Protestant going against the Catholic faith. With that said, it is Protestantism that falls apart because of their various beliefs that do not align with one another.
no one woukd dare tell Jesus “it isnta contest” when he rebuked the Pharisees.
Besides, the truth is divisive by nature.
if anyone on this form has a problem with Catholicism, but believes the Bible to be the word of God then they should consider that the Catholic Church is the only reason any of you have a Bible to begin with. The Bible is a Catholic book. if the Catholic faith is the whore of Babylon, then why are you reading and trusting its Bible?
I pray for the unification of all Christians under the banner of Christ and his church, the Catholic Church. we won’t get there by pretending wrong is right and lies are truth.
I mean neither affront, nor to address anyone unevenly, and apologize for not going 1-1 on avoidance of conflict. My response was toward the “WE are The One True Church” and was intended toward a lot of the same points you bring up.
This should have also been private, so apologies for that as well. I was also defending Catholicism elsewhere, and didn’t realize it wasn’t all in the same place. Will say more later, just wanted to get that out of the way as quickly as possible.
I don't know what you believe because actual real-life Catholics believe all kinds of things, some of which are official doctrine of the Catholic Church, some are contrary to official doctrine, and some are just gray areas. As for Papal infallibility, I just looked it up on Wikipedia in case something changed from the time I learned about it and seems like that's still an official dogma. So if Wikipedia is incorrect on the matter, you can let me know after you update the entry. If you feel you would like to clarify something about it for me , go ahead. I just don't believe in papal infallibility, and it's one of several reasons I rejected Catholicism and chose Evangelicalism when I realized I needed to choose a church.
Wikipedia is a leftist propaganda tool, and the left is adamantly opposed to Catholicism. Why wouldn’t you look to see what official Catholic teaching is?
You can read the magisterium of the Catholic Church yourself, which is the deposit of faith which means official church teaching or you could use and search literally any term to find out what Catholicism actually teaches.
I would go to the main page and type in papal infallibility to see several articles that go over this topic. it is one of the most misunderstood parts of Catholicism.
The pope can be on a plane demanding that Catholics favor Oreo cookies over chocolate chip and it doesn’t mean a thing. When he speaks from the chair of Peter on matters of faith and morals, that is where he is in fallible. But please don’t take my word for it and read for yourself about what Catholics believe. a “Catholic“ who believes things contrary to the magisterium are not practicing the Catholic faith. One of our strengths is our unity, morals, and faith. 1 billion Catholics believe the same thing while protestants believe thousands of different things. “Catholic” who thinks abortion is OK and permissible is not a Catholic nor are they practicing the Catholic faith. There are certain things that Catholics are free to believe one way or another because the church has not made a declarative stance, but if it’s put in the magisterium, then we are all obligated to accept it as truth and failure to do so puts you outside of the Catholic faith. I’m only telling you this because part of your comment was that there are Catholics who believe different things and I want you to understand that Catholics have to abide by and believe what is in the deposit faith lest they not be Catholic anymore. This an aside from papal infallibility. I just wanted to address both because you mentioned both.
Anytime you want to learn what Catholics actually believe, I would not look to individuals, but to the official teaching which is called the magisterium. The church has its own canon law and hierarchy, and if it feels too much to go through, start with and put in whatever term you’re curious about. You will lose nothing from learning more about Catholicism. You will either be convicted or you will have better arguments for why you believe what you believe.
Sorry for any errors that might be left over. I did this using voice to text 😬
Peace brother
YUP!!! Plenty of them here on GWA having a hissy fit and saying it's just for the Catholic vote... NOT!
This prayer was written by Pope Leo XIII after he had an apperition of Jesus & the Devil.
Pope Leo XIII was known for being an enemy of Freemasonry & wrote extensively about secret societies.
Yes important fact!
Masons have openly been against Christianity and especially the Virgin Mary. They've used police, brownshirts, arson and explosives to persecute faithful, destroy churches and shrines for as long as their history exists. Amazing to me how many protestants gratefully slander mother Mary, without considering how the perfect Son might feel about that.
I dont give Vain and repetitious prayers as Christ reproved those who prayed them. But I will claim the protection God already promises. Such as, no weapon formed against thee shall prosper. Now thats quite a promise. Try believing that.
Actually Jesus himself repeated prayers. Even right before His sacrifice. At the Garden of Gethsemane, He prayed three times in a row, saying the same things each time. But, I think maybe, you’re referring to the Bible, Matthew 6:7 says, "And when you pray, do not use vain repetitions as the heathen do, for they think that they will be heard for their many words". Although this verse is interpreted to mean that repeating memorized prayers is not valuable to God, and that quantity is not more important than quality in communication with God. I find myself saying the Lord’s Prayer every morning. I don’t feel it’s forced or anything. And I mean what I’m saying. But it is repetitive I suppose, and I always follow up with a actual “today” prayer. I do feel my “today’s” prayer is the one that’s feels more important. Something to think about.
Red October starts on Tuesday .
I believe Israel is baiting Iran and us to get involved. Iran would definitely retaliate somehow. But the outcomes would be different from Israel expectations, as we are baiting them to use their WMD in order to destroy it
I can easily see that scenario Volpina...
And it's not necessarily something nuclear or laser. It may be just a distruction of data centers, where they keep info on every device. They were baiting Iran so hard that they revealed their abilities with pagers and walkie-talkie. Surely the range of devices is wider including cellphones. That's why Israel is saved for last. Meaning when they reveal their last line of ammunition. We can't proceed with declas etc.. while the humanity is under the threat. We can process only when all ammunition is expended
The Catholic hate by some here is disgusting.
Yes...We Are All The Beloved Children of God and I wish we could remember that
How will we ever help, love and comfort the normies if we can't love each other here...
So is the Protestant hate, but more than that is the general advocacy of division and de-nomin-ations that almost all Christian groups participate in - even my church, to my dismay.
“We have met the enemy, gentlemen, and it is us.”
Today sept 29 is the Dedication of St. Micheal the Archangel in the Roman Catholic liturgical calendar.
The Prayers of St Michael will be said everyday starting today...because it is going tobe biblical!!!!
Yes...St.Michael is God's Warrior, Chosen to fight his brother, Lucifer and he cast him down into the pit. ✝️⚔️🔥
Here’s a good explanation of Catholic view of praying to/with the saints.
Thank you Wolf!
Sounds like a beautiful lesson from your Pastor Mary! 🤍
😁 interesting to study God's Magnificent Design! 🙌
Wonderful! ☝️✨
We Catholics have been saying this prayer after every mass and most of us every single day. Double down, triple down, we need all the help God will mercifully send.
Pray without ceasing!
Other than pagans, nowhere in scripture does anyone pray to anyone except a member of the Trinity. Believers are instructed to pray to the Father in the name of the Son. Rid yourselves of this papist heretical behavior and put your faith in Christ alone.
Remind me, what church assembled the Bible? The Catholic Church.
Praying for the intercession of the faithful has been a Christian tradition for over two millennia.
Those scriptures were put together by the Catholic Church 😂
So they’re a heretical institution but you read the book they compiled?
Oh that’s rich
The original church WAS the Catholic (universal) church. The breaking happened by murderous kings, disgruntled and manipulated monks, bought by political elites. Luther repented when he finally realized he'd been played. Instead of breaking, fixing was needed. Will you dissolve the USA or fix it?
Luther was used to destroy the one hope of Mankind. He was a pawn in an ugly game.
Praying to false gods should break up a church.
So now as a Catholic you equate me to a pagan? Really?
Pagans don't have the scriptures. You do. You should follow them rather than the traditions of men (Matthew 15:3). I don't equate what pagans do to what Catholics do, (and I don't know you personally, so I'm not judging you personally), but salvation doesn't get graded on a curve; either you are saved or not, and although there may be different levels of reward and condemnation, it all comes down to your faith.
If Christ thinks you believe in Him that's good enough for me, but I honestly worry about my Catholic friends, family, and neighbors because it's very easy in Catholicism to get caught in grave heresies. Some are straight from paganism when Constantine made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire, some are from corrupt popes, and some are just from the universal human condition of sinfully thinking you can earn your way into God's favor and heaven through good works. Study the scriptures and let the Spirit lead you into truth.
If anyone -- a priest, a nun, the Pope, Trump, or even myself -- tells you something contrary to Scripture, they're wrong. Period. For centuries, priests discouraged their congregations from reading the scriptures and men were even burned at the stake for putting scriptures into the hands of lay people. Why? Because the scriptures challenge some key doctrines and practices of Catholic Church.
FTFY, fren!
I admit that's true. 👍