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Election Countdown special! High quality wallpaper for your enjoyment.
Today's wallpaper is Enjoying the Ride?
I missed doing Antics, so couldn't resist posting a rescue kitten story here :
I love this! God bless that young woman! 😻 He placed her there at the right moment...Godwink! I always enjoy your posts PPP! 💕
Are notifications bugged for anyone else?
I'll get the notification white number in the red circle, but when I click on it to view the reply the page is blank, I have to click on the notification button again to view all notifications (including the latest one).
The site has been under active development recently, and various things have been broken. Scored devs have been fixing them as we report them, looks like the notification is working rn, but I will keep an eye on it.
This/your reply worked as normal, but the previous notifications throughout the day have been buggy.
Thanks for the heads up.
What are your thoughts on why the Democrats are dealing with what they’re doing with Appalachia?
How does this help them win the election?
I don't have answers, but I'm similarly confused as to what the incentive is to allow such destruction to go on without moral action. I'm reminded of a recent tweet video of someone calling out their government officials during a council meeting about letting in illegals. The officials just left with a weak retort about bigotry lol.
So I wonder what is it? Are they getting THAT much money to be incompetent? Is it blackmail? I'd really like to know what's driving these "leaders" to act the way they do. What's stopping them from doing the right thing?
Is it unwise now to start investing in Stocks & Bonds?
Traditionally, October is when many buy because stocks historically tank in October...
However, with clown world in full swing, you may want to consider investing in things you can hold in your hands for now until we know what's up...
That what I thought. Thanks for your help fren.
The Colonna and Torlonia still hold the hereditary positions of the Assistant Princes to the Papal Throne. The Black Nobility consider themselves sovereign princes. The Vatican is used as a central point of control and the Holy See is one of the oldest and most criminal corporate entities in existence...
I have a large thought that I want feedback on:
The Q team better make sure that the steal does not go through.
One of their fundamental promises is no civil war. I fear if the 2024 election is stolen, there will be civil war, and the Q team will suffer a fate worse than death: being seen as liars and frauds, and destroying our one chance of a Great Awakening.
Even if there is no civil war, people will become so blackpilled and demoralized that it will effectively kill the Great Awakening process, and maybe damage other associated movements and religious (like Christianity, I think there will be a great falling out of Christianity if this steal happens).
Was a steal of the 2024 election planned to be part of the awakening movie we are exploding our guts with popcorn for? Hard to say at this point, but in my experience, the best laid plans often goes astray in practice. So, planners will often be flexible and adapt their plans and methods to account for emerging conditions. I believe that Q and company did the math and find that the negative consequences of a stolen election will vastly outweigh any reward, and adapted their plans accordingly.
It is important to remember that no one owes us anything. Harsh to hear but true. We let ourselves get to this place and if we get out of this place it will be only by God's Grace. If God truly believes that we are doomed nothing will save us.
If God believes that we deserve to be saved then this entire Q operation is happening according to His plan and we will be saved.
The fact that God allowed his Son to be crucified to save us tells me it wont be in vain. One way or another we will know.
if the steal doesn't happen, how do they 'show' everyone?
they didn't learn the last time, which of course, has Never been rectified...
I think you're right if the steal is prolonged.
I personally think that Harris/Walz will "win" via cheating, but only after another 30+ days of very bad exposure for them such that no one will think they have a chance. And, when they "win", everyone--and I mean everyone--will be angry and/or confused.
That's when the military can finally step in and do its thing. My hunch is that it wanted to in 2020, but our CIC realized that there were too many people who would not believe that there was cheating and would instead claim a coup by Trump and his military. So... the plan became (and perhaps always was) to show how bad it could be, and show the steal again in a way that everyone would see it and want the military to fix things.
That's the number I'm putting my bet on. So, if she "wins", just hang tight for at least a few days, if not a week.
And if nothing happens? What then?
Million dollar question. That's when I think chaos erupts. And once that happens, it will be difficult to rein it in. If Q tries to imply that that is part of the plan, then either Q was a larp or has lost control. Otherwise I don't know how to make sense of the Plan and "you and your families are safe".
Around 350 military planes up ... https://globe.adsbexchange.com
Don't care. I've listened to years of plane fagging and it never goes anywhere. (unless they're squawking something Q-related)
This has been on my mind for a while, but I finally have the time to put it into words:
For the past week or so (and especially since the debate and the hurricane disaster), I am trying to make sense of Biden/Kamala's words and actions, especially the infuriating $750 comment. Political Campaigning and political strategy states to avoid making the public-at-large angry, since there is nothing more fatal to your cause than a very large group of people dedicated to see your political ambitions ruined forever.
So, I am flirting with a few possibilities:
1.) They are so sure in their cheat-machine that no matter how many gaffes and mistakes and outrage they generated, they will still win.
2.) The white hats are steering her campaign ship and is driving the Democrats to destruction.
3.) The Democrats are steering her campaign ship and is driving her and Biden specifically to destruction as sacrificial lambs to preserve the rest of the machine as much as possible while making things difficult for Trump as possible.
4.) No one is steering her campaign ship and they are up the creek without a paddle and Trump's victory is ensured.
Which scenario is most likely to be happening right now?
If this is a show like Person of Interest or John Wick, I'd pick #3
I pick #2
KH is one of the 'GREAT actors'...
Are you saying that you believe scenario 1 seems to be the one that is happening and that even a supposed 2024 stolen elections still part of this movie and we should not doom?
Just wanted to make sure I understand that response, since it is ambiguous.
Styxhexenhammer666 is reportedly in jail for domestic battery.
Edit: Maybe was in jail. Comment says The Quartering paid his bail.
Edit 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YRJEEgAFx6U
"The Quartering Has Bailed Out Styx"
This is totally unrelated to any of this... except very remotely:
Speaking of 33 days. Did you know that Pope Clement V was burnt to death exactly 33 days after Jacques de Molay (grand master of the Knights Templar / 1300AD) was burnt at a stake because the pope gave the king permission to? (The king owed the Templars way too much money & etc)
I just wonder what side to take on that. Here we have, the state turning on the bankers, some parallels to today, but some different. It's not necessarily the case that the money holders were evil & the church & state both good. (today all 3 are) Back then both the state & the church seemed to betray their word (although all we have are history stories to go by)
Anyways, i just wonder. While burning to death de Molay shouts revenge Lord (or maybe revenge lord) 33 days later the pope dies in a church fire during a thunderstorm. One report said that the church caught fire because the popes body was burning way beyond control. (In other words the pope was struck by lightning while inside a church)
I strongly believe that 33 gains its significance because of astronomy.
I believe a LOT of our religions and esoteric knowledge is based on astronomy.
https://solarmythology.com/ (not my website)
(my username is related to all of this, it's not related to solar power)
Good info...thanks ss!
My friend is convinced something major will happen today because of the 33
Wow, I knew all about how Jacques de Molay was taken out by King Phillip, but never knew this part. Thanks for this! Definitely worth digging more.
Pope Clement died on Hitler's birthday. Even more interesting.
Without knowing much more, I would venture a guess - this was various factions controlling the Catholic church going at each others' throats? Happens a lot in history, just like right now. (Only this time, this is accompanied with Great Awakening, so this can be the last time)
Clement V was born on Hitler's Birthday? wow! I don't know much more except that the two men knew each other. I am sure the Pope & De Molay would have met up & talked several times. They might have had different opinions on things & etc but they had to have known each other personally. It's nothing for the Clintons to sign off on the execution of a friend but a supposed holy man? Why didn't they negotiate 1st? Maybe there's a lot lost in history...
No, he died on Hitler's birthday. BTW, that week in April is the most Satanic week or something - so many disasters in history have happened during that time.
When Phillip decided to take out the Templars, thats like one Mafia family taking out another Mafia family, when both the families are fully protected. Usually that kind of stuff happens with a lot of personal grudge, irrationality etc. When that happens, it inevitable shakes everything up. God Father is probably a good movies to watch to get an idea how this goes down.
Sorry I was in a rush this morning when I sent that off. So are you saying it's more likely to have been Satan that sent the lightning bolt? (Since it was done on his week) I've often contemplated that. When he cried out to adornai was that his Lord God or was it his lord satan? Today's templers have some sort of connection with the Freemasons but that doesn't mean they are both evil. IDK. They do seem to have some sort of think for baphanot, though. So it seems....
What of people corn that week? I know a few....
More likely its not a divine lightning at all. More like, since the Templars were removed from power there was a power vacuum, and someone in the opposing faction to the Pope used the oppurtunity to eliminate him. They probably burnt him and the Church and used the excuse.
Sorry for being somehow off topic but all I can do is presume u/Mary911 will read this thread even if she cannot log on at this time.
Dear Mary, u/propertyofUniverse took the lovely and helpful initiative to pm me the following info for you. I pray this can lead you back in:
Hi Fren, I'll have a go, but there's no way to recover a lost password except by email recovery.
If she can remember her username and password, that's straightforward.
The website is
the username is Mary911 , it's just her password which is missing.
If Mary has an email set up, she can press the link to get a new password, but if that's her gmail, then she needs to look up her gmail account and password first. Maybe she or George have that written down.
She didn't use her email to contact you did she?
Hi fren,
If I were her, as a temporary measure, I'd try to log into gmail's webmail page instead of using outlook.
She'll have to sign in to that.
perhaps the login button here? https://www.google.com/intl/en-US/gmail/about/
Not sure. I don't use gmail.
Thanks that info is gonna help others also.
General chat is the perfect place for things like this.
Yes - I’m ready for them to steal my vote again in Arizona. Yes I’m ready.
Swing states make me nervous... Especially with recent stories in Arizona and Pennsylvania... Hopefully they can overcome the fraud.
A bit of nostalgia. I picked up Social Distortion's first album last week. Yeah, Mike Ness has TDS and all that, but I don't care. (That's nowadays anyway.) In high school I had this album recorded onto audiocassette from a record player, with all the crackles from a record on it. I think I got it from one of my sister's boyfriends at the time. I lost that tape when that old car caught fire after the engine backfired. I hadn't listened to this album in 30 years, and I still remembered the lyrics to all the songs.
The family is ready and waiting for early voting in North Texas. I pray we are able to have a fair, honest election, but we all probably have our doubts, and with good reason. God in heaven will have His way. I'll follow the Cross to the finish line.
Don't vote early. Trump has said to vote in person on election day.
Understood, and thanks! 🐸 👍
We always vote on Election Day, but angry Texas uses voting machines.🤬
I’m in Texas. We vote on a machine, but it prints to paper. You can check your votes. You then take your completed ballot to a scanner which counts your votes. There is a paper trail.
That's how my county is as well and I've taken a picture of my ballot before until I was told it's illegal so I had to delete it. I just don't trust the machines because they can be hacked.
I'm so nervous... I'm gonna need a Valium that day
It's getting intense all around the world.
Bad news. Just was doing a routine popcorn check and noticed that our stock is getting old. Need to order new ones quickly.
Those expiration dates are a lie. A darn psyop, I tell you! Big Cornpop was a bad dude ...
Then again you can always test old stock by leaving it in your friend's chimney or stuck discretely on his engine block for a while, ya know, just to see if they still pop ...
These were more than a year beyond expiry. I think we bought it when I first found p̶o̶p̶c̶o̶r̶n̶ Q. Didn't pop too well and by the time even half of it had popped, they were burnt :(
Experience is the best guide. As long as you're in the market, I humbly suggest https://nikkispopcorn.com/products/patriotic-mix-popcorn
That looks pretty tempting!
Received forms in the mail to request mail in ballots today.. why are they promoting mail in ballots here? Looks like they're already cheating?
There should be a post about the longshore strikes - that's a major chess piece which has Bidan cornered - if he does nothing, he loses for looking weak - if he forces the union to concede, he loses union support... are there any Q posts about shipping? Watch the Water perhaps?
I don't know if I'm REALLY ready, but holding onto my faith in the Lord, I'm ready to not be in this rut anymore.
checks notes . . . this should be a place to relax
Oh . . . 😁
We are going to be featuring a GAW wallpaper for each day of this countdown!
Today's wallpaper is Enjoying the Ride?
Feel free to reply with ideas for the wallpapers!
Love the wallpaper idea! Thanks bb! Today's wallpaper is precious! POTUS & Pepe! ❤️💚
moar cats^
I've been making DJT & Cat images in Leonardo. there seems to be an extra sparkle to them;)
I second this sue! Moar cats! 😺
This needs to be added to GIFs!
That's pretty good.
Ummm, how do you get it from here to my phone? 🙈
You can download the link. or open the page in your browser and save it to your files.
Thanks BB 😁
That’s so cute!