Israel digs itself into a hole by this attack and more
Iran goaded into retaliation, along with their allies
Election Night
Israel painted itself into a corner of self extermination
Pressure from all sides for Trump to escalate the war on behalf of the Zionists with election certification, civil war, assassination, lawfare sentencing blah blah
This will lead to precipice when we will truly find out who controls what strings and how powerful Trump and We The People are.
I don't know why everyone puts so much clout on the military. I have worked with these folks on special projects for decades and for the majority they are just monkeys who are programmed to not question or think about their orders.
It's no surprise they are letting millions of illegals in, don't understand the constitution or their oaths and are simply following orders from a bunch of traitors.
Each day I become even more skeptical on the military is the only way post. These people can't save themselves from their own marxist tyrannical chain of command.
It only becomes related if you disagree with anything they say. It's similar to "love is love" only differs in that the suffix used to brand the disagreer is different.
I don't know if everyone can appreciate what we are seeing.
Israel's war against Hezbollah / Iran is redefining warfare.
No longer is warfare about troops fighting opposing troops, or even about destroying enemy troops. Israel is directly targeting leaders, military officers and their families and homes, their supporters, financial backers and anyone who stores weapons for them or enables them. Israel is attacking ports, airports and weapons depots.
That is how you fight a war that you have no intentions of occupying the land. It has been done in part in every war. They are attacking the critical nodes of the military hierarchy and strategy. They are literally cutting the head off the snake which in fact is giving israel a taste of their own medicine. It's exactly how Israel has been dealing it to Iran.
Isreal has a different view about collateral damage, they view everyone non Jewish as non human.
So they have no problem reducing an apartment complex, hospital or church to rubble in order to kill the “evil terrorist”.
They seem to demolish ancient Christian churches for fun. Which is odd, given that they depend on Christians for survival, through “aid” and weapons gifted by compromised politicians and civil servants.
They will kill children, because they are “potential terrorists”.
None of this is precision strikes against leadership, it’s genocidal terrorism against largely defenceless civilian targets. It is very purposefully destructive to start another global war.
Oh, and before anyone decides to defend their terror actions, all of this has been documented, every single time on video.
Yep. The idea is to stop CIC DJT to win the elections, so Israel for last. I want everyone to see who is Netanyahu, how evil this Pharisee is. I have been telling my sister about him per years.
Remember old westerns? When the good guy come in the saloon the bad guys run out the back tipping over tables as they run. He is tipping over tables on the way out the back door.....
This is the beginning of atleast 5 move play.
Israel digs itself into a hole by this attack and more
Iran goaded into retaliation, along with their allies
Election Night
Israel painted itself into a corner of self extermination
Pressure from all sides for Trump to escalate the war on behalf of the Zionists with election certification, civil war, assassination, lawfare sentencing blah blah
This will lead to precipice when we will truly find out who controls what strings and how powerful Trump and We The People are.
It's funny that the USA is making threats to any country who stands with Iran. USA couldn't even shoot down a weather balloon from China.
couldn't or wouldn't, don't underestimate our military
I don't know why everyone puts so much clout on the military. I have worked with these folks on special projects for decades and for the majority they are just monkeys who are programmed to not question or think about their orders.
It's no surprise they are letting millions of illegals in, don't understand the constitution or their oaths and are simply following orders from a bunch of traitors.
Each day I become even more skeptical on the military is the only way post. These people can't save themselves from their own marxist tyrannical chain of command.
I still hypothesize it was our ballon from the beginning. One small part to add to the many parts of the movie(s).
We could’ve shot it down the second it was over US airspace but the military waited
The military does what it is commanded to do, nothing more. It was the traitorous govment that waited.
"Israel has the right to defend itself"
Also Israel Bombs 5 countries in 1 night.
But these were all preemptive anticipated retaliatory defensive operations™!
Mostly peaceful bombings?
There you go.
To honour the memory of the unknown 6 million.
No, I don't think that's related.
Never forget what didn’t happen.
It only becomes related if you disagree with anything they say. It's similar to "love is love" only differs in that the suffix used to brand the disagreer is different.
Are you privy to top secret military intelligence? Didn’t think so.
The use of that phrase is coming to an end.
Were done with secrets
I don't know if everyone can appreciate what we are seeing.
Israel's war against Hezbollah / Iran is redefining warfare.
No longer is warfare about troops fighting opposing troops, or even about destroying enemy troops. Israel is directly targeting leaders, military officers and their families and homes, their supporters, financial backers and anyone who stores weapons for them or enables them. Israel is attacking ports, airports and weapons depots.
Warfare is evolving into something new.
Warfare is always evolving. No two wars are fought the same.
That is how you fight a war that you have no intentions of occupying the land. It has been done in part in every war. They are attacking the critical nodes of the military hierarchy and strategy. They are literally cutting the head off the snake which in fact is giving israel a taste of their own medicine. It's exactly how Israel has been dealing it to Iran.
But, if you do want to occupy the land, you do the Ukraine strategy.
Drone warfare looks to be a big part of all of this.
Drones are scary asf.
The leader of Hamas they killed had a drone just chilling next to him.
Isreal has a different view about collateral damage, they view everyone non Jewish as non human.
So they have no problem reducing an apartment complex, hospital or church to rubble in order to kill the “evil terrorist”.
They seem to demolish ancient Christian churches for fun. Which is odd, given that they depend on Christians for survival, through “aid” and weapons gifted by compromised politicians and civil servants.
They will kill children, because they are “potential terrorists”.
None of this is precision strikes against leadership, it’s genocidal terrorism against largely defenceless civilian targets. It is very purposefully destructive to start another global war.
Oh, and before anyone decides to defend their terror actions, all of this has been documented, every single time on video.
They sure seem to demonstrate that don't they.
I'm hoping they're military targets and not civilians; that's the way Iran did it.
Why would I get 3 minus points for wishing the civilians are safe?
Maybe you got a stalker? /sarc
Bunch o' sock puppets downvoting lots of stuff in the thread. Reckon dey a smidgen upset about sumting.
Yep, welcome to the club Merkava. Badge of honor in this pond.
They've both done it.
<Waiter approaches World Table...>
Excuse me, Sir, but I believe you ordered the Precipice Souflfe?
The Israel Defense Force has confirmed the start of Offensive Operations against Iran.
Here we freaking go! WTF is Netanyahu doing? And right before elections....
Just gave a quick rundown of my theory in another comment.
But its all going according to the Plan
Yep. The idea is to stop CIC DJT to win the elections, so Israel for last. I want everyone to see who is Netanyahu, how evil this Pharisee is. I have been telling my sister about him per years.
I honestly believe they are actually the remnants of Neanderthals who hate humanity to its core.
That's insulting to Neanderthal. We all known who the name stealers really are.
Would you see him as just another Edomite "Jew"? You know one of those Revelation 2:9 types?
Remember old westerns? When the good guy come in the saloon the bad guys run out the back tipping over tables as they run. He is tipping over tables on the way out the back door.....
Am I really the first person to notice and mention that the date this began, October 26th, is a Q day?!?
1+0+2+6+2+0+2+4 = 17
And this whole nonsense started on October 7th of last year, too…
All of this is absolutely coordinated.
Enjoy the Show!!!
Also, in the interview; Trump went to Washington 17 times, and the pollsters in Wisconsin had him down 17 points.
For the newbies as to why we pay attention to Israel so much.
If something is going on with Israel, then surely we're towards the end of this covert war. (which is now not so much covert)
How soon till the US military gets involved?
I thought I saw military leaving for Israel the other day.
LOL it's vaporware, they're using old pictures from 2019.
war were declared
Hey Israel - knock out the nuke plants and be done with it
Then go fuck yourself
The Iranian strike on Mossad killed about 5 people, it was that accurate. How accurate is this strike?
How do we know any of this is real ? Twitter posts of actual citizens ?