Two days ago, I posted my theory that the Twin Towers were based on Samson's Pillars, and Wikileaks will blame 9/11 on Israel, triggering Israel to feel that its very existence is threatened and responding with the nuclear Samson Option.
Two days later, today, Bibi is saying "If Israel falls, the entire world will follow." The article is posted with a picture of Samson knocking down the two pillars. The post has 236,000 views so far.
And now, just a few minutes ago, WIkileaks is joining the party, targeting Mike Pompeo and mentioning the risk of Pompeo/CIA/Israel with nuclear weapons. Wikileaks has been dragging Pompeo and Israel through the mud throughout the entire month of October.
45 said that about a lot of different people who were dismal failures in the administration as well as a person. He was duped time and time again but his tactic this time might just save America. Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer. The Art of Sun Tzu was 45s guidebook.
Trump didn’t become the businessman that he was by not knowing who someone really was. He knew exactly who the people were around him.
Remember the chess tweet(s?) that Pompeo had after he left? And all the countries he flew to in late 2020/early 2021? Many thought at the time that he was diplomatically preparing the world’s leaders for what was going to happen and to know that the military would be running America for a while.
I'm ambivalent between Pompeo being white hat or black hat. But Wikileaks makes it look, more and more, that the story they want to sell is that Pompeo was black hat. Even in that scenario, he could be a white hat sacrificing his reputation, like Batman at the end of The Dark Knight.
Yeah... your working theory is that the billionaire richest President of all time, married to a Slavic model, set to become the most powerful man in the world a second time, who conquered television and Manhattan real estate... was "duped time and time again." If you believe that, i have a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn.
I'm not sure if that was a head fake or real. I don't trust any press releases out of the CIA. I don't believe, for one second, that the CIA was "mad" at the screenwriters of Zero Dark Thirty.
Only one of these things can be true: Trump is saying the truth that Pompeo is a white hat, or Assange is saying the truth that Pompeo is a black hat. Either theory can end with Trump crushing his enemies per Qanon. But only one of those can be true as the path to getting to Gitmo. The question is whether Pompeo will hang himself or help hang others.
There's a theory - not popular in the MAGA crowd - that they're all actually in it together. That's the easiest way to pull off the movie - everyone is in on the script. If that sounds silly, research how fake the Nuremberg trials were (read Miles Mathis). Or research Prescott Bush funding the Nazis. They play both sides, control both sides, easiest way to control the outcome.
Right, Trump has to distance himself. Between Assange is correct that Pompeo is black hat and Trump is correct that Pompeo is white hat, I favor the former, for a variety of reasons. They all end the same way, with Trump's enemies hanging at Gitmo.
Right. We're not at the final layer of the onion yet. One more "gotcha" moment wouldn't surprise me. I just want the final layer to be a happy ending rather than a nuclear holocaust.
If the world is cleansed by fire, it won’t be [them] doing it.
Never stopped anyone from trying to take credit, though. Even Moses tried to take credit once. I definitely do it all the time. It’s human inclination to think we are the ones in charge.
Someone is lying. Either Trump is write that Pompeo is a white hat or Assange is right that he's a black hat. They can't both be true. I tend to think Assange is right, because Trump has to distance himself from Q. We'll know in about six days.
If Q said to trust someone. And for years they were trusted. That would be a dumb spot for a disinformation campaign.
If something doesn't fit a personal opinion using "disinformation is necessary" like it is a get out of jail free card, does not help the cause. Unless they are suggesting Q meant to mislead us?
Or, he meant to mislead the BH. We don’t know. You trusting Pompeo is your own “personal opinion” which you are In tilted to. For years I have not trusted him. Mostly based on things he has either said or done. My personal “opinion”. When I first read Q posts, in 2017, they seemed to closely follow current events. Usually to explain them. 7 years later, who knows. Many many people turned out to be very different than we thought.
This is true. I think the disinformation is always going to be suggestive, though, rather than a bold faced, literal lie.
Does "Trust Kansas" mean trust Pompeo? Or just "trust that Kansas is going to go red on election night?" See my "Trust Kansas" post (check my profile).
Oh, nice to see someone else make that connection. I've been saying it for years; the "Samson option" was always 9/11 (The knocking down of two towers that killed 3,000 people, allegorically exactly what Samson did in the bible; knocked down two pillars killing 3,000 philistines.)
Israel for last, for a particular reason! If America falls, the world falls! Bibi's statement is based on if the Khazarian Zionist Mafia still ran the world! Many will get a Rude Awakening!
They told him the code number was 8675309 since it might ring a bell in his mind that tells him that it makes sense. After a while, he will think he's fighting the Soviet Union and will surrender the country to communism.
Two days ago, I posted my theory that the Twin Towers were based on Samson's Pillars, and Wikileaks will blame 9/11 on Israel, triggering Israel to feel that its very existence is threatened and responding with the nuclear Samson Option.
About the same time, Trump said on Rogan that a single nuke could take out Israel.
Two days later, today, Bibi is saying "If Israel falls, the entire world will follow." The article is posted with a picture of Samson knocking down the two pillars. The post has 236,000 views so far.
Also, Putin is conducting NUCLEAR weapon drills.
And now, just a few minutes ago, WIkileaks is joining the party, targeting Mike Pompeo and mentioning the risk of Pompeo/CIA/Israel with nuclear weapons. Wikileaks has been dragging Pompeo and Israel through the mud throughout the entire month of October.
Only one week left to the election.
Pompeo belongs in the mud.
Starting to look like a true black hat. But who knows in the end.
We'll have to wait for the big reveal on Nov. 6.
Funny enough, Trump said Pompeo was a good person, at least when talking about his time during the Trump admin
45 said that about a lot of different people who were dismal failures in the administration as well as a person. He was duped time and time again but his tactic this time might just save America. Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer. The Art of Sun Tzu was 45s guidebook.
Trump didn’t become the businessman that he was by not knowing who someone really was. He knew exactly who the people were around him.
Remember the chess tweet(s?) that Pompeo had after he left? And all the countries he flew to in late 2020/early 2021? Many thought at the time that he was diplomatically preparing the world’s leaders for what was going to happen and to know that the military would be running America for a while.
I'm ambivalent between Pompeo being white hat or black hat. But Wikileaks makes it look, more and more, that the story they want to sell is that Pompeo was black hat. Even in that scenario, he could be a white hat sacrificing his reputation, like Batman at the end of The Dark Knight.
Someone here had a theory that as CIA Director, he let others come up with the plan and incriminate themselves. Seemingly urged the assassination?
Yeah... your working theory is that the billionaire richest President of all time, married to a Slavic model, set to become the most powerful man in the world a second time, who conquered television and Manhattan real estate... was "duped time and time again." If you believe that, i have a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn.
pompeo gave the order to go after julian but maybe the reason was to catch the actors.
I'm not sure if that was a head fake or real. I don't trust any press releases out of the CIA. I don't believe, for one second, that the CIA was "mad" at the screenwriters of Zero Dark Thirty.
Only one of these things can be true: Trump is saying the truth that Pompeo is a white hat, or Assange is saying the truth that Pompeo is a black hat. Either theory can end with Trump crushing his enemies per Qanon. But only one of those can be true as the path to getting to Gitmo. The question is whether Pompeo will hang himself or help hang others.
He also said that the clintons are good people. He has to stay clean
There's a theory - not popular in the MAGA crowd - that they're all actually in it together. That's the easiest way to pull off the movie - everyone is in on the script. If that sounds silly, research how fake the Nuremberg trials were (read Miles Mathis). Or research Prescott Bush funding the Nazis. They play both sides, control both sides, easiest way to control the outcome.
Right, Trump has to distance himself. Between Assange is correct that Pompeo is black hat and Trump is correct that Pompeo is white hat, I favor the former, for a variety of reasons. They all end the same way, with Trump's enemies hanging at Gitmo.
“Good person” might have a different meaning in the era of “Central Casting”.
Right. We're not at the final layer of the onion yet. One more "gotcha" moment wouldn't surprise me. I just want the final layer to be a happy ending rather than a nuclear holocaust.
If the world is cleansed by fire, it won’t be [them] doing it.
Never stopped anyone from trying to take credit, though. Even Moses tried to take credit once. I definitely do it all the time. It’s human inclination to think we are the ones in charge.
I'm guessing that's a head fake.
Someone is lying. Either Trump is write that Pompeo is a white hat or Assange is right that he's a black hat. They can't both be true. I tend to think Assange is right, because Trump has to distance himself from Q. We'll know in about six days.
What if there are two “Pompeo”s running around, and they’re both true?
Intriguing possibility. There were many different LHOs running around Mexico and elsewhere.
Maybe sooner. Spoiling 🇮🇱 plans may be the only option to secure elections
Trust Kansas?
Q also said disinformation was necessary.
If Q said to trust someone. And for years they were trusted. That would be a dumb spot for a disinformation campaign.
If something doesn't fit a personal opinion using "disinformation is necessary" like it is a get out of jail free card, does not help the cause. Unless they are suggesting Q meant to mislead us?
Or, he meant to mislead the BH. We don’t know. You trusting Pompeo is your own “personal opinion” which you are In tilted to. For years I have not trusted him. Mostly based on things he has either said or done. My personal “opinion”. When I first read Q posts, in 2017, they seemed to closely follow current events. Usually to explain them. 7 years later, who knows. Many many people turned out to be very different than we thought.
This is true. I think the disinformation is always going to be suggestive, though, rather than a bold faced, literal lie.
Does "Trust Kansas" mean trust Pompeo? Or just "trust that Kansas is going to go red on election night?" See my "Trust Kansas" post (check my profile).
I have another post about Trust Kansas. Check my profile.
Oh, nice to see someone else make that connection. I've been saying it for years; the "Samson option" was always 9/11 (The knocking down of two towers that killed 3,000 people, allegorically exactly what Samson did in the bible; knocked down two pillars killing 3,000 philistines.)
I didn't know about the 3,000 number. Thank you thank you thank you!
Former Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Dayan once stated, “Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother.”
Given that Bebe has wholly embraced this philosophy, to the detriment of all humankind, it needs to be said.
The best course of action is to put a mad dog down.
Well, we figured something like this would be the red line / scare event. Let's do it.
These last few days of peace.... enjoy them. In seven days the chaos begins.
I'm pretty worked up. I told my wife that I'll be on edge all week.
Yes sir. I try not to think about it.
It's a trap.
I like to think that Trump has anticipated everything.
Israel for last, for a particular reason! If America falls, the world falls! Bibi's statement is based on if the Khazarian Zionist Mafia still ran the world! Many will get a Rude Awakening!
I've always wanted revenge for 9/11. And, although I think "Israel did 9/11" oversimplifies things, it's better than 19 hijackers with box cutters.
Oh it gets really weird and Biblical. Read the Evil Creator by Lipka to start to understand how the movie plays out after the election.
How do I access wikileaks
Let me google that for you.
“Why would you take a criminal and give him nuclear weapons?”
They did that to Biden. Nothing they won’t do.
I don't think Biden ever had control of the nuclear codes.
They told him the code number was 8675309 since it might ring a bell in his mind that tells him that it makes sense. After a while, he will think he's fighting the Soviet Union and will surrender the country to communism.
oooh Jenny
Forest Gump?
...for a good time, call 8675309 (Jenny)
I bet Biden's been dead since about 2018.
sO WHEN can satans little helpers finally gtfo
Good to see this post getting traction.