Cuomo and his state party committee received close to $2.3m from various hospitals and nursing home industry donors. Governor Cuomo returned the favor with his directive forcing COVID-19 patients back into elderly homes. This directive provided a massive increase in revenues to organizations associated with the GNYHA who were paid handsomely for COVID patients. It was a bonanza for these entities.
We knew he was responsible for intentionally increasing the death tally years ago and now he's hopefully being held accountable for it. Let's get all the other fuckers that followed his lead, too.
Do tell us Tom Wolf is next! Tom Wolf locked down Pa and with Rachel Levine put Covid + in nursing homes, then marched with BLM while keeping Walmart open and allowing illegals in without their precious vaccines which were forced on Pennsylvanians.
And Pritzker sent his family to vacation in Florida immediately prior to his invoking the Ill lockdown so they wouldn't be stuck in Ilinois for an unknown pd of time.
Unfortunately, I believe it's only for "lying to Congress", or something like that, and not for the actual killing of people through his senior care facility directives.
It was 6 to 7 Democrat governors who put sick people into nursing homes. Then they kept relatives from helping their elders in those nursing homes. It all took place at the same time and looked to be planned.
now do stretchen Gretchen Whitmer
and Tampon Tim.
the list is long.......
So is the rope.
Cowboys yelled "New York City?" Oldest cowboy said "Get a rope..."
Gretchen Witchmer
My thoughts exactly.
Stretchen Gretchen.....Good Name!
She earned that nickname in high school from being a butthole whore.
Wretched Hitler
And Wolf and Levine too!
Let’s not forget Phil Murphy
And Commie Shapiro he was AG then.
That is Rat Bastard Wolf and Cousin IT.
The Gateway Pundit article ends before reporting on the criminal referral. Better link:
Next up is Podesta... LFG!
Now we know why Chris is sucking up! Please God take your vengeance on Adrew Nipple-rings Cuomo.
I'm glad someone didn't forget the nipple rings.
We knew he was responsible for intentionally increasing the death tally years ago and now he's hopefully being held accountable for it. Let's get all the other fuckers that followed his lead, too.
Do tell us Tom Wolf is next! Tom Wolf locked down Pa and with Rachel Levine put Covid + in nursing homes, then marched with BLM while keeping Walmart open and allowing illegals in without their precious vaccines which were forced on Pennsylvanians.
...and Levine took his mother out of Nursing Home the week before these mandates to send Covid positive back to the homes.
And Pritzker sent his family to vacation in Florida immediately prior to his invoking the Ill lockdown so they wouldn't be stuck in Ilinois for an unknown pd of time.
That is Rat Bastard Wolf and Cousin IT.
Also Comme Shapiro was AG at the time.
Oh man I looked to see if this was posted already and missed this! Going to delete mine :)
Unfortunately, I believe it's only for "lying to Congress", or something like that, and not for the actual killing of people through his senior care facility directives.
It was 6 to 7 Democrat governors who put sick people into nursing homes. Then they kept relatives from helping their elders in those nursing homes. It all took place at the same time and looked to be planned.
He needs to pay!
An arrogant POS, hang him!!
Don’t forget Prickster of Illinois, he reveled in putting Covid patients in nursing homes to infect as many as possible.
Let's go!!!! Finally!!!!
Better late than never.
Hope they send him to the worst NY Prison.
About fucking time pierced nips gets his due!!!
so glad this is happening before Trump gets back into office.
Take Rat Bastard Wolf and Commie Shapiro with you.
Now do John "Bel" Edwards of Louisiana. If you got the COVID death jab your name got placed in a had the chance to "win" $1 million$$!
Follow the $$$! Which is the "root" of "all evil"!!
Probably white hats.
Recommended for prosecution does not mean Garland will do crap BUT his day is coming.
I'd go for the current demon first. He can wait.
I hope he bites back and takes everyone down with him Coumo has not been happy since they discarded him and me thinks he wants revenge.