James O'Keefe -Undercover video of non-citizens voting in Philadelphia, PA
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I give it a few hours before Brett Bair calls Pennsylvania for Kamala
Arizona called for JEB!
And the steal is on!!!
And after they're deported they will NEVER be allowed to come back in and gain citizenship because they all committed a felony
James O Keefe should get special recognition when all of this is over.
And if Kamala wins, she'll find a way for her "Dept of Justice" to lock him up.
The art of the steal. PA has a million ways to elect Dems the mob and unions want. If the state elects Trump you’ll know God had a hand in it. No other way it could happen.
You are correct. The level of corruption in PA should be investigated by the DOJ when Trump wins.
ignorance (or pretending to be ignorant) of the law is NO excuse. round them up!
Ironic, considering that what O'Keefe is talking about is 100% legal there. 🙄
But... But... When questioned, the party responsible covered the camera with a Puerto Rican flag and danced.
The way RICO Laws are established... it's NOT the low level criminals that are targeted for prosecution. It's the leaders and enablers.
The election supervisors who allow others to violate the law... are most likely to be facing trial under RICO, as a willing participant in the conspiracy.
Enjoy the ride All :p
We can have all the video we want, make a movie of it. If nothing is being done or enforced it does not matter.
We understand the motivations of the cold-blooded schemers at the top, but it’s strange that middling Democrats want to put their own fate in the hands of foreigners.
It all comes down to low IQ and and no moral foundation.
RFK Jr/Tulsi type of liberals are all gone from that side.
Breaking, FOX News calls all 50 states for Harris. They said with zero percentage of the vote in they're confident Harris has won it.
…from the comfort of Joe’s basement. Especially in states she never bothered to campaign in…ðŸ«
Trump is famous for the art of the deal. He is fighting those who are famous for the art of the steal.
Has it been reported?
I am in PA and went to the polls at 6:30AM.
There was already a line.
Commie Shapiro in the know.
Treasonous fraud.
How is it treason, or fraud?
Lol I knew someone would call me on that! Tongue in cheek. It is definitely, however, voter fraud 100%.
No. No, it's not. The case that O'Keefe is talking about is in Pittsburgh, where non-citizens can legally vote in local elections.
They can't vote in Federal elections, such as for President. But it's 100% legal for them to vote in local elections.
Would be a little comfortable with this (sorry, Pittsburgh) if the ballots did not show any federal election options. Not comfortable with voting locally, though, if they're just 'border crosser' non-citizens. Need to be on approved status .
Well, that's what the article is about. What some of them may be using as proof that they're here legally. Tax ID. But everything I've read up on this says that it's perfectly legal.
I think this article is deliberately misleading people into thinking that they're committing voter fraud.
I am not versed on all of the available status levels for foreigners in US. I met a woman a couple of weeks ago, born in Germany, has been living here for 4 years 'under the radar' with absolutely no 'permission' or status to be here. Someone told her to get an attorney for benefits. $25.00 later (for the attorney), she is on full SSI monthly disability payment, medical insurance and food stamps. For life. Still cannot get an ID (Ohio) because she has no proof of where she was born, but other than that, she has no worries. Her lack of any immigration status never came up. I'm hearing that the border jumpers are getting even more than that as 'startup' funds and then also put on the monthly allowance, stamps and insurance. Absolutely no mystery here why US is in such horrible shape. Kills motivation for the entry to mid-level working person.
Could this backfire? What if there is proof of illegal voting all over. Can their side stop the election and I. Turn stay in power
There are some cities where non-citizens (not illegals, there is a difference) can vote in local elections. States rights and all that. It's completely legal there.
It doesn't mean they're voting in federal elections, such as for President. Notice there was nothing about them voting in the presidential election, even though everyone here leapt straight to that conclusion.
Facts matter. This is just more rage porn.
We literally have a Chinese citizen who did just that.
Their name?
I looked it up myself. If this isn't the person you're talking about, please let me know.
This has nothing to do with what this post is about, or what I commented.
O'Keefe is talking about non-citizens voting in local elections in Philadelphia. It is 100% legal for non-citizens to vote in local elections there. If you read the article linked above, you'll see that nowhere does he say that they're voting in Federal elections, such as for President.
The Chinese citizen you're talking about cast his vote in Michigan (Anne Arbor, I believe) where it is not legal for non-citizens to vote in either local or federal elections.
So, other than it being about a non-citizen voting in an election, it's not relevant to the topic.
Details matter, you know. Such as if a city legally allows non-citizens to vote in their local elections. If you don't agree with that, and think they shouldn't allow non-citizens to vote in their local elections, I understand that. That's fine. But it's NOT the same as voter fraud, and that's what people are assuming when they read titles like that.
I don't like it when people deliberately try to stir up shit, relying on the fact that few people will check details. Such as if it's legal for non-citizens to vote in their local elections. Which it is where O'Keefe is talking about. This is rage porn. It's deliberately trying to mislead people into thinking that voter fraud is happening in cases where it is not. It doesn't mean that voter fraud doesn't happen, because obviously it does. But this is pure intellectual dishonesty when he knows (he should absolutely know that it's legal for non-citizens to vote in local elections there, and if he doesn’t, he's a shitty journalist) that the people he's talking about here are not breaking the law for voting in their local election.
Not only that, but he places those people at risk of being doxxed and harassed by people who don't have enough sense to check for themselves what the situation is there. I'm surprised I haven't seen any *hang them and have it broadcasted on tv!" type comments here about it. Yet. The day is still young, though.
I am happy to see that they caught that Chinese guy so quickly, though, and I hope they deport him for it.
The point is that you, as usual, parrot the leftist line that "non-citizens don't vote", and now you have been shown that they do -- whether it is against the law or it isn't.
They are still counting his vote.
No, again, details matter. I have never said "non-citizens don't vote". Ever.
What I AM saying is that it's 100% legal for non-citizens to vote in local elections where O'Keefe is talking about.
If you don't like that non-citizens are allowed to vote in local elections, that's understandable.
But you think that it's illegal for them to do in the case here (the original post) when that simply is not true.
Facts matter. Details matter.
Agreed Anon. Your information is correct. Some States, just like here in Cali have implemented such laws.
Sucks but it is what it is until we can take power back to remove such laws.
Thank you! Sometimes I feel like I've fallen into Bizarro World.
When talking about things like voter fraud, details like if something is legal or not is pretty damn important. I didn't think I'd ever have to point that out (or drill it into someone's head) but...
It's going to cause problems when people try to use this as an example to prove rampant voter fraud, by citizens or non-citizens.
I'm not saying that voter fraud doesn't happen, because it obviously does. What I am saying is that this stuff from O'Keefe is not an example to use. It will do nothing but damage our credibility even more.
I also find it concerning that being diligent about things like facts and details (especially when it's something as important as voter fraud) is considered leftist behavior. 😕
It’s the little things Anon. Some forget from State to State certain laws differ on voting, regarding citizen status.
The reason why it's important to understand that the case that O'Keefe is talking about it legal is because liberals will use this type of thing to discredit everything we might say about voter fraud.
They will say that we're too stupid to understand the difference between legal and illegal.
This is why I get annoyed when I see stuff like this. It's stuff like this that hurts our credibility. I don't know why others don't see this.
Whenever you're talking to someone about an important issue like voter fraud, and they didn't bother to learn virtually anything about what they're claiming, how likely is it that you will respect anything they have to say?