Yep same. In our little town we have one of these wingnuts working at the main gas station. Shaved her head, giving men dirty looks or won't regard them, overall asshole behavior. What did the random guy buying a soda and politely paying for his gas do to her exactly?
Yes. They are FULL of hate… this is the after cause of what we have allowed being down in a nation in decline.
The suicide rate is going to sky rocket. This is what I see in those people.
I see an ability no one else has. A courageous person who beguiled by satanic religion and who might pay the price of life because of their ruler.
They are potentially some of the most powerful people in the USA IF they can make their out of this torment they are in. Imagine them making it out of their torment and becoming something great… not all of them will unfortunately.
Get out of my head lol
I was just thinking this while I was coming home from town a min ago.
Someone poisoned the watering hole and these ppl swam in it. If they are strong enough to make this thing the "hill they die on", they MUST be strong enough to pull their heads out in the air and find the truth. It would take a desire to heal from the negativity. I pray they get there. Don't want to see anyone left behind.
In my opinion there is a line. Kind of difficult and easy to understand.
If a Church has a mission statement that proclaims they will do what the government tells them to do, that causes a conflict. The best example is of late with mask mandates and vaccine hysteria.
The Church and all USA Church’s had to make a decision. Those who opposed the government were being attacked behind the scenes and those who kneeled were allowed to flourish.
So the people of the church were deceived by the Church and those within the Church had that seen this had to make a decision to follow the leadership kneeling to the government or stand up.
I have two brothers on different spectrums of this situation. The one brother who goes to Church all of a sudden wants me to listen to his Pastor and such. Yet if I go to his churches social
Media page I can find they all wore masks.
Why would I go to a church who would have kicked me out of the church for not wearing a mask? Then the proclaiming that the mRNA is from God?
This church is only one example of the thousands of Churches across the USA that did the exact same thing.
So if I say lukewarm it is more inline with leadership and not the church goers.
To add many churches fly the lgbtq commie flag now.
The Church has become lukewarm and needs to Leadership. I suspect many Churches will be out of business because of this thing they did. I am not perfect nor am I judging anyone or any church. It is not my fault they did what they did. They should not try and make their last few years disappear, they should own it and such…
The thing is. IF A CHURCH persuaded people to get the mRNA under the disguise of following orders.. could they be liable for the damage they caused by following orders?
You know, I've been going hard on libtards online for awhile, disgusted by their smugness, vitriol, and hatred. It's lead me to do the same thing.
Something in my soul is telling me I'm wrong doing this.
I know it's difficult as heck to get to these people as indoctrination is complete brainwashing, but these are real people with real problems. It's sad asf to see after I get past the anger and disbelief of how they could be so blind...
I don't know how to be better with them, but I know my reactions and hatred are not good. Any advice would be appreciated.
You pray for them. That’s how you be better. These are the enemy, but we’re told to pray for our enemy. It doesn’t mean we put down our guard or give them what they want, but we pray for them. Go look up people who’ve made the conversion from radical leftist to Trump supporters. Read some of their stories. It will give you hope.
admitting that it's a serious problem with modern society, i.e. none of us are made for this modern world is the first step... but yeah, the whole 'owning the libs' is laughably immature and worth nothing. If they continue listening to celebrity media garbage, they will never heal. There's a lot of weak sad people on both sides, and we get little credit for anything we do to help. In the end, the media, athletes, celebrities, etc will take credit for everything good people do, which is the disease in a nutshell.
Yup. And I'm done with the reaching out, the empathy, the sympathy. I won't be deliberately unkind but I also don't care if you're brainwashed. You know what? I was a brainwashed tool in college, too, for a short while. But EVERYONE encounters the truth and rational/same/common sense at various points in their life. It happened to me (THANK GOD) in my mid 20s. If you continue to reject it over and over and millions have...then I WANT them to have a mental breakdown at some point. Because they're just not going to get it or understand otherwise. I will say this - MSM is 100% responsible for these ongoing mental breakdowns and the rapidly increasing mental health crisis.
idk, i'm going to leave a percentage of the blame on the dem's and rhino's in congress and senate, public offices, even Biden. they have given these libtards full authority to slam us. whether it be screaming at us or full hands on assault. i'm done with it.
These people are social losers who thought they were finally getting a chance to turn the tables and "get back at" the ones they blame for their own crappy loser lives.
I know way too many of them because I work in a job that is adjacent to the arts. These people are largely on disability due to numerous health issues caused by living on fast food and sugar and being too ill and weak to exercise. But they insist they are "artists" and cannot work due to their numerous health issues and should be recognized as "artists" instead.
These are the people who delighted in getting the rest of us canceled over the Covid shots and quarantining.
They just loved their tiny taste of power when they were encouraged to shout at us in public for not wearing a mask or not getting Covid shots, or when they could get us banned from Facebook and Twitter and even from public events for trying to explain our positions.
They were giddy over being able to call a snitch line and report their neighbors for not quarantining enough or for having a family gathering in the back yard, just like Germany's brownshirts in the 1930s.
Trump was their focus for all this, of course, exactly like the characters in 1984 and their daily Two Minute Hate. But with them, it quickly became 24-Hour Hate.
They clearly thought their reign of terror would never end - and then Trump got re-elected.
Now they're scared to death of getting the same treatment that they dished out to us. They really are convinced that Trump supporters are "coming for them." It's all over my Facebook page and you'll see it all over X, too.
Sad, sick, little people who showed the world who they really are and now they're scared of the consequences.
Yep, sadly, you're right. As I previously said I won't be unkind (as they were to me and mine, especially during the pandemic)...but hopefully their increased stress and fear breaks them out of the stronghold of their liberal mentality. Also like you...I doubt that happens.
you bet they are going to blame Trump people for their problems. all of a sudden the obese, and rejects of society had a "voice" under Biden/Harris. they didn't have to work at anything to gain notoriety because the majority of them are all lame P'sOS who whined their way through society, thinking you can't touch this, i'm a protected species.
well guess what buttercups, you are not special, you have to work for it just like everyone else and if you don't like it, shut the f up and find people who will tell you your 400 lb ass looks good and leave the rest of humanity alone.
we are done with giving you and your disgusting fat, pedo asses a pass.
The leftist soy boys like strong heavyset liberal women. The rest of the male population that actually like steak and potatoes and love beautiful clean women, they don't care what the liberal screamers think. The truth is there are some women that just don't get better at 2am as the bar is closing.
They're hate will lose steam.or consume them. In six months when none of their dire predictions happen they'll either wake up or end up in a mental institute or worse.
My response to TDS is, PROVE It. The vast amount of Criminal liberal/communist 'charges' starting in 2016 have Never been proven and the Criminal acts of the 'impeachments', muller, the Obvious crime of the Jan 6 'committee' ended with ZERO Proof of a crime by Trump. IF. these morons would turn OFF the Lying MSM and watch, Trump may be the greatest POTUS in history.
There is no way a woman could die with a miscarriage. They usually involve only the baby in the womb. A woman and a baby dying together is murder. That is what the angry man wants.
A miscarriage is NOT the same as an induced abortion. The Leftists are lying about this and deliberately misleading people.
With a miscarriage, the pregnancy was not sustainable due to natural causes (there are many possibilities.) But it happens on its own and has since the beginning of time. It's not an "abortion." It's termed a "fetal demise" or "spontaneous abortion" on the medical records.
An induced abortion is the forcible interruption of a normal pregnancy. That's completely different from a miscarriage and it should be unthinkable for anyone to lie about this. But the Leftists are doing exactly that.
This is actually not quite true. Miscarriage can sometimes involve very serious hemorrhaging and without quickly stopping the bleeding (often surgically), it can definitely be life threatening for the mother as well. Sauce: personal experience (thankfully I was barely able to avoid the D&C). But, that procedure—though technically the same process—is not equivalent to an induced abortion, which the dems are intentionally conflating. No one in their right mind would reasonably equate removing already-dead fetal tissue in order to stop a mother’s severe bleeding or risk of infection with the intentional killing of a living pre-born baby. They make this case assuming the public and lawmakers are too ignorant to understand the difference. The angry man wishing harm on the daughter and child is, of course, totally psychopathic regardless of those details.
I am sorry for your loss - I know what you went through. My wife was pregnant with twins. We even got to hear both heartbeats early on. The multiple ultrasounds showed 2 fetuses just starting to grow.
We knew very early because we went through infertility treatments at Bethesda Naval Hospital (now I think it is all Walter Reed?). I was active duty Air Force at the time. They drilled about 60 holes in her ovaries to interrupt whatever was going on, and once they healed we had a 6-week window to try to get her pregnant. We ended up having to use IUI (not IVF) and it worked. When we saw twins we were ecstatic - they run in my family.
Unfortunately she started getting really sick and the ultrasounds showed one of the very tiny fetuses getting smaller and smaller. The heartbeat went away and the doctors insisted she have a D&C. She refused because it would kill the other one.
Fortunately the one that died was somehow absorbed or dissolved - or whatever the term is. She stayed sick the remainder of her pregnancy, with a lot of time alternating between being in the hospital or me driving her to every military clinic in DC to get her tanked up on fluids every other day. That worked too.
She had a healthy baby girl who is now getting ready to get married.
By the way, my wife never told me they tried to get her to do the D&C until just a few weeks ago. The doctors told her she could die if she didn't abort. She didn't want me to have to make that decision so she made it alone.
I still think about the twin. When the doctor told us she was pregnant I told him it would be a red-haired boy and a blonde-haired girl. He said at the time it was too early to even see if it was twins. When the ultrasound showed it was he was flabbergasted and asked how I new. I told him I dreamed about it the night before he told us she was pregnant. I've had visions all my life whenever someone really close to me was sick or dying, so this one freaked me out.
My daughter is 28 now. She was born with blonde hair.
I think serious problems with the mother is less than 2% of all miscarriage cases. The likely cause is outside injury, and it would equal to murder in the case of this meme. But it is very likely that a woman could fall on her stomach and it causes internal bleeding in the uterus as well as a portion of the digestive system. Not stopped, it can lead to the death of the mother and baby. But those cases are very rare. Instead it is more likely that the mother could have a miscarriage before she realizes she is pregnant.
I’m genuinely concerned for the men in our country, the aqua tofana and hat pin ideas that the leftist women are floating is batshit crazy.
Yep same. In our little town we have one of these wingnuts working at the main gas station. Shaved her head, giving men dirty looks or won't regard them, overall asshole behavior. What did the random guy buying a soda and politely paying for his gas do to her exactly?
Hatred isnt always rational.
Every day poke your head inside and yell GOD BLESS EMPEROR TRUMP. WOMANS BODIES MY CHOICE HEIL MAGA then drive away
Yes. They are FULL of hate… this is the after cause of what we have allowed being down in a nation in decline.
The suicide rate is going to sky rocket. This is what I see in those people.
I see an ability no one else has. A courageous person who beguiled by satanic religion and who might pay the price of life because of their ruler.
They are potentially some of the most powerful people in the USA IF they can make their out of this torment they are in. Imagine them making it out of their torment and becoming something great… not all of them will unfortunately.
Get out of my head lol I was just thinking this while I was coming home from town a min ago. Someone poisoned the watering hole and these ppl swam in it. If they are strong enough to make this thing the "hill they die on", they MUST be strong enough to pull their heads out in the air and find the truth. It would take a desire to heal from the negativity. I pray they get there. Don't want to see anyone left behind.
They are not lukewarm - unlike most of the sheep
They are not lukewarm - they have been deceived
In my opinion there is a line. Kind of difficult and easy to understand.
If a Church has a mission statement that proclaims they will do what the government tells them to do, that causes a conflict. The best example is of late with mask mandates and vaccine hysteria.
The Church and all USA Church’s had to make a decision. Those who opposed the government were being attacked behind the scenes and those who kneeled were allowed to flourish.
So the people of the church were deceived by the Church and those within the Church had that seen this had to make a decision to follow the leadership kneeling to the government or stand up.
I have two brothers on different spectrums of this situation. The one brother who goes to Church all of a sudden wants me to listen to his Pastor and such. Yet if I go to his churches social Media page I can find they all wore masks.
Why would I go to a church who would have kicked me out of the church for not wearing a mask? Then the proclaiming that the mRNA is from God?
This church is only one example of the thousands of Churches across the USA that did the exact same thing.
So if I say lukewarm it is more inline with leadership and not the church goers.
To add many churches fly the lgbtq commie flag now.
The Church has become lukewarm and needs to Leadership. I suspect many Churches will be out of business because of this thing they did. I am not perfect nor am I judging anyone or any church. It is not my fault they did what they did. They should not try and make their last few years disappear, they should own it and such…
The thing is. IF A CHURCH persuaded people to get the mRNA under the disguise of following orders.. could they be liable for the damage they caused by following orders?
As a woman I'd love to show up in full MAGA gear
that's why more men will conceal/carry.....
You know, I've been going hard on libtards online for awhile, disgusted by their smugness, vitriol, and hatred. It's lead me to do the same thing.
Something in my soul is telling me I'm wrong doing this.
I know it's difficult as heck to get to these people as indoctrination is complete brainwashing, but these are real people with real problems. It's sad asf to see after I get past the anger and disbelief of how they could be so blind...
I don't know how to be better with them, but I know my reactions and hatred are not good. Any advice would be appreciated.
You pray for them. That’s how you be better. These are the enemy, but we’re told to pray for our enemy. It doesn’t mean we put down our guard or give them what they want, but we pray for them. Go look up people who’ve made the conversion from radical leftist to Trump supporters. Read some of their stories. It will give you hope.
admitting that it's a serious problem with modern society, i.e. none of us are made for this modern world is the first step... but yeah, the whole 'owning the libs' is laughably immature and worth nothing. If they continue listening to celebrity media garbage, they will never heal. There's a lot of weak sad people on both sides, and we get little credit for anything we do to help. In the end, the media, athletes, celebrities, etc will take credit for everything good people do, which is the disease in a nutshell.
I messages and mirror responses with a question at the end. It makes them reflect on what they're saying and forces them to defend it.
Good tip. Thx friend.
Yup. And I'm done with the reaching out, the empathy, the sympathy. I won't be deliberately unkind but I also don't care if you're brainwashed. You know what? I was a brainwashed tool in college, too, for a short while. But EVERYONE encounters the truth and rational/same/common sense at various points in their life. It happened to me (THANK GOD) in my mid 20s. If you continue to reject it over and over and millions have...then I WANT them to have a mental breakdown at some point. Because they're just not going to get it or understand otherwise. I will say this - MSM is 100% responsible for these ongoing mental breakdowns and the rapidly increasing mental health crisis.
idk, i'm going to leave a percentage of the blame on the dem's and rhino's in congress and senate, public offices, even Biden. they have given these libtards full authority to slam us. whether it be screaming at us or full hands on assault. i'm done with it.
Kamala Harris’s Stepdaughter Ella Emhoff Denies ‘Mental Breakdown’ Rumors After Election Loss
rofl... she looks like a young tranny tampon tim!!!
These people are social losers who thought they were finally getting a chance to turn the tables and "get back at" the ones they blame for their own crappy loser lives.
I know way too many of them because I work in a job that is adjacent to the arts. These people are largely on disability due to numerous health issues caused by living on fast food and sugar and being too ill and weak to exercise. But they insist they are "artists" and cannot work due to their numerous health issues and should be recognized as "artists" instead.
These are the people who delighted in getting the rest of us canceled over the Covid shots and quarantining.
They just loved their tiny taste of power when they were encouraged to shout at us in public for not wearing a mask or not getting Covid shots, or when they could get us banned from Facebook and Twitter and even from public events for trying to explain our positions.
They were giddy over being able to call a snitch line and report their neighbors for not quarantining enough or for having a family gathering in the back yard, just like Germany's brownshirts in the 1930s.
Trump was their focus for all this, of course, exactly like the characters in 1984 and their daily Two Minute Hate. But with them, it quickly became 24-Hour Hate.
They clearly thought their reign of terror would never end - and then Trump got re-elected.
Now they're scared to death of getting the same treatment that they dished out to us. They really are convinced that Trump supporters are "coming for them." It's all over my Facebook page and you'll see it all over X, too.
Sad, sick, little people who showed the world who they really are and now they're scared of the consequences.
Yep, sadly, you're right. As I previously said I won't be unkind (as they were to me and mine, especially during the pandemic)...but hopefully their increased stress and fear breaks them out of the stronghold of their liberal mentality. Also like you...I doubt that happens.
you bet they are going to blame Trump people for their problems. all of a sudden the obese, and rejects of society had a "voice" under Biden/Harris. they didn't have to work at anything to gain notoriety because the majority of them are all lame P'sOS who whined their way through society, thinking you can't touch this, i'm a protected species.
well guess what buttercups, you are not special, you have to work for it just like everyone else and if you don't like it, shut the f up and find people who will tell you your 400 lb ass looks good and leave the rest of humanity alone.
we are done with giving you and your disgusting fat, pedo asses a pass.
I'm sorry you work at a mental health clinic.
The leftist soy boys like strong heavyset liberal women. The rest of the male population that actually like steak and potatoes and love beautiful clean women, they don't care what the liberal screamers think. The truth is there are some women that just don't get better at 2am as the bar is closing.
They're hate will lose steam.or consume them. In six months when none of their dire predictions happen they'll either wake up or end up in a mental institute or worse.
This is so spot on.
My response to TDS is, PROVE It. The vast amount of Criminal liberal/communist 'charges' starting in 2016 have Never been proven and the Criminal acts of the 'impeachments', muller, the Obvious crime of the Jan 6 'committee' ended with ZERO Proof of a crime by Trump. IF. these morons would turn OFF the Lying MSM and watch, Trump may be the greatest POTUS in history.
Ive heard people say similar things, and I ask..terrible person? You met the guy? No? Oh.
There is no way a woman could die with a miscarriage. They usually involve only the baby in the womb. A woman and a baby dying together is murder. That is what the angry man wants.
A miscarriage is NOT the same as an induced abortion. The Leftists are lying about this and deliberately misleading people.
With a miscarriage, the pregnancy was not sustainable due to natural causes (there are many possibilities.) But it happens on its own and has since the beginning of time. It's not an "abortion." It's termed a "fetal demise" or "spontaneous abortion" on the medical records.
An induced abortion is the forcible interruption of a normal pregnancy. That's completely different from a miscarriage and it should be unthinkable for anyone to lie about this. But the Leftists are doing exactly that.
Such as hitting somebody's stomach area with a weapon. How the madman in the meme terms that as a miscarriage, I don't know.
This is actually not quite true. Miscarriage can sometimes involve very serious hemorrhaging and without quickly stopping the bleeding (often surgically), it can definitely be life threatening for the mother as well. Sauce: personal experience (thankfully I was barely able to avoid the D&C). But, that procedure—though technically the same process—is not equivalent to an induced abortion, which the dems are intentionally conflating. No one in their right mind would reasonably equate removing already-dead fetal tissue in order to stop a mother’s severe bleeding or risk of infection with the intentional killing of a living pre-born baby. They make this case assuming the public and lawmakers are too ignorant to understand the difference. The angry man wishing harm on the daughter and child is, of course, totally psychopathic regardless of those details.
I am sorry for your loss - I know what you went through. My wife was pregnant with twins. We even got to hear both heartbeats early on. The multiple ultrasounds showed 2 fetuses just starting to grow.
We knew very early because we went through infertility treatments at Bethesda Naval Hospital (now I think it is all Walter Reed?). I was active duty Air Force at the time. They drilled about 60 holes in her ovaries to interrupt whatever was going on, and once they healed we had a 6-week window to try to get her pregnant. We ended up having to use IUI (not IVF) and it worked. When we saw twins we were ecstatic - they run in my family.
Unfortunately she started getting really sick and the ultrasounds showed one of the very tiny fetuses getting smaller and smaller. The heartbeat went away and the doctors insisted she have a D&C. She refused because it would kill the other one.
Fortunately the one that died was somehow absorbed or dissolved - or whatever the term is. She stayed sick the remainder of her pregnancy, with a lot of time alternating between being in the hospital or me driving her to every military clinic in DC to get her tanked up on fluids every other day. That worked too.
She had a healthy baby girl who is now getting ready to get married.
By the way, my wife never told me they tried to get her to do the D&C until just a few weeks ago. The doctors told her she could die if she didn't abort. She didn't want me to have to make that decision so she made it alone.
I still think about the twin. When the doctor told us she was pregnant I told him it would be a red-haired boy and a blonde-haired girl. He said at the time it was too early to even see if it was twins. When the ultrasound showed it was he was flabbergasted and asked how I new. I told him I dreamed about it the night before he told us she was pregnant. I've had visions all my life whenever someone really close to me was sick or dying, so this one freaked me out.
My daughter is 28 now. She was born with blonde hair.
I think serious problems with the mother is less than 2% of all miscarriage cases. The likely cause is outside injury, and it would equal to murder in the case of this meme. But it is very likely that a woman could fall on her stomach and it causes internal bleeding in the uterus as well as a portion of the digestive system. Not stopped, it can lead to the death of the mother and baby. But those cases are very rare. Instead it is more likely that the mother could have a miscarriage before she realizes she is pregnant.