BREAKING: Mexico Leader Denies Trump’s Migration Victory Again – Here’s Her Response
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What’s she gonna do when Trump releases the recorded call?
Sheinbaumsteinwitz I'm noticing a phonetic pattern
Quiet, you. Pattern recognition is antisemitic!
Oy vey!
u/LongTimeListener the goyim are noticing here too!!!
She wishes to address the root causes of immigration. Well, NATO for one. Sending subsidized corn and other crops from the US undermines the Mexican farmer, causing them to seek jobs in the US and basically destabilizing communities. END U.S. FARMING SUBSIDIES. IT'S CRAP FOOD ANYWAYS.
Farming subsidies are there to keep food prices stable and uniform. They subsidize grain because grain forms the basis of our food economy. If grain prices receive a shock because of a regional drought then everything else will go up as well. We might have food shortages, our flocks and herds will suffer. Farmers will go out of business through no fault of their own. Those subsidies are there for a damn good reason.
The government realized people would rebel if they couldn't afford good food. That's why they started promoting grains and seed oils and vilifying meat and dairy after US went off the gold standard. Laid out in a book called Fiat Food. They propped up the shitty foods so that people wouldn't notice they couldn't afford good foods. Government doesn't subsidize healthy foods, just the ones that keep you sick. I would buy your argument if they were subsidizing small organic farmers and looking out for your health but all it does is benefit Big Ag.
Then the country has all this super cheap shitty corn so they export it and wreck other countries small farm culture.
Okay then. We stop subsidizing the corn, now what do all the dairy cows and all the chickens eat? Do you really think that small organic farmers are going to be able to provide enough meat and Grains and vegetables and Dairy to feed a country of 370 million people? Decentralized agriculture could easily end up being a logistical nightmare. These Farm Subs these are the only reason we're able to have the huge grocery stores that everybody shops at. With the number of people that we have to feed, local agriculture becomes less feasible because of the issue of scale. The only way we're able to feed a large number of people is to industrialize our agriculture. To industrialize our agriculture requires government subsidies. Agriculture is vulnerable to Natural phenomena and it requires something to lean on in case some shit happens. If that means that our cows are eating shitty corn and we're exporting corn to other countries than so the fuck what? They can always put a tariff on it and try to ramp up their own production domestically. How are we going to conduct a military campaign when we have to Wrangle a million different farmers in order to get the food to feed our troops? Do we just go back to the way Wars used to be fought and we just have our soldiers scavenge off of the local population like a horde of locusts?
It won't happen overnight but as a nation we're sick and obese for a reason. If small farms can start to compete with big ag then there's incentive for them to grow and more and more will pop up because they are profitable. Instead of centralizing food to 3 or 4 big companies we decentralize. Basically decentralizing and giving power back to the communities is key to everything.
They might be for a good reason, but the way they've been managed and imposed is bassackwards. Especially when the USDA decides to force our farmers and ranchers to destroy their crops and livestock to continue said subsides in other countries.
Cornbread is on the menu TODAY!!! Ain't nobody calling my buttermilk cornbread crap. 🦃😎🥳
Cornbread with a thick slab of butter is heaven.
The Soros puppets from the north and the south are trying to destroy us again!
Well, after all she is a Mexican Jew.
The shit gets old doesn't it.
Sure does.
Every. Single. Time.
"... in the early 1940s to escape the Holocaust."
You just knew that they were going to have to mention that, didn't you?
Wow…. I did ashkeNAZI that coming….
She got her instructions from Soros
She actually thinks shes got any power to stop whats coming. There are more Mexicans in the U.S who love trump than she has in Mexico who as much as like her let alone love her.
Nothing can stop what is coming.
She scared
Of the cartels.
This. She answers to the cartels. I forgot how many people died before she took office. Like 13..18? She probably didn’t think Trump would’ve said something publicly about their conversation. She probably asked him not to. And she probably just checked herself out. It’s what happens when you make deals with criminals. If I was her I’d be on the phone with Trump saying “get me the crap outta here!”
If we were to get Mexican politicians out of Mexico, it’ll look like that scene in Vietnam where the Chinook was trying to get people off the roof of that embassy. Crazy thing is? If the economy of these southern nations was fixed, people wouldn’t be leaving.
Also many of the folks being sent here are not Latinos of European descent. Most are darker skin native looking. There’s a big race and class component to this also. An anon on this board mentioned how bolsonaro in Brazil actually had life improvements for the those Brazilians in poverty and in the favelas. It seems as if the tolerant liberals worldwide prefer to remove their undesirables instead of just having fair polices. Similar to the DNC running these ghettos and inner cities in America. Liberals are the racists and classist they accuse everyone else of, and they do it worldwide.
It was 37-38 deaths during that political season in Mexico.
I’m going with what Trump said
She is the kind to say "yes, deal" then walk away and just do the opposite, or even just give faked papers to migrants, or diplomatic passes or something like that. Untrustworthy.
The writer of this article, Natalie Dagenhardt, claimed the Mexican President's words were "carefully calibrated diplomacy." Is Natalie Dagenhardt a real person or deep state ai?
I read it as a carefully worded phrase by a stupid lefty writer who wants to prop up Shinbaum. Cast her in a favorable light while saying Trump stepped too far over the diplomatic line. Oh well, let the stupid writer and the idiot Mexican President think whatever they want, Americans are finished with illegals and on Jan 20 they will be begging Shinbaum to reenter the northern Mexican border. Will she let them pass or will she say "no Mas"?
Well, seeing as she's backed by the Cartels, does that mean that when Trump unleashes the Tier-1 units in them that they can go after her, too? Or will a 25% tariff imposition on Mexican goods be enough?
What a wretched visage. New-New Mexico looking better and better. Annex Mexico.
Once the cartels are wiped, we'll see if her tune changes.
STOP GROWING CORN FOR FUEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!