Just had a newborn myself. Hep B on the second day after birth and more to follow. Feels like they’re literally harming them. The babies always get jaundice immediately after the Hep B shot, which is actually a symptom of Hep B. Has anybody actually managed to save their infants and toddlers from going through these vaccines?
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You can just say no. They will fight you on it, but it’s your decision. Just be firm, and don’t give in to their scare tactics. They will try hard to make you feel like shit. If you haven’t done the research, get yourself a few books like “The Vaccine Book” and the “Vaccine Safety Manual”. Both can be found for cheap at places like Amazon. Be prepared to seek out a real pediatrician. Most big medical group pediatricians will just tell you to go somewhere else if you have concerns about vaccines. There are resources online to find a good pediatrician who doesn’t push vaccines. I have a family member who is dealing with this now as well. It was easy for us, because we agree 100% on the dangers of vaccines. For them, the mother is 100% against and father is 100% for. It is rough when it’s like that, very emotionally difficult. My first was vaccinated because we didn’t know any better. He too had jaundice and developed type 1 diabetes at 8. My second is vaccine free and has been sick with minor colds and nothing more his whole life. The first hand stories of other parents will make you strong in your convictions. Find community.
The vitamin k shot also causes mild jaundice, by the way. It happened to us before we knew fully, we allowed that one.
the vitamin K only really makes sense in the case of a natural birth that was difficult or traumatic to the baby. for a C-section, vitamin K makes no sense at all.
also, there are two types of vitamin K out there and naturally, they use the more dangerous type to inject into the newborns.
Yes, it was a c-section, we didn't know any better then, and naturally it was the worse kind.
Vitamin K is for clotting. A babies natural clotting starts at 8 days old which coincidentally God had all males circumcised not until the 8th day. God knew how he designed the babies body. A breast fed baby gets all the mothers immunities in that awesome mother's milk.
My friend in Christ, I worked r&d in hematology and am QUITE familiar with the coagulation pathways. Vitamin K does okay a part in that and whole lot more. HOWEVER a baby doesn't need a huge injected infusion of the stuff, BECAUSE God built in what we need.
uh ---- don't go to an allopathic doctor
Ask questions. If they can't answer tell them you don't feel comfortable.
Fight. It's worth it. My son is 16. Never had one shot. He's been homeschooled so he didn't need to get them for school.
Is he going to go to trade school or college? Any ideas on testing in and for vaxs for these?
I just had a kid and will have more and 0 shots for them too.
He will probably play Jr hockey instead of college. He can always fo back online. I belive the Vax mandates for school will disappear soon.
Why in the world would a new born need a Hep B vaccine? That is ridiculous on it's face.
Don't dare all the doctors to force you into receiving the vaccines. Be a momma bear. You child will thank you when grown for protecting them.
This is the goto site for information on Childhood Vaccines. Search and read all you can on this site. For example if I go to site and search on "childhood vaccine" I get this:
Here is one article from Childrens Health Defense: Why Does the CDC Recommend Hepatitis B Vaccination for Infants?
You can find many excellent videos on Rumble.
Go to Rumble.com and search for videos on Childhood Vaccines or Child Vaccines. Here are some examples:
Listen to this entire Joe Rogan RFK Jr. segment
VSRF Live #146: Childhood Vaccines: Then and Now with Dr. Bob Sears
RFK Jr explains that all 72 vaccines that are on the vaccine schedule, have never been safety tested. Fauci continuously called RFK Jr a liar. So RFK Jr sued Fauci for proof of testing. Fauci conceded, admitting RFK Jr was right all along.
Does Your Pediatrician Make Bank From Giving Your Child Vaccines?
'Childhood Vaccines Increase Mortality Rates' with Dr. Peterson Pierre
Dr. McCullough: It’s Time to Put a Pause on the Childhood Vaccine Schedule
Dr. 'Malone' Dr. 'Wolf' Dr. 'McCullough' & Dr. 'Kirsch' - CDC Childhood Vaccine Schedule
“They [unvaccinated kids] have lower rates of atopic dermatitis, asthma, need for tympanostomy tubes, lower rates of neuropsychiatric disorders that I’ve mentioned. So, we can look at it on both sides of the coin. Right now, I’m in line with the World Council for Health, which, in September of 2023, came out with a recommendation to actually pause on the childhood vaccine schedule.”
Wish I could give more updoots for all info you posted.
Tell them to fuk off,and leave your kids alone.
Take me through the steps of what happens after I tell them this please…
The nurses in the maternity ward insisted the vaccines are safe... I said my first kid had a bad reaction to the Hep B shot as an infant and my pediatrician recommended we delay vaccines till the baby is 6 months old... not really true but it placates them and they think you are not totally anti-vax.
They made me sign forms to bring the baby home without vaccination, the head nurse yelled a bit, I just let her speak her mind, I just wanted to get my baby home safe...
Two and a half years later, my unvaxxed child has only had minor sniffles and cough, no serious diseases. Planning to homeschool her when she's older.
Yep. Sometimes you gotta lie with these clowns. Like they lie to us.
My daughter has kept my 2 grandkids vax free. Oldest is 2 now. It can be done. Be prepared to homeschool and find a pediatrician that is of like mind. They are out there. Find a support group online if this is all new to you and ask around. It’s a lot of work, but so is caring for a vax-harmed child.
Didn't vax mine. Just never made the appointments, ignored reminders. Grandparents enquired, just said "they don't need them".
It is psychologically difficult, but remember this: Is it better to have a problem because you didn't do something, or because you did.
Another helpful idea, is rather than (so-called) protecting them from disease they might be exposed to, better to quarantine them from exposure to disease (don't let them play in the dirt around a Bangalore market at three months old, for example).
Anyway, disease is not caused by a lack of injections. Good nutrition (fats, not sugar) is all you really need. There never was a cause-effect of exposure=disease, you have to be weakened and chronically exposed to stressors to have a chance of getting a disease you are exposed to.
In the west, there really are no diseases lurking to pounce on a child, and furthermore there are no (or shouldn't be) any malnourished or neglected children either.
It. Is. A. Scam. Preying on nervous parents. Both parents need to be in agreement, and do not relent in convincing them.
The final analysis: If your child gets ill and somehow it's bad enough they die, then they were genetically weak anyway, and there is no way to prove a vaccine would have changed that.
Vaccinated children also get ill and die - many of them because of the intervention. By not doing vaccination you are trusting God and yourself and your child - whatever happens naturally you will cope and live with it. Injuring them because you were too weak to resist? that is something you will be forced to live a lie denying and it will put you into an early grave, or you can admit your error and suffer that way. In short - do not fall for the lies. Enjoy your life and your children and have as many as you can!
I don't live in the U.S. but yes, I was able to avoid it... in the hours after my most recent baby was born, I told the nurses we won't be doing any vaccines before taking baby home... had to watch them like a hawk and accompany the baby for blood tests to make sure they didn't vaccinate on the sly.
2 kids, never had a needle in them. It’s very doable. Prepare to stand your ground
Home birth FTW. Headspace for the mother is so important for a trouble free delivery, and not having these terrorists threatening you is so much better than having a fight ready in the back of your head. It also helps tremendously with bonding when it is just baby and parents skin to skin. I have 3 home birthed, home schooled, pure bloods.
it's important to have an ally in the hospital in the hours/days after giving birth who will help you ensure the baby isn't whisked away for a vax while mom sleeps. Can be your husband, your mother, your sister.... but somebody who will monitor the nurses and keep needles out of the baby except possibly for a blood test.
The nurses try to take advantage of mom's exhaustion in the hours after childbirth so it's really important to have a gameplan in place before driving to the hospital on delivery day.
Our kid never left our room in the hospital. They did everything in one room. No need for them to take your kid anywhere. We get no pushback on the no vax. It’s becoming more common in our area.
Damn the fucking consequences, if you can’t just say no for the sake of your child’s life, what can you do? Just do it.
Isn't Hepatitis b sexually transmitted! Question! Why would you allow this on a newborn?
it can be transmitted other ways... such as dirty silverware in a restaurant. This is a common way it's spread in Asia, dirty chopsticks. That's why many people bring their own chopsticks to restaurants there.
You sound a little timid so the easiest way to navigate this would be to find a like minded pediatrician and at the hospital tell them you are following a delayed vaccination schedule. They are ok with that and wont give you as hard of a time as if you said you will not be vaccinating. You can also say it’s against your religion. The easiest religious route to prevent all vaccinations and other shots which are not called vaccination ie. Vitamin k, but equally harm the child is judaism.
My first was given hep b shot without consent but after he hasnt had any. He did have a decent jaindice. Unfortunately my child is very hyper like adhd which can come from that vax, breaks my heart. My newest has zero. She had the slightest jaundice but it was barely anything. Both hospital births. We homeschool as well. Make sure they respect your wishes.
My daughter went in and warned them ahead of time warned doc, hospital etc. no injections. Her eldest was vaccine injured - no more. My children had issues too.
We have twin girls who are just over a year old. They've had zero shots.
All you have to do is say “No.” if you’re feeling polite, “No, thank you.”
If the push tell them, “Thank you for your input. No.”
I have two unvaxxed children and I plan to keep all of them that way.
You’ll need to find a pediatrician that accepts unvaccinated children and if you plan to public school, look into religious waivers for vaccines.
During the height of the vaxx apocalypse I instructed both of my children. IF, the school tries to gather you together to vaxx you go to the bathroom. Find an exit and come home. Call me and I will take care of everything. DO NOT LET THE SCHOOL VAXX YOU. True story.
If the school is capable of that, there's no safety for kids there. Home school.
I’m 43 never vaccinated and my daughter is 2 and not shot up. Say no don’t do it. Certain day care will take the kid. About 2 min at health department signing a waiver for school records. 7 other kids in my family are un vaccinated, as well as my brother and sister are unvaccinated. When the dr asked at checkup I would say. Quit asking she is not being poisoned, I got to the point where I told them to read the records and asked them to add is they kept asking me it was harassment.
Just say NO
I worked as a postpartum nurse for 43 years, in addition to skilled rehab. Initially the Nurse Practitioner and hospitalist Pediatrician threatened reporting parents to the DCFS, but later (I believe after consulting hospital lawyers) parents were permitted to sign waivers. You need to find a pediatrician or family medicine physician who supports limited or no vaccines. There are some out there, but they don’t openly advertise. The best way to find them is via Facebook parental groups. If I knew then what I know now, I would have advised parents to refuse the in hospital hepatitis vaccine. There is zero reason to force this vax on a 2-3 day old infant, not to mention any young child. I personally had permanent vocal cord damage after receiving my second hepatitis vaccine while recovering from a cold and I was 33 years old. ( Obviously my immune system was impaired because it was my second cold in one month.) Just think what this can do to a newborn who has an immature immune system before 6 weeks of age. You can also seek an attorney out beforehand and threaten them with litigation. Turn about is fair play. You must seek a strong attorney who is willing to go up against the hospital attorneys and law firms that big hospitals have in the wings.
Yes I have two adults who never got a single shot from me as their mom. They are get ready……32 n 34. The two older ones got some but in the 80s it wasn’t many.
I tell them No. even the heel prick they do in CA I said no.. the doctor will have to come in and lecture you and fill you with fear that your baby could die with a brain bleed, just say thank you but no.
I’m here in California, I told them no to everything. My son is vaccine free! Of course every check up I have to sign a waiver saying they aren’t responsible if my son gets sick blah blah blah.
My daughter was born last year, we just declined them all. The Hep B is dangerous and unnecessary. All you have to do is say no.
Don't do it. When my daughter was born 13.5 yrs ago I asked the doctor if any of them were necessary. She said no. She admitted they do it within the first 6 montgs because parents adhere to "well visits" within the first 6 months before attrition occurs. It was never about the health of your child, but instead, their agenda and profits. We never did it.
Yup the first 3 were easy. My last we had tonight tooth and nail. Shes 25 yo now. Her daughter unvaxxed, grandkids all unvaxxed. Now with the rona shots and all the exposure it should be even easier. Don't leave your kid out of your sight with a medical person.
We fought everything but the vitamin K shot and won. It was annoying as hell, but we stood strong on both kids in CA of all places. The second time, they made us meet with a social worker before releasing us. Had to pass the Communist commissar interview to leave. Total joke of a system, but they've lost my trust entirely. After the social worker, I understand why people are choosing home births. Fuck the CA hospital complex. It's crazy to think only a few years ago I had no problem with vaccines, now I don't trust them at all!
I wasn’t an anti vaxxer until Covid happened. I’m guessing there are a lot more now!
Sign a “refusal of vaccines” form? Why? How about YOU sign a “I won’t Kick your ass for jabbing my kid form?”
It's an 18 year chore, but you will be so glad you did it. Each year you will have to provide documentation to the school system, but it's not a big deal. My kid got the newborn vaxxes, and that was it. He is so healthy. I can remember him getting any kind of sick maybe two times ever. One of which was after he hung out within freshly Covid vaxxed friend 😡. They are all poison. If you choose to ignore this, at the very least, wait until he is older, and for God's sake, break up the MMR Vax. The younger they get it, the worse the reaction. You can do your research, but I am telling you now. Get no more, and never trust the doctors. They get huge bonuses for having a percentage of their patients vaxxed. It is why they will ditch patients who are unwilling to go along.
Honestly, in my opinion, there is no need for the BS check-ups along the way. Given enough opportunity doctors will find something wrong with you. Infection, if something is bad enough that the fever becomes dangerous, or something is broken are the only times to go see a doctor. The human body, left to it's own devices, is a most remarkable thing
Q said not all are bad.
Q said a lot of things. This is not the only thing I have learned of vaccines, but it's exceedingly valid when looking at them as a whole. https://www.bitchute.com/video/N9sS0T4yOzLq/
{PSA}--- to ActTwo and all others here on this board,it's called "INFORMED CONSENT",EXCEPT OR DENY ,before any drug is given to a patient you have to be INFORMED=drug ingredients sheet thats 10"x 2ft long/biology makeup/the funny looking shapes of macro/micro/bio/of the drug/ side effects harmful or otherwise and sign CONSENT=permission,that was Miraculously denied/thrown out the window during Covid,YOU HAVE RIGHT'S ,USE IT.
Yup, Az isn't pushy. We said no to everything. They tried to fear porn us into it. They refused to circumcise my boys without the vitamin k shot. I said get fucked and all 3 of my boys are uncut. We even moved to WV where they are super pushy about it. They forced us to homeschool. We're better for it. My 4 children have 0 autoimmune or develepmental issues. Pure blood gifts from God. Healthy as can be, stay strong!
Our pediatrician told us off the rip, I will only give the vaxxes that are needed and will do everything to help you defend against the ones that are not. Our kids only had a couple of the tons they want.