Here is another post from Clandestine that goes into additional detail about why Hunter's pardon stretches back to 2014 to cover everything he did in Ukraine...
There’s a reason hundreds of billions of our tax dollars were sent to Ukraine.
There’s a reason the Dems impeached Trump just for asking about where the money was going in Ukraine.
There’s a reason the Dems/MSM lost their minds when I wrote a story about US-funded biolabs in Ukraine.
It has absolutely nothing to do with Ukraine being a “sovereign nation” or a “beacon of democracy”.
They are covering up unfathomable criminality. They are willing to start WW3 to keep this a secret, because they are guilty of crimes against humanity, for which the punishment is death.
Well we can’t say “we didn’t see that coming “! All the way back to 2014 is quiet a stretch. If any pardon not that I agree , it should have been only while his criminal father was installed and only for the gun and other charges thst were brought up . These Ukrainian charges weren’t even handed to him yet ! Wonder what happens if creepy pedo Joes installment is thrown out . Joe shouldn’t have the presidential power to pardon a Thanksgiving Turkey let alone his sicko son ! But as I said we knew it was coming !!
Their was a long list of others that had sons f- ing around in the Ukraine. Maybe they can go after them a lot easier now. They need to show how the Republicans and democrats were both in on it. They need to expose the uni-party.
How’s that go ,, “ from your mouth to Gods ear! Good point and I pray that somebody gets hauled in for Gods sake ! Uni -party man how I hope they are exposed ! What do we have, like 2 real republicans , whatever that means anymore !
The uni- party has to go down together, it will make much better optics for the sleeping people. And it will make it much easier for the democrats to go along with it.
And I want to see the dirty Republicans go down even more than the democrats......
Ha ha ha I’m with you . I have always said “ the Rino traitors are worse then the Dems, because the Dems atleast are honest with there hatred and schemes to destroy us , but a disloyal friend ,,, wow that’s the worse !
A pardon means Hunter Biden can no longer take the 5th when placed on the stand under oath. Hunter has always been a minor player. Think of all the dirt he is going to be forced to divulge about the network above him.
My guess is DJT gave Biden the OK to "Pardon your own son" when Biden asked him, for optic purposes. Normies will say this is so unfair, etc.. and DJT got whatever he wanted, info, sources, names from Hunter. Hence Biden looked so happy and Jill wore red and they both voted Trump.
The starting date for the pardon, while suspicious, would be allowed under the Constitution. However, the ending date could possibly make the pardon invalid.
It specifies: from January 1, 2014 through December 1, 2024
It appears the pardon was signed at some time during December 1, 2024 but made effective through that full day. By including a future period of time it became a license to commit future crimes. A pardon is a legal document and the mistake of making it for any future time period should invalidate the entire document. Unless the document was signed on or after 12:00 am on December 2, 2024 there seems to be a problem.
If nothing can stop what's coming, that means pardons can't stop what's coming. Biden is illegitimate and AFTER all the truth comes out, then his pardons will be set aside. This is killer. What they think will save them will destroy them.
Thanks for posting this. Seems like now is the time to share this tweet with some of my clueless friends. They might hear about Hunter being pardoned, they will not know about this Ukraine Biolab stuff.
This pardon is invalid. A pardon can only be given in respect of a conviction. In the absence of a conviction there has been no crime proved, as that is the entire point of the trial and subsequent conviction (if applicable) so there is nothing to pardon.
So do you not think this was a move? Because it is. Let's not get our emotional panties in a bunch. This deserves a 72 hour rule to see where exactly this goes. I have zero doubt there's a lot more to come regarding this. I'm cozy.
Some of us saw real time data of the stealing of the US election in 2020! Once the steal is exposed, all actions by the 'Biden Administration' become null and void! Timing is everything!
What I wanna know is, who wrote this and who signed it? Because it damned sure wasn't Sleepy Joe.
If it was left up to me, I'd rescind the pardon and bring him in anyway. And I'd have Jill and Jim brought in at the same time (separately, of course), along with Hunter's wife. Then I'd bring in Joe himself and sit him down in front of a head shrinker who specializes in Alzheimer's and Dementia to see just how far gone he is. Nothing is iron clad when it comes to the law. There's got to be a precedent that was set somewhere, or "fine print" somewhere in those presidential powers that says pardons can be reversed. This can't be allowed to move forward.
Real biden given a funeral.instead of inauguration and an actor in his place since day 1 and only a resident has no power at all. Talking point not real
BIDEN WASN'T ELECTED. So his pardons don't matter
YUP! They never thought she would lose. This is a MOVIE!
Imagine down-dooting. Loser.
Their tendies hit the floor I bet 😂😂😂
Here is another post from Clandestine that goes into additional detail about why Hunter's pardon stretches back to 2014 to cover everything he did in Ukraine...
It is certainly up there but here’s one of hundreds of gov. agencies beholden to no one. Let’s start on debanking with Elizabeth Warren.
Can pardons actually pardon someone of all crimes even if not specified? Even crimes not yet discovered?
Yes, but when it is proven that the election was stolen, Biden's pardons are null and void.
No, they need to have judgements first. Even Democrats know this.
Well we can’t say “we didn’t see that coming “! All the way back to 2014 is quiet a stretch. If any pardon not that I agree , it should have been only while his criminal father was installed and only for the gun and other charges thst were brought up . These Ukrainian charges weren’t even handed to him yet ! Wonder what happens if creepy pedo Joes installment is thrown out . Joe shouldn’t have the presidential power to pardon a Thanksgiving Turkey let alone his sicko son ! But as I said we knew it was coming !!
Their was a long list of others that had sons f- ing around in the Ukraine. Maybe they can go after them a lot easier now. They need to show how the Republicans and democrats were both in on it. They need to expose the uni-party.
How’s that go ,, “ from your mouth to Gods ear! Good point and I pray that somebody gets hauled in for Gods sake ! Uni -party man how I hope they are exposed ! What do we have, like 2 real republicans , whatever that means anymore !
The uni- party has to go down together, it will make much better optics for the sleeping people. And it will make it much easier for the democrats to go along with it.
And I want to see the dirty Republicans go down even more than the democrats......
Ha ha ha I’m with you . I have always said “ the Rino traitors are worse then the Dems, because the Dems atleast are honest with there hatred and schemes to destroy us , but a disloyal friend ,,, wow that’s the worse !
Remember the audio glitch when Hunter's voice briefly broke into a WH broadcast talking about having made a plea deal?
Yep. Somebody just posted it again on X
And assuming that devolution is true - White Hats would prefer if it looks like yet one more corruption act by Biden than a plea deal.
If only it were that easy to undo the damages that were already done.
Like families and friends broken apart, and some even died from the mRNA shots, and some from heartbreak
And most of the deaths in Ukraine.
President Trump and the DOJ must honor the pardon of Hunter Biden WITHIN THE U.S..
However, Hunter Biden may have committed crimes that OTHER nations would like to prosecute him for... and we do have extradition treaties.
Also, keep in mind that Hunter will no longer be able to claim 5th ammendment protection in court. He can be compelled to testify under oath.
If Biden stole the election, and he did, his pardons aren't legit.
I wonder if that’s the offer made to him for spilling it all: We’ll let you pardon your son.
Plus nobody on the left can make a good faith argument that it isn’t totally corrupt for him to do that.
Won't matter.
They won't be able to walk down the street
No one is above the law 😵💫
Well, there is a (D)ifference.
A pardon means Hunter Biden can no longer take the 5th when placed on the stand under oath. Hunter has always been a minor player. Think of all the dirt he is going to be forced to divulge about the network above him.
I don't think this pardon is a bad thing.
Yes, the pardon is the same as granting him immunity and he can be compelled to testify truthfully or go to jail.
Can someone who participated in the crimes pardon the other participants? Sounds sketchy. I wonder if Hunter was snowy white prior to 2014? Nothing?
My guess is DJT gave Biden the OK to "Pardon your own son" when Biden asked him, for optic purposes. Normies will say this is so unfair, etc.. and DJT got whatever he wanted, info, sources, names from Hunter. Hence Biden looked so happy and Jill wore red and they both voted Trump.
Is treason covered by a presidential pardon. A blanket one at that
I dun tink even a Presidential Pardon works on treason!
Yeah... I deny that pardon is legitimate.
The starting date for the pardon, while suspicious, would be allowed under the Constitution. However, the ending date could possibly make the pardon invalid.
It specifies: from January 1, 2014 through December 1, 2024
It appears the pardon was signed at some time during December 1, 2024 but made effective through that full day. By including a future period of time it became a license to commit future crimes. A pardon is a legal document and the mistake of making it for any future time period should invalidate the entire document. Unless the document was signed on or after 12:00 am on December 2, 2024 there seems to be a problem.
If nothing can stop what's coming, that means pardons can't stop what's coming. Biden is illegitimate and AFTER all the truth comes out, then his pardons will be set aside. This is killer. What they think will save them will destroy them.
I've long held the belief that Hunter is on the Q team. Maybe an informant, if nothing else.
Maybe this is a white hat deal to Hunter. You get a pardon for all your crimes, in exchange for all the dirt, legally, in court.
Plus the optics of corruption of Joe Biden doing it, could be the start to remove him from office and undo the things he's done.
Leaving the laptop is absolutely incredible with all of that evidence.
Doesn't sound right, not even with his crack addiction.
Might've done it on purpose.
Drop 4891 suggests it was on purpose
This could backfire. The blanket pardon means that Hunter can no longer plead the 5th…
Thanks for posting this. Seems like now is the time to share this tweet with some of my clueless friends. They might hear about Hunter being pardoned, they will not know about this Ukraine Biolab stuff.
I thought pardons apply to crimes charged, not crimes committed.
This pardon is invalid. A pardon can only be given in respect of a conviction. In the absence of a conviction there has been no crime proved, as that is the entire point of the trial and subsequent conviction (if applicable) so there is nothing to pardon.
That still doesn't get Braindead Pedo Joe off the hook!
There's gotta be plenty of other dirt on Hunter too . ...
So do you not think this was a move? Because it is. Let's not get our emotional panties in a bunch. This deserves a 72 hour rule to see where exactly this goes. I have zero doubt there's a lot more to come regarding this. I'm cozy.
Some of us saw real time data of the stealing of the US election in 2020! Once the steal is exposed, all actions by the 'Biden Administration' become null and void! Timing is everything!
Around then is when we started seeing more mockery about sovereign citizens.
What I wanna know is, who wrote this and who signed it? Because it damned sure wasn't Sleepy Joe.
If it was left up to me, I'd rescind the pardon and bring him in anyway. And I'd have Jill and Jim brought in at the same time (separately, of course), along with Hunter's wife. Then I'd bring in Joe himself and sit him down in front of a head shrinker who specializes in Alzheimer's and Dementia to see just how far gone he is. Nothing is iron clad when it comes to the law. There's got to be a precedent that was set somewhere, or "fine print" somewhere in those presidential powers that says pardons can be reversed. This can't be allowed to move forward.
Real biden given a funeral.instead of inauguration and an actor in his place since day 1 and only a resident has no power at all. Talking point not real
And now Hunter has to testify about what was going on in Ukraine. He can't incriminate himself.
Also, nothing stops him from getting arrested for state charges.
Hopefully, but I’m sure he “cannot recall”.
Is treason pardonable?
Clandestine is a fraud.