My current thoughts after discussing with a fren are that the cabal's plan was exactly this, to present an alien invasion and enact COG through Northcom.
I also think that the current situation in NY / Jersey are white hat drones. I think the white hats have turned towards the torpedo once more in order to ruin the cabal plans.
I think the white hats have launched the drones early and intend to habituate the public to the idea that they are there in order to blunt the panic that the cabal wanted to bring.
I'd love to know what you all think of this notion.
I was at a show earlier this year where they demonstrated a 3D projector that utilized rotating blades. Here's a couple videos of something similar to what I saw:
Definitely whitehat and they are scanning for the evil one's traps and things they may be up top for eventually trying causing chaos w/ dirty and/or biological bombs. Bottom line - President Trump doesn't seem too worried, therefore we shouldn't be either. Enjoy the show and God† bless.
Having gone thru COVID, the most obvious scenario was posted earlier. It’s a PYSOP. It has ALL the markings of a DISTRACTION for something that the public will not be ready for and just like COVID, the Gov. will use FEAR to achieve that goal. Did the gov. achieve its objectives regarding Covid? Absolutely!
This guy TRAINS businesses etc. to recognise an incoming PYSOP.
I saw a video from a guy who claims he helps manufacture government drones like the ones being seen. He said the only reason the government would have them in the air at night over neighborhoods and highways is if they're looking for something. He claimed a nuclear warhead has recently gone missing and he believes the drones are scanning for radioactivity to locate it while the officials play dumb to avoid a panic.
Who knows if its true or not, but I think at this point too many people are awake for them to pull off Project Bluebeam
I hope so too. Though the fact the MSM is crying about people talking about Blue Beam in regard to the drones says that the deep state was probably still a little hopeful we'd all be willing to buy it was aliens.
As seen with covid they just need to generate enough fear among the masses to increase public demand for their NWO. Their plan is to have people begging for it. Unfortunately for them, many more have awakened since covid and won’t be buying what they be trying to sell.
Highly, highly doubtful that this has anything to do with Project Bluebeam.
Two items here to consider:
The theoretical purpose of Project Bluebeam is to overwhelm the populace with a life-changing event in order to leverage that fear and confusion to grasp tyrannical control over that populace. Why condition people to be less awed by a Project Bluebeam event via drone activity?
Still unclear to me how the concept of Project Bluebeam has become so intertwined into the alternative research community. The origin of Project Bluebeam is literally just the musings of a Frenchman back in the 1960's. There's literally no information supporting it as a real plan. No whistleblowers, no leaked documents, no snippets in declassified documents. Nothing. There's several magnitudes more of evidence pointing to the existence of a genuine non-human presence on our planet.
Is Project Bluebeam possible? Depending on how much agency the Cabal has left, sure. They very likely have the technology to pull it off, at least to some degree. But there's many, many other more achievable ways for the Cabal to terrify the populace into cooperation.
But perhaps more important, think about the when and why the Cabal would use Project Bluebeam. An operation like that would be huge, there'd be no topping it. If you're the Cabal, you use that event when you have all of your control structure in place and you're looking for that last closer to bring the population into line so that you can fully engage that control infrastructure.
The power of the Cabal right now is difficult to determine, but it is weak here in the U.S. from a psychological control perspective.
So no, the drones are not related to PBB. I mentioned this in another thread but I am increasingly convinced that my agency friend's speculation is correct and we're dealing with a Broken Arrow event of some sort.
If the cabal was involved, they would not baby step exposure, it would start out with explosions and serious shit going down. This is a slow disclosure by WH to get people used to disclosure before it actually occurs 💕
My current thoughts after discussing with a fren are that the cabal's plan was exactly this, to present an alien invasion and enact COG through Northcom.
I also think that the current situation in NY / Jersey are white hat drones. I think the white hats have turned towards the torpedo once more in order to ruin the cabal plans.
I think the white hats have launched the drones early and intend to habituate the public to the idea that they are there in order to blunt the panic that the cabal wanted to bring.
I'd love to know what you all think of this notion.
🔔 Ding, Fkin Ding🔔
🚨🚨🚨 Classic Psyop 🚨🚨🚨
Helgelian Problem, reaction, solution.
"Oh noes ... drones... somebody better do something!!!"
"In response to public outcry, we're removing more of your God given rights!"
Not sure I believe in coincidences any more!
Why then would Trump be encouraging people to shoot them down?
it's a hegelian dialectic, he's forcing the deep state to take a position.
If they are there to enable the elimination of your rights, they should be shot down!
I was at a show earlier this year where they demonstrated a 3D projector that utilized rotating blades. Here's a couple videos of something similar to what I saw:
Gee, guess what else has rotating blades -- drones. Hmm...something like this could come in handy for Project Blue Beam.
This! 🙌🏼🙌🏼
Definitely whitehat and they are scanning for the evil one's traps and things they may be up top for eventually trying causing chaos w/ dirty and/or biological bombs. Bottom line - President Trump doesn't seem too worried, therefore we shouldn't be either. Enjoy the show and God† bless.
My guess is:
Nuke sniffing.
Attempt to get more government control
Unfair! You know #2 is ALWAYS true!
It should be number 1 I guess
Having gone thru COVID, the most obvious scenario was posted earlier. It’s a PYSOP. It has ALL the markings of a DISTRACTION for something that the public will not be ready for and just like COVID, the Gov. will use FEAR to achieve that goal. Did the gov. achieve its objectives regarding Covid? Absolutely!
This guy TRAINS businesses etc. to recognise an incoming PYSOP.
❗️Highly Recommended viewing. permalink
I saw a video from a guy who claims he helps manufacture government drones like the ones being seen. He said the only reason the government would have them in the air at night over neighborhoods and highways is if they're looking for something. He claimed a nuclear warhead has recently gone missing and he believes the drones are scanning for radioactivity to locate it while the officials play dumb to avoid a panic.
Who knows if its true or not, but I think at this point too many people are awake for them to pull off Project Bluebeam
Q talks about the movie the Sum of All Fears a lot. Isn't that a similar plot? Haven't seen it in a while
It is. I wonder if this is going to amount to the scare event Q mentioned.
I hope so too. Though the fact the MSM is crying about people talking about Blue Beam in regard to the drones says that the deep state was probably still a little hopeful we'd all be willing to buy it was aliens.
Last I heard aliens don’t follow FAA guidelines with the blinking lights. /thread
That's what I was wondering about. What does the FAA have to say about these drones flying around?
Is this really from Assange?
No. It’s some stupid clickbait account on telegram that spreads bull shit.
Music to go with your reading pleasure 😂😂!
LMAO! 🤣 I half expected to land on the X-Files theme song or something similar. I'm now subscribed to that channel, thanks.
Blue Beam was my thought some time ago when I saw that the lights in these drones go on and off after flying short distance.
As seen with covid they just need to generate enough fear among the masses to increase public demand for their NWO. Their plan is to have people begging for it. Unfortunately for them, many more have awakened since covid and won’t be buying what they be trying to sell.
Care to explain why you are sharing content from a fraudulent clickbait account on telegram?
Did you even look what else is being posted there?
Julian Assange? Any sauce this is actually legit.. the REAL MCCOY, DR?
Highly, highly doubtful that this has anything to do with Project Bluebeam.
Two items here to consider:
The theoretical purpose of Project Bluebeam is to overwhelm the populace with a life-changing event in order to leverage that fear and confusion to grasp tyrannical control over that populace. Why condition people to be less awed by a Project Bluebeam event via drone activity?
Still unclear to me how the concept of Project Bluebeam has become so intertwined into the alternative research community. The origin of Project Bluebeam is literally just the musings of a Frenchman back in the 1960's. There's literally no information supporting it as a real plan. No whistleblowers, no leaked documents, no snippets in declassified documents. Nothing. There's several magnitudes more of evidence pointing to the existence of a genuine non-human presence on our planet.
Is Project Bluebeam possible? Depending on how much agency the Cabal has left, sure. They very likely have the technology to pull it off, at least to some degree. But there's many, many other more achievable ways for the Cabal to terrify the populace into cooperation.
But perhaps more important, think about the when and why the Cabal would use Project Bluebeam. An operation like that would be huge, there'd be no topping it. If you're the Cabal, you use that event when you have all of your control structure in place and you're looking for that last closer to bring the population into line so that you can fully engage that control infrastructure.
The power of the Cabal right now is difficult to determine, but it is weak here in the U.S. from a psychological control perspective.
So no, the drones are not related to PBB. I mentioned this in another thread but I am increasingly convinced that my agency friend's speculation is correct and we're dealing with a Broken Arrow event of some sort.
What else is REALLY HAPPENING right now...
We're getting our cranks yanked with no info from anyone - they're stalling and doing the classic, "Look here, not there"
It's gotta be something bigger than the Diddy related crap....
What's being supressed?
Don't over think it. If we all know they are drones, then we know it isn't E.T. and therefore Blue Beam doesn't work. Occam's Razor.
I don't understand what the big deal is. If the drones are not actively shooting people, who cares?
If the cabal was involved, they would not baby step exposure, it would start out with explosions and serious shit going down. This is a slow disclosure by WH to get people used to disclosure before it actually occurs 💕
The drones aren't part of that.
But, it is a psyop meant to instill fear and confusion in The People.
And it's working. Even among us.
Who here is afraid of flying lights in the sky? If your afraid at this point, buckle up cause this shit is child's play :p
Agreed. I see two more likely scenarios:
Domestic sniffer mission which has been floated.
Or, domestic mission designed to help push through aviation legislature which has also been discussed.
If this is Blue Beam or muh Ayyyliens/nephilim then call 99% of folks unimpressed.