In reading more about this, they say this is some kind of medical-grade radioactive material that is missing. But they are going to use this as the reason they're using the drones while, in reality, there is something much bigger out there that they're really looking for. It ain't good.
I'm only saying this half joking, but it could also be related to cats. I'm not saying it is, obviously, that sounds silly, but, just to illustrate how crazy carefully the United States security services take this threat (I just have crazy their detector system set up is), a friend of mine back Is your 2000 back when I lived in New York City, his cat caught cancer and was on chemotherapy. He got visited by the Department of energy and the police because they found radiation in a dumpster, traced it to the route it came from, and stopped in to chat with him real briefly, inquiring why the cat litter he was throwing away was radioactive.
You could do that with nearly any bad thing that happens. If you follow the trail long enough, there'll inevitably be a cat sitting there looking annoyed and indifferent.
Well, in the Gov't defense (and it truly pains me to suggest this); isn't looking for a out of place pin, used for calibration purposes, a good test for the "super radioactive" sniffers?
IMHO, I would think at some point, the background radioactivity would introduce so much noise, that the signal would be imperceptable.
This post is intentionally misleading and the user is purposely spreading fear to boost engagement. The report does not mention “possibly shielded cat 4.”
The missing material here is a GE-68 Pin Source, which is a small pin used to calibrate a PET scanner in hospitals.
Back during Reagan's admin when the US and Russia disarmed there were a bunch of nuke missiles in Ukraine and 80 warheads went missing. They still haven't been found but there is supposedly good evidence that one of those warheads made it to the US. What better way to start WWIII than popping off a "Russian" nuke in the states.
So...that drone company CEO may be right, after all. Lovely. I was kinda hoping he was "shooting in the dark" about why all these drones are flying around the East Coast.
Sources that are "Less than IAEA Category 3 sources," are either sources that are very unlikely to cause permanent injury to individuals or contain a very small amount of radioactive material that would not cause any permanent injury. Some of these sources, such as moisture density gauges or thickness gauges that are Category 4, the amount of unshielded radioactive material, if not safely managed or securely protected, could possibly - although it is unlikely - temporarily injure someone who handled it or were otherwise in contact with it, or who were close to it for a period of many weeks. For additional information go to
I'm having a hard time finding articles about it, but wasn't it New York that they had those posters and signs and what not they randomly put up to designate nuclear fallout shelters? I'm finding articles from like 2017 where they took old signs down because there's "no risk of an actual event" but did the recent conditioning not just happen like in 2023 or even this year? Am I crazy?
4 military jets were in the sky yesterday and flew right above my house.
Loud as hell. NJ has many military bases, but I don't think I remember seeing it even hearing jets that close. With the drone activity, and major cities all around NJ, I'm leaving towards something being up.
Let's see if they stick to their story if we let them know those in charge get the death penalty if it's true and not recovered immediately. Let's say they get one more week to come up with it or hang. Bet they find it quick.
In reading more about this, they say this is some kind of medical-grade radioactive material that is missing. But they are going to use this as the reason they're using the drones while, in reality, there is something much bigger out there that they're really looking for. It ain't good.
This will probably end up being blamed on Russia.
I'm only saying this half joking, but it could also be related to cats. I'm not saying it is, obviously, that sounds silly, but, just to illustrate how crazy carefully the United States security services take this threat (I just have crazy their detector system set up is), a friend of mine back Is your 2000 back when I lived in New York City, his cat caught cancer and was on chemotherapy. He got visited by the Department of energy and the police because they found radiation in a dumpster, traced it to the route it came from, and stopped in to chat with him real briefly, inquiring why the cat litter he was throwing away was radioactive.
You could do that with nearly any bad thing that happens. If you follow the trail long enough, there'll inevitably be a cat sitting there looking annoyed and indifferent.
Well, in the Gov't defense (and it truly pains me to suggest this); isn't looking for a out of place pin, used for calibration purposes, a good test for the "super radioactive" sniffers?
IMHO, I would think at some point, the background radioactivity would introduce so much noise, that the signal would be imperceptable.
How do you know, do you have connections?
i dont think hes claiming to have connections.
The other thread on mainpage talks about Israel having a Samson option, aka Israeli nukes in every Israeli consulate...
Israel's final option if things go south for them...
Nuke the world.
These people are evil
Also.... They're indoors?? Diabolical!
It got community noted
This post is intentionally misleading and the user is purposely spreading fear to boost engagement. The report does not mention “possibly shielded cat 4.”
The missing material here is a GE-68 Pin Source, which is a small pin used to calibrate a PET scanner in hospitals.
Whew! That's a relief. I was afraid we'd get to cats 5. 😂
So somebody lost their nuclear pen
Mine ran out of ink and needed a new one, my bad guys.
Their are many radioactive sourses used in instruments. Lead paint detectors' and tools for inspecting welds.....
I'm embarrassed to say that I stared at your second link for far too long before I figured it out, dammit
So they'll detonate a nuke to keep Trump from being president.
dirty bomb?
Any excuse will work. I don't put it beyond them.
Be afraid, FEAR, let us put more restrictions on your freedom for your safety!!!
No thanks, I figure if the nuke goes off, politicians might survive the blast but they won't survive the after-blast wrath of the people!
Back during Reagan's admin when the US and Russia disarmed there were a bunch of nuke missiles in Ukraine and 80 warheads went missing. They still haven't been found but there is supposedly good evidence that one of those warheads made it to the US. What better way to start WWIII than popping off a "Russian" nuke in the states.
All bs meant to titillate and distract.
Perhaps fortifying a narrative thats already out there.
Uranium Two then?
There have been clues of a nuclear bomb event in the NYC and North Jersey area since 2022 in the form of public service announcements:
The NYC PSA is especially ridiculous, giving people hope in a bend-over-and-kiss-your-sweet-bottom goodby situation.
Then, there was the April 5th (45) "earthquake", magnitude 4.7 (47) at 10:30 (13) AM in North Jersey near Trump's Bedminster Golf Club.
Now, we have drones in the greater NJ-NYC area. A scare event has been planned for years to occur in that area.
Soon to be showing: The Sum of All Fears.
Who will "they" try to blame for this scare? Russia? Iran? NK? Probably.
Who will ultimately have the blame pinned on them?
Israel is being saved for last.
Patriots are in control.
So...that drone company CEO may be right, after all. Lovely. I was kinda hoping he was "shooting in the dark" about why all these drones are flying around the East Coast.
They're setting up a dirty bomb false flag... these mother fuckers.
Sum of all fears
Event# 57,455...what about the other 57,454 "events?" 😳
Now there are drones over Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio. They just closed it
Doesn’t look serious though
If only the cross dressing mentally unstable klepto furry was still in charge…..
I'm surprised you said that with a straight face.
I'm having a hard time finding articles about it, but wasn't it New York that they had those posters and signs and what not they randomly put up to designate nuclear fallout shelters? I'm finding articles from like 2017 where they took old signs down because there's "no risk of an actual event" but did the recent conditioning not just happen like in 2023 or even this year? Am I crazy?
Setting the stage(meanwhile there are 80 actual nukes missing, no one know where they are....)
Just a heads up-
4 military jets were in the sky yesterday and flew right above my house.
Loud as hell. NJ has many military bases, but I don't think I remember seeing it even hearing jets that close. With the drone activity, and major cities all around NJ, I'm leaving towards something being up.
{Such as drones bring a wh op}
Weird cnn did that fake story about the guy being freed and this.
They introduced DEI hiring for this purpose. We can blame DEI hires. We can laugh at DEI hires. However I believe it is very intentional.
Scare and fear to push more power.
Drone sightings have been reported since mid-November, package lost on Dec 2. Doesn't explain anything.
Have they looked up that bald suitcase stealing dudes skirt?
Let's see if they stick to their story if we let them know those in charge get the death penalty if it's true and not recovered immediately. Let's say they get one more week to come up with it or hang. Bet they find it quick.