I’m sure there’s a plan by the white hats to correct this… most likely tied to Bitcoin. And if it is, Bitcoin is going to truly moon to a million+ dollars.
Been so buckled up for so long, I need to get out of my seat and hit the bathroom. Can I get a bag of peanuts for the family & I to split before "real bumpy" happens??
Oh, the incessant whining that's inbound from folks that just kind of ignored it when their country was voted out from under them in 2020.
Its overall intent is to get rid of the old system, not necessarily get you to buy in and get rich. They are replacing the Fed that’s 100% a fact.
It was straight up telegraphed via a comm last week when Trump went to Wall Street to ring the bell. Bad thing for the establishment, good thing for us. Game over.
Even if that happened, only a tiny fraction of shorts would be able to have closed.
And they did not.
This is gme, not AMC we're talking about
Oh, and they shorted gme at like 50 cents a share, so they are so fucking underwater, that a few small share offerings didn't help the shorts whatsoever
You DO NOT know that for certain though. Otherwise there’d be so many lawsuits, RC would have done something to protect shareholders etc.. but the OPPOSITE has happened? How will perma-bulls explain that? Being forever bullish about GME is unironically FUD, because then everyone else views GME as a cult, because everything you people say, is always the opposite of what is really happening?
You're right. We don't know that for certain. The market is deliberately obtuse. It's also an inverted reality (AM = After Market, PM = Pre-Market; these are terms that are deliberately opposite our 12-hour clock time).
RC sold shares in an At-The-Market Shelf Offering. The additional liquidity, instead of tanking the price of GME, caused the price of GME to increase. According to laws of supply-and-demand, the additional shares should have decreased the price of GME.
The rules and regulations of the stock market (as enforced by the SEC) exist to 1) create liquidity and 2) protect institutions. When you understand that obfuscation is the mechanism for achieving goals #1 and #2, then you start to see why a variety of middlemen serve systemically critical functions; why the majority of institutional trading occurs either internally or within "Dark Pools"; why and how "settlement periods" exist; and how financial instruments like swaps are both opaque and have minimal reporting requirements.
I just wish I was trading it (on the short side), but I don't trade on FOMC days.
The market, overall, has been VERY weak in MOST sectors. A small number of stocks have been holding up the indexes. But even those got hit hard today.
I suspect that Powell/Fed are going to war with Trump.
They will try to screw up his admin, possibly to save the Federal Reserve itself from being replaced (we can hope, right?).
I would not be suprised to see a bear market gaining strength, as the establishment tries to destroy Trump's agenda. Expect to see the Fed and others coming out with stories to disrupt the markets.
I suspect that Powell/Fed are going to war with Trump.
would not be suprised to see a bear market gaining strength, as the establishment tries to destroy Trump's agenda. Expect to see the Fed and others coming out with stories to disrupt the markets.
Pretty sure the plan involves crashing the market. Precipice still coming. If not, we will have 4 more years of bs fighting in congress and media.
Well, I went to all cash in my long-term portfolio today.
Bear markets provide a great opportunity to make a lot of money from shorting.
I feel sorry for all the Average Joes and Janes out there who believed their "financial advisor," telling them to do a 50/50 stocks/bonds portfolio split.
The real market interest rates are going up. That means bond prices are going down. If stocks also go down, people who have been dancing about their 401k going up could get crushed when both stocks and bonds crater -- something their "financial advisor" told them would never happen.
How crazy would it be to cash an entire 401k to distribution, chuck it all into BTC, and pretend “income” taxes don’t exist, since none of it is “income”?
Now, I’m really not so sure that this idea applies to 401k’s, as that’s voluntary contracting, and could easily put us in scope of their statutes.
On the other hand, how are they gonna get it? What if I lost my wallet password in a tragic boating accident?
In the case of a 401k, the person volunteered to play the game.
"Voluntary compliance."
You don't have to volunteer to play the game.
But if you do volunteer, then you have to comply with the rules of the game.
Also, 1040 income tax forms require a yes/no answer to "have you sold any cryptocurrency?" If you say no, but the real answer is yes ... well, that's a problem.
Kinda what I figured, though it would be difficult for them to collect, just not necessarily to “encourage” collection.
The fun side of the plan though would be..
If the distribution was taken and put into Bitcoin in early Jan 2025, then the FRN goes full Weimar before EOY, it’s fairly trivial to cash a few lifeboat assets to pay the FRN tax and remnant debts come time in 2026.
It’d definitely be a big chips-to-table bet on the death of FRN.
Why not both? We have no idea what’s coming. GME could potentially fizzle while BTC moons.
I suspect both will moon, and both need to be held. BTC may not have the returns of GME, but may end up more valuable long term. In a full spectrum war, don’t limit yourself to playing in one color.
JPOW isn't at war with Trump. In fact, he capitulated. Remember the rash of posts "I have been sick with COVID. I'm glad I've been vaccinated, or it would have been worse!"
All of those posts on Twitter (not yet X) were identical and were suspected to be a dog-whistle for capitulation to the MAGA movement.
Agree, we are nearing the top, which will likely be in Q4 2025 IMO. Nobody should be buying equities anyway unless they have 1000 oz Silver, 10 oz Gold, 10 Oz Platinum and 1 BTC
Without the Fed it doesn't happen. The market started falling an hour before Powell was scheduled to speak. Every word is parsed because the market is so afraid of him. Who voted him into office? I sure as hell didn't.
Seems inevitable that the market will be in crash mode at some point fairly soon. If it must happen I would rather it happen now as opposed to under Trump’s watch. The only bad part about that is that the normies will expect him to fix it in one day and it’ll be a no win situation for him.
Just curious... The stock symbol "Q" - upper left category (Electronic Technology), two to the right of Apple/AAPL along the bottom - what company is this?
That's QCOM. Thanks for responding, anon. Good guess and perhaps it was used in this format in shortened form because the display block is smaller. It dropped over 3% today so it's a possibility.
I did try looking it up before commenting. There was a firm that had Q as the symbol, but they'd already changed to a different ticker. I looked for the source of this graphic to see if it might be in a larger version, but was unsuccessful. There's loads of lists of the market losses today.
The Q always catches my eye, like most anons, I'm sure.
Thank you. I didn't know that, just searched for the ticker symbol.
Edit: On closer inspection of the above image, only the larger display boxes have both the ticker symbol and the logo, but the smaller ones have just the logos. My mistake for missing that.
Perhaps a naive question, but where does it go? Does it sprout wings and fly off to money heaven? I mean, first there is money, then there is no money. Explain it to me like I'm a golden retriever or a third grader.
The value of anything depends on buyers and sellers, and what they are willing to pay.
Let's say you found a car you really liked, and even though you knew it was overpriced at $10,000, you bought it anyway ('cuz of the cute, pink hubcaps). ;-)
You own it for a week, and then you decide you don't like it. So, you want to sell it, but nobody will give you $10,000.
Maybe you get $8,000.
So, that means that $2,000 of what you had to start with went poof and it is gone (like at the bank, on "South Park").
Where did it go?
Your bad decision made it disappear. poof
The seller of the car got the $10,000. So in reality that's where the money went.
A stock price closes at $50 on Monday. But Monday night, there is bad news. It opens at $40 on Tuesday.
$10 per share is gone.
It could have also opened at $60 on good news.
$10 per share is a lucky windfall for those who already owned it at $50.
The money doesn't really "go" anywhere.
It's just that assets are re-priced, due to buyers and sellers agreeing to a new price.
I think an easier way to say it is, people sell the stocks so they can get out of the market and have cash again. If a stock is priced at $60. Let's say there are 50 people buying it at $59.99 and 50 people selling it at $60.01. In this situation, the stock price stays stable because the buyers and sellers offers are not intersecting.
If all of a sudden there's good news, and 100 people decide to buy the stock for 60.01, those 50 sellers immediately get their orders filled. Now, there is no one selling the stock for 60.01 and 50 of those buyers will have to raise their price if they want the stock.
The same thing can happen if there's bad news. If people panic from bad news, and 100 people decide to cave and sell for 59.99, 50 people will get that price, and 50 people will not get their order filled and be forced to go lower because they ran out of people who were selling it for 59.99.
A shorter way to say this is there's a gap between the buying and selling price, and when the buyers cave to the sellers, the price increases because the buyers are agreeing to pay a little more to the sellers. When the sellers cave, the price crashes because the sellers are agreeing to take less for what they have.
Thank you for taking the time to explain it simply. Oddly enough I have owned stocks ( recently sold) and hold a good amount of crypto (which i don't understand at all) You are very kind.
We just need to have our state legislators remove special exception for UCC code. This will remove incentive for cabal to crash global economy.
Questions are now being raised about important laws that have been added to state codes in all 50 states over the past 25 years.
These laws were deliberately designed to abrogate private property rights and could in the future be used to harm all Americans who hold investment securities, including those held in IRA and 401(k) accounts.
At the state level, the concerning statutes in question are contained within the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), primarily in Article 8, which deals with securities.
Organizations and leaders, are now urging state legislators to carefully consider this alarming infringement on private property.
A letter is being provided to state legislators and other elected officials explaining these concerns, summarizing the legal aspects of UCC Article 8, and outlining near-term options for state policymakers who want to take action to protect their constituents and their states.
Agreed. We won't know what will happen until the crash happens.
If the signal of warren buffet going to cash is a warning and DJT saying we're going to crash, the market will eventually crash. Or at least need a huge correction.
I'm ready for it. All good too if it doesn't happen.
End the Fed.
Pretty clear who is tanking the economy and it isn't Trump.
If it’s fancy feast then I’m all in.
Beggin strips bro!
I hear this, I agree with it, but uuuggghhhh, not looking forward to it.
You had me until until cat food🤣🤣
At least it's not the cat.
Be careful eating tacos in the Philippines 😂
They're eating the cats, They're eating the dogs. They're eating the pets, of the people who live there! 🤣🤣
yep, for now I'm still a bitter clinger.
I hate that guy
Darth Powell
Just a correction folks, see you in three days when it’s 1200 ahead.
72 hour rule FTW
All by design.
Trump is insulated.
But the finances of everyday Americans is not.
I’m sure there’s a plan by the white hats to correct this… most likely tied to Bitcoin. And if it is, Bitcoin is going to truly moon to a million+ dollars.
Buckle up. The ride is about to get bumpy.
Been so buckled up for so long, I need to get out of my seat and hit the bathroom. Can I get a bag of peanuts for the family & I to split before "real bumpy" happens??
Oh, the incessant whining that's inbound from folks that just kind of ignored it when their country was voted out from under them in 2020.
Bitcoin will not survive quantum decryption. Team Peter Schiff, crypto to ZERO. Buy Gold and Silver, and puts.
XRP is creeping up. It’s weird that 60 mins chose to do a hit piece in Brad G. 30 days till we rich again.
I've never bought crypto until I started learning about XRP. Glad I did. Probably still a good time to buy even though it's up.
There's no chance any white hat plan is tied to degenerate gambling otherwise known as "cryptocurrency investments".
Trump is calling himself "The Crypto President".
If they were trying to help everyone, it wouldn't be on a first come first serve basis like it would be if they focused on crypto.
Its overall intent is to get rid of the old system, not necessarily get you to buy in and get rich. They are replacing the Fed that’s 100% a fact.
It was straight up telegraphed via a comm last week when Trump went to Wall Street to ring the bell. Bad thing for the establishment, good thing for us. Game over.
Or stock market
The stock market has been on a steady rise for its entire existence. The stock market will outlive crypto.
I know who's doing it! Hint: the word rhymes with who's.
I'd like to think they just really needed GME under $30. 🤣
Lol that'll do it!
I picked up some more shares during that sweet after hours dip.
Nobody would have even noticed the dip if they were properly invested because GME floated very nicely.
I like the stock.
Define properly invested
“Not in all the other fraudulent BS in the market.”
I too, like the stock.
I do too. Thanks God I have some too.
I just saw Ian Carrol saying it could be before the end of the year and now I'm seeing 1.5 trillion being wiped out. Merely a coincidence 😆
Edit: not to mention, Trump just rang the bell yesterday Edit2: last week 🤦♂️
Trump rang the bell last week kek
Rang the bell and did air Q
Oh right 😆
Collateral for their short positions, lol.
Although I'm seriously starting to wonder if Citadel had to short the entire market to keep GME down...
But didn’t GME issue a lot of new shares? That should have gave shorts an out, no?
The shorts have Multiple times the float, short.
Even if that happened, only a tiny fraction of shorts would be able to have closed.
And they did not.
This is gme, not AMC we're talking about
Oh, and they shorted gme at like 50 cents a share, so they are so fucking underwater, that a few small share offerings didn't help the shorts whatsoever
You DO NOT know that for certain though. Otherwise there’d be so many lawsuits, RC would have done something to protect shareholders etc.. but the OPPOSITE has happened? How will perma-bulls explain that? Being forever bullish about GME is unironically FUD, because then everyone else views GME as a cult, because everything you people say, is always the opposite of what is really happening?
Keep listening to Jim Cramer, and CNN.
Weird comment.. I don’t listen to Jim Cramer, but he is unironically much smarter and richer than you apes that are always wrong and losing?
This must be one of the shills we were warned about a week ago flooding all sorts of FUD and fake news:
You're right. We don't know that for certain. The market is deliberately obtuse. It's also an inverted reality (AM = After Market, PM = Pre-Market; these are terms that are deliberately opposite our 12-hour clock time).
RC sold shares in an At-The-Market Shelf Offering. The additional liquidity, instead of tanking the price of GME, caused the price of GME to increase. According to laws of supply-and-demand, the additional shares should have decreased the price of GME.
The rules and regulations of the stock market (as enforced by the SEC) exist to 1) create liquidity and 2) protect institutions. When you understand that obfuscation is the mechanism for achieving goals #1 and #2, then you start to see why a variety of middlemen serve systemically critical functions; why the majority of institutional trading occurs either internally or within "Dark Pools"; why and how "settlement periods" exist; and how financial instruments like swaps are both opaque and have minimal reporting requirements.
Yeah, ugly day.
I just wish I was trading it (on the short side), but I don't trade on FOMC days.
The market, overall, has been VERY weak in MOST sectors. A small number of stocks have been holding up the indexes. But even those got hit hard today.
I suspect that Powell/Fed are going to war with Trump.
They will try to screw up his admin, possibly to save the Federal Reserve itself from being replaced (we can hope, right?).
I would not be suprised to see a bear market gaining strength, as the establishment tries to destroy Trump's agenda. Expect to see the Fed and others coming out with stories to disrupt the markets.
Pretty sure the plan involves crashing the market. Precipice still coming. If not, we will have 4 more years of bs fighting in congress and media.
Well, I went to all cash in my long-term portfolio today.
Bear markets provide a great opportunity to make a lot of money from shorting.
I feel sorry for all the Average Joes and Janes out there who believed their "financial advisor," telling them to do a 50/50 stocks/bonds portfolio split.
The real market interest rates are going up. That means bond prices are going down. If stocks also go down, people who have been dancing about their 401k going up could get crushed when both stocks and bonds crater -- something their "financial advisor" told them would never happen.
It is now 2 days after the big sell-off.
Market is strong in the morning.
Is the selling over?
I have my doubts, but I'm buying back in, half-way.
Most people just sit through the ups and downs -- which is fine, except that one time when it won't be.
Can the market just shrug off the FOMC garbage and rocket higher?
We'll find out soon enough.
How crazy would it be to cash an entire 401k to distribution, chuck it all into BTC, and pretend “income” taxes don’t exist, since none of it is “income”?
Now, I’m really not so sure that this idea applies to 401k’s, as that’s voluntary contracting, and could easily put us in scope of their statutes.
On the other hand, how are they gonna get it? What if I lost my wallet password in a tragic boating accident?
In the case of a 401k, the person volunteered to play the game.
"Voluntary compliance."
You don't have to volunteer to play the game.
But if you do volunteer, then you have to comply with the rules of the game.
Also, 1040 income tax forms require a yes/no answer to "have you sold any cryptocurrency?" If you say no, but the real answer is yes ... well, that's a problem.
Kinda what I figured, though it would be difficult for them to collect, just not necessarily to “encourage” collection.
The fun side of the plan though would be..
If the distribution was taken and put into Bitcoin in early Jan 2025, then the FRN goes full Weimar before EOY, it’s fairly trivial to cash a few lifeboat assets to pay the FRN tax and remnant debts come time in 2026.
It’d definitely be a big chips-to-table bet on the death of FRN.
Why BTC? You might see 100% profits, but GME is THE PLAY of the past 17 centuries.
Why not both? We have no idea what’s coming. GME could potentially fizzle while BTC moons.
I suspect both will moon, and both need to be held. BTC may not have the returns of GME, but may end up more valuable long term. In a full spectrum war, don’t limit yourself to playing in one color.
Better than tulip bulbs?
C'mon, man.
Dude, no. Bad ape.
Buy some BTC etf or microstrategy, you can do it with traditional brokers, why hold cash if its melting at 11% whereas it could be growing ?
The source of their domination is the central bank and the so called capital markets.
Exactly right.
Game Stop = Game Over
To be blunt.
Blunts? Haven't had one recently. I did buy some GME today though.
JPOW isn't at war with Trump. In fact, he capitulated. Remember the rash of posts "I have been sick with COVID. I'm glad I've been vaccinated, or it would have been worse!"
All of those posts on Twitter (not yet X) were identical and were suspected to be a dog-whistle for capitulation to the MAGA movement.
Look at the 5 day chart in $NUKK
I know. Crazy.
I saw it yesterday, but decided to pass. Had no idea it would rocket today.
Rather than planning for the drop, you should just buy the dip.
Normal price action. BTFD
That all depends on one's perspective and strategy.
For "buy and hold types," who went all-in in January 2000, it took 13 years before they started making money again.
Over 25 years, that strategy would have made about 6% per year, plus dividends. So, call it 8-9%.
Not terrible, but it was a roller coaster for awhile.
Are we back at the top of the roller coaster now?
Agree, we are nearing the top, which will likely be in Q4 2025 IMO. Nobody should be buying equities anyway unless they have 1000 oz Silver, 10 oz Gold, 10 Oz Platinum and 1 BTC
Without the Fed it doesn't happen. The market started falling an hour before Powell was scheduled to speak. Every word is parsed because the market is so afraid of him. Who voted him into office? I sure as hell didn't.
Seems inevitable that the market will be in crash mode at some point fairly soon. If it must happen I would rather it happen now as opposed to under Trump’s watch. The only bad part about that is that the normies will expect him to fix it in one day and it’ll be a no win situation for him.
So, how does the market being in crash mode help the average American?
We have to keep it in perspective. Here is a chart showing what the S&P 500 has done in the last year It has gone up like crazy. You are bound to have a few days like today in a trend like this.
Just curious... The stock symbol "Q" - upper left category (Electronic Technology), two to the right of Apple/AAPL along the bottom - what company is this?
Is it Qualcomm?
That's QCOM. Thanks for responding, anon. Good guess and perhaps it was used in this format in shortened form because the display block is smaller. It dropped over 3% today so it's a possibility.
I did try looking it up before commenting. There was a firm that had Q as the symbol, but they'd already changed to a different ticker. I looked for the source of this graphic to see if it might be in a larger version, but was unsuccessful. There's loads of lists of the market losses today.
The Q always catches my eye, like most anons, I'm sure.
The Q is Qualcomm's logo.
Thank you. I didn't know that, just searched for the ticker symbol.
Edit: On closer inspection of the above image, only the larger display boxes have both the ticker symbol and the logo, but the smaller ones have just the logos. My mistake for missing that.
Perhaps a naive question, but where does it go? Does it sprout wings and fly off to money heaven? I mean, first there is money, then there is no money. Explain it to me like I'm a golden retriever or a third grader.
The value of anything depends on buyers and sellers, and what they are willing to pay.
Let's say you found a car you really liked, and even though you knew it was overpriced at $10,000, you bought it anyway ('cuz of the cute, pink hubcaps). ;-)
You own it for a week, and then you decide you don't like it. So, you want to sell it, but nobody will give you $10,000.
Maybe you get $8,000.
So, that means that $2,000 of what you had to start with went poof and it is gone (like at the bank, on "South Park").
Where did it go?
Your bad decision made it disappear. poof
The seller of the car got the $10,000. So in reality that's where the money went.
A stock price closes at $50 on Monday. But Monday night, there is bad news. It opens at $40 on Tuesday.
$10 per share is gone.
It could have also opened at $60 on good news.
$10 per share is a lucky windfall for those who already owned it at $50.
The money doesn't really "go" anywhere.
It's just that assets are re-priced, due to buyers and sellers agreeing to a new price.
So in essence, the seller gets what went poof?
I think an easier way to say it is, people sell the stocks so they can get out of the market and have cash again. If a stock is priced at $60. Let's say there are 50 people buying it at $59.99 and 50 people selling it at $60.01. In this situation, the stock price stays stable because the buyers and sellers offers are not intersecting.
If all of a sudden there's good news, and 100 people decide to buy the stock for 60.01, those 50 sellers immediately get their orders filled. Now, there is no one selling the stock for 60.01 and 50 of those buyers will have to raise their price if they want the stock.
The same thing can happen if there's bad news. If people panic from bad news, and 100 people decide to cave and sell for 59.99, 50 people will get that price, and 50 people will not get their order filled and be forced to go lower because they ran out of people who were selling it for 59.99.
A shorter way to say this is there's a gap between the buying and selling price, and when the buyers cave to the sellers, the price increases because the buyers are agreeing to pay a little more to the sellers. When the sellers cave, the price crashes because the sellers are agreeing to take less for what they have.
Thank you for taking the time to explain it simply. Oddly enough I have owned stocks ( recently sold) and hold a good amount of crypto (which i don't understand at all) You are very kind.
The founder of TRON
The Banana Nazis decided to say "NO BANANAS FOR YOU! NEXT!!"
We just need to have our state legislators remove special exception for UCC code. This will remove incentive for cabal to crash global economy.
Questions are now being raised about important laws that have been added to state codes in all 50 states over the past 25 years.
These laws were deliberately designed to abrogate private property rights and could in the future be used to harm all Americans who hold investment securities, including those held in IRA and 401(k) accounts.
At the state level, the concerning statutes in question are contained within the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), primarily in Article 8, which deals with securities.
Organizations and leaders, are now urging state legislators to carefully consider this alarming infringement on private property.
A letter is being provided to state legislators and other elected officials explaining these concerns, summarizing the legal aspects of UCC Article 8, and outlining near-term options for state policymakers who want to take action to protect their constituents and their states.
See letter here.
The VIX is really high today up 74%. Makes sense everything is red.
Professionals buying a lot of puts to hedge against a bear market.
Will this be a blip and we go higher, or is it the start of something big to the downside?
Time will tell.
The cabal is going to hand Trump a bag of garbage going into inauguration. Wars. Scamdemics. Economic disaster.
Agreed. We won't know what will happen until the crash happens.
If the signal of warren buffet going to cash is a warning and DJT saying we're going to crash, the market will eventually crash. Or at least need a huge correction.
I'm ready for it. All good too if it doesn't happen.
I would prefer a crash not happen.
But I'm ready if it does.
BTC went up 😃
Glad i sold two days ago
The stock market just looked up the survival rate for a woman with a hip fracture at Nancy Pelosi's age.
It's about 22%, IIRC.