The whole H1B argument got me thinking about this. I think first and foremost we have to trust President Trump to continue his track record of promises made, promises kept. He will put American workers first.
We also have to think about what a Golden Age is. If we’re living in a period of great peace, prosperity, and happiness will many of our current arguments and debates become moot?
My thoughts are we should hold our fire and reduce our stress levels. President Trump’s vision for the future includes an economy so vibrant that people who want to work will have good paying jobs in their fields. The fear and resentment of being replaced by low wage foreign workers will become a thing of the past.
And based on President Trump’s first term actions, I have a hunch the H1B program will be overhauled to prevent foreign workers from being brought in at lower wages.
Do people who lived their entire lives as prisoners know what freedom really is?
Most of us don't even know we're prisoners.
us = the masses
Maybe a lot of people will settle for working fewer hours per week because they can afford to live like that and have time for family and leisure.
Maybe people will start small businesses for fun and make a living from them in a better tax environment.
There will still be some people who want to gather wealth and influence at maximum speed and they will do what they are doing now.
I think Golden Age might well have a double meaning and returning to the Gold Standard is one of them.
Ditching the UCC and the fake promissory note currency it governs and returning to real constitutional money is the second biggest correction to be made to solve almost all of societies woes. It’s second only to following God’s word.
The constant debasement of the USD is what’s causing this issue. The currency has devalued faster than business cycle pay increases.
I'd be thrilled to just live in a world that's more like the 90s.
It's tough to rein in your imagination from there though. Free energy, medbeds, prosperity for everyone. The thought of never again having to lie awake at night worried about paying your bills, losing your loved ones, a war breaking out. No longer being one emergency - even a small one - away from ruin and even more stress.
Everyone walking around with lighter spirits, smiles on their faces, kindness for their neighbors. Spanish off of everything. Safety on our streets. The family unit restored to what it should be. Women having only one father of their children. Men respecting women and not abusing and using them.
No more evil in the world. Children no longer kidnapped, trafficked, and horrifically abused.
No more DEI, no more having to deal with offended snowflakes that get mad when you say Merry Christmas to them. No more rampant mental illness and especially no more medical system as we know it. Seriously, fuck doctors.
There are so, so many things I want for us and this world. It'd be incredible to see it.
I sometimes allow myself to dream a bit.
I think the ideal would be the 1950s, even though that's before my time. Prosperity, hope for the future, and the expectation that atomic power would make energy too cheap to meter. Except this time, we'll have a real free power source that's not centrally controlled, hopefully.
Plus let's bring back chrome, V8s, tailfins, two-tone paint and wide whitewalls.
"I think the ideal would be the 1950s, even though that's before my time."
It's not before my time. And you're right.
No offense, but you can keep the automotive apects.
4 real dawg...
I sure as hell ain't going back to swing axles, king pins that fall out and bias ply...
It's interesting reading some of the comments...
Sound money will definitely help - but where I think we really need help (aside from ending fiat currency) - is putting a stop to IP theft, the Chinese knocking off every damned thing that WE invented and selling a shit version for a fraction of the cost AND - stopping the endless barrage of EVERYTHING Chinese/Imports coming into this country - even craft items have been flooding in so guys looking to make some extra bucks doing woodcrafts can't because it's interrupted the market. People just Amazon it "for cheap" instead of attending craft shows and markets. Not all, but enough to disrupt things...
MADE IN USA needs to mean something again. I'd like for that to mean, durable, heirloom quality things that CAN be taken apart and serviced and not just chucked in the trash because of designed obsolescence. That's just bullshit.
One thing has held true and Germany, for the most part, has upheld it - and that's the fact that there's always room in the market for the best. Make the best, charge what it's worth and keep going.
I can imagine it but I find it really hard to believe that it will happen. I am old, been working since I was a teen. Before that, Working for my folks since I was old enough to do dishes and mow the lawn. That was joyous work as I saw the benefit to those I love and the return. I knew at a young age what I loved to do for "work", that which filled me with joy and purpose. But the world is set up so that , for most people, doing what you love will not pay the bills. The government takes their cut and squanders it. Corporations took my labor and diminished my soul. My Golden age dream would be to live , truly free, no government, not taxed in any way, a piece of land and trading with my free neighbors. I see many posts here talking about " people taking a job and working". How many people do you know who are happy at their job ? My golden age dream would be for all people to be able to work for themselves doing what they find to be a joy. Making a life of plenty.
No 15 minute ant colonies
Robots. That is what the robots are for.
The world may have never lived a true Golden Age, as is possible now! With all the resources available to free mankind, I am sure maybe most of us have a slight sense of the possibilities but the WHs have plans we cannot even foresee! 2025 will be glorious!
Suppressed no more. And then some.
The tribunals will come (some have already). In the mean time, start planning all the good stuff after that , there's a new world to be made!
"What happens when we wake to find we live in a world of plenty? "
I don't know. But I am more than ready to find out!
The medbeds…… My son being well having a chance to have a life…….. I would have an entire new life myself just that one thing would be joy for me and mine.
IDK, OP. In the small town I work in there are only four hundred residents with a few thousand more in surrounding communities. The walmart in this town has an extremely hard time finding employees. I have believed that where I live the rednecks and hillbillies are wanting an easy life, thus they rely upon the government for a monthly check, instead of working for a check. Thus the walmart has to import employees from 20-30 miles away to fill vacant positions. I'm wondering if the American people, in general, are so used to a government hand out that they believe they don't have to contribute to the workforce, thus the need for foreign workers. Are the Mexicans and Indians taking over jobs that once was filled by Americans who were looking for entry level positions? Probably so. But if Trump is intimating that Americans will be swimming in wealth, will they somehow be forced to get a job or will there be so much cash handed out, due to getting the wealth from Deep State players/entiities that most Americans won't want to go back to work and employeers will somehow need to backfill with LEGAL migrants?
I can only guess what becomes of working age people who are able to work, but currently don’t. My thoughts are the welfare and unemployment systems will be restructured to give people an incentive to work.
Somehow the system needs to reward people for entering the workforce and, at the same time, make it clear that if adequate jobs are available they will not be able to opt to take welfare payments.
The real change will be that our government wants people to work and get ahead, versus trying to trap people into a permanent Dem voting block.
The incentive to work will be tax free jobs working for companies that don’t pay tax and can afford amazing benefits that make living on welfare seem truly pathetic by any and all comparisons.
A couple/few decades ago, there was a proposal that single parents on welfare would have to get a job (training/education would be provided and would be free) because welfare would be cut or eliminated after a certain amount of time.
Of course that proposal failed. TPTB couldn't have THAT pass because it would have eventually done away with a whole segment of society that was totally dependent on government hand-outs; was mostly unskilled, uneducated and unemployable; and - IF they voted - were virtually guaranteed to vote Dem to keep their gravy train(s) - and all associated money-laundering, money-grubbing NGOs - in operation.
It also virtually guaranteed the destruction of society and the nuclear family/two-parent households (because welfare basically punishes two-parent living arrangements) and guaranteed the proliferation of children (from numerous baby-daddies) being born to single mothers and shiftless/"unknown"/untraceable fathers/(sperm donors) (because more children without fathers who might be able to pay child support = more welfare $).
If everybody is rich then nobody is rich. There is a reason that we don’t just get to print unlimited money