Why has no one been to the moon in such a long time
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Old Anon here. Actually the people had no reason to disbelieve it. We didn't know that our governments were not in our control. In our minds, every country with the ability to track us was tracking us, especially the USSR, and many of them would have called BS if we did try any trickery.
...the "USSR" angle is the one that keeps tripping the breaker on this moon boondoggle for me...
...why, if we didn't land on the moon, didn't the Russians call our bluff...
The US vs USSR was a cabal construct! They lied to us about everything and none of the sides pointed this out because they were basically two wings of the same bird! NK was held hostage and had to play it's part as an enemy to the west! The world's a stage! Expand your thinking!
...doggy winks...
Also, what’s the explanation of the things left behind on the lunar surface that can be seen with an above average telescope?
I hear people say that but I have not SEEN as such. In fact this is the best NASA and all their technology can show us as "proof"....its not far off from an MS Paint project and they claim it was taken around 20km or so from the surface so I have no idea how an "above average" telescope is going to show you anything.
Especially since there is NO TELESCOPE on Earth capable of seeing any kind of "Moon landing" remnants from Earth
I have SEEN it. I have had the opportunity to look through a university telescope and I specifically requested to look at the moon to see what the astronauts left behind. I saw the base that the Apollo 12 and 14 landed and launched from. The locations matched up with what the missions were reporting at the time.
Why did you make up this story?
I find that hard to believe (unless you are someone who's easily convinced)
Weird right? Why would someone post a fabrication on a board full of Anons who research stuff.....lol
What university telescope did you use?
There’s a radio telescope at Wesleyan University in Delaware, OH which is primarily used for SETI. I was the math advisor for a physics conference and demonstration. At the time, there were moon landing doubters among the Gen X, Y, and Z crowd which annoyed us boomers. So I suggested that we take a look to see what we could find.
coordinates please, I'm close to the Yellow Springs observatory and want to take a look
I guess I dont understand what you saw as EVERY search , even ones that promote the Apollo missions state that
NO TELESCOPE on Earth can see the remnants left on the moon
And I know of NO pictures other than a couple from NASA, one of which I posted that claims otherwise....If you have one please post it.
Soooooo you gonna come clean or carry on the charade?
I sent an email to my colleagues in physics and astronomy which were with me at that event. Being Christmas Break, it may be a few weeks until I hear from theme. I will respond when they do. I will not respond anymore until I hear what they have to say.
Why do you need to hear from them?
What are they going to say to change the fact that NO TELESCOPE from Earth can see remnants on the moon. NONE
Why did you feel the need to make up a story like this on a board full of Anons seeking truth?
When referring to the USSR, please call them Soviets instead of Russians.
The Soviets wouldn’t have wanted to call out an American moon hoax because the Soviets used it as competitive motivation for their own people
It’s well worn territory around here about how the Bolsheviks ruined, for a time, Christian Russia and led to the deaths of tens of millions of decent people. What is less often acknowledged is how the Bolsheviks also ruined America by having Americans think that they had to turn their nation into a big-government nightmare that has lasted longer than the Soviet Union and that we’re still arguing about how to reduce and reform.
...doggy winks...
Russia got paid to do their space grift. Money answers all things.
Lots of reasons , the 1972 grain deal being one of them.
If we were really that big enemies it would make little sense to take precious grains from American mouths and sell them to your enemy at a bargain.
Read this https://en.topwar.ru/108263-amerikancy-nikogda-ne-letali-na-lunu-sssr-znal-pravdu-no-molchal.html
You mean like how so many countries called out the Vax Scam or the Green Scam or any other scam perpetrated on humanity?
Exactly. I feel like the parent of a teenager in the 80's when they've pulled off the debauchery party of the century and I'm the only one that doesn't know. Every day someone reveals some other crap that they did that I knew nothing about. From GenX, I'm sorry. We just didn't see what was going on.
Good one!
I visited an aeronautical museum where they had the space capsule and it looked like a Styrofoam box from Omaha steaks.
I mean look at this ridiculous thing .....It is high resolution and you can see the details. Video at conspiracies.win as well
Very disappointing to me as well..
Could be they just wanted to steal from us with a bogus budget.
I worked in defense and aerospace, even on the shuttle, and Once I woke up I KNEW it was fake. Can't get my "educated" siblings to even ponder the possibility!
I have to give credit to Conspiracy Music Guru for starting that journey.
Thanks for posting. I enjoyed the video. That damn song is gonna be stuck in my head all day.
It does seem like the supposedly educated , whether they be doctors, professors or the like are the ones who are LEAST interested in considering alternative views.
They have been brainwashed by the dogma that has been ingrained into them and as we have seen live and in action over the last several years will defend that Dogma to the death.
Trust the science right? They are Experts right?
It's a way to make themselves feel part of the elite, the "I'm better educated than you!" stance.
Yup. It's because they've invested their entire life in believing what they were trained to believe. They can't deviate from that belief, no matter what the evidence, because it would CRASH their world view. Got one sister "trained" by the medical experts (Rockefeller), another was a teacher "trained" by the Dept. of Education, and a brother "trained" by the BAR.
I once got banned for pointing out something like this...CatsFive is tolerating people noticing the moon landing fakery now?
Im pleased to see how many more people are cognizant of the fraud than just a few years ago....
Truth has a way of rising to the top, sooner or later.
You have far more people wanting to know more rather than poo pooing on the topic, that should be a clue to supposed "smart" people that maybe, just maybe Nasa is FOS.
Might have been a money grab. How much were they trying to say it cost?
Capricorn One was a movie about staging the moon landing; you guys remember that?
Yep. OJ was one of the astronauts.
Yup. Hmmm. Let's make a movie about a fake moon landing so the masses just think it's a movie, but not real life!
Look at Take Me to the Moon.....soft disclosure movie as
One day when they are FINALLY able to go to the moon and/or decide to disclose the fraud they will say
"Hey look we had to do it for the country and morale"
A large part of the country will be like "Oh ok, If you had to do it then I guess its okay...who cares"
yeah , like MK ultra, the NWO and other "conspiracy" type activities.
They show us enough cars blowing up after getting one shot in the gas tank and before you know it Aluminum Cuts through steel
They killed the 3 astronauts in Capricorn One for “leaving the reservation”. Note that they each fled in a different compass direction. “Capricorn” in the title refers to the winter solstice location of the sun (from North America perspective) as it rotates under the overhead astronomical clock (used for celestial navigation to travel to ALL parts of Earth).
It is being highlighted as soft disclosure of the Precession of the Equinox and how Tropic of “Capricorn” on all maps is incorrect. Capricorn is leftover from Age of Aries which ended 2,164 years ago when Age of Pisces was entered then and ended in 2020. During Pisces it should have been “Tropic of Saggitarius” on all maps, and should now be “Tropic of Scorpio” under Age of Aquarius on all maps since 18FEB2020. We don’t even know where or when we are by intentional obfuscation.
Under Age of Aquarius:
Spring Equinox sector of sky: Aquarius (Sun near equator)
Summer Solstice sector of sky: Taurus (Sun nearest northern latitude, i.e. Tropic of Taurus, not Cancer)
Fall Equinox sector of sky: Leo (Sun near equator)
Winter Solstice sector of sky: Scorpio (Sun nearest southern latitude, i.e. Tropic of Scorpio, not Capricorn)
Anyone wishing to dig into the fraud of NASA and the fake Apollo missions can start their journey at Aulis.com
Its the most comprehensive site that I know that covers pretty much every aspect of the money laundering scam known as NASA with loads and loads of receipts.
Check out the Kubrick section, People that like Q decodes will have their minds blown when you read it...I think it has 3 parts....
That section alone is worth the time to read....Promise its fascinating
Pt 1 https://www.aulis.com/deliberate_errors.htm
Adding to the discussion, this 10-part series of clear proof:
yeah that is a good one as well. I actually lost that link when changing computers so thanks for reminding me.
the owner of that site died in 2016 and is being run by his daughter.
My family failed to Believe anything that The United States Government says after Kennedy’s murder NOTHING
Mankind has been distracted by the internet.
That’s not a moon
Because there’s military bases there
Walking on the moon is one thing. The real mystery is who built it.
We've definitely been back to the moon. cough secret space programs cough
I am willing to concede that its possible that through either some secret program or perhaps even Alien/Alien like technology that Man has been to the moon.
BUT those Apollo missions were Fake, Phony and False.
And how did you come to that conclusion?
Research. This one site was the start of my journey on this topic Aulis.com
Have many many others if you are interested.
The site you mentioned looks like it was made in 20 mins by a college kid on their journey to learn how to code. And it just lists theories that make us in the truth movement look crazy. We have to look at the facts and not BS flat earth crap
There is NO flat earth on there except to refute it...
you would have found that info if you chose to acutally look. at the info provided instead of judging based on how YOU THINK a site should look.
Who cares if a site has all the bells and whistles if the info is bs. I mean cmon man this is such a weak thing for someone to say.
The information is voluminous so not sure what "theories" you are blathering about
Ps...lol I know what you did pal.....talk about triggered by facts....lolololol
So you admit there's flat earth nonsense on your website. Got it.
I find it funny how you get so defensive over facts. Maybe you should go back to r/conspiracies
Yes there a few articles in there that refute it...
Not sure why you are being so obtuse, I gave you a good site that is loaded with great info because you asked why I believe the Apollo missions were fake , phoney and false.
and without even going over the info you cry about the formatting of the site and blather about it being a flat earth website, which it CLEARLY isnt.
Dont know why you are being a dick about it.......
Anyway check it out if you want to choose knowledge over ignorance.
Simple. There is no financial incentive to.
for me, the story of nasa's math ladies was a bridge too far 😲
Interesting words from Neil Armstrong
What a comment
"there are breakthrough's available to those of you who can remove truth's protective layers".
Why has no one been to the moon in such a long time
Because we found out the first time it wasn't made out of cheese.
Tread lightly around skepticism of the moon landing etc you'll pay a heavy price from Cat5!
Because LEO is profitable. Geosynchronous is profitable (where do you think the signal hitting the dish that's on cinder blocks outside your mobile home comes from??). Other than the propaganda boost from going to the moon, what commercially-viable uses can you think of for going there? Space communications or something? It takes 6s for signals to get there and back. Use your brain. That's a shitty telephone call. So, minerals? What, send up a Saturn V to return with 200kg of worthless rock? You have to assemble mining ships in orbit.
I was 1/2 block away from the WTC when it collapsed. I walked home over the Brooklyn Bridge covered in radiation and aesbestos with the rest of the plebs. I know 9/11, thanks.
The CIA wants you stupid, ignorant, and believing whatever nonsense they tell you. Mission accomplished. You're a fucking moon unit. Be gone.
Enjoy Conspiracies.WIN. Your new home.
Well, Q also has said disinformation is necessary, so there is that.
Q isn’t the authority on truth & as far as I know, he’s left us hanging for years.
EXACTLY they have told us quite a bit but they sure AF would not be disclosing
the JFK Jr was alive ( not saying he is ) or the Apollo missions were bogus at this point in time.
Interesting that those 2 drops are written in a manner that can be interpreted BOTH WAYS.
If you read his answer carefully it is cryptic and potentially has double meaning like umpteen other Q drops.
The Anon asked a question, he didnt STATE that moon landings were fake.
Did Nasa fake the moon landings?
Q answers "False, moon landings are real." now remove the comma.
If anyone has experienced using voice over satellite there is a noticeable delay on both ends of the conversation. If you multiply that by 10 times the distance there should have been serious pauses in conversations between Ground Control and Major Tom.
No reason to go back, and it’s very expensive.
Q said it was real!
NOT QUITE accurate about what Q said, .....also if no reason to go back then why do they keep promising to go back and they keep delaying the Artemis program.
As much money as we waste on BS aid to other countries and such, there is money to go if that is the issue....not to mention NASA gets 68 million dollars per day of taxpayer money so those knee jerk/parrot type responses that people have been trained to reflexisvely reply with dont really hold up to reality.
It was not that hard to go to the moon, even back then. The margin was very tight though. I think the first landing was faked. But one or more of the latter landings succeeded. Why was the first one faked? To meet JFK’s timetable before the end of the decade.
It wasnt hard?
You may want to read about the VanAllen Radiation Belt among other things.
I am quite familiar. If all goes according to plan, the rads are not that bad. There’s always risk that it won’t go as planned. That’s why they get paid the big bucks:-). Among other things, I am an astronautical engineer.
Okay if you think its easy to go ....Nasa doesnt think so
The video is true, but the different stages are hyped for dramatic effect. And the orbital drawings are not actual.
The American Dairy council shed light on this decades ago... =P
The Bible says the moon is a luminary, a light. Not a rock refecting light.
My guess it's plasma.
So no, they did not land on it
No one there to play with.
whenever anyone gets as unreasonably angry and defensive when you question their BS as he does, you know for 100% certain he's full of shit
Who Buzz?
He punched a guy one time who asked him to swear on Bible that he went to moon,
Armstrong refused 5k to charity to do it...
The only thing that sticks out in my mind is when a reporter asked Buzz Aldrin to swear on a Bible that he stepped on the moon and he walked away.
Lol @ in the future. Alot of us are already laughing.
Yep, but in the future it will be like these silly beliefs....that is how ABSURD the story is to anyone who has spent serious time researching this farce.