These mRNA products should never be called vaccines. These are gene therapy. They want to call them vaccines so they can claim immunity under 1986 Vaccine Injury Compensation Act.
What we really need to do is repeal the 1986 act. If these products are so wonderful, they should be able to withstand legal scrutiny.
Thats gonna be a big nope for me. Protect your DNA!!!! Cancer will be a thing of the past in 2 years but because of Ivermectin and other parasitic drugs.
Yep 1000%. Why do they want to inject something into us to cure cancer that they have caused by poisoning us in multiple ways through food, water, EMF, LED bulbs, etc. Just get rid of the poisoning and there is no more cancer and no need for a “cure”.
Then, dig...There are nuggets related to this last Q drop in the SG1 series & the MJ12 PDF. Grain of salt, open mind and maturity required. SG1 on Amazon Prime, all 10 seasons. Both are specifically related to both DNA and Ascension...
If yesterday's press conference pissed you off, left you confused, or feeling down, coming off Monday's unbelievable highs - You owe it to yourself to read between the lines and review the materials being pointed to...
I seem to remember this guy saying that everything we do will be watched, known, or heard, can't remember, sorry! But maybe this is where AI comes in. And Ascension.
He makes a lot of interesting connections to the LOW Manual and the Q drops.
All the 'health' services(CDC/FDA/HHS/NIH) being told to shut the fuck up kinda puts the kibosh on them making an 'official' statements on this........
After what I saw with covid, not only am I never taking an mRNA shot, but I'm not taking any vaccines ever again. That's my stance currently. Anyways I thought we already had cures for cancer, so why need a vaccine?
The outlook seems to be, "We have to get ahead of the Chinese on this AI stuff." So, being Trump, we're gonna do it in a big way so that no one has a chance of getting ahead of us.
And with, unfortunately, the way AI is taking over everything and with how many very foolish normies can't wait to use it, it's probably the best approach. Hiding head in sand and hoping AI goes away is not going to cut it. Something like this requires an all-or-nothing response and Trump is giving us "all."
I theorize that cells in the body that have what they need as inputs to function well will not be ill. I see the body as a system of systems - systems made up of specialized cells coded in the DNA, which are replaced gradually and continually based on DNA instructions, which assure the replacement cells perform perfectly, thus continuously rejuvenating the body.
Each bodily system/organ has its requirements, its inputs and its outputs. When a group of cells (comprising a system) doesn't get the proper input, it doesn't make the proper output, and this affects other cellular systems and may lead to cascading cellular dysfunctions.
The function of DNA goes well beyond the physical.
It not only stores genetic information, but also other information on other levels.
Just imagine how much information on every level imaginable could be stored within you right this second... considering the following:
With this small amount of DNA, a computer would be able to hold 10 terabytes of data, and perform 10 trillion calculations at a time. By adding more DNA, more calculations could be performed. Unlike conventional computers, DNA computers perform calculations parallel to other calculations.
What are the unintended consequences that can occur due to a mistake in DNA therapy?
Can gene therapy create a subset of cells for which the individual's DNA can no longer assure an identical set of genetic instructions to assure new cells created for rejuvenation work perfectly?
Are gene therapy protocols always successful in mitigating the risk to cellular rejuvenation?
Have people been killed by way of gene therapy?
I have saved the answers to a document file but it is long and my mouse is acting up too much for me to even attempt to post them. But the answers Grok gave me were very informative, and did nothing to reduce my concerns about what pharma is wanting doctors to do to people. In fact, I am more convinced that we need to guard our DNA our complete lifetimes.
The first sentence to the fourth question was "Yes, gene therapy can potentially create a subset of cells where the genetic instructions differ from the original DNA, leading to issues with cell rejuvenation or function. This phenomenon can occur through several mechanisms."
Absolutely protect your DNA! It's a very complicated molecule and it shouldn't be tampered with. We've seen how irresponsible and even criminal scientific and corporate bigshots can be. And doctors just do what they are told to do by them. It used to be the doctors "practiced" medicine. Now, it seems that they just follow a flow diagram.
These mRNA products should never be called vaccines. These are gene therapy. They want to call them vaccines so they can claim immunity under 1986 Vaccine Injury Compensation Act.
What we really need to do is repeal the 1986 act. If these products are so wonderful, they should be able to withstand legal scrutiny.
Yes. Get rid of this act. The regular population won’t complain. Only industry likes it because it’s really for their protection.
Larry is very much ex CIA and shouldn't be anywhere near Vaccines or AI tech to keep Americans 'behaving nicely'...
Sam Altman is a psychopath.
Notice that Trump did not include Elon on this committee. I think he is setting them up for exposure
Exposure? Like Fauci, who walked away with millions of dollars, a private security detail, and a full pardon?
Fraud vitiates everything. I don’t expect fauci to walk away Scot free.
How so? That pardon is not going to stop him from international and state law.
I'm critical of the plan, but to be fair, you can't do everything at the same time.
I HATE the waiting, but things really are moving VERY quickly. Just a few days in and the world is a different place.
Fauci exposed and then prosecuted in Russian would be great for humanity.
I hear that Siberia is very nice this time of year.
Ever see a hearse with a trailer hitch? Fauci’s stolen millions aren’t going anywhere.
Surprised by how fragile and feminine Larry seemed to be. I don't trust him.
He's a long-nosed tribesman. You shouldn't trust him.
Larry was born in August of 1944. He's 80 years old.
I hope you are right.
Thats gonna be a big nope for me. Protect your DNA!!!! Cancer will be a thing of the past in 2 years but because of Ivermectin and other parasitic drugs.
I'll keep my human dna thank you.
Nope. No way. Never eva, buttercup.
Yep 1000%. Why do they want to inject something into us to cure cancer that they have caused by poisoning us in multiple ways through food, water, EMF, LED bulbs, etc. Just get rid of the poisoning and there is no more cancer and no need for a “cure”.
Don't know enough to agree or disagree with you, but I do know it's hard to beat "Never Eva buttercup" Lol
What a thoughtful and productive comment. Have a one day vacation, you earned it.
For those that don't know...This is the absolute last Q drop.
For those that haven't yet looked at this excellent thread by Qanaut yet, DO IT! :
Then, dig...There are nuggets related to this last Q drop in the SG1 series & the MJ12 PDF. Grain of salt, open mind and maturity required. SG1 on Amazon Prime, all 10 seasons. Both are specifically related to both DNA and Ascension...
If yesterday's press conference pissed you off, left you confused, or feeling down, coming off Monday's unbelievable highs - You owe it to yourself to read between the lines and review the materials being pointed to...
Thank you for this. While I've never watched SG1, I've heard from a good source (Bill Wood) that Episodes 100 and 200 are the best to watch.
Speaking of MJ 12, check out Majic Eyes Only
I seem to remember this guy saying that everything we do will be watched, known, or heard, can't remember, sorry! But maybe this is where AI comes in. And Ascension.
He makes a lot of interesting connections to the LOW Manual and the Q drops.
All the 'health' services(CDC/FDA/HHS/NIH) being told to shut the fuck up kinda puts the kibosh on them making an 'official' statements on this........
Why would he promote/be involved in this? Makes me question Trump and his motives.
Your comment proves were not in a cult. We are watching everything, questioning everything, even if President Trump (whom we love) has his hand on it
Inb4 downdoots 😂 +1
After what I saw with covid, not only am I never taking an mRNA shot, but I'm not taking any vaccines ever again. That's my stance currently. Anyways I thought we already had cures for cancer, so why need a vaccine?
Shining a light = exposure.
The outlook seems to be, "We have to get ahead of the Chinese on this AI stuff." So, being Trump, we're gonna do it in a big way so that no one has a chance of getting ahead of us.
And with, unfortunately, the way AI is taking over everything and with how many very foolish normies can't wait to use it, it's probably the best approach. Hiding head in sand and hoping AI goes away is not going to cut it. Something like this requires an all-or-nothing response and Trump is giving us "all."
Why DNA protection is so important, my theory:
I theorize that cells in the body that have what they need as inputs to function well will not be ill. I see the body as a system of systems - systems made up of specialized cells coded in the DNA, which are replaced gradually and continually based on DNA instructions, which assure the replacement cells perform perfectly, thus continuously rejuvenating the body.
Each bodily system/organ has its requirements, its inputs and its outputs. When a group of cells (comprising a system) doesn't get the proper input, it doesn't make the proper output, and this affects other cellular systems and may lead to cascading cellular dysfunctions.
The function of DNA goes well beyond the physical.
It not only stores genetic information, but also other information on other levels.
Just imagine how much information on every level imaginable could be stored within you right this second... considering the following:
gorgeous theory. ThinQ!
Maybe grow and make food without cancer causing agents and none of this mRNA garbage needs to be made
I asked Grok the following questions:
What role does DNA play in cell rejuvenation?
Does gene therapy affect DNA. If so, how?
What are the unintended consequences that can occur due to a mistake in DNA therapy?
Can gene therapy create a subset of cells for which the individual's DNA can no longer assure an identical set of genetic instructions to assure new cells created for rejuvenation work perfectly?
Are gene therapy protocols always successful in mitigating the risk to cellular rejuvenation?
Have people been killed by way of gene therapy?
I have saved the answers to a document file but it is long and my mouse is acting up too much for me to even attempt to post them. But the answers Grok gave me were very informative, and did nothing to reduce my concerns about what pharma is wanting doctors to do to people. In fact, I am more convinced that we need to guard our DNA our complete lifetimes.
The first sentence to the fourth question was "Yes, gene therapy can potentially create a subset of cells where the genetic instructions differ from the original DNA, leading to issues with cell rejuvenation or function. This phenomenon can occur through several mechanisms."
Ask Grok yourself and see what you think.
Absolutely protect your DNA! It's a very complicated molecule and it shouldn't be tampered with. We've seen how irresponsible and even criminal scientific and corporate bigshots can be. And doctors just do what they are told to do by them. It used to be the doctors "practiced" medicine. Now, it seems that they just follow a flow diagram.
I think "war for your DNA" means something more obvious than vaccines.
I'm going to encourage people that don't listen to my advice to get these shots
They already have it voluntarily- 23 and Me
The woman that owns 23 and Me is married to the Google owner is she not? I’m sure she didn’t share it at the dinner table.
Is this for those that can afford them? How about cleaning up the food and drug supply so they are not needed?
Even as a cancer survivor, under no circumstances would I ever consider mRNA tech for cancer. Why? So many other natural "cures" exist.
I think Mr Oracle is a little late to the jab party. Anyone getting any jab now after all of this really needs to seek professional help.
Fuck that noise. Funny he states “making them robotically in 48 hours;” Double entendre intended? Also makes recipients robotical in 48 hrs?
We're living in a Terminator movie!! No AI will ever be as good as a God-created human. Just say no to AI. It's nothing but trouble!