DOD Reportedly issues 10 day Media Blackout for all Social Media and Press accounts. Barring some exceptions. Starting January 25 to February 3rd.
🧐 10 Days Wanted 🤔
Looks a lot like 10 days of darkness. And the 10th division has been activated. Looks like a plan.
The same 10 days that were forced on NIH, FDA, CDC too.
Remember, q never said "10 days OF darkness"...
"10 days, darkness"
Yes. Makes it even better. Thank you.
Came here to say that too. Things are getting interesting now, eh?
I just came to point out the same thing lol.
Hegseth took oath today also. Tis go time
10 days of darkness
Remove the "of" from that, to be factual
Exciting times, pray for the world!
Finally the 10 days of darkness! Ever time the internet went out of loss of power or Trump not seen in a few days,The 10 days of darkness is here! This is the legit 10 darkls of darkness it would seen.
“ exceptions are extended to post social media on a case-by-case basis to support emergency situations/notifications of command information”
Well that’s a very interesting thing to say. Also the irony of leaking via email during a media blackout, also very interesting.
Top kek
A link to the memo apparently referenced.
Edit: Here is an archived version of the article for those interested.
There's no 'of'
Thank you ZDT...
And the original "10 days. Darnkess."
The NK was presumed to mean N Korea by some, but I have zero clue what darnkess means if it isn't just a simple typo (I know, but Q was human after all - even the most careful editor of a major publication can overlook the odd error now and again)
It's not a typo u/ZeroDeltaTango
N Korea is there because there is an event on the Korean peninsula that will immediately preceded a massive CME solar flare.
The only countermeasures to save the electric grid from being overloaded (damaged) is to 'shutdown' the grid before it arrives.
The 'Darkness' will be self-imposed as a countermeasure.
This is why I wrote the following a while back:
You're one of my favorites ZDT
5:5 now?
10 days.
Takes 3 weeks to make a habit. This is a good start. Control, the "Anonymous"
Can JD swear him in immediately?? I would hate to think that a delay might bring coverups and book burnings.
I wonder if the memo includes the cessation of all leaks to the Washington Post and New York Times for the same period.
This is not the 10 days of darkness that Q wrote about. This may indicate secret ops going on.
I just thought it was noteworthy and worth sharing
Yes it was.
Curious what leads you to conclude it’s not what Q referenced. I’m not agreeing or disagreeing with you.
Seconded. Why would this not be?
Nobody knows for a fact tbh
Of course not, hence Anosha and I's questions on how Berlin's statement that it is /NOT/ seeming pretty absolute.
hopefully when the lights come back on, some of the news networks, and others, no longer exist
How about disabling photo uploads.to.social media for military personnel on ships or bases or any secure installation???
The ONLY reason for this would be to keep what is going on away from the media!
This is definitely 100% completely unrelated to Catherine Herridge being in Gitmo.
Much as I hope that after 10 days we get news of traitors being locked up at Gitmo, this it probably so the blue haired freaky contractor hired to do social media doesn’t have a melt down online while the replace him/her/it.
Dei woke material purge.
So, an 8+ year delta between the time Q first posted this and the time it’s habbening?